《WileQuest》Chapter 43 - The forgotten people (3)


List of candidate

39.5% - Almond M. Chaveil

21.7% - Lora H. Tolcin

17.5% - Joy L. Nicam

14.1% - Ronald K. Dola

7.2% - Samsy S. Sacre

“Hey! What was your name again?”

“Monica. Monica Finsh.”

“Okay, so, why are you calling?”

“Can I talk to Mr. Sacre?”

“No, he’s not here at the moment, but he talked about you…”


“Yeah… he trusted you to get info on the race and Kind’s death, right?”

“Yes! I actually found something!”

“I’m listening.”

"The scientific report had been released, and the cause of death was a heart attack."

“Yeah, we already knew that.”

"But there are more details, apparently they found an other record stating that it's wasn't the first one."


“I checked as much as I could, and all seems to be genuine. Mr. Kind was not murdered.”

“Okay… well, that’s probably not a good news.”

It’s been already a week since Monty died, and only 3 are left until the election. Given that we would need time for everyone to register, the right to vote for outer circle people would have to be passed within 2 weeks, time during which I will also need to win everyone approval…

Sigh… at least I already know how it will end.

I was with Lara, talking with one community, on the other side of the circle. This whole week we went on a pilgrimage around the city to do this sort of things. It was pretty helpful, each time, they were really receptive and willing to back us up. Well, it's not like they had any risk to take, and they have nothing to lose.

However, the number of people we could reach was far too few. Alice managed to ‘convince' the Crazy Apes to be on our side -I'm still wondering how she managed to do that so fast- but we still haven't made any contact with the other two.

The good news is that we know where are the Witch Council, and Alice will see them soon. As for the Kingdom, I believe I am not far away from their main base, but I don’t know much more. I just hope I’ll see the building from my vision at some point.

The sun is about to go down, so I signed Lara, who was still chatting and laughing with a couple of people, that we should prepare for the night.

Marie crafted us two sleeping bags, it wasn’t the best, but at least we were able to get some sleep on the outside.

So we found some rumble forming a roof and settled there for the night. At first, I wanted to sleep under the star, but the dense fog formed by the pollution spoiled the sight. It’s a bit depressing.




“’was thinkin’, wha’ are ya doin’ that?”

“You mean, the election?”

"Yeah, you didn't know my father, right? Wha' da ya have to gain?"

“… It would be too complicated to get into the details. If it’s easier for you, I do have a personal reason in all of this, in fact, if I don’t get elected, I may never see my loved ones again.”

“Really? That’s fucked up. Wait, aren’t the two chicks your…”

"I mean, other of my loved ones. But that's not my only motivation, believe me, or not, I know what it's like to be unfairly oppressed."

“Che, sayin’ the kid who cammed down here in a suit.”

“I have special circumstances. And don’t you know that it’s not because I’m looking young that I am, surgery is pretty advanced nowadays.”

"The blond girl told me, you're all 17. That means I'm your elder, kid."


“Che, me sayin’ that, but ya’re surely more capable, and more… what the word…”



“Really? I never thought that…”

Hum… what is that? A ghost? Am I witnessing a vision?

“Thought what?”

“Wait… I think I’ve got something.”

There were three ghosts, one woman and two men, glowing with a light blue aura in the darkness of the night. They were marching while being aware of their surrounding, as if they were being sure that nobody was following them. On top of that, they were wearing expensive clothing, at least compared to the standard around here.

Before they could go too far away, I quickly got up and followed them.

“Wher’ya goin’?”

“I think I have a lead…”

Those guys are walking pretty fast, so it took me a whole minute to get to there level. The good thing about following the past of people is that you can’t get bust, so it was pretty easy after that.

Lara caught up with me a little later, exhausted by her run.

“Kid… ya’re… fast…”

“Shhh, I think we’re not far.”

Indeed, after a few more minutes, we arrived at a building. Not a factory this time, it looked like a bit more like a school. Oh, I remember now… that’s the building I saw in my vision, finally.

Lara was getting used to my weird behaviour, so she didn't really ask more about what was going on. Plus, she probably couldn't see much with the fog and the darkness.

We approach the main entrance, there was nobody on the outside but it was locked. Unfortunately, I am not well versed in the art of lock picking. Even if I were it wouldn't be a good idea, there are probably more guard on the other side. My vision didn't tell me how I am getting inside the building, so I guess I have to improvise.


“Pssss, Sam.”


“What’s this on your shoulder?”

“My what?”

Some moonlight was getting through the fog, and I finally realized I forgot to take a top before chasing the ghosts, and I was half naked in the middle of the night. I was warming myself up with flux without realizing it, so I didn't notice. Thus my old scar was quite visible. I’m not really ashamed of it, but it’s pretty ugly, so I don’t like people to see it -isn’t that being ashamed of it?

"Well, when I was young, a sort of beast bit me really hard. I got lucky she didn't take of the flesh, but it left a deep mark."


"Yeah, the beast was a female. But we shouldn't be talking right now, I believe it's one of the Triad's lair."


“Yep, I need to get inside and talk with there leader.”

“Oh, well, ya should’ve said that from the start. [Kingdom], right?”

“Probably… how do you know?”

"Everyone knows it's their area."

Saying that, she went to the door, and knocked three times loudly.

“Are you crazy? They’ll know we’re here now!”

“That’s the point…”

I heard the door unlock, and a guy with an unnecessary big gun greeted us.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m Lara Kind, and here’s Samsy Sacre. We’re asking for a meeting with your boss.”

Is this really happening?

“Sure, c’mon in.”

Okay, I am completely lost now.

As I was more confused than Marie in front of a condom, I decided to let Lara do the talking until we get in front of the leader.

The guard led us to what used to be the principal office, or at least I suppose it is, as it is the biggest office, with 'principal' written on the door. They just removed the desk and put a round table instead, with the 4 chairs around it.

The three people I saw in ghost form were present, and there was one more person, another man, short white and wearing an expensive suit. He seemed pretty old, probably as much as Monty was, but with more hair.

“Boss, those folks want to talk to ya.”

“Oh, it’s been a while since anyone came.”

“I personally think it’s a waste of time.”

“Remember, communication is important!”

“Who cares, it’s not like we NEED their opinion.”

They all started to talk between them, except for the old man, who I suspect was the boss.

Fortunately for me, I still had one pill in my pants, and I don't think there'll be a better opportunity than this one. I put it in my mouth, and the guard took his leave from the room. Surprisingly, there was no one to guard this particular room. Do they have confidence in the ones in the front door? Or do they don't expect anyone to attack them? Or maybe it's something else…

“Young man… why are you topless?”

“… it was hot outside.”

“HAHA, this one is odd!”


“So… what are the both of you here, in the middle of the night?”

Lara looked at Sam, having spent the last weeks with him, she had full confidence in him, even though she also didn’t fully realized the situation they were in.

“Simple, I want your organization to help me blackmail the government and win The Presidency.”

The two who were laughing instantly stopped, and silenced fall upon the room. Everyone’s face became serious, and the atmosphere instantly got heavier.

“Either it’s a joke, or you are completely crazy.”

“No, I have a way.”

“And it includes using us?”


“Do you even know…”

"'our relationship with the government?' Of courses I do, you bribe them in order to have peace. And the true reason why you haven't been wiped yet is that your existence is beneficial to them."

“I’ve heard enough.”

Everyone except the old man stood up, a gun in their hand, and started shooting toward Sam.

As the shooting started, Lara had already been pushed to the ground, and our hero had already taken his stance. A bullet is fast, but it's nothing compared to Master Kunan's fist.

Some were redirected, thanks to Sam’s Flow Art mixed with foresight, and the rest were dodged easily.

When the sound of gunshot finally came to an end, the only thing left was a man standing in front of a holed door, a confused and scared woman on the floor, and a group of shocked people.

“The truth is, you’re the ones that should be negotiating with me.”

Nobody answered at first, until the boss finally rumbled is throat, and signed the other to sit down.

“So… you one of them.”

“No, I am their enemy.”



He inspected me more thoughtfully, but he was obviously thinking about the situation more than anything else.

My hands are sore, and I don't think I can redo the bullet dodging thing the same way another time, but I believe in my bluff. As long as I hide my fucking headache and that my nose doesn't bleed, I'll be fine.

“… What is your plan?”

Finger in the nose.

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