《WileQuest》Chapter 52 - Haru-chan is OP!


The moon was already high in the sky, most of the students were already sleeping, and only a gentle breeze of wind was disturbing the calm silence of the night. Under the stars, a meeting was taking place at the highest point of the academy.

The school roof was supposed to be off limit at that time, but rules are for regular people, and the girls couldn’t care less.

None of them seemed to manifest any will to disturb this established silence. With dark faces and gazes avoiding each other, time passed without any word being pronounced.

As the moon reached its peak, Alice turned around and sat down, her back facing the other person, and finally spoke.

“So… I guess you didn’t find him.”


“I… I’m sorry for being late. I was caught by something.”

“I know. Everybody already knows.”

“I see…”



“How was it?”


Even though the conversation started smoothly, the both of them were now facing opposite direction. Haru's voice was slightly shaking, but to her own surprise, she was about to hold the conversation well so far.

“Did something happened on your side?”


“Don’t you like Sam?”

“Haha, no. We are just friend.”

“But, you do like someone.”


“Do you realize I have your talent?”

“Are we really talking about that?”

“What do you want to talk about? Our failure to find the prophet? My recent sex adventure? Or Stupid Samsy with his new mental issue?”

“Sigh… at least I can talk to you know.”

“Took you some time. I wonder why you’re all hating me so much.”

“I think Nana heeps an actual list of the reason why she hates you.”

“Okay, for Naomi I understand. But for the other…”

“You killed Marie’s hamster, you broke Prom’s legs, twice, you burned…”

“Fine! I get it! I’m a monster…”

“Well, it’s not that easy, right?”

“… What do you mean?”

“When I went to confront George…”

“Who is George?”

“That’s not important, the thing is, I went to ask him if he were the prophet, and he told me something strange, something like, seeing into the future are for gods and goddess.”


"So, I realized, we are all monsters. It's even worse than on Earth, if people were to know what we are able to do, they’ll… I don’t even know what they’ll do.”


“And also, I realized it was the same for you, but in greater proportion.”

“Hey, don’t pity me. I’m fine on my own.”

"No your not, you're dependent on Sam."

“I… that’s…”

“I don’t mind, but he’s not like us. He… he is like a brother to me.”

“Not to me.”

“I know.”

The awkward silence instantly came back.

The moon was starting his descent, announcing that half the night was already gone. Gazing at the cloudless sky filled with stars, both girls were reviving their time with Sam.


After what felt like an eternity, Haru got up, and turned around to face her ex-demon, and Alice slowly followed after.

“Do you want something?”

“I care about him, and I know you do too. But if anything happens to him, I’ll kill you.”

“Wow, is that a threat.”


Without any warning, the field of Alice's view crackled in front of her, as if a thin layer of glass hiding the truth was suddenly bursting. The following scenery was identical, except for one thing, Haru was now awfully close to her, holding a rapier less than a millimetre away from her throat.

“…just a piece of advice.”

For the first time in a while, Alice felt a chill down her spine.

Before she could react, Haru stepped back, and put the sword back on her waist.

“Phew… Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“Yeah, obviously…”

“It was probably my only chance to do it.”

"You do know those kinds of trick only work once on me…"

“Sam told me everything, I know you’re protecting him. You might need my ability too.”

“Illusion, hue. That’s pretty cool.”

“Don’t think I’ll show you everything.”

Alice realized that the sword was not on her waist anymore, she was surely hiding it again. Her opinion of Sam’s little best friend completely turned around with this exchange, even though…

“You’re still trembling a little.”

“No-no I’m not! It-it’s just cold outside!”

“Haha, yeah sure.”

“I’m leaving!”

“Wait. What do we do for the struggle now?”

“Isn’t that obvious? We wait for the test to pass and we ask Samsy.”

“Sigh, I guess his vision could solve everything.”

“Haha, it’s Sam, no matter what’s the problem, he’ll find his way.”

Haru swiftly left the place, leaving Alice in the middle of the night. Neither of them wanted nor had to go to sleep, but they had nothing to say to one another.

‘So, they’ve grown too. It might work out after all…”

The main reason why Alice exiled herself from the rest of the group back on Earth was her strength to great for them to handle, and she couldn’t deal with the constant whispers of fear behind her back. However, it might be different here. In this world, where power seems to overflow, maybe she finally will be able to find common ground with the others.

Except for Naomi.

There’s no way she’ll ever get along with her.

A few days later, after the test.


I finally manage to get through the exam, thinking that I’ll be able to get some break, but Haru took me outside to tell me that she, basically, made a death threat to my sister.

This is so fucked up! And worst of all, I kind of feel proud that Haru was able to stand up to Alice. Do I have a problem or what?

I didn’t talk about any of the others power to her, so Alice must have been quite surprise by the ?Illusion Crack? -that’s how I call it. I wonder if she’ll be able to reproduce it…



“Why did you do that!? It’s not your type…”

“I know, but… it was about something important. And I wanted to prove myself that I changed!”

"I see… So, if I understood everything correctly, you constantly have a rapier with you, hidden with your illusion spells."

“Something like that. You know, to train.”

“Where did you get it? You didn’t have any weapon last time I saw you.”

“On the 11th, a weird story, with a dog.”

“I won’t even ask…”

In retrospection, maybe I shouldn't have spent so much time studying. Damn you Nami, you really did traumatize me. Well, it was worth it, in some way.

Nonetheless, I hope that Alice won’t take that night exchange badly. Knowing her, she could either love or hate Haru for what she did. Well, it’s not like I expected them to become best friends. Even though it did go pretty well with Marie… Gosh, I really don’t understand woman’s friendships. Or maybe this is a special case…

Back to the situation, now that the test is behind me, I think it’s time to move on.

“So, are we ready to leave ?”

“No, we don’t know who is the prophet yet.”

“Really? Isn’t it obvious?”

“You know who it is?”

"Yeah, it's our homeroom teacher, Ms. Taylor. I didn't confront her, ‘cause I wanted to study, but I'm pretty sure it's her."

“How do you know that? Did you have a vision?”

"Hum… no-not really. Just, think about it. We are in the top school in this world, all the teachers are on the top of their respective field, and all have worked years to obtain their place here. They're all 50 years old or more, except for ours, which is barely in her 25. I don't know about you, but it is quite suspicious to me. That, and she does give off this ‘flux vibe'…"

“’Flux vibe’?”

“Don’t quote me on this. And truth to be told, I only realized it yesterday morning, but I thought you knew already…”

"Raaaa! I can't believe you found the prophet when you didn't even investigate! Your power is so unfair!"

“Oh, yeah, my power…”

I should probably tell them I don’t have my foresight anymore. But if I do, they’ll just worry even more. They’re already overprotective, if I end up powerless, Alice won’t let me do anything.

No, I can’t tell them. I’ll have to figure out why it’s gone and how to get it back on my own.

“By the way, do you know where is Alice?”

“Oh! I completely forgot! We were supposed to meet her at the central billboard!”

“Haha, that’s more like the Haru I know.”

“We-we have to hurry!”

“Relax, I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

And it was. We arrived a few minutes later at the said meeting point, and Alice was waiting for us. She didn’t say anything special, she just kept looking at this week prophecy.

I am a mysterious being living outside the realm of destiny

Many have wondered in search of my true identity

Some might soon find their luck

Even though it shouldn’t have been that hard in the first place

Sigh… it doesn’t even rhyme now. I really don’t like her. I mean, as a prophet, she’s a pretty good teacher.

“Hey, Alice! How are you.”

“! Oh, yeah, I’m fine.”

Hum… she's avoiding my gaze. Is she hiding something from me? Is it about what happened with Haru? I didn't think she would be ashamed of that…

“Al’! Sam says that he knows who’s the prophet!”

“Since when did I allow you to call me that way?”

“Yo-you don’t like it?”



After some pointless chitchat between the two of them, we finally got to the point. There was no lecture during the afternoon, so we directly went to Ms. Taylor office. I knocked on the door, and she quickly invited us inside.

I never went to her office before. The room was small, with shelves at both sides overflown with books. The two micro library were forming a small hallway toward an imposing desk, probably made with heavy oak, and Ms. Taylor was sitting behind it, in an extravagant red armchair.

Needless to say, this place was fitting of a teacher in this kind of academy.

“Oh my, if it isn’t all the transfer students in my office. What can I do for you?”

"You're the one writing the prophecies, right?"

Without any further due, Alice went straight to the point. To my surprise, Ms. Taylor was releasing a confident atmosphere, as opposed to her usual clumsy and shy personality.

“Oh my, young people have a wild imagination. What makes you think I am the author of the notes.”

“Just answer the question, please.”

She didn't say anything. The conversation had now become a staring contest between Alice and our homeroom teacher. Something was telling me that she knew we knew, so why was she acting like that?

I realized she diverted her eyes to look directly into mine. I finally understood what it was all about.


It was so obvious.

At least it should have been to me.

Seeing the future is not so simple.

It’s too potent to be from this world.

“You are a Seer.”


Her face brightened instantly, as she relaxed on the back of her chair, harboring a slightly widened smile.

“Finally. Yes, I am a Seer. Allow me to present myself: my name is Tiffany Tracy, Seer of Chastity. At your service.”

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