《WileQuest》Chapter 22 - The Forbidden Fruit (1)



That was awkward.

I just solved the case, as the book confirmed me, but the situation had kind of... escalated.

Thanks to my vision, I caught one of the grooms red-handed. I didn’t think it would be that easy but meh, I’ll take it.

He was stealing jewellery and stocking them into the secret room in the library. The problem is that when everybody gathered, he started to state his motive…

Basically, he wanted revenge for his dad that killed himself because he went bankrupt after the hotel stole all his clients. Then, I don’t know why it came up, but he said he was in love with the receptionist, who turned out to be secretely her sister, the manager confessed having an affair with his mother, one of the client admitted being an accomplice and the first owner of the hostel, who lost everything because of the current person in charge. And after several other revelations, I think he realised his father was his uncle or something…

Anyway, I sneaked out before getting caught in the drama.



Objective: Consume the Forbidden Fruit

Sub-objective: none

Where did I go this time?

In the middle of a dirt road. On both sides, nothing but grass to be seen, this makes me feel a bit nostalgic.

Further away, I can see something in the distance. It was a huge greenhouse. It's pretty far but as a Seer, scrutinizing something from several kilometres away is child play.

Without further due, I moved towards the greenhouse.

This is the 8th trial, and I am almost to the 10th, I hope this will go well, I can't wait to meet again with everyone, it has been so long already. The last trials went smoothly, so there is no reason this one won’t. Right?


After a little more than an hour, I reached it. A colossal igloo made of glass, where you could see the blurry shape of a gigantic tree inside. the whole structure was at least 20 meters high. I reached the entrance of the building. Its walls were also made of glass, but it was tainted so I couldn’t see anything inside.

I knocked at the door.

No answer.

After a few minutes, I tried to open the door. As expected, it was much hotter inside.

The room looked like a reception or a waiting room, there was a desk with a little bell on hit, and some chairs disposed in line. There was no floor, and you could see many roots coming out of the ground.

What is this place? I hope someone can answer this question if I ring the bell.

I approach the reception desk, or at least what looked like one, but before I could get close. The door at the other side of the room open and a woman entered.

She had dirt on her hand and face, despite that, you could see at a glance she was a beauty. Long white hair dropping to her hips, purple eyes illuminating her cute dirty face, and a...*hum* voluptuous body. Her “assets” were emphasized by her gardener suit, that surprisingly was exhibiting a lot of skin. Also, she had a pair of small horns on top of her head.

I think I’ve heard about something like that before, a sort of woman pervert creature with horn... but I can't remember the name.

She was surprised by my presence.

“A visitor? Please, come in.”

Well… I am already in… She went to what looked like a reception desk and signed me to approach.

“So! Dear customer, what are you here for?”


“I was wondering… what is this place?”

“Oh? A lost traveller?”

Saying that, she bent forwards while looking intensely at my eyes. Her cleavage is totally exposed, is she teasing me? Humpf, she is underestimating me, as a Seer, I can direct my field of vision without moving my eyes at all. I could even peep at her with my eyes closed.

What the hell am I thinking?!

I shook my head, and realised I hadn’t said anything for already a few seconds. She is smirking at me now.

“You-you can say that...”

“Well… I am sure you would have remarked, this is a greenhouse. Here, I cultivate many types of vegetation. As I grow rare flower and fruit, people come to me to buy them.”

“You manage all the greenhouse by yourself?!”

“Yes, it can be difficult, but...”

She paused to stretch her back, and I diverted my eyes from… "them".

“...I have my way with plants.”

I looked back at her, she was smirking even more. She is clearly mocking. Damn, I am not good with this kind of situation.

“The name is Lilith.”

“Gl-glad to meet you, I am Samsy.”

“So, are you interested in something sweety?”

“Samsy. And actually, I am. I want to consume the forbidden fruit.”

She widened her eyes. Did I say something weird? Then she started to laugh like crazy. She even fell off her chair.

“Wha-what did I say? Stop laughing! Do you have the fruit or not?”

I feel like a kid. I don’t know what’s happening, and I dislike it.

She finally calmed down a bit, and after wiping her tears, she resumed her “position”. Seriously, isn’t she embarrassed?

“You can say I have it, but it’s a coveted good, and I am not willing to give it that easily.”

“I don’t have any money...”

“Oh! I am not asking for that.”

*Hum Hum* It's me or the temperature of the room increased again?

She went around the desk and stood in front of me. She is really close, I can feel my face becoming red.

“Hum… I’ll give you a chance. You might have what it takes.”

“Wha-Wha-What it takes for what?”

Gosh! I can’t align 3 words! She is a witch! I’m sure now! Wait… I think I remember something…

She was already back at the entrance of the greenhouse, waving at me.

“What are you waiting for.”


Finally! I found what it was!

Wait, did I said that out loud?

“Oh! You’re referring to the horn?”

Shit, she heard me!

“Don’t worry, this is just a fashion thing.”

And she showed me, by removing her hidden headgear at witch the two fake horns were attached.

This was unexpected.

And, I have to say, a bit underwhelming.

“What are you waiting for. The fruit is waiting.”

Maybe I am thinking too much about it.

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