《WileQuest》Chapter 5 - Moving on


So… there are also sub-objectives after all, but looks like I have to finish one of them to see the others. What a shitty system.

As expected, there is no instruction on it elsewhere in the book… I suppose it’s a sort of guidelines to help you finish the main objective, it would make sense because it’s what I was about to do anyway, but in that case, why don’t show it from the start? I thought I was finally starting to get the hang of it, but now it feels like I’ll never understand anything. It’s okay because it didn’t change anything in the end, but I really hope there won’t be other shenanigans like that in the future.

It turned out that I wasn't that good of a healer, I managed to heal everyone, but it took me a very long time. And I couldn't do more than one at first, or I would pass out. After a few days, I made significant progress and managed to heal more people per day, and so on. In the end, it took me the whole week, but I finally succeed!

And to top it all…


Objective: Become the hero of the forest village

Sub-Objective: Save Laura - Heal the Cursed People - Pull out the Silver Dagger

That’s it, I’m a hero now. Certified by this mysterious book.

I don't really feel different though, I think I would have helped them without anyone to tell me to.

It was a weird experience, and even though I’m glad it’s about to be over, I am a bit sad to leave. She might resemble my ex, I noticed some few differences in her personality.

First, well, she wasn’t as smart, which is a compliment, I guess. Then, she was the most caring person I ever met, and last… it’s hard to say, but even though I barely know her, I have this feeling of wanting to protect her.

I remarked that halfway through the week, but it doesn’t look like me to think like that. I’m more the type to be protected, if anything else. Maybe it’s this whole ‘hero of the village’ thing that went in my head. Or maybe it’s because her mother died when she was young and had to help her dad and the rest of the village the best she could because of the tough winter and so on… You know, the classic sad child story.


I can't really empathize with her, given my own story, but still…

Anyway! This is my last day here. I cured the last person this morning.

I am a bit tired, but I really want to go back home. Plus, I overheard that they are planning to throw a party for me tonight, and it would be even harder to leave after that. I don't really like being the centre of attention, not if I can avoid it, which I'm planning to do this time.

So here I was, sitting against a tree at the edge of the surrounding forest, looking at the new threads of smoke rising into the sky, thinking about my short adventure, the wolves, the curse, the elders, the chief, my new powers, Laura… I think I should feel proud of my accomplishment, I mean, I managed to save a damsel in distress from a pack of wolves and cured a whole village from a deadly curse. I am a hero, but… I don’t feel any pride from it. I’m just… thankful? But also sad?

It’s… weird. I never was good to tell my own feelings, but it’s even harder right now…

Sigh… at least she could tell. She knew me better than I did myself.

“Taking a break?”


Oh, no… did I say that out loud?

“Who is Nami?”

“No one! She’s… a friend.”

“Hehe, you are blushing.”

“Oh…? Hehe, yeah…”

She came close and sat down next to me. Like me, she should be pretty exhausted after what happened this week.

“You are leaving tonight, right?”

“!!! How did you know?”

“I had a feeling… It’s not like you have any reason to stay…”

“That’s not true! I have plenty of… well…”

“Hehe, you don’t have to stay because of me. You probably have people waiting for you.”

“I do…”


And we stayed there, blankly staring at the evening sky about to be consumed by the night. Not even a tiny breathe of wind was felt and the only sound perceivable was the agitation of the town folks several meters away.

It felt like the time stopped.

What do I say to her? What should I say? Do I have to say anything?


After what felt to me like an eternity, she stood up. She was looking away, and even though I couldn’t see it, it was quite obvious, she was crying. Without a word, she started to head back.

“Laura… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t make it difficult Sam… it’s not your fault.”

“I… I’ll come back! I promise! I’ll find a way!”

She stopped, and turned around. The final lights of the day were forming a halo behind her beautiful face, tears were dripping down her chicks, but she gave the brightest smile I ever saw.

“Hehe, I really hope you do.”

And she left, leaving me baffled and speechless.

The moon was already making its way in the sky. It's been hours and I still haven't moved an inch since I parted ways with Laura.

Sigh… I never expected this to be so difficult…

I finally gathered my thought and opened my book once again. It was clear that I was done with this ‘struggle', or whatever it is, and another line of words had appeared, describing a location south from here. Apparently, I'm supposed to go there to move on, and go home, I hope.

There is no guaranty I’ll be able to go back, especially since it’s the struggle n°0, but I’m a natural optimist.

But before that, I had one last thing to do. I couldn’t call myself a hero if I let this cursed dagger poisoning their well, right?

So I went back. Everyone was sleeping, I guess it’s already that late.

It’s not like it was ever that busy anyway.

I quickly arrived.

It was just a normal stone well, with a small wood roof. The moonlight was reflecting something on its wall, between to stone, the pommel of the dagger.

Sigh… I hope it works.

I grabbed the handle, and pulled. As hard as I could.

Then… well, it was unexpected, but the dagger came out easily, and I fell down on my but.

What the… I looked at the dagger in my hand, the blade was beautiful, especially under the moonlight, and its edge looked sharper than anything I ever saw. It was a bit smaller than I expected, the blade was only the size of my hand, but it was definitely dangerous.

My. Fucking. Head!


Damn… it hurts like hell!


Pheww, it's done… Fuck! Those headaches are becoming tougher and tougher.

I wonder what is causing them, surely it has a link with the magic I use, but I didn't even use anything right now! Well, I managed to get the dagger out, and I don't feel anything particular, so it's not like I can complain about that.

Now that I think about it, it was a reckless move, it’s not because I can cure cursed people that I will be immune to the curse.

Meh, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

And look at the positive side! Now I have cool healing magic AND a cool mysterious weapon… that can kill people touching it… okay, maybe it’s not that cool. I probably shouldn’t use it.

Making sure that nobody saw me, I left the village, for good this time. The place indicated to me was not that far, and I arrived a few minutes later. I immediately knew it was the right place. That, or the huge door in front of me, standing up on its own, was here by coincidence.

The edges were made out of thick metal, and the handles were replaced by two big golden rings. It looked quite heavy, and not reassuring at all.

Yeah, truth to be told, I have a bad feeling about this.

Carefully, I approached my hand, and touched it.


What happened… where am I?

I… just touched the door, and I was sucked inside, but looking around… I’m not in the forest anymore.

It’s not night anymore, but I’m not that sure because really high trees are blocking the sky completely. Also, the air had suddenly become hot, and wet…

Don’t tell me…

I quickly opened the book. As expected, a new page had been filled up.


Objective: Survive the Jungle

Sub-Objective: none

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