《Nameless》Firuz - A New World


Last time: Firuz had been sealed Galvi (Ash like Ruh!) and during the fight between Galvi and Azad, he disappeared. (This picks up from where the two giants were fighting each other.)


Firuz groaned in pain as his skin peeled off his body. He couldn't move; not even a finger. It felt as if his whole body had been turned to stone. He could still feel countless insects crawling under his skin. They were everywhere, slowly forming a prison a, taking away his freedom; and the sound, that horrible sound as countless little grey worms crawled underneath his skin. He cried in horror, tears trickled down his sides; he couldn't even feel them as they ran down his blotchy skin. It was all blurry. He blinked and a purple giant appeared in front of him. 'Azad -- Why does he look like that?' The great violent sword came hurtling towards him. 'No!' Firuz struggled in his prison, but the Galvi wouldn't let him move.

The sword grew as it fell towards him. Slowly, everything else melted away under its razor-sharp edge. Firuz tried to move, tried to tilt his body, but it didn't listen. He found it hard to breath as everything drowned under the rapid fluttering of his heart. His eyes turned to saucers as the purple edge reflected in his black eyes.

'No -- I don't want to die -- do.." He closed his eyes as he accepted his fate. WHAM! It hit him right in the chest. His body shattered like glass, reduced to dust by the sharp violet wind blades.

"Am I dead?" Firuz felt a lightness in him, something he hadn't felt in a long time.. He opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by darkness and a smell unlike anything he had ever smelt. It reminded him of his mother's embrace, reminded him of love and happiness. Even though he couldn't see, he could feel with his body -- and the world that opened up to him was strange and unique.


He found himself standing in a cave, dry and spacious, its walls riddled with countless tunnels, leading off to the great unknown. Firuz looked up to the ceiling of the cave and somehow, darkness gave way, letting him see numerous holes poking through it,very much like the tunnels around him.

"Where am I?" Firuz asked as he looked around, suddenly his eyes fell on a small golden dune, glowing with a deep amber hue. He felt a strange familiarity with it. He moved closer to it, he could feel a deep rumbling sound coming from it. He could see something on the surface of the golden dune. "What is it?" He inched closer, and slowly the blurry image became clearer and clearer. He could see a little grey worm on the surface of the golden dune.

"Galvi!" Firuz ran back in horror, hiding into one of the tunnels. "What is it doing here?" He sneaked a peek at the golden dune, but before he could see anything, fear gripped his heart as he whipped his head back in. Even though he was afraid of the galvi, he found himself reluctant to leave the glowing dune. He could feel a strange call from the golden dune and found it impossible to leave even though a galvi was standing next to the dune.

"I... I will stay here, he would have to leave sometime. That's right. I will wait for him to leave." Firuz lean against the tunnel wall, biding his time waiting for the little worm to leave.

After a while, Firuz found himself overwhelmed with exhaustion, within moments it became physically impossible for him to keep his eyes open and despite his best efforts, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

He had the strangest of dreams. He stood in a pool of darkness that rippled out to eternity. "Argh!" Firuz doubled over as he felt a searing pain in his abdomen. Suddenly a small tumor formed in his belly button, it grew and grew, slowly gaining mass. Firuz cried out in horror as he fiercely scratched at the tumor, trying to pull it out. But whenever his fingers touched the tumor, he lost control over his body.


Slowly, the tumor grew in size, and after 3 dreadful hours, another Firuz popped out of the giant tumor. Firuz backed away in horror as he watched the new Firuz flop around on the ground.

Firuz stared at his belly button in horror as he noticed a faint grey line running out of his belly button and disappearing into the belly button of the new Firuz. As he touched the grey line, his vision split. He could hear and see through the eyes of new Firuz.

"How can this be?" Firuz exclaimed.

"How can this be?" The clone repeated.

"Don't copy me" Firuz complained.

"Don't copy me"

"Stop it!"

"Stop it!"

Firuz stared at his clone in frustration, seeing him copying everything he did made him angry. Which in turn made the clone angry. "It's so confusing." Firuz walked over to his clone, while his clone walked away from him.

"What are you doing? Come here" Firuz screamed in frustration.

The clone repeated his words but kept on walking. Firuz broke into a run and chased his own clone in the darkness. "Why do you run -- He does whatever I do." He slapped his forehead and heard a similar slap in the distant. Firuz sat with his legs crossed and focused on his connection to his clone. Even with his eyes close, he could still see and hear. He willed his clone to move and to his surprise, it moved. Firuz took a sharp breath as a smile crept onto his pallid face.

"It works!" Firuz at once closed his eyes and controlled his second body. He could see his original body, sitting cross-legged. As he opened the eyes of his original body, his heart skipped a beat; color drained from his face and he let out a shrill scream "Ahhh!"

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