《WileQuest》Chapter 1 - Quest Start


As the sun was slowly rising in the horizon, an individual felt a slight touch from the morning breeze. Lying down in the grass, the young man calmly raised himself, still half asleep and blinded by the sudden light of the early morning.

Despite his young face and normal skin ton, he was in possession of unique traits, such as his white hair and scarlet eyes. His slim figure was masked by slightly oversized clothes, namely a simple pair of jeans, a white T-shirt and a black jacket.

Still clueless about his situation, he stood up and stretch himself while yawning.

Only then, did he realize…

Where the hell am I?

Why am I in the middle of a plain? I… we didn't drink last night. So how… Did the guys play a prank on me again?

That seems unlikely. I don’t know the place at all…

It’s early in the morning, judging by the sun, and all there is around me is grass, and a large dirt road covered with dust I’m standing next to.

Oh, wait, there is also a forest it seems, but it’s hard to tell with the sunlight in my eyes.

At least, I have my clothes on. They are quite dirty though. I guess it’s because I slept on the ground.

Damn, this is worrying, where am I? I recognize nothing?! Did I get kidnapped? Nah, it's unlikely. It has been ages since we saw any adults, and I wouldn't be their first target anyway.

Plus, I doubt they would abandon me in the middle of nowhere like that.

Hum…? What is that?

A… book?

An old looking book, pretty small and smooth. Quite heavy for its size, and instead of a title, there is a weird symbol on the front cover. A circle with a triangle inside and five small others above.


Why do I have it?

I might as well see what’s inside.

The Quest of Samsy, Seer of Humility

What? There is my name in this? What is the meaning of this?!

Welcome to your Quest!

Forget everything you know, it’s all in the future now!

You will live amazing adventures and overcome countless struggles!

This device will help you throughout your journey!

May luck be with you.

Wow… That’s spooky.

I am on a Quest? Why? And what do I have to do? Why am I a… Seer of Humility?

Oh god… what is happening?

Phew… Calm down. The situation is dire, but don't lose your shit. Surely, this book should have some kind of practical advice.

What the fuck?!

The rest of the book is completely blank! What am I suppose to do now?

I inspected the book in every way I could, and I found nothing. Only the first page had things written on it. After reading the text several times, it was starting to feel like it was mocking me, so I stopped.

I am not dumb enough to throw away the book, but right now I really want to...

Some times have already passed, and the sun was higher in the sky. Thus, I confirmed the existence of a huge forest on the horizon. The road was apparently longing it, so two choices were offered to me.

Either I follow the road or I go toward the forest.

I think the normal choice would be the road, so I could find a town and people to ask for help. However, there would surely be adults there, and I don’t think they forgot about us yet.

So I choose the forest, I’m confident in my survival skills anyway. As long as there are animals to hunt or fruits to eat I should be fine.


Thus, I started making my way toward the forest.

The weather was nice, the sun was obstructed by a handful of clouds but the overall sky was beautifully blue, and the slight breeze brushing my hair was really nice.

Nonetheless, something was bothering me, as I was walking through the plain, I was having a feeling. As if I was being watched… no, it was something else, but I couldn’t find out what it was.

After a few uneventful hours, I reached the edge of the forest, and I quickly dismissed the bad though bothering me.

It’s probably due to the wildness of the place. I mean, in this day and age, it’s not common to find places voided of human trace. Be it ruins or inhabited cities, there is always something, and so far, I saw nothing despite the dirt road.

Meh, I might just be overthinking this.

I continued my journey into the forest. At a first glance, it looks a lot like the forest we built the camp in. Even though the grass is greener and the trees a little bit taller.

I looked for something to hunt, but even after an hour, I found nothing but a bunch of mushrooms. I’m not hungry or crazy enough to taste them, but I still kept them, in case of emergency.

Noon was already long passed, and my stomach was starting to growl. Moreover, walking all day and climbing trees have started to exhaust me.

That’s when I saw it.


In the sky!

A slim tray of smoke elevating toward the sky. There's bound to be a village over there! Right?

I ran for it, and rapidly reached the border of a huge clearing. It was a huge circular portion of grassland without any trees. In the centre, a village of tens of wooden houses and a barn in the back was built.

It wasn’t that vast, but I had to climb a tree to see the entirety of it.

Hum… there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity. The smoke was emitting from the biggest house, the only one with a chimney, but there was no one outside, except a couple of old people talking to each other.


I’m feeling something…

The book… vibrated?

I opened it.


Objective: Become the hero of the forest village

Sub-Objective: none

What the fuck is that?

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