《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 41 - Rule the Sky!


It's been a week...

Oh... About the tournament... it will be held this month...

Oriel has asked Santa-sensei... but the school is active as usual, they have a lot of events... until this month, Oriel got the chance to book the field of Neku School...

But.. We have to delay it more...

And today is the seventh day...

We announce to the citizen to stay at home... since there might be a chance of war happening in the sea...

And so, the city has been quiet all day...

The soldiers are on their fleet... and Euclio put all of the siege weapons to the ship... so that the ship can launch an attack for long-distance...

The ship in our world, have no siege weapon... Euclio suggests this, and everyone accepted it...

We build ballista in every single ship... that is a new thing since heavy siege weapons are usually placed on a fortress, not on the boat.

The normal warship only uses mages to attack with range... and archer with arrows...

But Magic Attack could be easily blocked by Barrier Magic... And arrows countered by Wind Magic

Also, we change our flag, it is a PAQ Alliance but also a Lion Emblem from the Southern Beastman Kingdom...

It's 2 AM... And the weather is very cold and the sky is dark, we can barely see with our bare eyes...

We prepare torches on the coast of the line...

And soldiers armed with spears on the beaches... but archers on the hill and coast...

Nate's party and Ethan's party has been informed about this... And we show them the letter...

Nate's party on the beach, and as well as Ethan's party...

Nathalia and Euclio are with me...

Rueger is with us as well, he will be in charge of protecting me...

The fleet is lead by Javier... he has returned from Bazo, after informing a potential attack to Lex the Lion from Reudora Kingdom...

We can't see the enemies without any light...

While our fleet has been docking for the last three days, and has been prepare for the war anytime...

"Send the Torches..." I said to a soldier... And he gives a signal to the fleet...

Torches is small ships that is guarding the perimeter of our fleet... and then we burn them using the fire arrow...

So that we can see, if the enemies are coming... And we keep sending them every 10 minutes...

When the sun has risen...

6 AM...

"The enemy has been spotted!" a soldier said...

I was sitting down with Euclio and Nathalia...

Immediately... we stood up and direct our view to the ocean...

We are currently on a cliff...

So that we can watch the entire battlefield...

The enemy is marching...

Our soldier blows the horns to remind the fleet...

We have thousand ships, and we align them in a line... so that the it would be much more effective...

Not only balista, the ship behind us were equipped with catapult...

Those were Euclio's idea... He is a genius

The frontline of the ship would be the balista... since balista has shorter range, but easier aim and more destructive...

While the backline, are the catapults which has more range...

I look at the enemy...

There are tens of thousands enemy ships... moving and come closer to us...

"Fire Ship..." Euclio said...

And the soldier beside us gives a signal to our ship from the other sea...

I look to the other side of the sea... and I can see hundreds of our ship are ready to ambush them...

The ship from our west, which is the Fire Ship are starting to move...


"Create... Elements..." I said...


"[WIND]" I said and casted to our Fire Ship on the other side... to make them moving toward the enemy ship...

The soldier from the Fire Ship jump to the water... and abandon their boat...

It is the Fire Ship... and I learn it in history class... in my previous world...

Euclio praise my idea...

We will burn the Fire Ship, and make it crash to the enemy ship... and it is an unman kind of ship... so we will have no casualties, but lost in resources...

The effect will be great, it will destroy the enemy's formation...

And, on the east of our fleet... we have our ram fleet, the fleet that will crush the enemy fleet from the short distance... and knock them with the ram...

In a short time, we could manage it in time... we have two million soldiers right now, that is the reason we can build everything pretty fast...

Now, a hundred of thousand army is on the fleet... while the rest are on the land...

The Fire Ship is getting closer to the enemy fleet... and I can see the enemy shooting arrows to the Fire Ship...

But, the ship is unman...

Also, when the enemy set fire on our ship, it immediately become the fire ship...

Do we really need to burn the ship?... all of our ship has been burnt by our enemy, and it supposed to be burnt by us... and the Fire Ship keep moving forward, and crash the enemy's fleet...

Arrows can't stop the fleet... But their mages could stop my fleet, and I feel the resisting power... but I used my staff, and my power is much more dominant than theirs... and so the Fire Ship fleet is keep moving forward

My wind pushes forward the Fire Ship fleet... some of them were not yet set fired...

"Set Fire!" Euclio said to a soldier... he is the one that gives the signal to the soldiers...

Then, our small boats are sailing close to the Fire Ship and the man inside the small boat shot arrows of fire... using... a crossbow...

Euclio discovers that machine... he used the Balista principle...

Fire rate are low... but the range is almost twice...

We burn the remaining Fire Ship manually... and create a really big chaos on the enemy side...

Do they really come without a plan?

Mages from the enemy couldn't extinguish the fire... since the fire are too great...

Without realizing, the enemy is already within the range of the catapult...

"Catapult..." Euclio said to the soldier that has been giving the signal lately...

The soldier blow the horn... and the other soldiers from other side are following him... until the fleet could hear it...

Within seconds...

We can see our fleet shooting catapults to the enemy ships...

"Bullseye!" I said...

It reaches the enemy ships... and sink them...

Catapults are sure powerful, they could sink a ship in just one shot...

"Bullseye?" Euclio asked me...

But Nathalia laughed...

"N-Nothing... focus Euclio!" I reminded him...

"Oh!" He said and return his view to the battlefied...

T-That boy is too easy...

"I think we need to send another one million of soldier to Bazo..." I said to Nathalia...

"Yeah, I think their main army comes from the land..." Nathalia said...

Euclio agree as well...

"Ask Ethan's army to aid Bazo..." I said to Nathalia...

Nathalia nodded and left...

"Oh Nathalia!" I called her... she looked back...

"Told him that in case of emergency, run to Neku's Labyrinth..." I told Nathalia...


Nathalia nodded...

Somehow I have a bad feeling about this...

"W-Wait..." I called Nathalia back...

"What is it Nisan?" Nathalia asked back with annoyed face...

"Ram ship" Euclio said to the soldier... and he gives a sign through torches, so the other soldier on the other side can see...

"Bring Nate's soldier as well..." I said

Euclio looked at me speechlessly...

"That would be the entire soldier in the coast?" Nathalia said...

I nodded...

"Naval War, is all about strategy, if we could destroy them before they land... we will have less casualties..." I said...

"Are you sure you can defend this city with only the fleet?" Nathalia asked...

I nodded...


There are moment of silent... Even Euclio is a bit hesitating...

"Fine..." Nathalia said and left...

"You go with them! Call Fo here!" I shouted from distance...

"Yeah! I know!" Nathalia shouted while moving down to the beach... where the soldiers gather...

After she left...

"Are you sure?" Euclio asked me...

I nodded...

"We have destroyed thousands of their ship, with no casualties..." I said

"Don't be so hasty Nico..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

"From now on... we have no more triumph card..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

Then, I can see the ramming ship, rammed our opponents ship...

They shoot arrows... and [FIREBALL] to the ram fleet... but they couldn't hit us, since we protect the soldiers with iron shield...


The enemy soldier jump to the ramming ship...

And the war begin...

We have casualties now...

I can see chaos...

"Pull the ram back!" Euclio said...

And the signal soldiers giving the order... And continued by the other signal soldier on the other cliff

Within minute, we can see the ramming fleet moves back...

Also, we can see our soldiers on the beach move away from the battlefield...

The damage from the Fire Ship is fatal to the enemy fleet...

Especially, combine with my [WIND]... the fire spread from the left to the middle of their fleet...

And we can see the enemy is retreating...

Of course! They suffer a great loss!

Then we shout a battlecry...

"Yeah!" Euclio shouted while give me a high five...

Fo come to the hill where we are up...

"Huh.. What? The war is over already?" Fo said while breathing heavily...

It seems Panda's real enemy is stairs...

"Let's get down!" I said and every soldier that come with us move downstairs...

Our fleet is still shooting their fleet with catapults...

"Oh... I will join you later..." Fo said while lying on the ground...

I laughed...

Until one moment...

I feel a bloodlust...

I stopped moving, also Euclio...

Then I looked at the soldiers...

"Fo! Wake up!" Euclio shouted...

And Fo immediately stand up... and move behind us...

Euclio in the most front...

We are with several soldiers... which are the archers...

Are there some traitor between us here?!

[REPEL] I used it to the entire soldiers...

But nothing happened... so none of them are the betrayal...

"Everyone Run" Euclio said

It's too late...

Before they can think... their heads were all chopped out from their bodies...

In a blink of an eye...

I-I can't see the enemy's movement...

But Rueger blocked a sword attack... Which its blade is right next to me...

Then, I can see a man... with longsword in his right hand...

He has a white long hair...

And with his shining blue eyes...

"A-Alduir!" Euclio said...

"We got no chance..." Rueger said...

"Ho... Nicolas... you remember me?" Alduir asked...

And he laughed...

He has the same aura with the soldier with white hair back in Maxim...

"I am here... to bring you to the Queen..." Alduir said...

Both Euclio and I prepare our stance...

Rueger is still holding his swords... blocking so that Alduir can't use the sword...

"N-Nicolas-sama! Run! I will buy you some time!" Rueger said...

"No... I will not!" I said

I can still feel the intimidation aura... but... I can endure it...

[WIND] and I pushed him back while holding my staff...

A little bit!

H-He is not affected by my magic really much...

"Hoo... usually, magic has no effect on me... but you are indeed a Maxwell..." Alduir said praising me...

"Go!" Rueger shouted while standing in front of Euclio...

"Fo... run away..." I said to Fo silently... he nodded and run away...

"You see... Rueger, you can't defeat me..." Alduir said...

Rueger nodded...

"I can't... but..." Rueger said

And within a second a man was behind him... trying to behead him...

Alduir dodge the attack by jumping...

And moved back...

"We can..." a man said...

"W-Who is he?" I asked...

He almost defeated Alduir...

"That is close..." Alduir said... while cleaning his cloth...

"Both of you won't be enough..." Alduir said...

"But... Killing tenth and ninth would be great..." Alduir continues with his smile...

Ninth?! So, he is the ninth... the man with heavy armor...

"Fighting two God Tier in swordsmanship..." Alduir said...

"It will be fun..." Alduir said and move forward to start the attack...

And so does both of them...

"Let's run!" Euclio said to me...

"N-No! We should help them!" I said

"We are only a burden if we stay here..." Euclio said

Until, suddenly... Alduir stands behind both of us...

We looked at him with our fear...

But ninth protected us...

With his sword, he blocked us...

"Go away kid! This is not your battlefield!" ninth said...

"No... we should stop him... right now... today..." I said...

"You can even barely push him!" ninth said...

"Yes, but we have to!" I said...

"He destroyed and killed a lot of kings already...This is should be his final place...For trying to kill me...For trying to kill Julian..." I continue saying with determination...

"Fine... let's do it!" Euclio finally give up...

I can feel the cloud is getting thicker here...

There would be storm soon...

I just need to touch him to win...

Alduir swing his long sword... but then blocked by ninth...

Rueger immediately come closer to stab him... but...

The long sword! It is changing its shape... into a normal sword!

And he blocked Rueger's attack...

Ethan's and Nate's party are not here...

We should do it on our own...

When I can see him quite a distance...


I used my staff, which is quite fast... but he still able to dodge it by moving to other place...

Which is to my place... but ninth protect me... as always...

Euclio move and attack Alduir, but dodged every of his attack...

And again... [PRISON]

But again... he dodge it...

This time, it is Rueger's time to attack... and Alduir block some of his attack...

Until suddenly...

Alduir got hit by a tree?


I looked at the direction of the tree... and...

"G-Grandpa!" I shout...

"Ah... fourth!" ninth said...

"ninth? Why are you here?!" grandpa asked while coming closer to me...

"Ugh... fifth asked me..." ninth said...

"Jeremiel?" Grandpa asked...

Tousan? Is it Tousan what ninth means?

"Where is he now?" Grandpa asked...

"He is here now... don't you feel the weather?" ninth said...

I look around... and I can see that there will be a storm around here...

"Where?" I asked...

"Above" Ninth said..

I looked above... and I can see the dark clouds has gathered around...

And it is still 11 AM in the morning...

I return my view to Alduir...

He is surrounded by the three of them...

Euclio is beside me...

"Die!" Alduir shouted... and he direct an attack to Grandpa... but the woods are protecting him... by parrying his sword...

Rueger immediately come toward him and attack to finished him off while he is imbalance...

And he did it...

Rueger cut one of his arm...

"You are going to die..." Grandpa said...

But Alduir laughed...

"I won't!" Alduir shouted and he pointed his sword at me...

And without realizing, the sword is elongate by itself... until it reach my eyes...


A thunder was shot from the sky toward Alduir...

But he parried it...

I-I am safe!!

I never thought he could elongate and shrink his weapon easily...

Euclio put me behind his back...

Also, Rueger, Grandpa and ninth are standing in front of Euclio...


Then, another stronger thunder... much more powerful, and greater... shot Alduir...

And he success in parrying it...

H-How can he parried a thunder?!

"H-His magic... is hurting me...." Alduir said in afraid...

"Ah! Of course! He is the Wizard Emperor!" Zerotus said...


Everyone is still focus on Alduir...


And again... another thunder strike him...

But again, Alduir parried it...

Until another shot...


The sound of thunder... and Alduir fall to the ground...

"H-He did it..." Alduir said while pointing his sword to the cloud...

"The last time... who did this to me was Maximus... Maxwell..." Alduir said while breathing heavily...

It seems that he can't fight anymore...

But then...

"It is time for me to go..." Alduir said...

Go? He is surrounded!

And a light ray hit Alduir... for quite a long time...

Then, the light ray vanished after a minute... along with Alduir...


"He escaped..." Grandpa said...

"What do you mean?" Rueger asked...

"That is a teleportation magic..." Grandpa said...

"T-Teleportation?!" All of us in unison...

Grandpa nodded...

"All of you should join Neku school! Tomorrow! I will be teaching in building B!" Grandpa said while leaving us...

H-He left us already?!

"H-Hey... how about Alduir?" I asked...

"Ahh, he is far far away... maybe back to Human Continent..." Grandpa said...

Human continent?! You can teleport that far?!

"Tomorrow! 3 PM!" He said and left...

U-Ugh... as always, come late but go home early, that is my grandpa...

Then I looked at the clouds which is gathering above our city...

"Oh! Jeremiel-sama is waiting for you..." Ninth said...

I looked at the sky... and now... I see an army...

The soldiers are using heavy armor... and an emblem of House Maxwell is printed on their armor... an Eagle...

They were using... June(s)! All of them are using Pegasus!

"W-What is that! Isn't it supposed to be a legend! I thought there should be only one Pegasus!" Euclio said...

He looks surprised...

But disappointed, when he notice that June is not special...

"June!" I shouted...

The sky is echoing with my voice calling her name...

Then... within a second, she land in front of me...

I looked at those army from the sky, they are escorting me I guess...

"C-Can I come?" Euclio asked me...

"Of course! I fell a lot safer too" I said...

I climb on June, and so does Euclio...

"Nicolas-sama..." Rueger called me...

"Yes Rueger?" I responded

"Please send my regards to Jeremiel-sama..." Rueger continue...

I nodded...

"I will..." I said...

"Let's go June..." I said when Euclio is ready...

And June start flapping her wing...

"Are you ready Eu?" I asked Euclio...

"I hope so" Euclio said in a bit afraid way... Euclio looks a bit worried as well if I am going there alone... what a good friend he is...

After he readied himself, June fly... we are flying to the cloud...

Following the soldier of my Tousan's kingdom, the Sky Kingdom...

I don't actually miss him at all... since I never know him...

I miss Clement-tousan more than Jeremiel-tousan...

We follow the Pegasus in front of us... until they land... on a cloud?

I can see a giant flat area...

June followed the Pegasus in front of her... and we land safely...

I look at the stairs in front of us...

It is like climbing the Olympus...

I can see a waterfall... they were flowing from up there...

"That is the place where Jeremiel-sama live..." a soldier said while pointing at the peak of the waterfall...

T-That could take an hour!

"Can we use the Pegasus?" I asked...

But he prohibited it...

"Pegasus are not allowed to pass..." the soldier said...

"Why?" I asked...

"I don't know... but Jeremiel-sama created the rule..." he said...

I can't see their face clearly... since he uses a helmet... all of the soldiers are using helmet...

What are their race?

We decided to use the stair...

Which took forever...

I bet, Fo would prefer to stay down on the earth...

After several steps of stairs, we can see houses around...

Then... we see kids... running around...

And I can see their face...

Human race?

N-No... all of their hairs are white...

But when they saw me... they give me a bow...

"What race are you?" I asked them out of my curiosity...

"We are the sky race... people call us the Seraphim..." a woman next to the boy explained it to me...

"I see... thank you..." I said... and she gives me another bow...

I continue my journey to the top of this Olympus...

"This place is really beautiful..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

"All of it are white!" I said

The stairs are made of cloud... but the fence are made of gold... and all of the houses are white... like the clouds

The further we walk, the more gold we can see...

Just how rich is he?

This father of mine...

When we finally arrived... I can see a big door...

Made of gold... and we can see the guards are using a heavy armor... made of steel and gold?

Why use gold?

Behind them, I can see a pike... and on his hand, he is holding a sword made of iron...

They open the door for us...

And when the door is open... I can see a pool in the middle of the room...

But in front of the pool, I can see a man sitting on his throne made of gold... wearing an adamantine armor... without his helmet, so that I can see his face...

A man with black hair and red eyes... like me...

I looked behind and the door is closed... both of us stopped in hesitation...

But when I looked at Euclio, he nodded... means that everything is going to be allright...

We come closer to the throne... and...

"Nicolas..." the man sitting on the throne said...

"Otousan..." I said...

Then... silent...

This is... awkward...

Why it should be me? The one that meets Tousan... not Ed...

Ed would be running toward him... and hug him... but I won't hug strangers...

"I believe you have a lot of question..." Jeremiel said to me...

And somehow... I don't...

He don't know me well...

And all I can see he is living in this luxury...

"No... just one question..." I said...

"Why don't you help the Human Continent!" I said... with anger...

The guards around them looked surprised... none of them are actually wearing helmet... so I can see their expressions...

"Are you sure that this is your son?" a man next to him asked Jeremiel...

"He has no attitude at all..." the other one said...

There are five guards standing around him... or maybe his commanders... and from the five of them, three of them is female...

"Yes... he is my son..." Jeremiel said...

He has the power to save us back there in Human Continent... and also...

"Are you really my dad?" I asked...

But Euclio bumped my shoulder...

"W-We might be in trouble if you speak too straightly..." Euclio said to me whisperingly

Jeremiel stood up from his throne... and I can see him... a bit shorter than Clement-tousan... but they look alike... he has no beard... and looks pretty young... like 20s... but he is actually older than Clement-tousan

He brought his staff with him and come closer to me...

Until he stand in front of me...

I looked at him... and he looked at me...

He then lowered his upper body so that he can examine my face...

"W-What's with that..." I asked with quite embarrassed

"You looked like your mother..." Jeremiel said...

Then he pat my head...

"Let me tell you what happened in the past..." Jeremiel said to me... and...

He walked pass through both of us... to the pool and we followed him...

He touches the pool with his staff...

And I can see images reflecting on the pool...

I can see a room, I think this is Auxem...

Yeah! Our mansion back in Auxem!

We are in the baby room... where an assassin tried to murder me...

"H-Hey Jeremiel! Is he crying?" a woman asked...

She looks pretty, and she is looking at the cradle...

"K-Kasan?" I asked...

"She is..." Jeremiel said...

Then, this man say...

"What? I didn't hear anything" he said... that man is Jeremiel, my father...

Then I can see Kasan lift me up... and carry me...

I was a baby...

"See! He has tears on his cheek!" Kasan said while showing me to Tousan...

Tousan come closer to the baby me...

"Hmmm, but why he didn't let a sound? I hope he is okay..." Tousan said...

But then Kasan hit Tousan's head...

"Of course he is okay! He is a healthy boy and a smart boy also a handsome boy..." Kasan said while hugging me...

Then Tousan hugged me as well...

"O-Of course! He is our son after all!" Tousan said while hugging me...

I looked at myself... and the baby me... open the eyes

Red Eyes...

"H-Hey, he opened his eyes! Hi Ed..." Kasan said...

But then I make a sound where I was like going to cry...

"I-Is he gonna cry?" Tousan asked...

"I-I don't know too idiot! This is our first child!" Kasan said with confuse... but also angry to Tousan...

Then I can see the baby me close my eyes...

But then... Tousan hear a loud noise outside...

"T-This feeling..." Tousan said...

Kasan put me back on the cradle...

And Tousan hear a footsteps coming... he prepared his staff...

I change my view away from the pond to Tousan...

"Is that the staff you are using now?" I asked... while pointing at the staff

Tousan looked at me and nodded...

I return my view to the pond...

And the door is breached... and I can see... C-Clement-tousan...

"Who are you! Are you trying to take my son?" Clement asked Tousan...

"W-What are you thinking Clement... you are talking to your brother!" Kasan said...

Then... I can see Navroth standing behind Clement...

"You... who are you!" Tousan said to Nicole...

"I am his wife! And what are you doing to my son!" Nicole said and she prepare her spear...

In an instant, she is standing in front of Kasan... but Tousan hide Kasan behind his back...

Nicole kicked Tousan.., and he fall from the second floor, alongside with Kasan... leaving the baby in the cradle

Both fell to the ground and I can see both of them are bleeding

Both of them are still alive... but Kasan is...

"Create... Elements!" Tousan said...

"Healing Magic!" he casted on Kasan... and she is recovered...

"E-Edward!" Kasan shouted while still lying on the ground...

"Go away from this land... or I will kill you both... let me take care of the baby!" Nicole said...

"J-Jeremy... she took our son!" Kasan said...

"I-I know... but she is much stronger than us..." Tousan said and carried Kasan...

Tousan immediately run... jump to the roof of houses... and run...

"J-Jeremy! What are you doing!" Kasan shouted...

"We will be death! You will be death if you are here!" Tousan said...

"B-But! Our child!" Kasan said...

And I can see Tousan hit Kasan... and she passed out...

"I-I am sorry Evelyn... you are as precious as my son as well... I can't afford losing two of them ..." Tousan said while wiping his tears and run...

But then he direct his view to the mansion...

"I promise to bring you back! You are my son! You have to survive for the time being!" Tousan said... and left...

After the time lapse...

"Jeremiel! Stop!" A man said... he wears a crown... and a golden spear...

He is King Ethen!

"What! Are you asking me to leave my son alone with Navroth?!" Tousan asked... and he sounds angry...

"Yes!" King Ethen said...

And Tousan looked at King Ethen directly...

He come closer to King Ethen and about to punch him... but King Ethen hold his hand...

"Stay here... your son will be alive..." King Ethen said...

"How do you know?" Tousan asked...

"You said that Clement thought of Edward as his son right?" King Ethen asked...

Jeremiel give a thought

"Then, they will raise him as his child... you shouldn't be worrying about that!" King Ethen said...

Then I can see Jeremiel sit next to King Ethen...

"I-I will find a way! I promised to Evelyn..." Tousan said...

"Then we need a strategy!" King Ethen said...

"For a while... you should stay with me... hide in the hidden room of this palace..." King Ethen said... and I can see Tousan nodded...

After that... the pond return to normal pond...

I look after Tousan...

But then... I sense someone behind me...

I looked back and... I see a woman crying happily...

"K-Kasan?" I said and she immediately hugged me...

"Sorry.... I am so sorry!" Kasan said...

"I love you my son!" she said while hugging me and crying...

I hugged her back...

Then, I feel Tousan is hugging me as well...

"I am sorry for not saving you back there..." Tousan said while hugging me...

Kasan and Tousan's hug is really warm... I like the warm... it is so comfortable...

Without noticing... I am crying as well...

I cry without saying anything...

"K-Kasan! Tousan!" I said while crying...

After a while, we release the hug...

"T-That's okay, I forgive both of you..." I said...

I believe they still have regrets within their heart...

I can hear a sigh from Tousan... and Kasan keep smiling toward me...

Then I looked at Euclio...

"Oh! Kasan! Tousan! This is Euclio... my best friend!" I said and introduce him to both of my parents...

"The Qiteron boy! We have watched you for a long time..." Tousan said...

"W-Wait... you can watch us?" I asked Tousan...

"Of course! I can see what is happening in this world..." Tousan said...

"T-Then! Can you find Clement-tousan?" I asked...

Tousan nodded...

Then... I can see him using his magic for the very first time...

"Create... Elements..." Tousan said... and...

I can see behind him... five spherical light appears! Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Brown... same like mine!

He gives me a wink...


I can see he combine Green and Yellow... Wind and Holy... afterward, he hit the pool with his staff... and the blue orbs is shining as well

And the pool give us a vision...

I can see him!

"Clement..." Kasan said...

"Where is he?" I asked...

"I don't know either... I can only show you this..." Tousan said...

He is... in a camp... like planning a strategy...

And the vision is gone...

"How can you create a place like this?" I asked Tousan... and he smiled...

"This time... I am pretty sure... you can't do it!" Tousan said teasing me...

He then combine Water... and Fire... which create steam... like clouds... then... earth?

"T-Three Fusion Magic?!" Euclio asked...

And He nodded proudly...

"I believe you can do more than him!" Kasan said to me...

"R-Really?" I asked...

Kasan nodded with a smile...

"Your Tousan here, can create Thunder... Clairvoyant... Teleportation... and Ground Cloud... with his Fusion Magic..." Tousan said proudly...

T-That is quite cocky!

"I can create Wood Magic!" I said proudly...

Kasan then laughed...

"W-What's wrong?" I asked...

"Y-You should see your father's face, when he watched you dueled Lerrich!" Kasan said while laughing really hard...

"W-What? How is his reaction?" I asked...

"H-Hey! You shouldn't tell him!" Tousan said in embarrassed ...

But Kasan hit his head...

"Hey! He is our son! He got the right to know everything!" Kasan said...

"F-Fine!" Tousan said while recovering from pain...

Poor Tousan...

"When you hit Lerrich in a shot... Your Tousan jumped from his thrones and swing his crown happily! Then he ran circling the pool and before returning to his throne..." Kasan said...

"Pffft..." I tried to hold my laughed...

"H-Hey! You should not laughed! I am just happy!" Tousan said... but then I laughed...

Also Euclio, he laughed at Tousan...

And we can see Tousan's face turns to red...

We are having fun... until one of the commander reminded Tousan...

"Your Highness... we need to go..." he said to Tousan...

"I see..." Tousan said... he then looked at me with sad face...

Also Kasan... but she immediately hugged me...

And I hugged her back...

"Kasan... I love you..." I said...

Seeing the past... seeing how she desperately wants me back...

"I love you too... next time we meet... you must bring Ed!" Kasan said...

"When will you be back?" I asked...

"I don't know... just look at the sky..." Kasan said...

"Sky?" I asked in confusion...

"Because, We rule the sky!" Tousan said while coming closer...

I then release my hug from Kasan... and hug Tousan...

He hugged me back...

"You sure has grown a lot!" Tousan said...

"Yeah! You should have been there!" I said...

"If I could control time... I will be changing you to baby once more..." Tousan said jokingly...

I laughed...but I hope no...

I released the hug from Tousan...

"Try to learn Teleportation Magic..." Tousan said...

"Why?" I asked...

"So that you can teleport here anytime!" Tousan said...

Ah! That would be great!

"I will try that..." I said... and he give me a high five...

"Anything else?" I asked...

And he give a thought...

"Thunder magic... Holy and Fire... that is the most effective damage against Alduir..." Tousan said...

"Why?" I asked...

"Alduir robe is enchanted with dark magic... he absorbed every elements... except Holy..." Tousan...

W-Wow... how can he know?

"Okay... I hope I can do it..." I said...

But Tousan patted me...

"You are stronger than me already!" Tousan said...

I looked at him... and I guess I blushed a bit... and he laughed at me...

"Go... save the world... and I will be watching you from the sky!" Tousan said... and I nodded...

I looked at Euclio... he is talking with Kasan...

What are they talking about...

But I can see they hugged each other...

After that, he walks toward me...

"L-Let's go!" he said while wiping his tears...

Is he crying?!

Tousan come closer to Euclio... and hugged him...

"Thank you for saving my idiot son a lot of time! I know that it is hard for you..." Tousan said loudly...

D-Did he purposely do that?!

Euclio laughed...

"Don't worry, I will always be with him!" Euclio said...

Kasan and Tousan come closer to each other and Tousan embrace her...

Both of them smile...

"It's time for both of you to leave..." Tousan said...

I nodded...

"Let's go Euclio..." I said to him and he nodded...

We are walking together... toward the door...

And we can see the entire city...

A lot of people watches us... and they give us a bow...

"June!" Tousan shouted... and June come to us...

Ummm... not to me... but to Tousan...

W-Wait... I thought Pegasus are not allowed here...

But then I looked at his crown, he is the king after all

Tousan pat her...

"If he doesn't treat you well... you can leave him anytime..." Tousan said whisperingly...

But I can hear that!

June neighed happily

She neighed?!?

"Y-You won't leave me right? June?" I asked... and both of my parents laughed...

I hug both of them for the last time...

"Stay safe..." Kasan said...

"Eat a lot!" Kasan said... while I am climbing up to June...

"Wake up early!" Kasan said when I sit on June...

"Train more!" Kasan said while I am helping Euclio up... and finally...

"Just go!" Tousan said

H-He is kicking us out?

"F-Fine!" I said...

And he laughed...

"Oh Tousan! Rueger send you his regards!" I said when June is flying...

"Oh! Tell him my thanks!" Tousan said...

"From me as well!" Kasan said...

I nodded...

"Let's go June!" Euclio said to June... and we dive through the clouds....

It seems June knows whether it is a cloud or a ground cloud...

And within seconds... we left the Sky Kingdom... and we are above the sea...

We can see the enemies fleet that are retreating...

And they were..... shot by thunders...

"Tousan..." I said...

He is mean! He shot them with thunders, while the enemy still thinking that it is the cloud doing...

I laughed somehow... but Euclio laughed as well...

"W-What are you laughing at?" I asked...

"You were so ignorant to your father... but there... I can see you how happy you are..." Euclio said...

"D-Don't tell this to anyone!" I said...

"What? Of course I will tell everyone!" Euclio said...

We are currently returning to Neku... I hope everyone is alright...

When we return to the city everyone is looking at us...

After we land... they shout a battlecry...

"Nicolas-sama has return!"

"Our city is safe!"

"Euclio the Genius won the war!"

"No! The Wizard King did!"

When I hear the Wizard King... I can't think other than Tousan...

Even Grandpa said that he is a Wizard Emperor...

He could use three fusion magic... just how can he not be the first!

Wait... he defeated the second! Why he didn't move to the second place? I wonder...

We are currently in the main plaza... meeting peoples...

And so, our day ended...

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