《WileQuest》Chapter 51 - Boring Resolution


A week after his arrival, Sam started to behave oddly.

“Oh, Sam, I wanted to…”

“Can’t talk!”

Haru tried to grab his attention, but for the past two days he has dived into textbooks, and she actually knew the reason why.

Several years before, he undertook intense courses with Naomi as his teacher. Nobody knows why he did that back then, even Naomi herself has no clue, the only sure thing is that he was completely traumatized by grades in general, with an intense fear of failing.

In this academy, students have to sit a test every two weeks at least, and the next one is coming in three days. That’s why Sam is crazily studying like that.

The girls tried to convince him that it was the embodiment of pointlessness, but nothing worked. He entered his own world and nothing could disturb him anymore.

‘I know Nana can be scary when she is teaching, but for Masy to be like that… I never realized it was that bad.'

The two of them spent a lot of time together during the first few days, so she didn’t really mind him doing something else that much, but this was worrying.

A beeping noise interrupted her thought, she grabbed the talkie walkie clipped on her waist and answered the call.

“Ha-Ha-Haru here.”

“Nice to meet you Hahaharu, I’m Alice.”

“Thi-thi-this is not funny!”

“Oh, yes it is. Well, it’s a bit worrying though, I know I scare you but… sigh, anyway, are you ready for today interrogatory?”

“I-I-I don’t like when you call it like tha-tha-that.”

“Uuuurgh, I don’t care! Oh, by the way, is Sam still ‘busy’?”

“Yeah, truth to be told I’m a bit worried about him…”

“Hey! You spoke normally!”

“Tha-tha-that was an accident!”

"Well, I guess we're getting closer. I'll contact you in the evening, if my calculations are correct, and they are, we should end the questioning process today. Roger."


After a few days, Alice had the bright idea to craft communication devices for her and Haru, so that they could communicate with one another without the little one running away like a rabbit in front of a mighty and beautiful fox -Alice’s own words. That’s why she ‘borrowed’ some material from the mechanic department to craft two talkie walkie.

It worked out pretty well, and Samsy was incredibly proud of her. Still, Haru was failing to overcome her fear, and she developed a stutter habit when talking through the talkie.

Alice had no interest in becoming friend with Haru. However, she remembered how her ‘brother’ behaved when the bitch that serves as her girlfriend -her words again- taught him for a little less than a year. As she clearly didn’t want to do the work all by herself, she had to find a way to communicate.


And it worked out pretty well, as the plan was progressing smoothly toward the inevitable completion of the struggle.

Obviously, it would have been infinitely more efficient if Sam would have just put his mind into it and foresee the future, but for some reason, he just kept the girls by themselves. Nonetheless, they have a useful ability on their own, thanks to Haru's main i-talent, copied by Alice, which allows her to see through lies.

Consequently, they just had to ask every student if they were the culprit, and they will eventually find him Haru agreed to follow the plan, but had some reserved, especially concerning their relationship with the white uniforms.

Fortunately, this issue resolved itself, around a week earlier, and rather… oddly.

Around a week earlier

“Please marry me!”

In the middle of the corridor, Alice fixed a young man taking a knee in front of her with widened eyes. He was tall enough that even in this position his own eyes were at Alice's level. He wasn't especially good-looking, but his blond hair and imposing muscles gave him a strong and charismatic presence, even though he was currently bowing to someone else.

Yes, it was Ivan, the same person Alice knocked out unconscious the day before. Apparently, this first encounter made a strong impression on him, and our blood-haired princess was at a lost for word.

“I realized yesterday, only the person I was meant for could beat me so easily. I am begging you, be my wife.”

“Get lost.”

As expected, as soon as she recovered from the initial shock of surprise, she instantly rejected him.

Despite that, Ivan's strong resolution pushed him to proposed over and over again for the following days. It drawn out a lot of attention, and Alice quickly became the centre of gossips.

Even though she was releasing a continuous cold and intimidating atmosphere around her, people started to gather around her, similar to what happened with Haru, except that this time it was a majority of white uniform approaching her. She received the nickname of Blood Diamond, and every noble wanted to get her attention, as she was the first one to ever be recognized by the (?)mighty(?) Ivan.

A huge amount of boys asked her out and she was invited to every event on the campus. Of course, she flatly rejected everything, but at some point, she realized it was a good opportunity to try out a ‘normal’ way of life with ‘friends’, so she started hanging out a bit.

She didn't like it at all, but at least time passed a bit faster, and it's not like she was able to spend time with Sam anyway.

Ivan continued to propose at least once a day, and she started to get really annoyed, but it was around the same time that she also gave the talkie to Haru and that they started to ask around to find the Mysterious Prophet. She was in charge of interrogating the white uniform while Haru would take care of the black one.


Everything was going smoothly, until today.

Actually, it all started a few days ago, with the weekly prophecy, which was awfully precise in Alice’s mind.

You, prideful gem in the middle of never-ending storms

Know that love and affection can take many forms

If you are being disregarded and ignored by a man

Maybe it is time to accept the request of Ivan

Then, she started communicating with Haru via the talkies, and even though it was funny at first, her way of ta-ta-talking was extremely annoying.

And the final blow was delivered by Samsy new idiotic behaviour.

Early in the evening, after the lectures just stopped, Alice sneaked out of the classroom to avoid the never-ending swarm of fans usually coming after her. She was supposed to contact Haru but her own lack of finding discouraged her. She asked the last noble in the school during the afternoon, but he wasn’t the prophet either. Plus, if Haru didn’t call, it meant that she also didn’t find anything.

In order to cool herself down, she went back to the female dormitory. On her way, she stopped before the centre board, she realized it was the last day before the article was supposed to be changed, meaning that it’s probably the last chance for the prophecy to happen.

She was pissed off.

Pissed off because the struggle which was supposed to be easily solved ended up at a dead end.

Pissed off because she was hanging out with mindless sheep who never stopped talking about pointless things like dress and boys.

Pissed off because she had to sit down for hours every day to be taught by someone dumber than herself.

But most of all, she was pissed off because her fucking brother was focused on pointless exams while she was doing her best for him!

“I finally found you, my dear!”

At this exact moment, Ivan arrived with a short breath. Like the days before, he ran around the school to find her, this guy has no shame, but at least you can't say he has no conviction.

Alice looked at him, from head to toes. Usually, she just ignores him or disregards him with a single line, but this time she had a change of heart.

“I may have a use for you, creepy boy.”

“Wh-what did you say?”

Ivan genuinely didn’t understand her answer, as he was expecting yet another cold look or mean remark.

“Follow me, and don’t ask any question.”

In the 2-A classroom, Haru was balancing herself on her chair, looking aimlessly toward the ceiling. She had asked every person she could, but nothing came out. The mysterious prophet was still unknown.

She looked to her right, Sam’s sit was empty. As soon as the bell ranged, he left the class to go in the library.

(D) “Are you okay, Haru?”

Haru suddenly realized she wasn't alone, Ayato and Diana, were in front of her, and the later one just brought her out of her train of thought.

(H) “Oh, sorry, I was thinking about something else…”

(A) “You seem tired. Well, you were really busy this week.”

(H) “Haha, yeah… I had a project, or something.”

(A) “What is it?”

(H) “I… I want to discover who is behind the prophecies.”

(A) “You mean, on the billboard? Good luck with that, nobody knows.”

(D) "Many have tried, but no one has ever found out who is the guy. It started when we were first year, two years ago, but still nothing."

(A) “Yeah, it’s like he’s a phantom!”

(H) “Sigh… I asked everyone! Maybe he’s not a…”

(A) “You didn’t ask me.”

(D) “Me neither, but do you really think the real one would tell you the truth?”

Haru came to a simple realization: she didn’t ask the trio. She spent days running around to find every student she could, and she completely forgot to ask the closest one to her.

(H) “… are you the mysterious prophet.”

(A) “Haha, of course not.”

(D) “Nah.”

Without any surprise, it was neither of them.

(H) “Oh, by the way, where is George?”

(D) “I think he went to the library with Sam, something about the upcoming test. They managed to convince the teacher to help them.”

(H) “I need to talk to him!”


Slamming the door of one of the library's room, she completely disrupted Samsy's studying session and their homeroom teacher, Ms. Taylor. Surprisingly, they were only the two of them in the room.

(S) “Haru?! Keep it down! It’s the fucking library!”

(H) “Oh, sorry! Do you know where is George?”

(S) “Who is George?”

(H) "You know… the, well, the normal guy, with dark hair, or brown, hum… he hangs out with us all the time…"

(S) “Oh, yeah, he was there but he forgot something and left. Why do you want to know?”

(H) “I think he might be the mysterious prophet!”

(S) “Seriously?”

(H) "Yeah, I'll find him, talk to you later!"

And she left as fast as she came. Sam apologized to the teacher, and the atmosphere swiftly regained its previous ton, however, Sam couldn’t get one thing off his mind.

‘So, it was George all along… I have no idea who he is, it’s a bit underwhelming… Sigh, if only my power weren’t shut down.’

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