《WileQuest》Naomi's Quest|Chapter 6 - The elephant who wished to fly.


“Princess?! Damn, another dumbass hero has come… but it doesn’t change anything! Prepared to get tromped!”

The elephant man charges another blow with his tromp, and immediately fired a barrage of shiny little drop on the two Heroes.

“You should seriously close your mouth.”

With a wave of her hand, she blew the droplet away, and the sky got covered in a succession of explosions, leaving its creator baffled by what happened. But not for long, as two big balls of fire were flying toward him.

He parried them with his tromp, redirecting them and melting part of the cage surrounding the area.

‘Hum… I guess I have to be careful about the spell I’m using. The place is already destroyed, but I shouldn’t worsen the situation.’

Conjuring 4 Wiccas in a row, and a fifth in front of her eye, Naomi mimicked a sniper rifle, and fire a laser straight toward the elephant shoulder.

But he didn't fell, so she fires one more time, on the other side.


The target was down. Without any time to counter attack, the villain was now in the same position as Miracle Man, still a few meters behind Naomi, trying to understand what was happening and to recover at the same time.

"Hey… Big Boy, don't tell me that is everything you have? Usually, villains always have a second form they only use as a desperate measure, and I think it's your time…"

“I’m gonna show you!!!”

As he was being shot down a few seconds ago, Bombo started to gather air into his tromp, preparing for this moment. Despite his speech and physics, he was pretty smart, and quickly realized he had to take this new Heroine in one shot.

Without any warning - sort of - he fired everything he gathered in a giant blast.

“⎾Devil’s Breath⏌”

In pure chaos and destruction, a gigantic flash swallowed Miracle Man and his saviour instantly, disintegrating everything on his way, finishing its course into the sky.


It lasted only two seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

The whole population saw it, and the surrounding panic got even stronger.

However, some people were still here, watching the fight. Under there eyes, the villain man with an elephant head put a knee on the ground, completely exhausted, with a wicked grin on his face.

“Mouhahaha! I knew it! I am the strongest! I am the…”

The cloud of dust and ashes was slowly dispersing itself, but already, something was off.

The more time passed the more it revealed, in a circle surrounding the position of the two heroes, everything was fine, the ground was completely untouched, as if…

“So… you’re akin to a reverse vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately for you, I know my way around trash.”


The Scarlet Princess was totally unscathed.

Around her, a small force field was covering her and the so-called hero she just saved for the second time.


It was a common spell, even though it wasn’t really efficient due to the relatively large area covered, it was a reliable way to defend against almost anything.

Naomi took a step toward her baffled foe, without showing a hint of her shattered confidence.

Yes. She had made a miscalculation. She thought she could deal with this cartoonish bad guy in a swift, but it turned out this last attack was stronger than she thought. To counter this last desperate attack, she had in fact conjured 5 barriers, and they were almost all destroyed by the blast.

Fortunately, Bombo had apparently used all this stamina for this, while she barely uses any of hers, but she couldn’t risk another blow. She couldn’t summon more than 8 Wiccas at the same time, meaning no more than 7 barriers.

Will she was walking, she summoned ice chains around the elephant man, crushing him to the ground, on his knees.

A few steps later, she arrived in front of him, savouring the view. Who knew she was such a sadist - well, Sam has some doubts.


"Did you never learn anything at school? Villains always ends up under the Heroes's feet."

“Ha… Hahahaha.”

“And here is the crazy laugh…”

“You don’t understand anything! My purpose is destruction! I am a fucking bomb, and you’re just the detonator.”


Suddenly, the man’s head started to glow. Shallow at first, it rapidly became so bright that she had to divert her eyes.

‘No. Nononononononon. How could I be so stupid!’

Self-destruction. An obvious technique to use for a Super Villain using blast and bombs as its primary weapon.

For the first time since the 6th struggle, Naomi felt fear, deep inside her brain, deep inside her heart. Right here, right now, she had a real chance to die.

The image of her beloved flashed through her mind.

‘No! I can’t let that happen!’

She summoned her guts, and 2 more Wiccas were invoked behind her. For whatever reason, she was unable to conjured the eights, but she had no time to worry about that.

Killing on the spot was too risky, and she had no way of propelling him without doing that. He was too heavy, and wouldn’t go high enough anyway.

Her best bet was to create as many barriers she could to restrain the explosion.

She took a step back and put her hand in front of her, and…

Something touched her shoulder.

Someone put his hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

She turned around, but there was nobody, and she immediately remarked what else was missing. She looked back toward Bombo, and he was here.

“You?! Che! Get lost, I already destroyed you.”

“It doesn’t matter. As long as there’s hope, I’ll stand up against evil.”

He armed his right leg, and, summoning every inch of strength god allowed him to, he kicked him, screaming his resolution to the world.



It was as simple as that.

One hit, and the villain was sent into the sky.

The following explosion filled the sky like a second sun, projecting everyone to the ground with the wind blast. However, Naomi couldn’t care less. She couldn’t divert her eyes from him, from what he just did.

It doesn’t make any sense. Putting aside the fact that he was dying on the ground seconds ago, a kick like that was against the basic law of physics. He was more likely to cut the elephant in two than to propel him into the sky. It was impossible to do, but he did it.

Even though flux and everything linked to it don’t make sense in most cases, it was the first time she was so baffled by something.

“Don’t think about it too much.”

Pulling her out of her track of thought, Miracle Man started the conversation, still looking toward the white nova illuminating the sky.

"My power is troublesome, because they only work when the situation is desperate. Nonetheless, with it I can do anything, and save anyone, using miracles."


“Anyway, thanks for saving me Scarlet, I’m in debt to you. But I should probably get going, he should start to fall soon.”


“Bombo, well, more his human form. I’ll be glad to catch you up on that later, I hope.”

And Miracle Man left the scene.

It's been a while since she was saved. In fact, it only happened once in her life, and she fell in love with the boy who came back for her.

Of course, she didn't make any correlation between the two events, and didn't think much about this Hero dressed in white. For now.

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