《WileQuest》Chapter 15 - Back To School (4)



S: Hey! That’s not funny!

V: Yeah it is. (^o^)

V: I can’t believe you are going out vvith a NP. XD

S: Stop with the acronym, please. And I didn’t say yes yet!

V: “Yet”. (^·^)

V: And it’s not like you are displeased by the situation, are you? (~.~)

S: …

S: It’s not like I want to accept.

S: But there is the quest to take into account.

V: Does your struggle specify you need to sleep with her.

S: No!

V: Too bad for you then. (^o^)

S: Sigh. Anyway, do you have a reason for contacting me?

S: I mean, other than making fun of me.

V: Not really, just checking on you.

V: You seem to have everything under control here.

V: Oh! And I’ll be pretty busy for a fevv days, so see you in a vvhile. (^.^)/~~~

I can never figure what he/she is thinking about. Well, despite his/her annoying behavior, he/she have a point. I need to take a decision.

I just finished the morning training with Nath, and I am heading toward the main building. Yesterday, Naly asked me to go out with her. I didn’t know what to do, so I said I will give my answer today, leaving the night to think about it. The problem is I still don’t know!

On one hand, she is a nice girl, pretty, gentle and funny. On the other, I barely know her. Moreover, my last relationship ended up not too long ago. Well, the only relationship I had ended up not too long ago, in fact, it was just a week before... this. I don’t know if I can compare though, I knew Nami for a long time when I asked her. Maybe I am still not over with her. In fact, I am not even sure we broke up.

I shouldn’t date Naly. It’s the best choice, I will leave soon enough anyway, to god knows where. Nonetheless, there is still the struggle. This relationship could help me a lot. Shit. I don’t know what to do!

While panicking about my dram dilemma, I tried as much as possible to avoid her. No eye contact during class and group chat during the morning break. I am doing pretty well until now, but the end is inevitable. I still have my daily training with her and Nathan.

Well, at least when I play I can forget a bit about all my problems.

The session ended, and as I was trying to ready myself to the upcoming confrontation, a miracle occurred. Nathan called out to me. He said to Naly to go first as he wanted to talk with me in private, between man as he said.


So we waited on the stairs in front of the sports building that Naly went away, and when she was too far to hear us, Nan started to talk.

“I know what you’re up to.”


He looked towards me, no, he was glaring at me. Is he angry? For what?

“Don’t play the innocent. I know you want Nathaly for yourself.”

“Wh-Wha… no, it’s not...”

“Shut up! Just a word of advice...”

I felt pressure around my neck and on my throat. He is… strangling me? It’s way stronger than the red-haired guy. I can’t… breath. I can’t.. focus the flux…

“She. Is. Mine.”

Ouah! I took a deep breath. He finally released me! I looked at him, but he had already left for the main building.

Okay, I tried to gather my thought. So Nathan is jealous of me because he thinks I want to date Nathaly. She, on the other hand, seems to be in love with me. I feel a bit... set up. And here I thought he was a good guy.

Usually, I don’t want unnecessary problems, but he threatened me out of the blue. Just because the guy has some power I should bow to him? He doesn’t know me, where I come from people have died for less. He doesn’t want me to date his childhood friend? We will see about it.

My blood was boiling, it has been ages since I have been that pissed off. This little shit had fucking tried to kill me, this is serious. He might have decent abilities compared to the others, but he only got me by surprise. I don’t think he can threaten me in a real fight.

The first half of the afternoon seemed even longer than usual. Please, old man, nobody cares about what you are saying...

Nonetheless, during that time I managed to calm down a bit, I am still angry, but I don’t want to ruin the struggle.

We have a 15-minutes break in the afternoon, so I called Naly out of the classroom.

“Hey! What do you want, it’s like you are avoiding me since this morning.”

“I have finish thinking. Before I answer I have only one question. Why do you love me?”

She widened her eyes to my question. Then smiled mockingly at me. What is it? Did I miss something funny again?

“I don’t love you, idiot. I am interested because you are strong.”

“Wha…? Me? Strong? That’s it?”

I am so confused, what does she… I felt something crushing me. As if the gravity had been drastically increased around me. I put one knee on the ground, struggling to not fall completely. I managed to keep my head up, and looked at her. She was the one doing this, with a vicious smile and glittering eyes.


Shit! This world is crazy! And I am tired of being underestimated!

With a full body enhancement, the pressure felt like a gentle breeze. I got up on my feet, head high, and I slowly stepped towards her. I stopped several centimeters from her face, glaring down at her.

To my surprise, she jumped at me and kissed me. I pushed her immediately.

“What the fuck are you doing?!”

“I knew you were the real deal! The others! All weaklings!”

She was in total ecstasy. She was looking at me while drooling.

“Ca-Calm down, okay.”

"Come on! I was waiting for a guy like you!"

She kept coming at me and I had a bit of trouble keeping her mouth away from mine. I wasn’t prepared for a situation like this! What do I do?!

“OK! I’ll go out with you but please stop!”

As soon as I said that, she ceased immediately. With a satisfied smile on her face, she went back to the classroom.

“See you at the basketball training Honey!”

Holy… What did I do… Sigh… I want to leave this struggle already.


During the second half of the afternoon, I felt a bit… uncomfortable. I thought it would kind of my provocation to Nathan to got out with Naly, but I am not sure I made the right decision…

Even now, she is looking at me with lustful eyes. What a weirdo, I wonder how she managed to fool everyone about her fetish. No, in fact, I understand a bit. It’s hard to compare, but the gravity field she used was an advanced technique. Nan strangulation doesn't come close to that, and I wouldn’t be surprised he put all his mental strength into that. She grew up in an environment where she is too strong and no one is her equal. So she got a fetish about guys stronger than her, classic. Holy shit, she must never know about Nathyn!

The bell rang, announcing the end of today’s class. I headed towards the sports hall without waiting for Naly. I wonder if it’s me being paranoid, but as I am changing into my sportswear, I definitely feel an ominous glare… That’s impossible he already knows, right?

I went out of the locker room and we started the warm-up.

After that, I realized I made a huge miscalculation. As I was wiping away the sweat from my forehead with a towel. Nathaly came from my dead angle and kissed me.

What a soft sensation on my lips… Shit! What am I thinking?! I looked around, everyone saw us, of course, but I lost sight of the most important one.


Behind me? I turned my head around, and my cheek made contact with Nathan’s fist. I flew through the door and landed a few meters further outside.

Shit! When will I learn to get my guard in time?! I managed to avoid a bit of damage but clearly, I could have done better.

I got up and saw him, flying after me like a rocket, and he hit me with a drop-kick. Damn, he really has a problem with his anger management.

But this time I was prepared, I hardened as much as I could, and I didn’t felt anything when he touched me, but I was nonetheless sent flying towards the main building. I managed to land on my feet and waited for him to come again.

As expected, he charged me with the same technique again. It looks like he is enraged and his thought-process damaged. I dodge the kick at the last seconds, and, while he was still horizontally flying, punched him in the chest, stopping is course, and projecting him to the ground.

I’ve heard that psychic can surround themselves with a sort of invisible armor, so I didn’t hold back my strike. As a result, he was already rolling in pain on my feet.

Few, glad I could end it without hurting him too much. I guess now I should go back to the others and explain what…

I heard a huge explosion, close, really close. I looked at my right. There was a huge cloud of dust. Less than 5 meters away from us. What the heck?

Leaving Nan on the ground, I rushed towards it. What the fuck is happening now? I can’t see anything inside. Shit, why do I say that! I am a fucking Seer!

I activated my thermal vision, inside the cloud, there are two people. One lying on the ground, and the other on top of him, grabbing him by the neck. Who is that? Another crazy student has also lost his mind today? Shit, there is no time to think, I jumped inside and tackled the assailant.

I hit him with enough force to push us out of the dust cloud, and we rolled down a few meters before stopping. I was on top of him, ready to strike. Then, I recognized the student in front of me...


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