《WileQuest》Chapter 13 - Back to School (2)


To sum everything up: there is Nathaly, the blond popular girl, she is in the same class as me, seems cheerful and gentle. And her two childhood friends are named Nathan and Nathyn, they are 2 years younger than us and even though one is tall and muscular and the other small and skinny, they are twins.

In order to pass the trial, I have to befriend Nath… who the fuck is Nath?! I am tired of this, this game is really fucked up. Moreover, I am sure there is no real Nath, and the person concerned with my struggle is one of them.

After our meeting, we all went back to class. The small guy, Nathyn, seemed intimidated by me, in fact, he avoided all form of eye contact. It looks like it would be harder to get close to him than the two others, which means that he is the most likely to be the right Nath. Nothing sure though, so I might as well work on my relationship with the three of them at the same time.

Thanks to all the free time I have not listening to a quinquagenarian man babbling about pointless maths theorem nobody here will ever use, I was able to reflect on another issue, such as: where do I sleep tonight? I still don’t have any money, and I can’t afford to lose too much time working, so I came to the obvious conclusion, I’ll have to steal.

During the afternoon break, I managed to talk a bit more with Nathaly, and I made an interesting discovery. This morning I heard some people in the class talking about association and society, and it seems she is the manager of the masculine basketball team, where Nathan is playing as a regular. Apparently, sports here are telekinesis-free, so it makes sense a tall fit guy like him would be good at sports, in fact, Nathaly said he was a basketball fanatic, and that he was the main reason why she became the manager. This is good for me, I can get close to 2 targets at the same time!


That’s how I joined the basketball team. I never played sports before in my life, well, unless if you considered hunting and camping as sports. It sounds like fun. In fact, the first training session was right after school, what a sarcastic coincidence.

As I said, they don’t use psychic power for sports, so I figured I would keep flux out of the picture too. The truth is, I am used to be with physical freaks all the time, so I tend to forget I am athletically way above your average person. That’s why the whole team is looking at me with eyes of disbelief right now. Okay, maybe the slam dunk was a bit too much.

I have to admit, this is fun, I am still struggling with the basics, but this is liberating. At the end of the training, the blond and the tall Naths, with some dude I didn’t know, probably the captain of the team, came to me.

“Samsy is it? I’ll be frank, I am Gregoire, the team captain. I saw you today, and I have to admit, you are amazing, and I want you to become a regular.”

“But… I just started...”

“That’s why we came up with an idea.”

This time, it was Nathan who stepped up to talk to me. He seemed pretty excited.

“With your physical ability, all you need is to train the fundamentals, so we wondered if you would be up for special training with me and Nath.”

“Nathaly plays too?”

“No I don’t, but I am the only one able to get the key of the gymnasium outside of regular time-sheet.”

“So, what do you say?”

Truth to be told, this was too good an occasion to be missed, so I accepted. We parted ways after that, and the day ended up on this positive note.

I have to admit, I feel pretty disturbed about this struggle, everything is going to smoothly. There were a lot of coincidence in the previous ones too, but not as much as here. On top of that, in this world, everyone has telekinesis ability, yet I don’t feel it has any impact on the struggle. So what is the point then? Or maybe the world wasn’t created for me. Maybe each world I went to until now are real. If that is the case where am I exactly? This is so confusing…


I also have to remind myself there is a third Nath, I almost forgot about him. In fact, I am convinced now, that he is the right Nath, the one I need to be friend with. I have to find a way to resolve his problem.

The next morning passed as the first one, boring and questionably insulting for science itself. I wonder if this is the norm of education here, if so, this is disappointing.

Anyway, today, I start "special" training with Nath and Nath – I think I already hate this name, I’ll have to find a way to differentiate them quickly. On my way to the sports hall, I saw people going behind the school building.

I immediately understood what it was about, Nathyn was with 3 typical-looking bully, including the red-haired one from day 1. So that must be the reason he was crying yesterday, bullying. I went after them, and when I got there, the red guy was already holding Nathyn by his necktie.

“Do you have what I asked for shrimp?”

“I-I told you… I don-t ha-have more money?”

“And I said I don’t give a shit!”

He raised his hand, the occasion was too good, they didn’t saw me approaching, so I was already close enough to act. I jumped behind him and grabbed his wrist.

“Come on guys, 3 on 1? Are you serious?”

“Who is this fucker?!” One of the thugs shouted at me.

“Che, you are the new guy, right? I’ll teach you how it works here!”

The third one threw a punch at me, slow and clumsy. I release the wrist I was holding and grabbed the fist coming at me, following that, I easily armed locked him. They are really weak, I felt some pressure, probably coming from there mental power, but again, it's like being slapped by a 5-year-old kid. And I am being generous.


“Hey what d'you think you're doing!”

“Stop it guys!”

The other was ready to go, but the red-haired guy, who apparently was the leader, stopped him. He stared angrily at me, and they withdrew. Once again, that went easier than expected, I thought I would have to knock out the two minions at least. This quest is not what it used to be.

I went to Nathyn.

“Are you alright?”

“Wh-who are you?”

“We met yesterday... I am Samsy.”

“Oh! I remember now...” Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, and seemed scared again, “What have you done?”


“They will come back at me even harder now!”

“Calm down… Why are they bullying in the first place?”

“Tha...That’s how it is. Didn’t you hear about me? I am a shrimp.”

So he was the one this red shit talked about yesterday. That makes sense.

“That’s not fair, they have no right to take advantage of you because of that. In fact...”

Shit! I remembered I was supposed to go train with Nathan right now!

“You know what, I have an idea! Le-let’s meet after school. Right here, I-I’ll wait for you.”

And just like that, I swiftly left the scene. I don’t think he will show up, but I don’t have time to convince him anyway, and I can't risk compromising my progress with the others.

On the plus side, now I am aware of what I need to do for him.

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