《Nameless》Arash - You Little Fool


Suddenly he felt something move against his chest. He looked down and found tiny little arms holding him tightly. She held on to him, tightly like she done to her little brother. His eyes were met with a determined gaze; he could feel the strength in those fierce little eyes as they screamed at him. 'I will protect you!'

Arash held on to her like his life depended on it as he bitterly shook his head. "You little fool, I am the one who is supposed to protect you."

Relief washed over Arash as he felt the frail little girl pressing against his chest. Arash finally noticed all the eyes staring at him. His uncle and his cousin were at a loss for words, they didn't know how to act or behave around a little girl.

"She woke up!" Moaz shook in excitement as almost choked Baled to death. Khalid was grinning cheek to cheek and even the usually grumpy Tamresh had a slight smile on his face.

"Haha... Come here little one. come to your uncle." Adam finally couldn't hold back his happiness. He was overcome with a strange fatherly instinct. Mehru noticed the strangers around him for the first time, her grip tightened around Arash as she buried her head in his chest.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked with a disappointed face, he was looking forward to holding on to the little angel that had appeared before him.

"Dad, you are scaring her with your ugly face." Moaz teased as he laughed out loud.

"Wha... Come here you little shit." Adam lunged towards his youngest son like the devil himself. Moaz immediately paled as saw the outburst of his father and ran away from him, screaming for help.

"I was joking... Ah!" A sharp slap to the back of his head sent him flying out the room. Mehru was sneakily looking at the father and son and couldn't help but giggle as he saw Moaz flying out the room.


"You like that..." Adam turned towards her in surprise as a mischievous smile played on his lips. He looked at his sons with a predatory gaze. "I am ugly. Huh!"

"No!" Khalid ran away screaming. Tamresh disappeared as soon as he heard the little girl laugh. He knew the temperament of his father and his instincts were telling him to run.

"Father you are the most handsome man." Khalid tried his hand at flattery. While Baled was busy laughing at the misfortune of his brother.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!" Adam rained down his fists on his sons, motivated by soft giggles of the little girl. Seeing that there was no use arguing against their father. The boys joined forces to face their father. But their plan failed under the brute strength of their father. Only Tamresh managed to escape scot-free, while the other three sullenly bore the beating of their father.

Amna chose to ignore her husband and brought out freshly baked sweet cakes. "Look how thin she is." Amna deeply sighed. "Come here little one, come eat these delicious cakes." She softly called out to Mehru.

Mehru warily looked at the strange women beside her. Sweet smell assaulted her nostrils and went straight to her empty stomach. Arash could feel her hunger through their mental bond, but underneath her hunger, he felt her fear towards Amna.

"It's okay, eat it." Arash broke a small piece from the sweet cake and brought it close her. She looked up at him with her fierce little eyes. "Come on, eat it. It's fine." Arash said with a sweet smile. Mehru took the small morsel from Arash and slowly chewed on it. It felt dry in her mouth, but the hunger was driving her mad, So she forcefully chewed on it.

Arash tried to get water, but as soon as he tried to move. Mehru stopped eating and clung to him like a second skin. "I am not going anywhere." Arash ran his fingers through her black hairs. He knew it calmed her. "Her mouth is dry..." Arash looked towards Amna and before he completed his words she disappeared into the kitchen and came back with watered down honey. This time Mehru needed no coaxing as she leaped towards the cup of honeyed water and chugged it down. She looked up to Arash as she said in a barely perceptible voice. "More"


"You need more." Amna bloomed with a beautiful smile as she brought a whole jug of honeyed water. "Drink as much as you like..." She looked up to Arash with a troubled expression as she struggled to remember the little girl's name.

"Mehru" Arash helped.

"Yes! Sweet little Mehru drink and eat as much as you like," Amna said with an affection that only a mother could afford. "You are so skinny, but don't worry. Aunty is going to make you healthy and strong."

Mehru warily looked around as a middle-aged man and three swollen boys stared at her with great interest.

"Don't you fools have any sense! You are scaring her. Out! Now! The lot of ya!" Amna drove the men away, only Arash was allowed to stay in the room. Mehru finally took the initiative to eat as she wolfed down the sweet cakes. Amna smiled at the little girl the whole time, breaking the cake into little pieces to make them easier to eat. Mehru fell asleep as soon as her stomach was full. Arah affectionately stroke her hair as she slept in her embrace.

"Such a sweet little thing." Amna finally said as she softly touched Mehru's cheek. "An angel. Nothing like those little devils." Amna shot a glare at the pairs of eyes that were peeking from the other room. Her message was clear. 'Come here and you will have hell to pay.' Adam and his son shivered under the cold stare, but they refused to miss the scene of Mehru sleeping.

Amna once again dawned the mask of a mother as she turned to Mehru. "I never had a daughter," Amna said softly, afraid to wake up the little girl. "I had always wanted one..." She looked up at Arash with a mysterious smile. "I love my sons, I do more than anything else in the world. But..." a flash of sadness flashed across her face. It was momentary but Arash saw it nonetheless. Arsah could feel the struggle within her heart and he didn't need the help of the rune to know what it was. Her longing gaze at her little sister was enough to let him know what she wanted. "I..." Amna found it hard to say, the words weighed heavy on her consciousness.

"Mehru can be your daughter if you want," Arash said with a slight smile on his face, but his words true and from his heart.

"Really... That would be great." Amna nervously started to clean the plates as her hands trembled with excitement. "Good! Good!" She repeatedly said as she rubbed her hands against her clothes. She looked up to Arash with gratitude as he tenderly cupped his face. "Gods must really exist. They have given me a son and a daughter today!"

Arash stared at the sister in his lap and the mother in front of him. His heart welled up with emotions he never even knew existed before. He thought back to the time where he had felt like this, but all that greeted him was a dark past, a faceless brother, and a mother that was never there. He looked up to Amna as thousands of words struggled at the tip of his tongue, but all he managed to say was. "...there must be."

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