《Lil ko's heart》Shady people


Lil ko's POV:

At the end of dawn, the sunlight returned to it's usual bright yellow colour shining on the hayshibab highschool where one can see the students rushing to get inside, in fear of running late despite the fact that none of them actually Like the place, and would prefer to simply sleep, embracing their lazy attitude and taking pride in it.

"Lil koko are you really still mad, I said am sorry" among the students, one would be able to notice, a feminine looking teen followed by an anxious boxom young lady who kept apologising incessantly, Yes those two are azalea and me.

"Humph" I snorted , refusing to acknowledge her existence, as I continued walking toward my class.

Yesterday azalea tricked me into taking all those shameful pictures but I still got something out of it, as azalea said and I quote "no one knows where Nicole is now, but because she is a part of the kkk, of which I happened to be the leader and co founder of said club, I managed to know that she will be back in month of time" the information sounded useless in the Beginning but it was better than having nothing, and by the way, the "kkk" azalea talked about means " ko ko Klan" a fan club of mine made by rotten BL loving women like azalea... And some 40 year old men with questionable intentions....

"By the way koko are you sure you HAVE to attend school today?.. Cause I don't think it's a good idea..." Said azalea while looking away anxiously.

"This has nothing to do with you, or are trying to keep me home forever" I said matter a factly, while I slightly started to forgive her for what she has done to me yesterday, not because of a special reason, its just that I realised that despite her rotten personality she actually cares for my wellbeing, as evident in the fact that she didn't want me to go to school today, just in case people might make fun of me for the whole "tied up and nearly butt raped incident" that happened a few days ago.

"Your worries are baseless, the police covered that case pretty well, so other than the teachers no one should know about it, and I doubt the teachers will gain anything by spreading the story" I chuckled a bit as I said this, having someone care for you isn't bad at all, even if they are annoying sometim.... Most of the times.


"Eh? Wha.. Oh yeah that... Of course that's what I meant hahahah" dry laughs kept coming from between azalea's cramping lips as she confirmed what I had in mind, I smiled at her cute appearance as I opened the door to the classroom.

"Good morning everyone" I yelled out as I got in but not a single person replied, as most of them just stared at me with peculiar gaze's, which varied from excitement, interest, curiosity and disgust...

"Um.... What is wrong, is there something on my face?" I asked, a bit surprised by the strange atmosphere in the classroom as I touched my face and checked my clothing for something that might warrant such a reaction from people. at that point I heard the soft foot steps accompanied by a sound that could be called whistling coming from behind me, as I realised that I turned around with a "woosh" and stared at azalea square in the face as I said from between gritted teeth.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Azalea lowered her head almost burrying it in her cleavage as she grasped the hem's of her skirt while rubbing her legs together, trying to muster up the courage to admit her wrongs.

"Hey that's the exhibitionist hustler that's been trending online isn't he?, to think he goes to the same school as us" I heard. This soft yet extremely heartbreaking whisper coming from my classmates, and the moment those words came out, it was as if a dam has been broken as the entire classroom was drowned in a flood of Whisper's and gossip.

"Rummers has it, this guy is an extreme exhibitionist, that likes to pretend to be a woman while doing stripteases on camera"

" really!? I heard that for money he let three men tie him up and take turns with him,THREE MEN!! That's so gross"

"Yeah, and there is a rumor going around that he started a cult called the kkk where they indulge in homosexuality and everyday ALL the male member's have to prove their allegiance by creampying him at least once while the females record this horrendous act"

"That's considered nothing!! This guy actually likes to wear dog ears and bark while being fked by animal's repeatedly and he ENJOYS IT"

"What!!! such a horrible human being actually exist's in this world.. No!! He isn't even human anymore, He's lower than trash!!"

"What kinda person do you think I am?" I mumbled weakly while watching in horror, as my social status became lower than that of trash in the eyes of what I used to believe were my classmates. A thought of " I can't live in this county anymore" kept floating in my head.


"Tch, such a preverse existence dares to show his face in public, I bet he is trying to trick people into converting to that messed up cult of his"

"Whaat!!! We definitely can't let that happen, how many of our fellow students have to suffer at his hands"

"THAT'S IT, you brought this to yourself, guy let's teach him a lesson" under the encouragement of their self-righteousness they started banning up together to fight the accursed evil known as "myself", ultimately creating the modern day equivalent of a witch hunt, but instead of pitchforks and torches they have rulers and books, some dumbass even had crayons...

" that's it you people keep bullying koko, you have forced me to do this" at this desperate time azalea got in front of me like a knight in shining armour and cursed at them while reaching for her bossom and taking out a whistle that used to be hanged around her neck....

But what can a whistle do?

Like I thought she has never been sane and she has finally went full retard.

"Phuuu" as I was despairing azalea blew the whistle which resulted in nothing happening.... Or so I thought.

Not even seven seconds after the whistle has been blown the earth started shaking as tension started to gather in the atmosphere with an oppressive smell of perfume....

"What's that...eh? Are those ghosts?" A person asked the question I had in my mind currently, as the figures grew closer along with the quaking of the earth and the dust rising behind them as they ran, I could finally identity the figures, they were people.... In white sheet's holding some banners that read "kkk" in big words as if afraid people wouldn't be able to read it....

The army of the shadily dressed people marched forward in great speed towards us while shouting "LONG LIVE THE KKK"

Until they finally reached us and surrounded everyone present with their overwhelming numbers.

"Where did these weirdos come from and what do they want" asked a person timidly, as for me I kinda knew but couldn't believe it.

"Listen to me my fellow kkk members these people have been bashing and slandering the name of our great GOD koko, tell me my brethren as proud wearer's of the white sheets CAN WE ALLOW THIS?" Asked azalea while standing on top of some kneeling kkk members...

"HECK NAH!!" The army of idiots immediately replied.

"Our great god has blessed the world with photos of his divine ass yet instead of worshiping his holy buttocks these infidels started shaming him, now tell me as proud lovers of all that is round, soft, begins with " a" and ends with "s" CAN WE ALLOW THIS?" Asked azalea

"HECK NAH!!!" Bellowed the army of retards.

"Then under the order of our great god we shall begin the hunt and convert mission" said azalea as she looked at the dumbfounded me.

"Wait a sec, dad what are you doing with those cultists?" Suddenly came a voice of someone who sounded like he is questioning reality not his dad.

" kurono you dissapoitment of a son how dare you ask such an obvious question, can't you see am part the church that warships our great god koko" came the voice of a middle aged male from under a white sheet, the moment this happened conversations immediately broke out.

"Rina you are with these people?"

"What do you mean " these" people, let me tell you if you insult koko again I'll break up with you, Humph!!"

"Elengee you too?"

"Humph as long as I still have this right hand of mine I shall never betray the kkk"

It would seem most of my "fans" are some well known people, but I honestly don't like the fact that half of them are 40 year old men...

But on the other hand my reputation is ruined so I at least i have to get something out of it , even if it's the following of a crazy cult , with a horrible naming sense...thinking up to this point I stepped on the kneeling kkk members to gain leverage as I held my right hand high up with an opened palm as I shouted at the top of my long and tears in my eyes


And with that the tears I held for such along time finally fell down...

Author note: am not racist I swear...

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