《WileQuest》Chapter 16 - Back to School (5)


An invisible impact projected me away from Nathyn. I managed to keep my balanced and landed near the dust cloud.

“Nath! What is happening?”

He didn’t answer, instead, he swiped his arm in front of him, and I was hit by a surge of wind. Again, I flew several meters before getting my feet back on the ground. The dust was totally gone now, revealing the red-haired bully, unconscious, on a totally destroyed ground.

“That’s it? Revenge? I thought you would be better than this!”

“What is the point?”


“What is the point of being nice? Why should I be kind? Why should I forgive them?”

“What are you talking about! What the fuck happened?!”

This is bad, his face is serious. I don’t know if I can reason with him.

“Sam! Nini?! What the...”

Nathaly arrived the scene, shocked. Not only her, but many people have started to gather around, the previous crash must have attracted them.

My pupil was now floating slightly above the ground, and multiple pieces of rocks or dirt were levitating around him. In a way, I am glad I managed to improve his control...

“I am tired Samsy… All my life I tried to protect people from myself. For what? Nothing! In this world, the strong must step on the weak. I finally understood that.”

Shit! How did this escalate so quickly? He seemed fine this morning! Something must have happened with those thugs.

“Please! Calm down! You had your reven...”

“You have no idea! You have no idea what I went through! This is not about revenge, it’s about justice! And I am far from finished!”

He lifted his right arm straight towards me. To my surprise, Naly intervened.

“Stop it, Nini! You are out of your mind!”



“Did you think psychics were only about telekinesis? I can read thought. At first, I trusted you. You are from another universe? So what? But in the end, you deceived me. You deceived all of us.”

“What are talking about?”

“He wants to leave. And for that, he needed to become friend with me, you and my brother. That’s the only reason why you helped me, right?”


Shit! He heard about the struggle! Nathaly slowly turned her head to me, her eyes were wide open in disbelief.

“That’s… not true, right?”

“No! Well, it’s complicated. I just wanted to...”

I felt a pressure binding me and lifting me in the air. A really strong grip, even with enhancement, I can’t break free.

“It’s over Sam! You weren’t any better than the others.”

“Listen to...”

Before I could finish my sentence, I got projected towards the main building and crashed through several walls. Shit. It hurts.

Painfully, I got on my feet and started the healing process.

Okay, the situation is bad. I don’t think he will ever listen to me, so I have to take him down first. A direct confrontation would be suicidal, I have to find a way to take him by surprise… I looked at the human-size hole on the wall I just made. He was already here, glaring at me.

“Nath! Listen to me! This is not a lie! I am your...”

Shit! Will he ever let me finish a sentence?! I passed through the rest of the building, and land brutally in the front yard.

No joking around now. I discarded the pain and immediately got up, and activated the invisibility. With dust blown up from the previous blow, he won’t be able to see me.

He landed close to me, and with one move of his hand, dispersed the whole cloud. I got pushed a little, but not enough to make me fall down.

He noticed me, but I was already close enough. I kicked him in the head as hard as I could, but his only reaction was a faint smile. My legs did hit him, but his psychic barrier or whatever is too strong. It felt like hitting a block of steel. Great, my head hurts now. I knew he was powerful, but this is bluntly unfair.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, he punched me. The world around me stopped for a second, and I was propelled. After literally passing through the school again, I regained my focus only in the middle of the air, flying in the sky. This is bad… I am pretty high up and I don’t think I have any means of slowing down my fall...


Am I going to die? It looks like it… I felt my speed slowing down a bit, but it’s far from being enough to land without all my bones getting destroyed.

Wait! The sea?! No, it’s a huge lake! That will do!

Focusing the flux on my hands, I deviated my route with a huge wind impact. Just enough to crash into the water. I just delayed the problem though. When hitting the surface, I felt some bones breaking, and my conscious is fading. The healing is still in effect. In fact, it didn’t stop since the first blow.

After a few seconds, I managed to get my head out of the water. Arriving at the edge of the lake, my body had already recovered. It’s painful to move but I can still fight. My head hurts a lot though.

“Still alive, huh. I guess it was to be expected.”

Shit! He is already here, and now he has thousands of pebbles floating around him. I am… so screwed.

He lifted his arm, and I felt something passing near my cheek.

What? I didn’t see anything! Did he miss me? Ouch! My head! I felt something coming towards me. I slightly moved my head and a rock went through my previous position.

What was that? Was it my i-talent? Usually, it’s not that efficient. My head hurts again. I think I am using flux too much...

Nath moved his hand a bit. In reaction, I jumped to the right and rolled on the ground. Several rocks were projected at me, and I was too slow. My left legs as been pierced.

But one thing is clear. He missed me again, he was way more precise during training. And on top of that, he has hundreds of projectile available… is he playing with me? No, something is weird… It’s like he is not directly looking at me. His hand is trembling.


He shouted and raised both of his arms in the air. He is overwhelmed by emotion. He is hesitating. Maybe he doesn’t want to kill me.

“No way...”

Or maybe he does… 'cause behind him, floating in the sky, was a mountain. Or a giant boulder, hundreds of cubic meters big.

“Nathyn! Listen to me! This is Madness!”

“Shu...SHUT UP!”

I jumped forwards. This is now or never. I have to knock him down. Pouring all my remaining strength into my leg, I flew the distance between us in a second, and landed the most powerful kick of my life on his chest.

Or so I thought. I stopped in mid-air, a millimetre away from him.

He dropped his arms, and I felt the same binding from the beginning of the fight. He lifted me in the air, and I saw the huge boulder getting separated into multiple giant dirt blades.

I looked down on him, and he his glaring at me again.

It hurts. I can… barely breath.

“Please… Listen...”

“No. I don’t trust you, I don’t trust anyone anymore.”

“I am… your friend.”

“Stop it! Stop lying to me!”

He lifted his arm, and clutched his fist.



But nothing came.

The huge blades pointed at me didn’t budge.

“I… can prove….”

My head, it hurts again! And without any warning, I fell to the ground. I looked up, and saw Nathyn, still glaring at me, trembling.

I knew it, deep down he doesn't want to hurt anyone!

I took out the Questbook and opened it to him.


Objective: Befriend Nath

Sub-objective: Date Nathaly – Learn Nathan’s Secret – Save Nathyn "

“What is that...what does that mean?”

“You were right… I had the mission to befriend you… in order to leave this world...”

It’s hard to keep my eyes open. My consciousness… is fading.

“So you did use us!”

“Nathyn… this struggle… was completed days ago… I could have left whenever I wanted.”

“Wha..Why? Why did you stay?”

“The last objective… I was worried...”

That’s my limit. My body fell to the ground, again. And the world went dark.

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