《WileQuest》Chapter 14 - Back to School (3)


I have been waiting for 20 minutes now… I guess he really won’t come. It was within my expectation, but I have to find another approach now. The important point is that I have to convince himself he can change. If he doesn’t want to improve his condition by himself, it will be really difficult to finish the struggle. I know for a fact that it’s hard to become friend with a low self-esteem person.

On the bright side, I am now almost sure he is the right target. And even if I am wrong, I am already getting along with the two others. Also, because it was confusing to call them with the same name I decided to nickname them Naly, Nan, and I kept Nath for the real target.

“You really waited for me...”

I gazed towards the person talking.

“You came… that’s great.”

“Why did you want us to meet here anyway?”

“Ok, I will be frank with you Nath. I asked around, and everyone in the school thinks you are a shrimp.”

“… I told you that, why do you..”

“But! It’s also clear to me that you don’t like the current situation. Even more, you hate it, and you want to change it.”

“O-Of course I don’t like it! But it’s not like I can do anything about it!”

“Yes, you can!”

“You don’t know me!”

“Who gives a shit! I am telling you I can help you!”

“I don’t want help! I can’t be helped!”

“What are you talking about...”

In the heat of the conversation, I stepped forward to grab his shoulder.

“Stay away from me!!!”

I suddenly felt a force pushing me and was literally propelled, as if a car had hit me. I crashed into the wall so hard I cough blood, and I think it broke my spine.

I felt on the ground, face first. Shit, it really hurts. A few seconds passed before I could focus enough to heal myself. I managed to harden myself a bit before the impact, so I avoided most of the damage. What concerned me right now is the person at the origin of the blow. And what about Naht?!


To my surprise, he was in front of me, crying and panicking.

“I-I didn’t want to… oh god, what di-did I do?...”

It was him? The school’s shrimp broke the spin of a sabretooth tiger killer? By accident on top of that. Ouch, my back still hurts… this is getting more complicated than I thought.

“Don’t worry Nath… I’m fine...”

I saw it on his face. He was shocked by the fact I was still alive, let alone conscious.

After 10 minutes or so, I healed myself enough to sit down against the cracked wall of the school building.

“How...How did you do that?”

“I would ask you the same question. I didn’t know that weaklings could kill someone by accident around here.”


He looked down. Maybe that’s the root of the problem, not his lack of power, the opposite.

“Come on, I told you. I want to help you. And with what just happened, I believe I deserve to know the story.”

“You are right... The truth is, I do have psychic powers, like everybody else. The problem is, I can’t control it.”

“I see, so you prefer not using them at all, instead of risking an accident like now.”


“Does your brother know about this?”

“No! He… he doesn’t know. Nathaly too.”

“Why? I mean, how? You are childhood friend right?”

“That’s a long story...”

“Come on, you’ve gone too far to go back now, I want to know everything.”

He sighed, and started his story.

Approximately 10 years ago, an earthquake struck the northern part of the country, provoking tens of thousands of deaths, and hundreds of millions of material damages. It has been described as the worst natural disaster of the century. However, the truth is that it wasn’t “natural”, the Nath twins and their family were on vacancy there. Little Nathyn got troubled for a random reason, and lost control of his power. Yes, that’s true, a 5 years old boy provoked the deadliest catastrophe ever recorded in the country, killing many people and destroying many more lives. That’s why, since that day, he tries to seal his power.


Shit, that’s heavy. And I thought my background was tough…

“So, the problem is that you are too overpowered, and because of that you are afraid of hurting people.”

“Yeah… that’s about it.”

“It’s simpler than I thought then. You just have to train to hold back.”

“I tried! It doesn’t work!”

“That’s only because you never had a master before. Trust me, I can teach you how to be weak.”

I extended my hand to him. I felt a bit of suspicion in his eyes, but he took a deep breath and, hesitantly, accepted my offer. And that’s how I got my first disciple, sort of. I am so excited! The succeed of the struggle is only a matter of time now. Maybe I am starting to get my way in this game.

My daily routine is beginning to take shape.

In the morning, before school, training session with little Nath. We start with some physical training, followed by basic telekinesis control exercise. The current one is to lift up a ball, without sending it to space. I also take this take this time to train my flux control.

During lunch break, special basketball training with Naly and Nan. This shit is really fun, but I still have some problem with some fundamentals. I also have to be careful about my progress, because sometimes I feel like Nan is getting a bit jealous. And by the way, I hardly suspect the two of them to date each other, so I don't know if he is resent me for becoming friend with Naly or for progressing faster than him at his favorite sport.

Finally, after school, either I have a training with the regular team – I still have to pretend I like basketball – or I tutor Nath again.

The book did not budge during all this time, even though I am pretty sure I have a good relationship with the three of them already… so I can’t help to wonder how much of a friend they have to consider me.

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye, I have officially joined the regular team and my little disciple is able to attract a can without crushing it… 6 times out of 10. Which is a tremendous progress, and he seems pretty excited about it.

Anyway, except for the few times he nearly killed me during the training, those days have been quite peaceful. It’s a nice change of pace from all those previous crazy struggles.

I finished the evening training with the team, and as I was about to head home – I stay in a hostel, paying the bill with "borrowed" money – Naly called out to me. She often does that, I am usually the last to get out of the locker room, and she has to get the key back, so it’s not rare that we end up talking on the way to the main building. Well, usually Nan is here too.

Nonetheless, this time she seemed a bit disturbed. I wonder why. She is avoiding eye contact and looks a bit embarrassed, something must have happened.

“Sam… I have something to ask you...”

“Is it about Nathan?”

“What? No… why would there be something about him?”

“I don’t know, you seem a bit stressed… so I thought...”

“Oh… you think I am dating him?”

“Well...you two are often together so...”

“Ha. Hahahahah...”

She started to laugh at me. Come on, am I so bad at this? I remember being quite good at spotting couple back on Earth. Also, her laugh is freaking me out a bit. Luckily she slowly stopped, while swiping the tears of joy on her cheeks.

“No, we are not dating. I wonder where you got that idea from.”

“Okay, I got it. So what did you want to ask me?”

She stopped walking and looked straight into my eyes. She took a deep breath.

“Be my boyfriend.”

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