《WileQuest》Chapter 12 - Back to School (1)



Objective: Reach the summit

Sub-objective: Kill the Yeti – Find the entrance to the Secret Cave – Meet with the God of the Mountain”


Objective: Have *** with the House Mistress

Sub-objective: Make her *** - Do *** with *** and *** several times – Receive praise"

The mountain was not that high after all, it took me 3 days to climb it. I am proficient when it comes to climbing trees but I managed to finish this struggle swiftly. Truth to be told, I am so glad I avoided the Yeti. I did saw him, but it was clear I would be no match at all, so I fled immediately.

As for the 4th struggle… I don’t want to talk about it. This was… embarrassing.

So what about now?


Objective: Befriend Nath

Sub-objective: none"

Great, this one doesn’t seem that hard. I looked all around me, I was in front of a huge building. To be more precise, I was in front of gates. If I remember correctly, I saw one of this kind of building in a book… Isn’t that a school?

I remarked this time I appeared with a bag, a simple backpack. I opened the zip and inside I found some clothes. Do I have to put them on?

That’s when I heard someone approaching, I looked and saw some people my age walking towards the entrance. They were all wearing the same clothes. Oh, I understand now.

Wearing the uniform I got from the bag, I entered the school. Maybe I am going to fast into this, but I don’t see any other possibility, I mean, I arrived in front of a school with its uniform, and my mission is to befriend someone. I am no genius but I can see when 2+2=4.

Having said that… Where do I go? I have been wandering in the corridor for a while now. The other people are in rooms. Is this how they learned stuff? By packing 30 persons in a classroom with the older one doing the lecture? That looks boring…

"Hey! You! What are you doing here?"

Someone shouted at me from the other side of the corridor. He was a big muscular man, looking at his face, he seems to be a tough guy.


"Yes, you. Are you a student?"

"Well, that's complicated…"

"Wait a minute, are you the transfer student?"

"... yes?”

"You are late! Follow me."

Once again, the game scenario eases my life. No, I can’t say that, as it’s also the reason why I am here. The building is huge, there are at least 3 levels, with more than ten classrooms per level. And it seems there is also a gymnasium, a big courtyard, and many more facilities, such as a library. The whole site was immense.


We walked for 5 minutes before arriving at an office, and he knocked at the door.

"Enter please"

A feminine voice answered him and he signed me to go inside. We entered in what seems to be the teacher's room. Most desks were empty, obviously because it was lecture time. There was a female teacher, pretty young, she was surely the one who told us to enter.

"I think he is the transfer student. He was lost in the school's corridor."

"What is your name?" She asked.


“Your name.”


I couldn't come up with anything so I thought I might as well tell my true name. She looked in some files for a couple of minutes before taking one out.

"Here you are! Do you have your student ID?”


“You should have received it with your uniform though..."

Really? I am sure I only got the uniform… Shit, she is gazing at me pretty intensely, I have to say something! Do I say that I forgot it at home or that I lost it?

"Sorry, I lost it at home."

I am so good at improvisation.

“Well... I think we can make you one in the afternoon, but you need to be careful about this kind of thing young man.”

Then, we went through some administrative stuff, I got my uniform and went to class. It was almost the noon break when I got into the classroom. The teacher, a man in his fifties, grey hair, a bit short, made me introduced myself to the class.

I didn’t know what to say, and I presumed the “hey I am on a mysterious mission to befriend Nath in order to leave this dimension” would be a little weird, so I just said my name. I quickly went to the desk the teacher pointed to me. Then he resumed the class, it was physics.

As expected, it was boring. Nobody talked except the teacher, and everything he was saying was useless. I already learned all this stuff, but in my memories, it wasn’t that boring.

The bell ringed at 12. The teacher left the room and immediately after, and I was ambushed by the other student.

“Where are you from”,”Did you dye your hair?”,”Where do you live” and so on. They assaulted me with a swarm of questions, so fast I couldn’t answer anything properly. The main subject seemed to be my hair. Funny, I didn’t thought having white hair would be that uncommon.

In the batch of question, one startled me: “What is your psychic level?”


“Psychic level?”

They seemed a bit surprised by my ignorance. A blond girl tried to explain to me.

“Well, you know… how strong is your psychic ability.”

“Do you mean telekinesis and stuff?”


“If it’s that, I don’t know.”

“Don’t bother Nath! Another shrimp joined the school!”

The one who said that was the back of the classroom. I looked at him, he was your typical delinquent, red dyed hair, piercing on ears, black jacket. He approached me with a smirk on his face, the circle of people around me made way, seemingly intimidate by this mighty and strong looking person – that was irony.

He called me a shrimp, which means he think I have no psychic ability whatsoever. The truth is I never really tried anything more than physical enhancement, and the few time I didn’t end well.

I felt something around my neck. It was like someone was trying to strangle me, but the strength was… laughable? It was as if a 5-year old child was doing the job. The main suspect is in front me, looking down and smiling. I see what he want to do, he is a typical bully, trying to overpower the new guy in front of the class to show who is the boss.

This is boring. I looked up at him, unphased.

“Can you stop this please?”

My lack of reaction is definitely troubling him.

“What are you talking about?”

“I said. Stop.”

I don’t use telekinesis, but I do know how to release bloodlust. He fell down on his but, scared, like he saw a monster. I am a bit surprised myself at how effective it was. The whole classroom was shocked by what happened, I took this opportunity to sneak out.

I went to the bathroom, I am not good with this kind of attention. Anyway, it’s past noon and I am hungry, the problem is that I don’t have money.

But I have something better. I have a plan, the first time I tried this I failed, but during the last struggle – the one I absolutely don’t want to remember – I think I improved my flux management enough. I focus my energy in front of the mirror.

Huge success, you have unlocked invisibility! Or so that’s what I would hear if there was a competent system to tell me what I am doing. It's not perfect, but it's good enough to fool unsuspecting eyes.

I am free to “borrow” food from the store for free now. I am not proud of it, but it is the easiest way, and I won’t be here for too long anyway.

The school roof is off limit for the student, so it’s perfect for me to take a real break and think about my course of action.

This time the objective is to befriend someone named Nath… Hey! I clearly heard the bully guy called the blond girl Nath.

Holly shit, at least make the script a little less obvious! It's like I don't even have to think anymore.

Well, maybe it’s better for me, I already know who is my target. She seems to be a nice girl, it should be easy to be friend with her. What is worrying me is that the concept of friendship is kind of subjective. It could even be a euphemism for… eurgh, weird memories are surfacing.

Fortunately, something else caught my attention. I put some thought into the purpose of my Seer class, and I am speculating that it is related to perceptive abilities, so I try to improve it as much as I can. That’s why right now, I can hear someone crying down in the school backyard. I leaned over the edge to see, and, as nobody would have guess, the blond girl was there.

It took me five minutes or so to get down. Nath and 2 boys I have never seen before were here. The one crying, well, who was crying, is on the boy, the smallest one, the 2 others where apparently comforting him.

I don’t like getting into others problem like that, but if I have to get close to Nath, this is an occasion I shouldn’t miss. So I approached them, faking being lost.

“Hey, do you know where is the...oh, am I interrupting something?”

I am such a bad actor! Nonetheless, Nath remarked my presence. She smiled back at me and answered.

“Oh, no it’s nothing. Your are the new guy that arrived today right? Are you lost?”

“Yeah...the school is huge, and I am really bad with direction. By the way, my name is Samsy.”

“Hehe, I know, you presented yourself in front of the class remember? I am Nathaly, and here are Nathan and Nathyn, we are childhood friends.”

The two boys saluted me, even though the little one seemed a bit intimidated. Wait a second… what is their name again?

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