《WileQuest》Chapter 10 - A guide ?


V: You took your time, nevvbie! (* ̄n ̄)

Something is written on the screen. What is the thing in the end? An angry face?

V: Hey, I am talking to you!!!

What? The text updated! Is this thing talking to me?

V: Hum… you must be one of those that come from some lame Medieval Earth.

V: To respond, you have to think about your ansvver and touch the button shape on the bottom right of the screen.

S: Like this?

S: It worked!

V: Congratulation, you have the ability to move a finger and think.

V: You should run for the presidency.

S: What do you mean?

V:*sigh* Nothing.

V: Anyvvay

V: I have an announcement for you!

V: Today, you have the great honour of having me, as your quest guide! (✿◠‿◠)

S: Hum...

S: I don't understand...

V: Long story short, I am on the same quest/adventure than you, but vvay further ahead. So I, and others on this stage, are helping nevvcomers like you.

S: Oh! Great!

S: Finally, some information!

S: I have so many questions I don't even know where to start.

V: VVovv! Hold on, I never said I vvould ansvver your questions.

V: I am not Google.

S: You said you were my guide!

S: And I don’t know what is google.

V: VVell, anyone has his ovvn vvay of guiding people.

S: Why did you contact me then?

V: First, because I am obliged to.

V: Second, I have to admit I am a bit curious about you.

S: Okay, you lost me again.

S: Aren’t YOU the guide. You are the one supposed to have the answers.

V: Yes. Just shut up, give me vvhat I vvant, and then, maybe, I’ll be nice to you.

S: *sigh*

V: First question, the basics, vvhat are your Class and Virtue?

S: Class? Virtue?

S: Oh! You mean what is written at the start of the book?


V: Bullseye Einstein. (;一_一)

S: The title says I am the Seer of Humility.

V: Hum! That’s surprising.

S: Why?

V: Nothing. Just that you’ve got yourself quite a special class.

S: What does it mean anyway?

V: I guess I’ll settle for one ansvver for one question. I am in a good mood.

V: Your title doesn't really mean anything, but it is linked vvith the ability you will be able to develop during the adventure. But as there is so many possibilities vvith the flux, 2 people vvith the same Class would never do things the same vvay, so at the end of the day, they don’t mean shit.

S: Wow. You answered it pretty well. That was unexpected.

V: Thanks (✿◠‿◠)

S: That wasn’t a compliment.

S: And what is special about the Seer class?

V: Second question: vvhat are your current flux ability and hovv did you managed to kill that bee in the jungle?

S: Hey! I asked a question…

V: And I ignored it. Move on nevvbie.

S: Are you really a guide? Or are you just here to mess with me? I don’t know what is this flux your talking about.

S: Wait, are you talking about magic?

V: VVe call it flux, magic vvas confusing.

S: Well, I don’t really know how to measure it. I can create a sort of invisible eye to see far away and stuff like that.

S: I can enhance myself and become fast and strong, but I don’t really know how much. Besides, with beasts like the sabretooth tiger, I don’t think it's impressive.

S: As for killing the bee… I don’t remember. Are you sure I did that? Everything is blurry, I just vaguely remember a bridge.

V: That’s vvhat I thought, don’t vvorry, it happens quite often. To put it simply, you used a technique vvay above your level, and it consumes so much of your energy you lost consciousness. And a bit of memory too apparently.


V: Actually, you got really lucky, I savv guy blovving up themselves like that, literally.

S: I wish I could remember though...

S: Now that you mention it, how many people have been sent in this game?

S: Have you finish your quest? Is it possible to get out?

V: A lot, yes, and I don’t knovv, probably no.

S: ...

S: Could you be more specific?

V: No.

V: Third and last question!

V: VVhere are you from?

S: Neohope, but the name of the country change quite often.

V: Never heard about it. You are probably from a deviant Earth.

S: Deviant? What?

V: To keep it simple.

V: You, I and every other quester come are from the Earth.

V: But vve don’t all come from the same Earth.

V: VVe are dispatched by groups of seven at a time from the same place.

S: We are from different parallel universe?

V: Yep, you catch up fast. (^_^)v

S: Why is my universe deviant? And you said they were others people but I was alone when I woke up.

V: Did a global war happened since the start of the 21st century?

S: Of course, more than one in fact.

V: Just know that most of us come from a version of the Earth where peace has been preserved until now, well, at least officially. Nearly all people live in cities and our survival is pretty much assured.

S: Oh... I see.

V: Also, about the others from your place, you vvont be able to see them until the 10th struggle.

V: And you should all knovv each other already.

S: What do you mean?

V: It’s always the same pattern. The other person brought here are your f... people you are close to.

S: Shit! I hope they're doing okay.

V: I don’t know, I didn’t ask.

V: Nobody has said anything about someone dying so I guess they are all fine.

S: That’s a relief.

S: Well, I should say it was to be expected.

V: VVhat do you mean?

S: When it comes to hunting and fighting. I am more or less the shrimp of the group.

V: …

V: Interesting.

S: I have one question left right?

V: Yep

S: Hum…

S: Who are you?

V: Sorry, can't tell you that.

V: Well, I'm gonna go novv.

V: Bye nevvbie. (^_^)v

He left the chat...

This bastard! He really is pissing me off.

I find it hard to believe that he is a guide. He did told me some information, but this is not enough! Where are we? What is at the end of the game? Who is he? How are they able to watch us? Who are "they"?

I don't even know if I can trust what he said to me, but if it is true, then that means the others are also here. No matter what, I have to find them. He said we will meet at the 10th struggle, at least, I have a real objective now.

He is great!

I can’t stop smiling.

This will be so fun!



“No, not only Clar, everyone! I want to make an announcement.”

“Already told'ya, Val, don’t wanna bet on my protégé's life.”

“Don’t worry Jules, no bet this time. I want to make a proposal, I know it’s a bit early, but I really like those new guys. So I propose this. What if we make their session, the first successful session of the game?”

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