《WileQuest》Naomi's Quest|Chapter 1 - Entering the Labyrinth


This adventure never ceases to overuse overused and stereotyped situation. This time, it apparently decided to lead one of our comrade in front of a mythic and mysterious door, who would have confused anyone, except the very person standing in front of the door.

"Labyrinth… what a disappointing commencement."

The giant door was carved in the flank of a mountain, and you could distinguish several references to what was known as Greece, including a famous bipedal creature only half human and ominously lifting a double-edged axe. For most quester from previous sessions, it would have been an easy guess, but for people coming from a place where the only mention of minotaurs are in games or books so old that nobody knows who wrote it, this kind of sculpture have hardly any meaning. Well, other than ‘there is something important and mysterious behind this door', of course.

However, one person in the group heard about the labyrinth. In fact, she knew everything there was to know about Greek mythology.

“I wonder if I should manufacture a thread before entering…”

It was a genuine concern, but in the end, she decided to get in as soon as possible. She was eager to occupy her mind and move forward.

As she was approaching the entrance, something stopped her. From far away, it sounded like someone was calling her.

‘Is this the real purpose of the struggle? Mental erosion?’

It felt like a whisper, carried by the wind, directly into her ears...


Never mind, it was a real person who was calling her name. He was far away behind, and was approaching rather…

“What are you doing here?”


“Xavier? What a pleasant surprise.”

“That’s my line, what are you doing here?”

“You already said that.”


"… and you didn't answer."

“That is correct.”

It didn't seem like she was caring about his presence too much, as she resumed her scrutinizing of the door shortly after.

“Okay, I guess it was to be expected from you… Are you really not curious at all about why are we both at the same place?”

“Please, are you really implying that I am not a curious individual? That is laughable.”

“Sigh… whatever, what does your book says?”

Both took their Questbook out and, surprisingly, they had the exact same struggle.


Objective: Reach the end of the dungeon

Sub-objective: Encounter the minotaur - Find the treasure room

“Great! A dungeon, it should be a good warm-up!”

Without answering, Naomi approached the entrance and put her hand on top of it. As they were no apparent lock hole or anything alike, her theory was that it would either open by itself, or that they would need to input flux into it.

Fortunately, it was the first one.

"You seems eager to finish the struggle… I know we only left each other an hour ago, but you're quite cold… Did something happened?"

“Sigh… it doesn’t concern you. I just… I’m not feeling well.”

As expected, she was affected because she had to left her boyfriend behind, and won't meet him again for weeks, if not more.

‘Wait… if Xavier is here…’

It was so obvious that she didn't think of it, if there are two of them now, then that means there is a chance her and Sam would meet before the 20th struggle! It didn't really change anything, but it was another motivation to finish each struggle as fast as possible.

Her mood improved instantly, and she invited Xavier to follow her in the darkness of the mountain.


“I guess I’ll let you lead the way.”

The giant door was now both fully opened, behind them was a tunnel going far into the darkness. The walls were covered by bricks, and the ground was paved. Standing at the edge, a surge of wind brush her long dark-blue hair, and she had to cover her eyes against the dust.

It only lasted an instant, but it was enough to make Naomi feel a bit uneasy. She wasn’t prone to believe in legend and superstition, even though this whole adventure redefined those words, but she had a bad feeling about this labyrinth.

“Hum? Are you waiting for something?”

“No… let’s get going.”

And the two of them entered.

The corridor of the labyrinth was pretty wide, enough to fit the both of them easily, and the roof was also high. In order to see in the darkness, she conjured a simple flame and let it float a bit above their head.

"Damn, I thought I wouldn't see anyone for at least a month! I'm so glad I get to have the 11th struggle with you! That means it'll be more fun than before!"

"You are probably right. I wonder if our companions are paired similarly."

“Who knows… but are you okay? You are pretty cold today. I mean, more than usual. Did you fight with Sam again?”

"No, we didn't. Moreover, don't make it sound like we perpetually dispute."

“Come on, it happens at least once a month, and you never want to tell us the reason. You guys have a pretty weird relationship.”

Naomi sighed. You would think that Xavier was aware of the fact that she was dating Samsy, but this guy has no clue about what is going on. Worst than that, he actually thinks that they hate each other. All the others have at least some doubts, but this guy is a piece of art in term of denseness.

The truth is that even though he's trying hard not to let it show, he likes her. He might not even realize it himself, but Naomi and Sam are sure of it, and that’s partially why she want to be discrete about their relationship. She thought she would wait for him to find by himself, but it’s taking more time than expected.

‘Maybe this is the right time to talk…’

She is really shy about it, in fact, she is shy about many things, despite her confident attitude.

‘Yes, it is a good opportunity. You can do it, Nam. Just. Breath out.'

"Xavier, I would like…"


A blunt sound was suddenly heard from several meters in front of them.

"What is…"

Entering their field of view, a huge creature appeared. It looked like a huge muscular man, at least 3 meters tall, but he had the head of a taurus, with thick horns scratching the roof, and huge hoof replacing its feet, he was also wielding a giant double-edged axe.

His face was distorted by rage, and his blank eyes were directed at them, as drool was slowly dripping from his mouth.

‘The minotaur? So soon?'

"Great, the warm-up is here!"

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