《WileQuest》Chapter 50 - The Mysterious Prophet



As soon as the bell announced the end of the lecture, Haru jumped from her seat to attack me. I suspect she wanted to hug me, but with her momentum, she literally tackled me to the ground.

Classic Haru.

“I missed you too.”

“Haru, you know the transfer student?”

I realized that a bunch of people gathered around us. I wonder if she managed to make some friends, she’s usually really shy with new people…

“Get away from Haru!”

“Who do you think you are?!”


Okay… do you guys realize she was the one jumping on me? And right now she's literally standing on me!

"Back off guys, he's the childhood friend I talked about."

“Oh. Right, sorry about that.” “Haha, sorry Haru.”

“Okay… I’m a bit lost now.”

“Don’t worry, it’s lunch break, we have some time to catch up.”

She gazed back to the small crowd, and they swiftly dispersed. The only remaining were the two of us and three other black-uniform students, a girl with a thin figure and really long black hair, a tall Asian guy and a plain guy.

“Guys, can I spent the break alone this time.”

“Oh… Are you sure?”

“We have a lot to discuss, so I would like some time, just the two of us.”

“Well, if you say so.”

They seemed really sad about it, slowly getting out of the way while looking down. Damn, is she that popular?

“Oh, by the way, Haru… I should probably tell you…”


I was afraid it would come down to this.

As soon as we got to the rooftop, Haru screamed and got behind my back.

“Why is she here?”

“Alice, be nice.”

“Hey! I didn’t say anything, and she started screaming!”

Yeah, Haru is scared of Alice, back on Earth she sometimes had nightmares of her.

“So, Alice, this is a joined struggle with Haru, and Haru, well, long story short, Alice is part of the session now.”

She started to slowly get her head out from my back.

“She more sociable now, she even managed to get along with Marie.”

“It was out of necessity.”

“Come on! Help me on this!”

"Aurgh… fine. So, little ch… Haru, let's be... friends."

Sigh… she is still trembling, I guess we’ll have to take it slow.

“Okay girls, I think we shall separate the two of you for now, until Haru process the idea of working with you, Alice.”

“Fine by me.”


"So, Haru and I will spend the break in the cafeteria, and we'll meet again in the evening."

“What?! She is the scared one and I am the one being left off?”



Shit, I hoped that after all the thing she went through during her own quest she would be able to stand up to her, but I guess a trauma is not so easily overcome.

“Well, Haru has to tell us about the school, and I doubt she can converse with you, so…”

“Aurrgh, I get it! I’m on my own, as usual.”

“Don’t take it like that…”

She left the scene rumbling and visibly annoyed.

I looked back at Haru, she was still shaking and almost had tears in her eyes.

Sigh, this little girl can break my arm with two fingers, I can’t believe I have to pull out with this.

“Don’t worry, she’s not a bad person. Trust me. Plus, while I’m here there’s no way she’ll do anything to you.”

“Y-y-y-yeah, so-sorry about that.”

She took a deep breath and the shaking stopped.

“I didn’t think I would still be that scared of her…”

"Don't worry, we'll work that out. Marie had a death match with her when the met, and by the end, they were almost BFF's -more or less-, so everything is possible!"

“I hope you’re right…”

"Anyway, we have to catch up. We haven't met for more than two months! I have so much thing to tell you!"

“Me too! Well, my 11th struggle was pretty long and boring, but managed to reunite a mother and her daughter! Well, they were jailed after that but still…”

“I kind of became The President of a city a few days ago!”

“Okay, you have to tell me what happened.”

“Well, first I fought some cyber tiger with Alice, and then…”

We kinda got caught in our stories and had to get back in class before she could tell me anything about the school. We didn't even have time to eat. Well, not like it's the first time we get absorbed in our conversation and missed a meal. We didn't really hang out that much during the 10th struggle, probably cause we didn't have the time at all.

I really missed her.

I really wanted for the lecture to finish fast, and in a sense it did. First I thought it would be like the last school I went in, with boring and interminable courses, but I quickly realized the standards are way higher here. I couldn’t follow anything that was on the blackboard. By the time I had understood the thing she wrote at the start, it was the end of the afternoon class. Damn, don’t tell me I’ll have to study? Not again!

Sigh, I'll put that aside, for now, I have to talk with Haru and try to make the two girls meet again.

I wonder from all of that came from, I never had to babysit anyone like that back on Earth. I wish I had resolved those relationship issues back then…


Anyway, once again, Haru failed to stand up to Alice, who, predicting this outcome, had made some appointment, or so she told us. I don't have a good feeling about that, but it's not like I can say anything to her right now.

After a small chitchat, we, finally, managed to get back on track and talk about the struggle.

We had the exact same objective this time, even though it’s only her 13th one -hey! I’m ahead this time!


Objective: Find the Anonymous Prophet

Sub-objective: none

Hum, you don’t have any sub-objective…”

"Oh, yeah, well, mine only showed up after I finish one of them. Anyway, do you have any idea who the prophet is? Would be pretty funny if it turned out to be me."

“I know! The book is probably talking about the weekly forecast!”


"Yeah! Every week, there is a message posted on the central board. And each time the prediction in it happens for real! So people have started to call it the forecast message, even though I find it a bit misleading…"

“Yeah… do you know who write those message?”

“Of course not, nobody knows, it’s one of the 3 wonders of the school, the two others being the school festival and me.”

“Haha, you are a wonder! Wait, how did you...?”

"I-I kind of showed off my i-talent during the sports festival."

“Oh… that would explain why you are so popular.”

“I-I-I’m not popular.”


It’s not like almost everyone in the room looked at me with bloodlust and rage when we were talking in the classroom.

“I guess I’ll have to look at the billboard.”

"Sure. Oh! And you have to tell me more about those lobstons, were they, like, giant lobster with horn? Or more like bison with giant claws?"

"It's biston, and they didn't have any claw, listen…"


“Fucking Samsy and his popularity, it’s not my fucking fault if the little shit can’t handle me! Aaarg, I hate this!”

Alice was rumbling in the corridor, heading toward the female dormitory. Many students surrounding her were discretely gazing in her direction, firstly because she was known as one of the new transfer students, and secondly, because she was gorgeous enough to interest the vast majority of them.

On her way, she passed near a huge blond and muscular white uniform guy, and the inevitable cliché situation happened.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing, red hair?”

She looked back at him, and saw a guy holding his shoulder.

“I’m not in the mood, go away.”

“No no no, that’s not how it works here, peasants. Do you even know who I am?”

“How did you called me?”

“Haha, and she’s also deaaaaa…”

One punch.

Faster than what the eye could catch.

A single hit in the solar plexus.

The guy fell off to the ground, unconscious.

The red-haired girl left the scene with a relieved face and a slight smile.

'Aaaaah, there's nothing better than a justified beating to improve one's mood.'

To the other student witnessing what happened, it just looked like Ivan, the well-known oversized athlete among the nobles, lost consciousness by himself as the transfer student walked passed him.

And that’s how she became the 4th wonder of the school.

The future is an unpredictable river, unless you are the right kind of fish

This week will hold interest and completion, and some will fulfil their wish

New companions will be revealed, and old enemies will be forced to cooperation

Be careful of needless pride, or the fear to be put into submission

One boy and one girl, linked by luck and destiny

Will transfer soon to class 2-A and 2-C

“Wow, it got quite specific at the end…”

“It’s often like that.”

“Isn’t it a bit weird?”

“I find it really nice.”

I don’t. I don’t like that there is another prophet, and the overhaul poem is shitty.

Sigh, it’s been a while since I tried to trigger a vision… with the white pills after-effects, I had some trouble getting back to it. Maybe I should try writing a prophecy, could be useful.

"So, obviously I had figured out the boy was you, and, well, apparently the girl is Alice. You went to my class and she went to 2-C -thank god- but other than that, I don't really know what the other part means."


‘To me, it clearly refers to the bad relationship they have…’

“Anyway, who posted the message? The author is unknown but surely someone had investigated a bit, right?”

"Well, the one posting the message is the one in charge of the newspaper, and he said he just received an anonymous note at some point during the week. And even him has no clue about who is the author, for all we know it could be any…"



Oh, it’s the trio from before.

“We were looking everywhere for you!”

“Hum… Sam, I kinda forgot I promised them to hang out with them today…”

“He can come with us if you want.”


"Yeah, I'm dying to know the embarrassing story of your childhood, hehe."


"Haha, she's so cute when she blushes."

She really is popular afterall. I guess it can’t hurt to take a break, we’ve only been here for a day, it’s not like we have to rush or anything.

I wonder if it’s fine to let Alice alone though…

Meh, as long as she doesn’t punch anyone, there shouldn’t be any problem.

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