《WileQuest》Chapter 4 - Improvised Healer


So, if I understand what Laura just told me, a stranger came and for no reason stabbed his dagger in the village’s well. Half the village tried to take the dagger out, but nobody managed to make it budge, as if it was fuse with the well. They decide to leave it at that and try another time, but the following morning, all the people that touched the weapon was severely ill, they started coughing blood and their skin became pale. Some even died.

It was a little less than a week ago, and I’m now looking at two rows of these sick people. I’m not a doctor, but it’s obvious that they’re all in critical condition. Sigh… it’s not the first time I see people die, but this barn full of death is too much, even for me.

The worst part is… that I don't have any way to help them. Laura goes out every morning to gather herbs and try to relieve them, but she's only postponing the inevitable. And it's not like I could do better, I couldn't even recognize a toxic mushroom from an eatable one.

I was so proud of my new translation ability, and here I am, useless, like always.

No, there’s should be a way. I have a feeling that I’m not here by chance, the book and everything else, I must be here for a reason, but what can I do? It’s not like I can magically heal them…



What if…

What if my new translating ability is magic. What if my severed arm and leg were healed with magic. Sam with my fight with the wolves, I felt like never before, like I was in the zone or something.

Yeah! That’s it!

That or I developed a new i-talent, but that’s unlikely.


I have to try this out. Immediately.

Laura had already left my side to go from bed to bed, checking them and talking to the improvised nurses taking care of them.

I approached the closest one to the entrance, and put my right hand on his forearm.

Okay… what do I do know?

As I was clueless about what I had to do, I simply focused my thought on healing him, or positive thought, or anything related to curing someone.

And… nothing happened.

After 5 minutes of embarrassing tentatives, I stopped. Hehe, I guess it what too good to be true. Of course, magic doesn’t exi…


What the fuck happened?! Did I collapse again?

Ouch, my head! Where… I’m in the same bed I woke up this morning. Or was it yesterday? I looked through the window, and it wasn’t even noon yet. Damn… what happened?


“Are you awake?”

Laura entered the room by completely crushing the door.

“Oh my…! I was so worried!”

Oh oh there! You're getting too close!

She jumped and took me between her arms. I guess she was concerned about my state, but…

“He-hey… what happened? Did I passed out again?”

“Yes! What did you think! You just woke up from a 2 days coma! Why did you try something like that!”

2 days!

"I… Hum… I'm sorry… I thought I had recovered enough, hehe."

"Promise me you won't do that again!"


Gosh, I met her only a few days ago and she’s already acting like Nami…

“By the way… what was I doing before passing out?”

Magic is real! Boya! I’m the best, baby!


To sum up what happened, I managed to improve the condition of the guy I tried to heal, he went to ‘about-to-die’ to ‘probably-okay’, but I kind of used up all my magic power - or whatever - and passed out. I guess I’m not that cool after all, but at least I have a way to heal them, then I’ll probably become the hero of the village, complete the stupid objective, -make out with Laura-, and come back home!


As soon as she told me the story, I absolutely wanted to go back to the barn and use my all-mighty powers to cure those poor souls, but she kind of got mad and slapped me back to bed, and that’s how I had to spend the rest of the day, stuck in bed.

It wasn't that bad, I don't have furnitures that comfy where I live, so it was relaxing, in a sense. Nonetheless, it was really boring, so I tried to test my so-called magic powers, but nothing happened…

The next day, Laura came to check on me before her daily plant gathering, and I proposed to go with her, as her bodyguard.

Fortunately, there wasn’t any wolf this time, and we were back in town soon after. She headed straight to the barn and I went behind her.

She tried to stop me, but I convinced her that I was feeling good enough and that I wouldn’t try anything rough -yeah, I’m already lying to her.

I went to the same guy I tried to heal the day before -or maybe it was two days ago, I am kind of losing track- and, indeed, his was getting back his colour and his face was peaceful, in contrast with all the other who were rumbling in pain. I checked out that Laura wasn’t looking at me, and I put my hand on him once again.

I don’t really remember what I did exactly, so I just tried to reproduce the process. However, it felt different. Last time, I didn’t sense anything, but now… it’s like my energy is getting condensed in my hand. It feels… so warm.

“cough cough”

I pulled my hand away in surprise. He actually reacted?! It… it worked?

Ouch! My, fucking, head! Not again!!!

I took a few step back to recover, seems like I can’t use this as freely as I would like to. It fucking hurts!

I didn’t really remember what happened after, but apparently the guy woke up, Laura scolded me and send me back to my room, once again. So here I am, in a bed in the middle of the afternoon. The headache is already gone, but I do feel a bit tired, even though I definitely don’t want to sleep already.

Fuck! This is so cool! I have healing powers!

I’m kind catching up to the other! Who is the useless shrimp now!

I wonder what they’re doing though…

Now that I think about it, if I was brought here, there is a chance they have been too.

Sigh… this is so fucked up.

Where am I? What should I do? All sort of question are running through my head, and I have the feeling that they won’t be answered. At least not until I do what this stupid book wants me to do. It’s surely my best chance right now.

Well, more like my only chance.

Thinking about it, I took the book I had left on the chair for the past few days, and opened it.


Objective: Become the hero of the forest village

Sub-Objective: Save Laura - Heal the Cursed People - Pull out the Silver Dagger

Sigh... I hope I'll make it.

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