《WileQuest》Chapter 53 - Failed Quest


It was true after all! There are other questers out there!

Holy shit, I never realized we would end up meeting one of them at some point. I wonder what is her story, how did she end up here? Why did she stay? Why did she stop her quest? I have so many questions!

Haru and Alice seem both as shocked as I am.

(T) "I guess I am the first quester you see outside your session. I'm getting used to it, you're not the first ones to pass by my struggle. Even though I never had three at the same time before…"

(A) “So… you can see the future? Like Sam?”

(T) “Who is Sam?”

(S) "Oh, it's me, I… I'm one of your students. I'm a Seer too, the Seer of Humility."

She momentarily widened her eyes and inclined her head. Is my class that uncommon? I think Val made a commentary about that too…

(T) “What a coincidence, I met another Humble Seer, a long time ago.”

(S) “Really? When?”

(T) “Oh my, it was decades ago, if not centuries.”

(H) “You’re that old?!”

(T) “Who knows…”

She swiftly avoided the subject of her age, but she clearly hinted she's been here for centuries. How is that even possible? She's barely in her late twenties, does the flux stop the ageing effect? That sure would be convenient.

The conversation had only started 5 minutes ago, but I feel like she’s treating it like a game or something.

(T) “So, we have a Seer, and I would guess a Devotee. And you are…”

After pointing out mine and Haru's class, she stopped and stared longly toward Alice. Obviously, she had no idea what to answer, but fortunately, Haru came to the rescue.

(H) “How do you know my class?!”

(T) “Well, I guess the biggest hint was when you used illusions technique during the exams, to cheat.”

(H) “Oh, ah, hehe. It-it was an accident.”

(S) “You cheated?”

(H) “No-no-nooo.”

I am so ashamed of her. At least Alice would never do that. Well, more like she’ll never have to do that.

(A) “I am wondering… why the heck are you here?! I never thought there were other people like us, other than the guides, of course.”

(H) "I knew, Quentin told me once, at least. But I never thought we would encounter someone so early. Remaining questers are said to be very rare."

(T) “Oh, I heard of the guides. I’ll have you know that I started my adventure way before Jules did. He actually was the first one to be in your place. Of course, times were different back then, it wasn't exactly the same school, but…"

While she was continuing her story, Alice sneakily got closer to me.

(A) “Who is Jules?”

(S) “He’s the first guide, Valentine is the second.”

(A) “Oh, okay.”

Man, this conversation is getting out of track, she’s now making a list of all the people she met, sorting them by class and virtues. None of us really knew the meaning of those class anyway, some are obvious, like a Seer, or Marie as a Mason, ‘cause she’s always building stuff, but classes like Devotee… what is the link with illusions?

Anyway, it might be a good opportunity to finally know a bit more about the Quest, but first, there is one question I absolutely have to ask her.

(S) “Ms. Taylor…”

(T) “Please, call me Tiffany.”

(S) "O-okay, as a Seer, I wanted to ask you something. Are the vision we see absolute?"


(T) “You mean, is there a chance it doesn’t happen? Why do you want to know, did you see something bad?”

(S) “Yeah…”

(T) "I can't talk for all Seer, because we are all very different, but as for me, none of my prophecies happened to be wrong, even the terrible ones."

(S) “I see…”

(T) “Oh, wait, there was one. About someone I was supposed to meet, but she never came.”

(S) “She?”

(T) "Yes, I was supposed to meet with a magnificent female harbouring an aura bright enough to cast a shadow on the sun, and white hair, at least it was what I had foretold. However, nobody came. It was a long time ago, but I still remember it. So, who knows, maybe there is a chance your bad vision will fail."

A magnificent female… is she talking about Eve? It would make sense, if she does exist, of course. The first time I saw her, I had a familiar feeling, not like I know her or anything, more like… she was a part of me. It might just be a hallucination caused by one of my vision, it wouldn't be impossible.

(H) “Tiffany! I want to know, where are your companions? Did you all stopped the quest to settle here?”

(T) “… my settlement wasn’t a choice. You see, I can’t really be sure of anything, but…”

(A) “Your friends are dead.”

(T) “…”

Dammit, Alice! Can’t you have some tact?

(T) “Yes, I… I think I can show you. I always do anyway.”

She pulled out one of the drawers of her desk, and took out a journal. Oh, of course, it's not a journal, but a Quest Book. However, there was a slight difference with ours, she had a weird symbol on it, a sort of chained circle with five triangles under. Did she make it herself? I wonder what it means...

She then opened it and placed it in front of us.

Too bad! There are not enough people alive to finish the Quest.

Your session has failed!

Sorry, and better luck next time!

(A) “What the fuck is this.”

(H) “That’s… awful.”

(T) “To this day, I still don’t know what happened to them. In the end, I made my choice and decided to move on and become a teacher her. And go explore the world from time to time, when you don’t age, you can’t stay at the same place too long.”

(H) “Son you’re stuck here…”

(S) “Wait, the world? So, we are in some world, it’s not just a place design for the quest.”

(T) “Of course, funny enough, I never came across an accurate map of the whole continent, but it is a legitimate world, like Earth.”

(S) “I see…”

I don't think she knows much more than us. She didn't have any guides, so she might even be lacking some info we have. I might as well ask Valentine.

(A) "I want to know… what does your virtue mean?"

(T) “Oh my, what a tricky question. I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to that.”

(H) “Actually, we do know what they mean.”

(S) “What?”

(A) “Really?”

(H) “You guys didn’t know?”

(S) “Val didn’t tell me anything when I asked, and I don’t remember you guys speaking about it either…”

(H) "Oh, my bad. Well, maybe it's because they are not really sure. The idea is that the more you dive into your virtue, the more your inner power grow. For instance, the kinder I am, the easier it becomes to create illusions!"


(S) "Oh… that makes sense."

(A) “Not really…”

(T) "Oh my, what an interesting theory… fortunately, I have no use to enhance my power anymore. Hu hu hu."

What a weird system indeed.

(T) "I'm afraid I won't be that useful to you. My life as an adventuress ended a long time ago."

(A) “It’s not like we hoped anything in the first place.”

(H) “Al’! That’s rude!”

(A) “Since when are you allowed to use that nickname?”

(H) “You-you don’t like it?”

(A) “…”

(S) “Well! I guess that’ll be all for us! Sorry for disturbing you, we will be leaving shortly!”

(T) “Haha, youth is indeed wonderful. Don’t worry, it is always a pleasure to meet new adventurers. It reminds me of good times…”

The girls quickly said their farewell and left the room. I didn’t followed them immediately, as I had one important question left. I know Alice have a good hearing, but I’ll have to risk it anyway.

(S) “One last thing… did you ever lost your foresight power?”

(T) “What do you mean?”

(S) “Sight… since the start of this struggle, I failed to get a single vision. I was able to see in the past a few times, but as for the future, nothing, it’s as if my power disappeared.”

(T) “Wait… you can see into the past, and the future?”

(S) “At least I could.”

(T) “Hum, this is certainly odd. You see, there are a lot of different Seer, for instance, I only write prophecy, I don’t actually see anything. Some Seer I met could see ghost in the past, or with great precision in the present. Or as for me, into the future. However, I never heard of… two at the same time is a first for me.”

(S) “Oh… I… I didn’t really thought about it. My guide didn’t say anything about that either. Maybe I can’t handle the two, and one went away… is that possible?”

(T) “I have no idea… did something happened that could cause such a loss?”

(S) “There might be something… I… I had to abuse some sort of drug, and I never had any vision soon after that. Maybe it’s an after effect.”

I had no idea the white pills would have such an after effect. I hope it’s not permanent.

We exchange our goodbyes after that, and I finally left her office. The girls were still talking about how Haru nicknamed Alice, in my opinion, she should be grateful Haru didn’t use a more shameful one. She’s an expert for that kind of thing.

I quickly checked the book to see if the objective was completed, and it was. Still, I didn't complete any side ones, what a shame.

(H) “So… I guess it’s farewell again…”

(S) “What are you talking about?”

(H) “Hum?”

(S) “We still have one week, right? I think we deserved so time off.”

(H) “Really?”

(A) “Really…?”

Moreover, the two of them were just starting to get along, more or less. I can’t let this chance get away!

That, and I have some catch up to do with Val apparently, I didn't check the book for a week, and she's been asking a lot of things.

(H) “Oh! I know! Celia!”

(A) “I hope it’s not what I think it is…”

(H) “It’s cute! Don’t you think?”

(A) “Do you want to die?”

Sigh, I really deserve some holidays.

In another country, far away.

As the moon was high in the sky, some small and hidden streets were still engulfed in darkness, and no sane soul would risk going there. Nonetheless, between the houses, someone was running on the paved road.


He wasn’t alone. No one was behind him, but he was sure of one thing: if he stopped running, he will die. So he kept running, for his life.


What has he done to be in this situation? He didn't know. He made many mistakes in his life, and had many enemies. Was it destiny catching up? Is this punishment for his crimes and sins?


Ominous words were flashing in his head. He was feeling it, closer and closer, like an invisible hand about to catch his neck. Was it the end? No, he couldn't allow it, too much was at stakes. He had reason to live now, his family was waiting for him, his past was behind him.


However, he made one miscalculation. He wasn’t chased, he was played with.


The darkness regained its previous calm and silent atmosphere. Not a sound was heard. No scream, no slash, nothing. The man had stopped his course, his sad and tearful eyes were down, staring at the hand holding the blade plunged into his heart.

He tried to shout, he tried to cry, but nothing was heard, and he slowly fell into the abyss of nothingness.

The assassin had a tall figure, but you couldn't discern any of its characteristics, as he was coincidently in the shadow of a nearby roof, even though this particular corner was well lightened by the moon and stars. He pulled out an object from his waist, a simple book, and opened it.


Objective: Kill Mr. Goshny

Sub-Objective: Discover his past - Deal with his associate

He had completed his task. It was time for him to move on, to his next struggle, to his next target.

He turned around the book, as the back was emitting a faint light, destined to catch his attention.

F: Already done?

F: You really have a talent for assassination.

K: …

F: Too bad you never talk much.

F: Qnhwqh, k jjxg wqngdc gl gdll hlj gnqg hljf ndxg xgfjbbld mkbng bd q jlkng lnd.

F: Curses! It’s so hard to keep the typing quirk away!

F: Hum Hum…: Anyway, just wanted to tell you that your next struggle might be a joint one.

F: I believe you’ll be with Xavier.

K: …!

F: Oh, you seem happy. Well, it's been two months after all.

K: …

F: Holy, you are quite talkative today.

F: Haha, I am just joking.

F: Anyway, congratulation for your successful mission, and good luck for the next.

F: And don’t worry, I won’t tell the other about this new style of yours.

F: Diligent people have to stick together. ; )

F: Bhd!

F: My bad: Bye!

K: …

The moon was slowly starting to descend. The man in the shadow placed his hands into its light, to contemplate the red liquid covering them. He could see them shaking, and quickly recovered them in the dark, away from his own sight.

He is afraid of what he had become, afraid of his skills, and of this inner feeling he has after each kill.

Nonetheless, he can’t go back.

Their group has always relied on one precept: Trust.

For that reason, he has no choice, he must tell them. He must tell him.

Surely, he will understand, right?

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