《WileQuest》Chapter 39 - So... it was impossible to win after all (2)


List of candidate

31.8% - Almond M. Chaveil

31.3% - Monty L. Kind (?)

16.2% - Hanna H. Tolcin

10.6% - Joy L. Nicam

9.1% - Ronald K. Dola

Where… where am I?

I feel so… weird. Is this another vision? It looks like it, but it feels different… I am floating in the middle of… I don’t know, some kind of torrent.

It finally stopped, and I found myself in front of a familiar scene.

Trees were burning, smoke was rising in the sky, and a purple-haired woman was looking down on me, lying down on the ground. Well, not really me, but someone who looks a lot like me… I guess you’ve got the picture.

It's been a long time since I made this dream… and this time I fell that my mind is clearer, I can see more. I am not only on the ground, I am wounded everywhere, I can barely recognize the clothes, as there is too much blood on me. I have severe cuts on one of my arm, but more importantly, I am missing a leg, down to the knee.

The purple woman approached, apparently, we were talking to each other.

Shit, I still can’t see her face…

She lifted her lance, and I felt a sharp pain in my left eye. I closed both of them, it wasn't really painful, not as much as a stab in the eye should at least, but it surprised me to feel it.

When I opened them again, I was in a different place. Or am I? Is this really a ‘place’?

Everything is white, there is no wall, no ceiling, only brightness. What the…

“Hello, Sam.”

I turned around, someone was here. A girl with long white hair… and a mask. A simple white mask covering her eyes.

What the fuck is she doing in my…

"It's not really a dream."

"I wasn't supposed to come see you, but I couldn't help it."

“Who are you?”

“You don’t know me, even though it is not our first encounter.”

“Are you the one responsible for this?”

“Responsible for what?”

“Don’t play dumb, being in my dream, or mind, or whatever, like it is natural. I am asking you again, are you…”

"I am not here for that. I told you, I shouldn't be here, it is too early."


“So you have things to say.”

As she was about to speak, she stopped, and smiled.

Then she disappeared.

“I’m not the talkative type.”

Behind me?

I turned around, and felt a soft sensation on my lips.

“Farewell, Little Sugar.”

Did she just kiss me?

“Calm down, Alice. I told you he is fine.”

“How can you be so sure? It’s been hours!”

"I am not sure of anything, but it was the same in the camp. He ended up like that after a vision, right? He told us that it was fine."

“And you all let him continue? Fuck! If I have known…”

“What? You would have stopped him?”


“Do you realize what you’re saying? Do you really think Sam can’t take care of himself?”

"All I know is that these fucking powers are bad for him."

“Is it? Did he told you about his struggles?”


"He would have died without it, and he will probably die if he stops using it. Listen, nobody understand this place, or the flux and all that shit. In fact, if someone would have a clue, it would be Sam, so for once in your life, trust him!”


“Can’t you see if he wakes up or not? I heard you can use every ability used in front of you, so surely you should be able to meditate like him.”

“…I can’t.”


“I can’t do it. I can’t copy that.”

“Wow… finally a limit.”

“It doesn’t feel impossible… just… I don’t know. It’s like there is something inside me missing.”

"Yeah, well, in the meantime, Sam need to rest, and we have plenty of things on our hands, with what happened."

"Sigh… I guess you're right. I thought for once I had a nice and smooth stage…but I guess it will never be easy."

"Well, sometimes things don't go as planned, that's why we usually have a plan B."

“What is the plan B?”

“I said ‘usually’.”

Marie was frenetically typing on her laptop and scribbling on some papers in search of a miracle to get themselves out of this pinch.

“Are you even sure it happened?”

"Of course, with something like this, I checked several times. I'm 100% positive. Well, figure of speech."


“But how…”

Suddenly, Alice's eye caught a faint light coming from the desk, where Samsy's book was laid. She also heard a slight vibration, as she approached the object.

V: Damn, took you some time, scrubs.

S: VVhat the hell? Are you Valentine?

V: He told you my name? VVell, I guess it vvas to be expected.

V: So, hovv's my little nevvbie? Still sleeping?

S: VVhy should I tell you?

V: Hey… are you using my typing quirk? That’s rude.

S: First, I don’t think you understand vvhat ‘rude’ means.

S: Second, I have no idea vvhat this quirk thing is about.

V: Try typing: ‘VVhy vvould I vvatch a vvitch vvatching an avvfully vvild vvatch’.

S: Oh my god, my eyes. Are you trying to blind me?

V: It’s as Sam said, you’re a pain in the ass.

S: He never said that.

V: Not vvhile you vvere around.

S: He. Never. Said. That.

S: And I can verify it pretty easily, you knovv.

V: I vvhat?

S: … you KNOVV.

V: You mean, ‘I know’.

S: That’s vvhat I said.

V: No, you said ‘knovv’.

V: And not ‘know’.

S: Knovv.

S: Knovv.

S: Fuck! VVhat the hell is this fucking typing shit?!

V: Hahaha, you don’t even KNOVV hovv to dismiss the quirk. XD

S: Shut up, it’s not funny.

V: It is! XD XD XD V: Oh! I knovv!

S: VVhat?

S: VVhat?

S: Damn, are you gone?

For a few minutes, there was no answer, leaving Alice perplexed and confused by the situation.

‘I wonder how Sam managed to deal with her all this time…'

V: I'm back!

V: I vvant to try something.

S: …

S: Is this really the time for that?

V: Xkbn… Vqldngknd qx;dc !d gl ghmd xl!dgnkng, xl ndfd kg ks.

S: Wnqg gnd nd:

S: Wnqg?

S: Vjc;! Wnqg kx nqmmdnikb?

V: Hahahahaha! I knevv it! Your quirk is so funny!

S: VVhat the hell?!

S: I’m vvriting normal again!

V: ‘normal’.

S: Fuck you.

S: I think I’ll hang up. VVe’re busy here.

V: Oh, yeah, it’s not really important anyvvay.

V: Just tvvo things.

V: First, Sam is a bit late on schedule, so if you mind telling him to vvake up and stop slacking off it vvould be great.

V: And second, VVilliam vvanted me to tell the blondie to stop vvorking on some forbidden machine or shit, but it sounds cool, so tell her to keep going instead.

V: And... that's it.

V: Oh, and I don’t really like you.

V: Bye!

S: VVait vvhat?

S: Hey!

S: Fuck!

Alice threw the book into the wall in rage. Fortunately, she held back enough to not pierce it, and you could just see some slight cracks near the impact.

“What was that?”

“I spoke with Samsy’s guide.”


“She is a bitch.”

“Yeah, Sam told us something like that.”

“Oh, and she told you to keep working on your ‘secret’ forbidden project, or whatever.”

“Hum… it’s not really secret, but I figured it was too early anyway. Better developing the measurement device and upgrading the books.”

“Is this what you’re doing right now?”

“No, I’m going through the legal process of the election. I’m looking for any possible way we could get back on the list.”

“Oh, so we’re already out of the list?”

“Not officially, but it is only a matter of time.”


Oh… I’m awake. All sweaty in my bed.

Shit, what the hell was that, I can’t even be alone in my own dreams? And who the hell is this Eve?

My first guess would be that she is the last Boss or a shit like that. I mean, if we were in a game it would look a lot it. And the mask, just to look mysterious. It’s a bit childish.

And why the hell did she kissed me?! I already have a girlfriend! Why can’t this fucking world understand that?!


Alice entered the room, she must have heard me waking up.

“Hey ‘lice, sorry for… ouch.”

“I was so worried!”

She jumped on the bed to tackle me, or is it a hug? Who knows…

“Yeah… sorry about that. I didn’t think I would still lose consciousness after a vision.”

“You had a vision?”

"Yeah… sort of. But I didn't understand everything, I think I'll have to talk to Monty about it."

Alice suddenly stopped hugging me, and diverted her eyes. She is clearly about to tell me something, and I have a bad feeling about it.

"You won't be able to see him…"

“Something happened?”

“Yes… he… he had a heart attack.”

“… he what?”

"Sam… that was the reason why Marie called you. While we were in the outer circle… Monty died."

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