《WileQuest》Chapter 29 - Omens, Up and Down


For the past 20 years, the game has been pretty stable. It’s been ages since something completely new and unexpected happened like that.

And this is not good, the whole surveillance room is in a crisis state. I didn’t even know we had a crisis state!

“Val! What did he say!”

“Gimme a break! He is answering.”

We didn’t want to say anything to the newbies, the situation is weird enough for us to care about their reaction. Plus, Jules had a good point saying that if only one mentioned her existence, maybe her presence won't be welcomed by the group.

Around me, everyone is scrutinizing one of the screens. Williams displayed the image of several of his cameras on them.

“Okay! I have a description! Heigh just a bit shorter than Sam, so around 1m75, white long hair and dual coloured eye, one gold and one blue. Fuck! She sounds like a main character.”

“How did we managed to miss someone like that!”

The truth is that we did spot something. We know for a fact she is still in the first world, but the area is still way too large for a refined search, it’s like covering the entire Earth.

Nonetheless, we found a place where none of our newbies went with clear trace of activity. To be more precise, we saw the corpse of a silver wolf.

It was odd for two reasons, first, like the Black and Yellow Death, it shouldn’t have appeared here, and second, no one in this stage -except the Kunans but we already know where they all are- should be close to stand up against one of those, let alone kill it.

“I’ve got something else!”

Clarence shouted while pointing at her screen.

“A small port in the south! The docks are completely wrecked!”


“You mean she took a boat?”

“I don’t think so, they’re all destroyed. But she shouldn’t be far, some rumbles are still fuming.”

“Maybe we should send someone there.”

“Nobody is suited for a search. Our best solution is to find the exact location to contact her via the book.”

“How precise do you have to be Will?”

“I can’t do anything if I don’t have her directly on the screen.”

I wish I could go. I actually think I have a dowser’s wand or something in my inventory. If only I didn’t use my monthly trip for the prophet…

“Guys! I may have the start of a trail!”

“I don’t know what is her Objective, but she is moving fast!”

Sigh… And the search continues…

“Any occurrence Sam?”

“Nothing important...”

Weird… Valentine asked me about Alice, I have a bad feeling about this. Is she here? But everything points out that we should be only seven. The number of tents, what our guides told us, and even our title represent the 7 Sacred Virtues -pretty lame by the way.

In any case, I don’t think it’s a good idea to inform the other, if I’m the only one V asked, it may be because she wants me to stay discrete. But most importantly, I don’t think they would react well. If I remember correctly, they all hate her. I mean literally, they said it to her face.


“Hum? Did I miss something?”

“Not yet. The important things I wanted to bring up today, is about the quest itself. I wanted to know your opinion.”

That’s rare to see Xavier anxious.

“Since I’ve started this adventure, I’ve experienced amazing things. Of course, it was dangerous sometimes, but it felt… fulfilling. I may sound crazy, but I don’t mind not coming back to Earth.”


Oh… I never thought about that. He does have a point, I forgot the fact that we were not on Earth anymore. I mean, as long as I am with everyone I don’t mind I guess. It’s not like the community needed us back there.

I realised the surrounding silence, and several gaze pointed at me. Oh… did they already talk about it?

“You have a point. Despite all the time I came close to death, I can’t say it wasn’t fun, and it’s not like we have something to look for at our return. In fact, I believe we would have probably moved out eventually.”

I took a deep breath, and looked around me to see if they were agreeing. As no one interrupted me, I continued.

“Nonetheless, I don’t think it’s the time to worry about that. As long as we don’t have a place we can stay, without the quest pressing us to keep going, we should strive to finish the game. And we know it’s possible, because we have people that can attest that.”

With the last line, I showed my Questbook, to support my point.

They stayed silent for a few seconds, and Haru timidly asked.

“So… what do we do?”

“For now, we play by the rules, and we win.”

Silence again… It’s not like you have to listen to me guys… Gosh, I don't like speeches.

“Our leader has spoken.”

“It seems fair.” “I’m with you man!”

“Yay!” “Hun” “Works for me.”

“Come one guys… stop mocking me.”

“Actually, we had an election before you arrived. Congrats.”

“It wasn’t really an election, everyone voted for you.”

“Guys, we’re friends, we don’t need a leader.”

“And that’s because you say those kinds of things that we choose you."

They’re really idiots, no way I’m suited for the job. I am the weakest in almost every aspect! Sigh… I guess I’ll let them believe what they want.

We continued talking a bit more, but the sun was slowly setting down in the horizon. As usual, I was exhausted by all the sparing – that and the fact that I can never get a calm night (not that I’m complaining)-, so I went to bed early.

On a totally unrelated subject, Nami is really a skilled sorcerer, even though it’s not her class, as she can easily create a sound proof dome. Not that we found any practical usage…hum hum.

Anyway, when the moon got high in the sky, I finally managed to close my eyes and let my consciousness fade away.


The burning forest? Again?

That was exactly it. Flame everywhere, and myself agonizing on the ground.

A woman approached, with her spear. I don’t know her, and I can’t see her eyes, only her smile. A wide and crazy smile. She had short purple hair, and some sort of leather armour.

Did we fight? She have traces of blood on her suit… She lifted up her weapon, and said something. I saw the lips moving, but didn’t hear any sound.

I looked down toward myself, and realised something odd.

I am… happy?

I woke up in panic.

My breath is short, my forehead is sweaty. I looked at my side. Good, I didn’t disturb Nami.

Holy shit… what the fuck does that mean? What should I understand? Will this really happen?

I don’t know that woman. In fact, I never saw anyone with purple hair before in my life.

Sigh… this quest is really fucked up.

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