《WileQuest》Chapter 49 - Marwin Academy


Where… where the fuck am I?

A vision? Again?

How did I…? I don’t remember going to sleep.

Let’s see, we arrived at a third room, deeper than the other two, and they were other blue bister. We ran again, and we found something. What was it? Shit, I can’t recall…

It was a hole or something I think.

Yeah, I remember jumping in something.

Then… I lost consciousness.


And here I am, in the burning forest.

Damn, it's been a long time since I had this dream, but this time it's way more detailed. The heat of the fire around, the smoke, the air filled with cinder and smoke, everything is so… real. Every tree around is either burning or cindered down, the red sky is blackened by the rising smoke as the sunlight startsed to fade away into the horizon.

I’m, once again, in ghostly form, looking down at myself, badly injured.

Badly is an understatement. I am cut everywhere, most of my shirt has been thorned apart, part of my left shoulder seems to have been bitten off, and my right leg is missing. Who the hell will I fight with to end up like that…?

In front of me, was standing my fated killer, the purpled hair woman. Wearing a leather armour, she was pointing her lance at my face. I’ve seen it before, she’ll raise it and kill me.

“Any last word?”

Hum? She talked?

“Hehe, not really.”

And I answered. Damn, those are not cool last words.

“See you on the other side, newbie.”



I heard a girl voice coming from far away.

And I got stabbed.


My head!

I forgot about that part. It hurt like hell!

As I opened my eyes again, everything was dark. I guess I won’t see more than that.

Damn… I had my doubts, but now…

So, it will be her. It kind of makes sense, but what do I do know? Do I ask directly?

First, I have to figure where I am. It’s all dark here and I don’t feel like I woke up or anything. Maybe it’s another vision, something positive this time, I hope.


My legs? They’re shaking!

I fell on my knees, and that's when I realized there was a figure standing in front of me. Something huge, I can't really distinguish the exact shape, but this presence... it's like every inch of my body wants to get away, like my body was feeling fear on its own. What the hell is this thing?


The figure talked, the voice was grave and powerful, and it was as if they were directly forced into my head.

It was painful. Like the voice was going to explode my head.

Dangerous, what is it talking about?


What? Am I in the wrong conversation? Oh! Maybe it’s talking to Alice.

She can probably handle it better than me, the words are killing me. I can feel sweat dripping on my forehead.


Fuck! Let me out of the conversation! My fucking head!


I opened my eyes as wide as possible. The figured had done the same thing, there is now two giant red dot in the darkness, so bright, I can’t divert my gaze from it. It’s like it’s penetrating my mind.



Alice… what is happening?


The red dot looked away, and I felt the pressure in my head fading away.

What the hell is happeni…

I woke up in panic, completely wet.

I looked around, I was in a similar room than the previous ones, and realized that I was underwater all this time.

Alice was a few meter away, out of breath, completely panicked. I rushed toward her, and as soon as she saw me, she relaxed a bit and sat down, despite the water.

“Wh-what happened?”

“I don’t know… it was scary. I felt like my head was invaded by… I don’t even know.”


I have a bad feeling about all this. I have no clue about what just happened, but…

Alice’s ability make her peculiar, even according to this adventure standard, so it’s kind of obvious to me. What if she ruined the balance? What if her powers never stop to grow? What if someone like Eve get scared of her?

If that were to happen, we wouldn’t have any way to resist.

I looked at her eyes, her beautiful bipolar eyes, one silver and one gold. I knew there was something, but what’s the problem with her left eyes. What did the figure want to say before it got interrupted? What the fuck is up with Alice’s left eyes?

This… this is scary.

If something were to happen to her…

“Hey, look!”

Alice pointed at something, on the other side of the room.

Phew, finally a relieving news. I extended my hand toward her to help her get up.

“Come on, I think we spent enough time underground.”

“Yeah, let’s leave this shithole.”

Deeper in the cave, in a place where light can never hope to reach, a meeting between two indistinguishable being was taking place.


“To let the plot move on.”


“Don’t know… maybe ‘cause you’re scared of me?”


"Haha, you are being silly, anyway, they have passed the door, so I probably should get going."


“You are nothing but an oversized lizard with a superiority complex.”

Out of anger, the possessor of the heavy voice roared and shook the Earth. However, the second person had already left the place, leaving a frustrated pair of red eyes hanging in the dark.

The entrance of the whole cave was situated on a tiny remote island, and a gentleman was coincidently walking out of it and talking to himself.

“Sigh… those lizards are really a pain in the ass, you really did a shitty job raising them, Eve.”

Marwin Academy.

In one of the most inaccessible part of the modern 2nd world, where nature still retains some of its rights, Marwin Academy has been established as the best school ever created. With top-level educator and facilities, this school used to be reserved for wealthy and rich families, but ten years ago the doors were opened to everyone, given that the tests were passed.


This led to an even higher standard among the student, but had the side effect to divide them into two factions. One gathering the ‘nobles', those coming from ultra-wealthy backgrounds, who were here mostly thanks to that, and the other who passed the test.

The school even played along with that, seeing it as an opportunity to nourish competition and motivation within the student's mind. That's why they separated the two group in different dormitories, and even gave them different uniform. Shape wise they are the same except that the high cast has white clothes and low cast black ones.

Most students played along and were taking this pretty seriously. Every occasion was an opportunity for the nobles to prove their superiority over the peasant or for the low cast to shut the mouth of those arrogant pricks.

There were also those that didn't care at all, and extremely rarely, some romance was seen between the two camp. It was extremely scarce, and the last public case has been long forgotten.

The past few month has been tense, as the student council election race finished and a black uniform won. There would have been tension even if the other side would have won, but as expected the whites were pretty pissed about it.

Fortunately, the sports festival made everyone forget about it, and for 14th consecutive time ended up as a perfect draw between the two factions. Nobody really understands how they are so perfectly matched each time, but no evidence of manipulated results or anything like that ever emerged, so it became the neutral event that each camp want to claim for itself.

One thing was different from the other years though. Usually, the festival end and after some days of cheat claim everyone happily go back to their everyday life, with no side better of than the other, but this time something special took place. For once, the nobles were hugely advantaged in term of physical ability, and were predicted to win the even with ease.

However, a student was transferred just a few weeks before the event, and helped the low cast winning many events, breaking records by a huge margin each time. She was held as a hero by the low cast, and a demon by the nobles.

Her name is Haru Hasilf, and her feats were a huge surprise, considering her small and weak figure. Despite her cute face and size, she can run a 100 meter under 10 seconds and deadlift over a ton, thanks to the talents she was born with, and the harsh situation she had to face growing up.

As expected, she became the mascot of the black uniform, against her will.

She actually wanted to lay low, but as she couldn’t hold back enough during the event, she attracted the attention of literally everyone in the school.

She is really shy by nature, especially when Samsy is not around, so she has real trouble dealing with the ‘fame', that and the fact that this struggle couldn't be dealt with until Sam arrives. At first, she was overjoyed to have a joined struggle with him, but it's been 4 weeks already and there's still no sign of him arriving.

Her book's instruction was clear though:


Objective: Wait for Sam

Sub-objective: Experience youth - Get an A - Receive a love letter

So she was waiting. She completed the sub-objective pretty quickly and as she had nothing to do, she tried to learn a bit more about this world with her guide, but Quentin was pretty useless in this regard. Most of the time, he loses himself in a long tirade and she hangs up.

But today was different than the other day, today was the fated day when he will come, and when she finally will be able to move on. She liked the people here, but also she wanted to reunite with the other as soon as possible.

She was in the middle of the classroom, Ayato Moha, aka the handsome Asian guy, Diana, the tomboy with long black hair, and George, aka just George, were forming their usual circle around her. Discussing the upcoming news.

(A) “I hope we will get the girl, we need more girl in this class.”

(D) “No way, it will be the guy. We need a decent guy, there is too much of a shortage here.”

(A) “Hey!”

(G) “I believe we will have the guy two.”

(A) “See!”

(H) “Are you sure we can trust it?”

(A) “Yep, this guy has been around since we were first year, and he never made any mistakes in his prediction.”

(D) “It must be so cool to see the future!”

(G) “Yeah… must be some downside to that, right?”

(H) "I have a friend who can do that. He often has huge headache and nosebleed after."

(A) “Haha, you’re so funny Haru.”

(D) “Hahaha!”

(H) “It’s true though…”

Meanwhile, the teacher, a young-looking blond haired woman with a hair bun and wearing a classic suit, and visibly stressed by her job, arrived in the room. The students were well behaved and immediately reached their own sit. You could see the divide between the white and black faction, as each occupied exactly one half of the room.

The teacher took a deep breath in, she is good at her job, but has self-confidence issue. Fortunately, the students are nice to her.

Today was special, two transfer students were scheduled to arrive into the low cast dormitories, and one in Haru’s class.

“Hum Hum, you might all have suspect it, after seeing the billboard, but today I am introducing a new student who will join this class. Please, be nice to him.”

A young man wearing the black uniform entered the room. His unkempt white hair startled everyone as whispers started to circulate.

Arriving beside the teacher, he faced everyone.

“Hi, my name is Samsy, I hope we’ll get along.”

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