《Lil ko's heart》A deal


Lil ko's POV:

As the night passed. the refreshing breeze of dawn passed by sweeping with it faint dew drops beside the roaming butterflies, giving a sense of relief and comfort to all that witnessed such a scenery

"What do you mean you don't know, she is your fking DAUGHTER"

far away from said beautiful scenery, in a cramp room with a strange smell of tampons, a feminine looking young boy in maid clothing was screeching at the phone like a mad puppy,

"Calm down lil koko, she is a responsible girl I wouldn't worry even if she stayed away from home for a month"replied the voice of a middle aged woman on the other side of the line

" such a irresponsible thing for a parent to say, do you know how many dicks your daughter can suck in a month of time?"

I howled back, venting my rage on this innocent woman, the reason I'm angry is that last night azalea drilled into my brain half the BL stories she knew, not only that she also did things like making me an alphabet soup that said "you are a big gae" and making me wear maid clothing, the worst part is that she said that I was "lacking something" she left the room and returned with a pack of sanitary pads, telling me in my face that I have to wear them, I was going to refuse and curse at her, but she threatened to throw me in a mental facility,as my care she had the authority to do that apparently, so in the end I had to bite the bullet, step on my pride and stick a tampon on my balls. I haven't felt this humiliated even when I nearly had my anal virginity taken by a bunch of dudes....

"Such a rude thing to say I don't have to listen to this Humph!!"

finished speaking, the woman angrily hung up the phone, breaking my final hope of knowing Nicole's location.


" ahhhh, god if this is your handy work, I'm getting really fed up with it right now"

apparently Nicole has left with her friends the night before god knows where she is and how long she will stay at said place.

"Araa~ lil koko so energetic so early In the morning"a familiar yet extremely unpleasant voice to hear played in my ear. Azalea that made me go through a horrible night, mysteriously poped behind my back.

" aren't you tired from torturing me all day yesterday, what more do you want from me"the feeling of the skintight black leather she made me wear last night still making my body feel uncomfortable as I said this.

"Whaaa you are sooo rude, and to think I pitied you and wanted to tell you where Nicole is Humph!! " in an imitation of how I usually conduct myself, azalea puffed her cheeks and turned her head away with a snort.

"Wait... You know where she is, quickly tell me, no scratch that. TAKE ME THERE" excitement washed over me I started rambling on , but I didn't dare to go alone , cause as my care azalea has to take me to places or I'll get arrested and thrown in a mental facility, where they zap your brain to see how you'll react to it.

"You are so rude to me so why should I help you... Plus you are retarded now, I can't just let you roam around" she said this but didn't leave and kept stealing glances at me, it doesn't take a genius to realise that she wants something in return, I gritted my teeth in preparation and said.

"What will it take for you to help me.... I'll do anything" I almost cried saying this.

"Hohoho, smart lil koko alright then follow me~" said azalea while dragging me towards the living room.


Currently I am standing in the living with a slightly red face, azalea got me to wear a loose white colored one peice dress, and some tight fitted panties and Stocking's that are thinner than paper, she had me wear a dog tail and ear's, in front of me azalea was wearing similar clothing with her chest threatening to free itself of the restrain of her clothing which made look on in envy... WAIT am a man why would I envy her?


"Koko, OK let's start small and work our way up, so just lift your hands near your chin, bend your back and go 'wan wan' "

Said azalea as she prepared the camera, yes you heard it Right, this is a photo shoot.

I did as told and went " w-wan wan" a bit timidly as I am usually not good with pictures.

"Non non, this is bad you are too stiff, try relaxing koko and give a natural smile, you got this" azalea's word got me motivated a bit, this is for my revenge so I have to give it my all.

I bent my back, put my hands on my chest with a bashful smile as I barked


"Oh you are a natural, I knew you had talent" azalea immediately started popping in and out existence to take photos from all sort of angles while showering me with praises. Although this was a bit weird I actually felt good being praised like that.

"Hehe , alright let's try something a bit hardcore, take of the dress" said azalea with visible passion on her face.

Author note ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Still feeling complacent from the praises i untied the ribbon that was holding my dress up making it brush against my body as it fell to ground to the ground,

Covering my pair of pink nips with my left hand as I ran the other one across my belly, striking a shy yet suggestive pose.

"Oh my GOD" fighting back her urge to have a nosebleed azalea took photos from under my knees, capturing my jiggly parts that were mushed in the teddy bear panties, and a slight nip slip

"Alright, now be seductive, push your chest against that wall, stick up your butt and wag your tail while looking at the camera" instructed azalea

I took a step forward pressing my bossom on the slightly cold wall causing my pair of nipples to stand erect as I stuck out butt while simultaneously parting my legs to allow for a better view.

"MY GOD" azalea got shaky while taking the photos of my round ass that being pressed on tightly by the undergarments.

"Alright now do the London bridge position hurry" ordered azalea

"Huh amateur move " I thought as I lean back, arching my back until my hands reached the floor, because of the nature of said pose I had to use both my hands, which left my erect nipples to azalea's viewing pleasure.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I can't beleive this" exclaimed azalea as she immediately followed it up with" do the dog taking a piss position"

I was startled at first by the name but realization downed on me rather quickly,

I got down to my hands and knees while still making an effort to prop up my butt

As slowly parted my thighs, lifting my right leg as high as I can, this sudden movement caused my manly parts to jiggle while still being mushed by the female undergarment, and as an extra service I let out a soft "woof woof" from between my lips.

*PUFF* ran a sound of flowing water as azalea's nose finally burst into blood, as she collapsed to the ground with an idiotic grin on her face, as if gone stupid,

She would occasionally mumble" cigarettes would be great after doing something like this"

I crawled toward while panting because of all the effort I expended, to get the answer for the question that I did all of this for.

"Where is Nicole" I asked in between my gasp's of air, to wich azalea replied with

" I have no idea"

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