《I Can't Believe I Have the Girlfriend of My Dreams! - An Unromantic Love-Comedy Light Novel》CH25: Choices
The bonfire burns brightly. I make sure to take a picture of it for Yui. She was not allowed to go outside the hospital, so she wanted lots of pictures of the world. Daisuke’s sister wanted to experience everything her older brother did.
Maybe one day she will.
“Would you like to dance…?” Daisuke reluctantly offered me.
Suddenly my face felt warm, and I doubt it was because of the fire.
“I am not much of a dancer Daisuke-kun.” I smile to him.
A few couples began to slow dancing around the big bonfire. Of course, the rest of us were not so daring to do something like that publicly. Instead most of us chose to gather around each other, talking, gossiping, or anything besides that. I noticed many people were paired up, but were unwilling to do something that would bring up questions about their relationship to one another.
“I tried.” he sighs. “I’m not much of a dancer too.”
What is our relationship?
Daisuke and I have not had a serious conversation yet, but I do not think we ever need to. We did however, mutually agree to refrain from usage of the word “relationship.” What we were definitely did not feel like a relationship, since it did not feel right for either of us. We have talked about Kazuki and Mary, but to go any further seemed wrong. They were the only people that deserved happiness.
I don’t deserve him…
“Have you seen them around?” I asked Daisuke.
“No.” he replies, a bit relieved. “I haven’t seen Mary either.” as he moves his head to see.
I am not sure what to think of Daisuke Akatsuka. Upon my first impressions of him, he seemed more or less like a delinquent, someone people would disregard. I still remember our first conversation was at the Purrfect café where he accompanied Kazuki.
How did they find out where I worked…?
“Can I ask you something?”
Daisuke turns his attention towards me.
“What is it?”
“How did you find out where I worked? I always left early and made sure to cover my tracks.”
Daisuke scratches his head.
“Actually, I have no idea. Kazuki was the one who knew.” he reveals. “I’m not sure how he found out either, since I was always around him practically 24/7.”
Maybe I should ask him one day…? I am being too optimistic.
Questions aside, it turned out we had a lot in common, such as our mutual loved ones. If there is anything to confirm about us, it was there is an unspoken truth – this is entirely a façade. This was out of convenience, as our only goal was to make sure our loved ones to be happy. Although we may become very close, I am afraid of experiencing the pain of love once more.
“Can I ask you something too?”
It seems we are taking turns.
“I’ve been around Kazuki for as long as I can remember. I hope you don’t take any offense to this, but what exactly do you see in him? Personally, I thought that guy would be alone forever.” he says bluntly. “Guess I was wrong about that.”
Thoughts rush through my head, but I have no trouble forming an honest answer.
“I like him…because…” as I take a deep breath.
This is embarrassing…
“Because he never gives up.”
Daisuke looks at me with a doubtful expression.
“Really?” he says, unconvinced. “That’s all?”
“No.” I chuckle. “There is more, but that is my favorite thing about him.” as I try to calm my rapidly beating heart.
“My father had debts to pay, and I thought my mother and brother passed away. Throughout my life, everyone abandoned me. I was always on my own for as long as I can remember. I thought being isolated was for the best, so that I could never bother anyone, and they did not have to bother with me.” I explain. “Since they would all leave me in the end.”
“But Kazuki changed all that. He would not quit, even when I rejected him out of instinct, and for the first time – I felt someone cared. He did not see some weak girl, afraid of her own insecurities, watching life from afar. Instead, he accepted me, for who I am.”
And that is the truth.
“He always was a stubborn knucklehead.” Daisuke reminisces.
“All I needed to do was accept him, but I did not. Mary deserves him more than I ever did…”
I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, but I refuse. I cannot cry and pout about this with Daisuke and everyone in front of me.
“…” he sighs, unsure of what to say.
Daisuke wraps his arm around me, his warmth enveloping my body.
“Thanks.” as I quickly wipe away a single tear from my eye.
Suddenly someone approaches us.
“There. You. Are!”
It was the new transfer student, Shion Masaki.
“I have been looking for you all day Daisuke-kun!” she points out.
There was something eerie about her. She could be considered beautiful, almost too perfect to be honest. It felt unnatural how impossibly beautiful she was. Her doll-like face was devoid of any scars or marks, her skin smooth and pale, her lips sweet and soft. I am not even sure if she was wearing makeup.
Immediately Daisuke lets go of me and stands up, towering over her.
“What do you want from me?” he says, holding his breath.
Instinctively I feel the need to stand up as well.
“Who is she?” I whispered to him.
“Nothing.” he replies. “Just someone who won’t leave me alone.”
Masaki-san does not blink an eye.
“Aww…is that who I am to you?” she pouts. “You must be his new girlfriend right? Hey wait…aren’t you Akane Yuki? You’re in my class right?”
Daisuke and I stay silent.
“I see…” she sighs. “Then you wouldn’t mind if I stole your partner here for a second?”
I step in front of Daisuke, surprising him.
“Leave him alone.”
I was not sure what Masaki-san’s intentions were, but I could tell no good would come from her. There was something off about her expression, as I felt uncomfortable from her unnerving smile.
“All I want is to dance with Daisuke. You know what they say about the bonfire dance right? That whomever you dance with, you’re bound for life!” she laughs.
“And why would I dance with the likes of you?” Daisuke interjects.
Masaki-san stays silent. Instead, she points her finger at Daisuke, motioning him to come closer. We both exchange looks of unease, but he is curious. Daisuke follows with his guard up.
“Come come…” she says with a smug expression.
Masaki-san tip-toes to reach Daisuke’s ears. I cannot make out what she says to him because of the noise around us, but judging from Daisuke’s expression, he suddenly turned pale.
“I’ll meet you near the bonfire in five minutes, okay?” as she finally leaves.
What did she say?
“I’ll only be gone for a minute.” he says with a pained expression.
“Why? What did she say-“
“It’s nothing!” Daisuke snaps at me. “I just need to humor her.”
I resist the urge to speak up. Clearly Masaki-san had something over Daisuke that would make him obedient. He walks away from me, heading towards Masaki-san.
Suddenly questions flashed through my mind. Was she a former lover? Is she blackmailing him? Why is Daisuke keeping everything a secret?
What power does Masaki-san have over him?
I’m back in World A(kane). Luckily for Mary and me, Dr. Mori managed to notice we were gone. Of course, she gave us (especially me) a stern lecture about how we made everyone (especially her) worried. But, she was glad that we were okay in the end. By the time we headed back, everyone had already begun forming questions about us, with their burning curiosity surrounding what exactly was our “relationship.”
“Are they a couple? Why else would the two of them run off together alone?”
I managed to ignore everything and kept my mouth shut. I’m sure Mary also did the same.
Still…I can’t just ignore Mary.
I didn’t manage to sleep well at all last night; it’s a miracle I’m still awake. Mary left me with her request, and to be honest, I’m not sure if I should reject it.
A trial run? Is that the right thing to do? This is way too complicated.
“Alright Kazuki, you’re up.”
Dr. Mori motions for me to step forward.
“Everyone follow the path and you should be fine…if you manage to survive!” she grins menacingly.
This was the second day of the class trip. Tonight was supposed to be the “test of courage,” where we were supposed to partner up with someone, and go through a course filled with dares, horrors, and scares. However, I say that with a hint of irony, as there was no way anyone can seriously be scared of whatever Dr. Mori had planned. Given that I was one of the actors last year, I had a general idea of what to expect.
I’m cringing at the thought of seeing Dr. Mori dressed as a demon again...
“I hope you’ll be happy with your partner…” Dr. Mori says with a smug expression.
I reluctantly reach my hand inside the box, and pull out a small piece of paper.
Akane Yuki.
“A-Are you s-serious?!?” I blurt out to her.
“You’re welcome Kazuki-kun.” she smiles.
Did she rig this thing? There’s no way that I was lucky enough to pull that name out of the dozens in the box. It was definitely rigged! I instinctively turn my head and make eye contact with Akane standing alone, who bashfully looks away.
We still haven’t spoken about our fight.
“Okay, get on it Kazuki, next in line please.” as Dr. Mori shoos me away.
Keep it together Kaz, you’re still a couple…right?
I suppose there’s nothing left to do but face it head on. I walk towards Akane, and instead of looking forward to it like I usually did, I dreaded it. We’ve only exchanged a few confused glances at each other for the past few days.
“H-Hello Akane…I guess I’m your partner?” I awkwardly tell her.
“R-Really? I’m glad…” as she plays with her bangs. “It must be fate or something.”
Or a really nosy Dr. Mori…
Regardless, this was an opportunity for us to talk. I’ve been spending the past few days pondering what to say, but now up close, I’m stunned. It’s been so long since I’ve seen Akane up close that I forgot how pretty she is.
“U-Uh…let’s get to the starting area!” she quickly reminds us.
We walk to the starting area located a few meters away from our site.
“Have fun, make sure to follow the path…or else!” said a passionate class president.
Class president hands us two flashlights, as Akane and I both reluctantly nod and we walk forward. In front of us was a dirt path, leading deep into the woods. As we’re walking I notice footprints, probably from pairs that have come before us. Then I realize that Akane was noticeably distant from me.
C’mon Kazuki…say something.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
Akane lets out a small shriek that startles me! I can feel my heart racing a mile-a-minute.
“D-Don’t scare me like that Kazuki.” she pouts.
Oh how I miss that cute pout of hers…
“I’m sorry.” as I try to console her.
Akane’s legs were shaking a bit, as her face was paler than usual. Even her flashlight wasn’t held straight ahead, as it was shaking to an odd rhythm.
She’s scared?
“Are you…afraid of the dark?”
“N-No.” she replies.
I could clearly tell she was trying to hold back her tears. It was written all over her face and body, as the former “Ice Witch of Kasumigaseki High” was frozen in fear.
She’s being stubborn like usual…
I shrug it off and walk forward, only to feel something cling to my arm.
“Maybe a little…” she whimpers.
I instinctively feel the need to laugh, and she soon follows suit.
“It’s not so bad.” I say to comfort her. “Dr. Mori sort of made me in charge of this thing last time, so I know all her tricks.”
“Really?!?” Akane’s eyes brighten. “Then let’s avoid all of this…if you don’t mind.”
A part of me wanted to continue onwards like usual. Who wouldn’t want a fair maiden like Akane Yuki clinging to my arm all the way? I’ll be acting as her knight in shining armor. But, I would rather avoid this whole mess all together. This whole “test of courage” was simply something Dr. Mori concocted to live out her sadistic fantasies. Knowing her, I bet she had a lot in store for me especially.
“Sure, let me-“
Suddenly we’re interrupted by a blood curdling scream. It sounded like one of our classmates was in danger.
“W-What was that…?” as I notice Akane trembling behind me.
“P-Probably one of Dr. Mori’s tricks. Yeah…it has to be!”
This was precisely what Dr. Mori would do! A couple hears someone scream and goes to investigate. Then it turns out they’ve made a grave mistake, and pay for it – with their lives! I’ve seen too many horror movie clichés to see how this turns out. This absolutely has to be a trap!
Could it…?
“Let’s just move-“
“Somebody please help!”
The scream echoes through the woods.
“That sounds way too real to be a joke…” says Akane.
I can’t just leave them there.
Who would I be if I just ignored someone in need? I clench my fists and take a deep breath to compose myself.
“We have to check it out. Worst case scenario it’s another one of Dr. Mori’s tricks.” I say with determination.
Akane nods her head without hesitation.
“Let’s go.”
We both walk deeper into the woods, with the canopies completely blocking out the stars and moonlight; we can only depend on our flashlights now. I can barely see only a few meters ahead of me, as the thick branches and leaves make it difficult to navigate, along with the paranoia that someone (or something) was looking at us.
“I think we’re getting close.” as Akane points towards the ground.
There were a few footprints, one pair that I would assume was a girl, and another that I assume was a boy due to the size difference. Finally, we reach the end of the footprints.
“Where are we?” I think aloud.
There should be someone here. Based on the screams, this should have been the point of origin.
“Wait! What’s that over there?”
Akane shines her light towards something rustling in the bushes. The bush becomes louder and louder, but eventually calms. I hold my breath, as Akane and I instinctively prepare for the worst.
“You…came…” I hear a muffled voice come out of the bush.
Suddenly a figure jumps out of the bush onto all fours! The figure was a pale white, with their ragged long black hair draped over their face.
“AHHH!” Akane and I scream!
Our screams are drowned out by the sound of laughter, as upon closer inspection, I finally notice something strange.
“Wait a minute…” as I walk closer and shine my flashlight at the figure.
“Hey…cut out that light Kazuki!” said the figure with its high-pitched voice.
“I know that voice anywhere.” says Akane, her voice still a bit shaky.
“Mary…?” we both say in unison.
The figure fixes it hair, to reveal a familiar face.
“You guys should’ve seen the look on your faces!” Mary laughs.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.
Mary continues to fix the large wig, trying her best to keep her face revealed while she speaks.
“Dr. Mori asked if I could be of some help. Being the fastest I could potentially chase down some victims if I wanted. Oh boy has it been entirely worth it so far!” she explains.
“So that scream…that was you?” Akane asks.
Mary nods her head, which then causes her wig to recover her face.
“Yep! I was Juliet in the school play y’know. Maybe I should become a real actress!” she says with a smug expression.
Yeah…a real scream queen.
But there was still one question on my mind – why were there two pairs of footprints.
“Mary…if you were the smaller pair of footprints…then who was the other pair?” Akane took the words out of my mouth.
“Footprints? What are you talking about?” she says, confused.
“Then that means-“
Suddenly we’re interrupted by another blood curdling scream! This time, it wasn’t like Mary’s fake scream. It sounded more like an animal than something human. I turn my flashlight behind me, and I see what looks to be a wolf-like creature, only this one was bipedal. It was covered in fur, as I can see its red eyes and foaming mouth full of sharp fangs.
“Is that with you…?” I quietly whispered to Mary.
I turn my head to see Mary was already a few meters away from me.
Guess that answers it.
“Run for it!” Akane shouts.
Akane and I run for our lives, only for her to suddenly trip and fall, dropping her flashlight towards the creature.
I extend my hand towards her.
“L-Leave me! It’s going to get you!” as I notice the wolf-like creature coming closer and closer.
I ignore her words and help her up. I drop my flashlight, as it was the least useful thing right now.
“Let’s go!”
Akane tries to stand up, but she immediately stumbles against me for support.
“My leg…”
She must’ve twisted it or something!
I wrap my arm around her for support, as we try to run away from the creature. I look behind me, only to see it catching up to me.
Is this the end…?
I try not to look behind me anymore, simply focusing on getting Akane to safety. By now, the creature must have been right behind us, enough that I could smell its weird scent.
Wait a minute…I can actually smell it.
I reluctantly turn my head around to see it standing right behind us! It says something but I can’t understand its muffled voice.
“W-Woah are you okay? I’m so sorry if I took it too far.” the creature finally speaks clearly.
“What’s going on…?” Akane says.
The creature motions its claws towards its head, and lifts up, revealing a human face.
“Ah! It was getting hot in there!” said another familiar face.
“D-Daisuke?!?” Akane and I said in unison.
Close up, the costume actually looked professionally made, almost movie-quality. In near or total darkness, there was no doubt that anyone would believe there was an actual werewolf in front of them.
Dr. Mori spared no expense…
“Yeah…I must’ve gotten carried away. I’ve been working on that scream all week.” he explains.
“Then are you working for Dr. Mori too?”
“Yeah…once I found out Mary was part of this, I had to join. I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to scare her too. Guess I’ll be getting an earful from her later…” he laughs.
“Well…I guess she managed to get me.” I sigh.
Aren’t doctors supposed to help people? Speaking of doctor related things…
“Is your leg okay Akane?”
I crouch down to take a closer look at her leg. Her foot was a bit swollen.
“I-I’m fine. See-“ as she takes a few steps forward, only for me to swiftly catch her.
“Your leg isn’t.” I say with concern.
“The end of the tests of courage is a straight walk. I’m sure Dr. Mori and the medical tent is probably there too.” Daisuke points out.
“Thanks you knucklehead.” as I stand up to pat his furry shoulder.
There’s no helping it…
“Sorry Akane!” as my friend heads back to scare more victims.
I crouch back down and extend my arms.
“Come on, let’s go.” I say to Akane.
Given how Akane could barely take a step, I had to piggyback her back.
“I-I c-can’t do that! I-It’s too embarass-“
“You’re my girlfriend.” I interrupt her.
Akane pauses, but then reluctantly obliges.
“Only until we see people…” she whispers into my ear.
Suddenly I felt my body getting warmer! Akane’s bosom was pressed against my back, as I can almost feel our hearts were beating to the same rhythm. I lift up, with my hands gripping her soft thighs for support. I walk straight forward as Daisuke said.
“You’ve gotten a little heavy…” I instinctively joked.”
“I-I’ve been dieting!” Akane pouts.
I let out a small chuckle, followed by full-on laughter. Akane soon laughs as well, like we were before.
When was the last time we laughed like this?
The atmosphere becomes tense. We’re both silent, listening to the sounds of the windy forest. By now we were out of the forest, as I can see the full moon beaming above us.
Say something Kazuki.
“I’m sorry-“
Both of us spoke at the same time.
“You go f-“
I look behind me to see her gently crack a smile at me, something I haven’t seen for some time.
“I’m sorry about what happened last time.” I finally say to her.
“I’m sorry too.” she whispers softly into my ear.
I turn my head to see her face close up. I missed those mesmerizing hazel eyes of hers.
“I don’t know what I was thinking. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”
“I’m sorry I doubted you Kazuki…I know you wouldn’t do that.” she replied.
“It’s just…” she stops herself. “I just don’t know what to do without you. I’m afraid of losing you Kazuki…” as she bites her lip slightly.
“Because when I’m with you…” she pauses once more, followed by a deep breath. “There’s a warm tingly feeling inside my chest, like my heart is about to explode. It’s actually kinda painful to be honest.” as she gives a small chuckle.
Now that she mentioned it, I’ve been feeling the same sensation in my heart ever since I met her.
Does Yuki-san feel this pain as well?
“I’m sorry for the pain.”
Akane suddenly leaps off me! I turn around only to be met with a light punch on my shoulder.
“N-No don’t apologize you idiot!” she snaps at me.
I rub my shoulder to ease the pain away as Akane composes herself.
“It’s a good pain.” as she clutches her chest. “Whenever I’m around you I feel different…as if everything is going to be okay, no matter what. I…”
Akane pauses.
“I…what?” I ask.
She pouts, unrelenting. Her face begins to turn bright red as she fidgets with her fingers. Akane finally takes a deep breath.
“I love you!” she lets out.
Tears began to stream from her eyes. Her smile brings warmth to my soul. The girlfriend of my dreams revealed her true feelings. Normally any guy would feel on top of the world after this confession, but I couldn’t help but feel panic and guilt.
This is only temporary.
Nothing would matter since every other night I would be in another world. I would be happy here with Akane in World A(kane), only to wake up the next morning in World B, alone. It bothers me that I could bring a smile to Akane, but not to Yuki-san. I wish there was a way she could see me like I saw her. I wish there was a way that I could stay here permanently, but this was my gift.
Or curse.
I’m not sure if I could handle that, having to experience two different world forever. With my “world hopping” power, I wasn’t sure if this was real at all. This could be a dream for all I knew! Whatever knowledge Akane and I gathered so far was thrown out the window after the school festival.
And Mary’s confession…
I still had to deal with the consequences of my original world when I woke up. Mary of World B asked me out for date – a trial one. How is she going to react when I tell her that? Would that not confirm all of her insecurities, that if I was single, Mary would be in her position? I wanted to tell her my thoughts, but I can’t do it. Akane’s smile was something I wanted to protect dearly – it was something I needed to protect no matter what. The pain in my heart will only continue from here, and the problem was mine to burden.
“Promise me Kazuki.”
Before I knew it, Akane had grabbed my hands.
“Promise me that you’ll be there for me.”
“I promise.” I said without hesitation.
Instinctively, I move closer to her, and wrap my arms around her. I can hear a quiet gasp from Akane at my sudden movement. Finally, I feel her arms wrap around me. For a moment, I felt things were going to be okay.
I’ll just tell her later, not right now.
“Let’s go back.” Akane says with a smile on her face. “It seems my foot magically got better.”
That was the power of love at work. Our hands interlock, as we walk back to our site.
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