《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 40 - The Return of Hero


Nate and Nathalia has been an adventurer for two months...

They become a Platinum Adventurer after a mission... a mission of test... that is a new system of the guild...

Both Nate and Nathalia choose a Diamond Rank quest, and they succeeded... and they were acknowledged as Platinum Rank Party

Not only both of them... Both of them are teaming up with Precilla and Roxane and a boy...

I believe I ever seen him once...

He knows me... but I don't know him...

But in this world, there are a lot of people knows my name...

But this time, I believe I have ever seen him at least once...

Euclio has the same feeling as well...

We are now walking around Kastil... and suddenly...

"OH! HE IS NOAH!" Euclio said out of a sudden....

"Noah? Who is he?" I asked...

"Noah! The one that stay with Ed when Ed is still in regular class..." Euclio said...

I gave a thought about it...

"Oh! That's true!" I said while trying to remember...

Yes! He helped Ed moving his belonging to the special student room...

I also treated him food... as I remember... Which is why he act so friendly toward me...

"Roxane said that he is a strong mage..." Euclio said

"Really? But why is he on the regular class?" I asked...

"Because he is a Kingsguard..." a voice behind me...

"E-Ed?!" I said in surprised...

Behind Ed, I can see Ethan, Eria, Rick and Lisa...

"Hey... Nico, where are you going?" Rick asked me...

"I am checking the city... taking Nate's job..." I said

"Wow... you surely works pretty hard..." Lisa said...

"He is... and he drag me everywhere..." Euclio said...

"Of course! I need you..." I said...

"Yeah, both of you fit with each other..." Ethan said...

"It will be weird to see one of you walking alone..." Ed said to me...

"Haha, I need him, and he needs me, that's why we are helping with each other..." I said...

Euclio nodded...

I look at Eria...

She is using a house clothing... that's is weird...

Without noticing... a sword is in front of my eyes...

"H-Heh?" I said with confusion...

I look at the person in front of me... and it is Eria...

"W-What's wrong?!" I said in nervous...

"What are you looking at?" Eria asked me...

"S-Sorry, I was looking at your outfit... it looks... good on you..." I said with a bit afraid...

"Oh! This!" she said and put her sword back to her scabbard...

"She said that no one could reach or touch her... so using armor or not is just the same for her..." Rick said and Eria nodded...

T-That is quite arrogant isn't it...

"I-I see... but you should at least use a light armor..." I said to her...

"Light armor?" Eria asked

She looks confused...

"Y-Yeah, an armor that is light enough, that you feel like wearing nothing as well..." I said...

"W-Wow..." Eria said...

S-She don't know anything that basic?

"Then, let's check the armor shop!" Ethan said to his party member...

"Okay..." Everyone said in unison except Euclio and I

"Ugh, then... we will be checking the city..." I said...

"Fine... let's go..." Euclio said...

When we were about to leave...

"Oh wait!" Ethan stopped us...

"What?" both Euclio and I in unison...

They all laugh seeing me and Euclio getting look alike in behavior...

"Do you want to come to our house?" Ethan asked...


"When?" Euclio and I in unison...

I look at Euclio, and so does he...

"Stop following me..." I said

"Nope... you are following me..." Euclio said...

That is become pretty annoying

"Tonight! Let's eat dinner... with Nate's party..." Ethan said...

"Where?" again, Euclio and I in unison...

I can see Eria laughed...

S-She is laughing?!

And without her armor she even looked pretty...

"Why are your face so red?" Euclio asked me while teasing...

"N-No, I am not... where?" I asked Ethan to change the topic...

"In our house! Your sister said that she will cook for us!" Ethan said...

"Sure! We will come!" Euclio said...


Another curry? I am fine with that...

"Okay... we will be waiting for you!" Ethan said...

I nodded and both of us left...

We are still in the main plaza...

Accepting people's complain...

Most of the complain are... about the price of the foods... and it is actually our problems...

"We need more food stock..." I said to Euclio...

And he nodded...

"Most of human who lives in Kastil, can't have farm... the price of the land in this place is really expensive..." Euclio said...

"How about letting them to buy lands outside Neku?" a voice behind me...

"Karl?!" I said in surprised...

"Hmmm... that is a good idea... we have more people, I believe we have the right to claim more land right?" Euclio asked me...

"You see, basically the whole kingdom is ours..." I said...

"Then! It is settled!" Euclio said...

We are in the main plaza... and I decided to make an announcement...

"Everyone!" I shouted... and they all stop with their activity and hear me out...

"W-What? Now?!" Karl said in panic but Euclio laughed

"That is Nico..." Euclio said to Karl...

I can hear their voice..

"I decided to create a new field of work..." I said...

And a white tiger come closer...

It is Javier...

He immediately translated my words into beastman language...

"There are things we have considered, such as making more field of work... and also the high demand of basic ingredients of food..." I said

Javier translated my words... after Javier finished translating, I continue...

"The Kingdom will create fields, farms and barns... where we need a lot of workers..." I said...

Javier translated more of my words...

"The payment would be two silvers per day..." I was thinking first before saying...

After I say the words... more people are interested...

There are a lot of beggar inside the city, some of them were farmer... but they don't have any land here...

While the sailor, has been given permission by Nate... and as a result, the cheapest food in the city are the fishes...

2 silvers is actually a lot... a meal could cost only 20 bronzes...

After Javier translated my words...

We can hear the crowds become busy

I continue...

"Come tomorrow morning at 7 AM, and gather here in the plaza... and we will start tomorrow..." I said...

Then I come closer to Euclio...

"How is it?" I asked Euclio...

"Tomorrow? Are you in hurry or something?" Euclio asked...

After Javier translated my words... he come toward us as well...

"Tomorrow? Are you sure?" Javier asked me...

I nodded...

What we need is rice... and cows, also chickens, lambs and rabbits...

"We need a rice seed...a lot of rice seed... maybe potato as well..." I said...

Euclio and Javier nodded...

"How about the livestock?" Euclio asked...


"We can buy it from the market... cows, chickens, lambs, and rabbits..." I said...

Javier nodded...

"I will ask the soldiers..." Javier said...

I nodded...

"We need 50 cows... hundreds of chicken, 50 lambs and a lot of rabbits..." I said...

"Then, I will prepare it for you... Nicolas-sama..." Javier said...

And he is returning to the castle, to assign the squad...

"Are you sure about this?" Euclio asked me...

I nodded...

"We have a lot of areas... in this Kingdom... also the no man area, let's convert it into something useful..." I said...

"Fine... but growing it will takes time..." Euclio said...

"I am fine with that... it is better to do something than nothing..." I said...

Euclio nodded...

"You should find the perfect land, the fertile land..." Euclio reminded me...

"Let's find it then..." I said...

"June!" I shouted...

And the plaza become quite, everyone is looking at me...

Em... I hope she is coming... or else I won't left my room for the whole week...

And she is coming! Arriving from the sky, she landed in front of me...

Now, more people looked amazed...

"Ugh Nico, you are attracting too much attention..." Euclio said...

I climb on June up... she is really big...

I help Euclio climb on her...

"Oh, okay... we are not going to fly rig- aaARRRRHHHHH"

As soon Euclio sit on June, she immediately fly away...

June jumped really high... and she flapped her wing in the sky...

"S-She is doing it!! Nico!!" Euclio sounds afraid...

He hugged me really hard...

"We are looking for a fertile ground... near the city, can you help us?" I asked June... and she neighed happily...

June moves forward... and we are out of the town...

Then she landed...

I can hear her foot reaching the ground...

When we landed... she neighed...

"Is it the place?" I asked June...

She neighed...

Euclio jumped to the ground...

"I-I am walking home..." Euclio said...

I could only laughed... but he mean it...

"W-Wait... help me out..." I said...

"N-No... I am dizzy..." Euclio said...

I-Is it for real?

I immediately activate my magic... and heal him...


But nothing happen...

And he laughed at me...

"Aww... how sweet you are Nico..." Euclio teased me...

"H-Hey! That is not funny!" I said...

And Euclio laughed...

We checked this place around... and it is full of trees... also deers...

"Hmm whenever I see deers... I remember that place..." Euclio said...

"Oh... that beautiful place... we should bring everyone there, once in a while..." I said...

That place is so peaceful... we can only hear the voice of waterfall...

It is the place where we found a Yggdrasil in the middle of a floor in a labyrinth...

"Apparently..." Euclio said...

I hear him out...

"That labyrinth is avoided by adventurers..." Euclio continues...

"Why is that?" I asked...

"Since there are a lot of S rank monsters, even on the first floor..." Euclio explained...

"Oh... I see..." I said...

I then remember about the shade, that is trying to kill me...

That is the nearest death experience I have ever felt...

"How many labyrinth does this kingdom have?" I asked Euclio...

"Three... one near Bazo, one near Saltvein, and the other one is the one that we entered..." Euclio said...

"Do you know, that if we do not clear the monster in labyrinth frequently, a horde of monsters will come out... and it could create a disaster..." I said to Euclio...

Euclio nodded...

"We need a diamond rank adventurer..." Euclio said...

With Diamond Rank Adventurer we can have them to clear the dangerous labyrinth, which is near Neku...

"Yeah... let's create a tournament... I bet people will like it..." I said...

"Hey...Heyy focus on the mission first... our top priority are the fields and barns..." Euclio said...

"Ahhh sure..." I said with a bit disappointed face...

Creating a tournament, remembers me of Lerrich Ezate...

"We can talk to Oriel about that..." Euclio said... he notices my disappointments

"Now?" I asked...

"Sure... nothing else we can do today..." Euclio said...

I grab Euclio's hand... and climb up to June...

"W-What?! Again?!" Euclio asked with disbelief face...

"You should be get used to it..." I said...

"Find... let's do it slowly..." Euclio said while staring at June...

And June neighed happily...

Somehow, I understand what June is going to do...

After Euclio sit behind me...

June jumped even higher....

"Are....you....kidding... meeee!!!" Euclio said to June... while June neighed happily... I also laughed at him... and within a second... we arrived in front of the guild... stomping the path, and make it break...

The person around us are shock to death, with our arrival...

And it is! Oriel! She is standing in front of the guild with her sword pointing at us...

"N-Nicolas-sama!" Oriel said in surprised...

Even the adventurer around us are directing their weapon toward us...

After they see our face, they put their weapon back...

"Oriel! We should create a tournament!" I said to Oriel...

Oriel looked surprised...

"I have been thinking about that as well... we need to find a diamond rank party" Oriel said with her flat tone..

"Yeah! You manage the tournament okay... we will leave it to you..." I said to Oriel...

I think that's all...

"How about the field?" Oriel asked...

T-That's true... we don't have a big arena...

"We can use the school's training ground..." Euclio said...

Hmmm... the school training ground is quite big... I am sure, Santa-sensei will allow it as well...

"That's true... you should talk to Santa-sensei..." I said to Oriel... and she nodded...

"There will be only one slots for the Diamond Rank Party..." I said to Oriel...

She nodded...

"I will immediately ask for his permission" Oriel said

"Thank you Oriel..." I said

Then she left, walking toward the school... what a hard worker...

That is for today...

I am tired...

"Let's eat..." I said to Euclio...

Euclio nodded...

We left the guild and head for the Steak House

We ride June slowly to the restaurant... and everyone are letting us to pass...


"Hey he is younger than I thought..."

"He is the King of Wizard?"

"Is that Euclio Qiteron?"

"Wow.. Euclio the genius?"

It is very weird when both of us receive our own title...

We stopped in front of the restaurant... and Monica has been waiting for us...

It seems that she knew us coming because of the crowd...

"June... what do you want to eat?" I asked June...

She neighed...

"Chicken?" Euclio asked... she shook her head...

"Beef?" I asked and she shook her head as well...

"Lamb?" I asked... and she shook her head...

"Salad?!?" Euclio asked...

She neighed...

"One salad for June!" I tell Monica...

But then June pushed me...

"Hmm? Two?" I asked... and she shook her head...

Ughh she eat a lot...

"Four?" I asked... she neighed happily...

"Four salads for June..." I said to Monica and she wrote it down...

"Euclio? As usual, and Nico as usual?" Monica asked...

"Yes..." Euclio said while we are coming closer to her...

We enter the restaurant and see a lot of people inside...

When they looked at me...

"For Nicolas-sama!" one of the people inside says, while raising a cup...

"For Nicolas-sama!..." Everyone said...

After they drink...

"Buy all of them another drink..." I said to Monica... and I can hear them shout a battlecry...

"And cheers for him..." I said while pushing Euclio's shoulder

"Thanks Euclio-sama!" They all said their gratefulness...

Euclio raise his hand while smiling... like saying your welcome...

Several waiters are giving them drinks that we buy for them...

"Ah, let's go..." Monica said while directing us to the second floor...

We move to the second floor... and a lot of rooms...

"This is the private rooms... and your only room will be this one..." Monica said while directing us to a room that has the view to the plaza... and the pedestrian can see us?!

S-She is promoting her restaurant... as usual...

After she left, we talk more about the fertile ground...

"How big is the fertile land that will be use?" Euclio asked me...

Hmm... bigger is better right?

"It depends on the seeds we got..." I said to Euclio...

"But, what's your target?" Euclio asked...

"Hmmmm, as big as Kastil..." I said

Euclio looked at me in surprised... I just said that we will build a field of rice and potatoes which is as big as Auxem...

"Are you sure it is going to work?" Euclio asked me...

"I guess... there are some experts farmer we have..." I said...

"Then, you should gather them first... announce it for tomorrow morning, and have a small discussion with them... for the tips..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

The next day... at 7 AM...

"Did anyone experience in farming before?" I asked to the gathered people...

There are thousands people from human race to beastman race... which make the plaza full of people...

Javier has prepared wagons for everyone to travel... also the seeds and some livestocks...

Some of them raise their hand...

"Come forward..." Euclio said... and they moved forward...

There are actually hundreds...

"Look at our tools... and inspect them, what do we need more..." Euclio said...

The farmers are looking and examining our tools...

There are several suggestions, like we might need the help of horses to hoe the ground...

I accepted the suggestion... and our horses could later be used...

It seems that there are a lot of things that I need to know...

So I give them the job... they will receive a part of the land... and maintain their field

Watering them, keep the field away from the crows... and other...

I will divide the land into hundreds of equal areas... and give it to the selected farmers...

That is a new plan! I just need to receive the wheat from them...

"Euclio... I will take care of the farmer... you take care of the livestock..." I said to Euclio... and he nodded...

I climbed to June... while all of the expert farmers are entering the wagons...

And we left Euclio...

After an hour of journey, we finally arrived...

The farmers leave the wagon... and see a forest...

"This is the place..." I said...

And they all looked surprised...

"B-But the trees are blocking the sunlights..." a farmer said...

And all of them nodded...

Javier is by myside, translating the beastman race...

After he told me...

I activated my magic...

'Create Wind...'


"[CUT]" I said

And five to eight trees were cut at once...

We can hear the voice of the trees falling down...

Hmmm... I need to it faster...

I take out my staff... and...

"[CUT]" I said

Now, hundreds of trees were cut down...

When I looked back, I can see their idiot faces...

"We will divide the land into a hundred areas... and all of you, will be responsible for your own field..." I said to the selected farmers...

Javier translated my words to the beastman language...

"There will be only a hundred people... while the rest of you should work for others field..." I said

Javier translated, as usual... after that, I continue...

"The man who think themselves can take manage a field... please move to this side..." I said

Some of the humans are moving to my side...

But after Javier finish his translation... some of the beastman race move to my side as well...

"45... 46... 47... 48.... 49.... there are 49 people!" the soldier from Auxem shouted...

"There are 49 people... so we will divide the land into 49 equal areas..." I said

"The person must responsible for the lost... and will give 100% of the harvest to the city..." I said

"These 49 people will be called as the Farmer Master..." I said

"They will receive 5 silvers each day..." I continue...

"When all of you are rich enough, you should buy lands from the Kingdom, and create your own fields..." I told the Farmer Master...

They all nodded...

"The rest of you, will be working for them, and receive 2 silvers..." I said and all of them nodded...

That is how I manage the farmers...

I use [CUT] three more times... and create a really big field...

The soldiers are helping the farmers to remove the trees... which take a long time... that is why, we need more people...

And I remember that there are still several thousand people in the plaza...

I decided to call them...

I ride on June... and we fly back to the main plaza...

From above, we can see people are still in the main plaza...

Euclio is still here too?

What is he doing...

I decided to land near to where he stand... when he saw me, he come to June and I

I get down from June and come toward Euclio...

"You're not done yet?" I asked to him...

"I am dividing them to each category, Chicken, Cow, Lamb, Rabbit, and Deer..." Euclio said...

And I can see he has divided peoples to five groups...

"Are there any people who doesn't get any job?" I asked Euclio...

And Euclio pointed at a group of people... and there seems to be hundreds...

"I will take them to the field..." I said to Euclio...

"Fine..." Euclio said...

Euclio left me... and announced...

"Those who have not receive any group yet, will help with the farmers group... enter the wagon!" Euclio commanded...

And Tyr is next to him, translating the words...

The group of hundreds people enter the wagons, and they will help Javier, which is responsible for the farmers now...

We actually done quite a good job...

In a month...

We have more crisis, since the wheats has not grown yet... but the livestocks are active, and could be use...

Rice price are increasing, but meat are quite steady...

But the next two months...

We have everything... the field we use to plan wheats and potatoes are fully grown... we have even more stock...

And so does the livestock...

The price for foods are now getting cheaper...

Also, the first wave of farmer master have left their farm... and we give the chance to other...

The former farmer master bought a land from us, with low price... and now creating their own field... and also hiring people to work with them... which creates more working field...

In the next two months, we have winters... but we have a lot of supplies now...

We solved our food crisis...

Now, into a different matter...

"No news yet?" I asked Javier...

And he shook his head...

It's actually time for us to attack... but we got no news at all...

Is there something wrong with Aerios Kingdom?

"We should send them messenger..." Tyr said...

"Sending them a messenger will take 5 months..." Fo said...

"They said we should wait for them..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

In this room, there are only the five of us...

While Sherryn has been gone for 4 months now... she is searching for Tousan... or grandpa...

"Is the Kingdom in a good condition?" I asked Javier...

He nodded...

"King Lex has been doing great in Bazo... Koo has got more money as well, since we keep producing the golds and silvers coin..." Javier explained...

"How about our city?" I asked Fo...

"Our city has the highest progress these days... compared to the other two cities..." Fo said...

"How about the people? Are there any complain?" I asked Fo...

And he shook his head...

"There is no trouble lately... but, Kastil will be full soon..." Fo said...

I nodded...

"How many citizen are now living in Neku?" I asked...

"5 millions..." Fo said...

"T-That is 5x before we come to this place!" Euclio said...

The white tiger nodded...

"Which is why, we are thankful for your coming... and ruling us..." Javier said...

I don't mind... as long my people and I have a place to live...

"Then, how many soldiers do we have?" I asked Javier...

"We have 2 millions of soldiers... and a million soldiers of Perius Kingdom..." Javier said...

Hearing that, we are surprised...

That is a lot!

"How about Saltvein and Bazo?" Euclio asked...

"Saltvein has a million, while Bazo has two million..." Javier said...

"So, we got six million..." I said...

Everyone nodded...

"How about Zobu?" Euclio asked...

Zobu is the city and the only city of the Northern Beastman Kingdom...

"They have three million of soldiers..." Javier said...

"W-Wow... we outnumbered them!" Tyr said in surprised...

"T-This is the perfect time to attack isn't it?" Fo asked me...

"N-No... remember! We are preventing war... and we will try our best to negotiate..." I said...

Javier nodded...

"How about Reudora Kingdom?" Euclio asked...

Then everyone remains silent

"Ten million..." Javier said...


"T-That is not possible?!" I said

"It is the truth..." Javier said...

Perius Kingdom army in total was 5 million... how can they got 10 million while we had evacuated our people...

"Are you sure?" Euclio asked...

Javier nodded...

T-This is impossible to win...

"Aerios Kingdom got 5 million as well..." Euclio said...

"Also, my Kingdom has 6 million..." Euclio said again...

"Garasol KIngdom, 3.6 million... Staviel Kingdom, 3 million.... and Gavenhallen Kingdom 2 million..." Euclio said...

So, we are actually winning...

"Number doesn't matter..." Rueger said while coming inside the meeting room...

"R-Rueger... what do you mean?" I asked Rueger...

And so does Euclio...

"In total we have more than 20 million of armies..." Euclio said...

"Do you know, why Great War 2 cost so many lives?" Rueger asked...

No one can answer...

"Because, each time Navroth cast a spell, millions are dead..." Rueger said...

I gulped...

I-Is she really that invulnerable...

"How can they win?" I asked...

"Elite teams... elite soldiers... like you... and you..." Rueger said while pointing Euclio and I...

"The only person who can do that... is Maxim Maxwell... the third..." Rueger explained...

"M-Maxim? Maxwell?" I asked...

"So he is a Maxwell! The third!" Euclio said...

Rueger nodded...

"He is the master of both... swordsmanship and witchcraft..." Rueger said...

"It is said, that once... he used the Auxillium Staff, and killed a million of the enemies with only one spell..." Rueger explained...

H-He can compete against Navroth!

"Where is he now?" Euclio asked...

"Yes, we need him..." Fo said...

But Rueger raised both of his shoulder...

"No one knows... he has been missing for two hundred years..." Rueger said...

Huh... as expected from legends... they always went missing...

"Wait... so how does Navroth get cornered?" Euclio asked...

"Hmmm... Epius Perius, Lares Perius, Neon Aerios, Xekan Staviel, Yeon Aerios, Calum Gavenhallen, Goldrac Godarmor, Leo the Lion, Gana the Elephant, Estelar Illirie, Vaeril Naerel, Alice III, and also... your dad... Feurius Qiteron..."Rueger said while pointing at Euclio...

Everyone looked at Euclio

"H-He did?" Euclio asked...

"He did... every big house are there... except one..." Rueger said...

Everyone is seriously hearing his words...

"House Maxwell..." Rueger said, while looking at me... not only him but everyone inside the meeting room...

"Umm... why?" I asked...

"A lot of Maxwell died... Moore Maxwell, the son of Auxillium Maxwell, died after pushing Reudora Kingdom back, to it's own territory... they previously has taken all city, except Auxem..." Rueger explained...

"Maxim Maxwell, killed a million of the enemies in a single spell... but then he went missing..." Rueger said...

"Maximus Maxwell, died after protecting Perius Kingdom from Navroth's God Tier spell... and Perius Kingdom live..." Rueger said...

"Megarus Maxwell, died after delaying the enemy, so that Epius Perius could escape..." Rueger said...

M-My family... all are dead...

They all are a God Race... they suppose to have a long live... but they choose to die protecting the Kingdom...

"A-Am I going to die?" I thought... but then I accidentally said it...

Rueger looked at me worriedly...

Also Euclio...

"N-No... you won't... a Maxwell has a great heart... which is why they always sacrifice themselves for other... but this time, in this time... we are lack of Maxwell... there are only you... Zerotus-sama, Maxim Maxwell... and Jeremiel-sama... the first blood line of Maxwell..." Rueger explained...

"S-Sorry, for having bad thoughts..." I said

"You are stronger than them... that is why you won't die..." Euclio said while holding my shoulder...

He is cheering me up...

"Also smarter than all of your predecessors..." Javier said with a smile...

"T-Thanks..." I said to everyone...

Then, a soldier come inside the meeting room... and all of us looked at the soldier...

"Your Highness... Commander Sherryn has return..." the soldier said...

"Where is she?" I asked...

I hope she brought us a good news!

The soldier move away, and give away for her to come...

And I can see, an old man, coming with him...

The old man I used to see everyday, with his red eyes, same like mine...

"G-Grandpa!" I shouted and run toward him...

I hugged him while crying...

"Nicolas..." Zerotus said while hugging me back...

"H-He is Zerotus-sama?!" Javier asked...

Rueger nodded...

And Javier, Tyr, and Fo bow...

"Zerotus-sama..." the three of them call his name...

But Grandpa ignored them...

"Nico... you are getting...bigger..." Zerotus said while wiping his tears...

"Y-You are getting older!" I said... and he laughed...

So... what I know, that Navroth is using a teleportation magic... and split them to the entire world randomly...

That's what I learn from Rueger...

After a while...

"Hey grandpa! Why you never told me that you saved Beastman Kingdom?" I asked...

"Hmmm why should I... learn it by yourself!" Grandpa said...

He then looked at Euclio...

"Ahh... the blue boy! You are still alive!" Zerotus said...

"O-Of course! I am quite good in running..." Euclio said jokingly... Zerotus laughed...

"Who knows about your coming?" I asked grandpa...

"Hmmm no one... but I want to meet my other grandson and granddaughter..." Zerotus said...

I nodded...

"Let's keep it that way..." Euclio said... I nodded...

"We want to av-"

"I know... don't worry, I have been hiding for hundred years... so don't mind me..." Zerotus said after he cut my words...

"Oh! I hear about the school... I guess I will be teaching again..." Zerotus said...

Hmmm, actually.... That is not a bad idea...

"Okay... make sur-"

"Don't worry, I will use my mask... you worried too much..." Zerotus said to me...

Urghhh... this grandpa is quite annoying...

"Oh! Keito-sensei! Do you have any clue about the whereabouts of Maxim Maxwell?" Euclio asked grandpa...

He gives a thought...

"Nope... he has been missing since the great war... but the staff..." Zerotus said...

"Staff?" I asked...

"Ah, the legendary staff..." Rueger said...

Zerotus nodded...

"You should bring me some food..." Zerotus said to Javier...

"O-Oh.... S-Sure..." Javier said in surprised... then he left us...

Euclio and Rueger laughed after seeing Javier panicking...

"You see, he is one of the commander..." I said to Zerotus...

"Really? He looks smart... but we are not in a serious talk are we?" Zerotus asked...

Euclio laughed...

"Yep, we are not..." I said

Javier return to the room with a lot of foods and there are 5 other servants that brought foods for Grandpa...

After he eat in the meeting room... he left us...

And all of us looked at him speechlessly, but still... no one is trying to stop him...

When I open the door to the throne... he has gone...

"That old man... is really hard headed..." Commander Sherryn said from her chair...

"Oh... Commander Sherryn... you did a great job! I will give you some reward and off time if you want..." I said to her... and she looks happy...

"Thank you Nicolas-sama..." Sherryn said and she stood up and left us immediately...

Looking that I am surprised... she looks pretty tired thou...

"T-That should be a hard 4 months..." Euclio said...

I laughed...

"Now... Tousan left..." I said...

Grandpa and Rueger are back already...

Now, another soldier comes in...

Oh please good news, good news...

"Your highness, we got a message from Reudora Kingdom..." The soldier said...


Everyone in this room looked surprised...

The soldier give the letter to me... and suddenly, I feel the bloodlust from him, I look toward him, and I see he is about to stab me with his knife...

But instantly, Tyr, who is sitting and the closest one to me, grabed the soldier and scratch his face with his paw...

Tyr did not kill the man...

"GUARDS!" Javier yelled...

And several guards come to our room...

There are up to eight guards... combination of Beastman and Human Race...

"Take this man to the prison!" Javier commanded...

All of them nodded...

Tyr release him... and I can see, bloods flowing from his face...

Euclio has been in front of me for the whole time, with his stance...

The guards bring him to the prison...

I thing he passed out...

"Are you okay?" Euclio asked me...

I nodded...

I looked at where he was about to stab me... and nothing... no blood, no wound...

Soon, after the situation return to normal, I looked at the letter... and I can see the Reudora Emblem on it...

A dragon emblem... Reudora Kingdom has an emblem of dragon, while dragon race has an emblem of pegasus...

I unseal the letter and read it...

"Dear Nico, my beloved son...

I believe you won't be dead, by that kind of attack... since you have Euclio beside you... and a lot of your Beastman Friends...

Which is why, you are the biggest threat of Kasan's war... and I will always find you...

Come back to me... and I will spare the Southern Kingdom... My Armada will attack you in a week... my soldiers from Northern Beastman Kingdom will advance in a week...

I have two times of your army...

You won't be able to message your allies, we blocked every path... and you won't be able to run...

You have no chance in this war... just give up, and return to me, in Reudora Kingdom...

Your Okasan, Queen of Reudora Kingdom..."


Everyone remains silent...

Euclio looked at me worriedly... he knows what am I going to do...

"I-I should-...."

"No..." Euclio said..

"Everyone will die!" I said... quite loud...

I look at everyone else...

"No, you should not leave..." Rueger said...

"Why?" I asked...

"M-Myself is only a soul... I won't let she kills millions life only for me..." I said

I am shaking...

I can feel it... my body can't stop trembling...

Fo looked at my shaking body

"No, we won't let Reudora Kingdom to have you..." Fo said...

Now everyone looked at Fo...

"Y-Your people might be slaughtered!" I said

"Yes... but you are our King... our real King... you want to sacrifice yourself for us, your puppet... that is wrong..." Fo said...

Javier nodded...

"You are a good person Nicolas-sama... you seek for peace... and we need people like that in this world..." Javier said...

"Also... you are a man with mercy, when I dueled you... it is supposed to be a duel to death... but you didn't kill me, do you? Instead, you heal me after the match... you are a man with honor ..." Tyr said...

Rueger nodded...

And so does Euclio...

"We should find a way..." Euclio said and he grabbed the letter from my hand...

Euclio read the letter...

"There supposed to be some kind of mistake..." Euclio said while reading the letter... and we all waited for him...

"Ah!" Euclio said... now everyone looked at him with intense stare...

"She said... that they will attack us in a week... while, she wants us to hand over Nico to Reudora Kingdom..." Euclio said...


No one understand...

Euclio looked disappointed...

"Oh!" Javier understand...

"It is a three months journey to return to Human Continent... which is now Reudora Kingdom... so, sparing our lives is a lie..." Javier said

"Yes, we will be dead first before Nico land in Reudora Kingdom, since they are going to attack us in a week..." Euclio said...

I-I see...

"Also..." Euclio said...

All of us looked at him intensely...

"We can win the war..." Euclio said

Everyone now is looking at him...

"How?" Javier, Tyr and Fo in unison...

"She said... 'Return to me, in Reudora Kingdom...' don't you think that she will not join the war?" Euclio asked...

Now, we can see smile on everyone's face...

"Okay! We should prepare it immediately..." Tyr said...

"N-No... we must first... evacuate the people..." I said

I looked at Euclio, to make sure my words are correct...

And he nodded...

"Where?" Javier asked...


"Saltvein..." Rueger said...

Everyone looked at him...

"That might be a good suggestion... fleet can't cross Saltvein, the water is freezing..." Euclio said...

"How about the human?" Javier asked...

"We should produce a lot of heavy clothes..." I said...

"But the food will be harsh there... which is why, they always bought food from us..." Euclio said...

Ugh... then Saltvein would be a secondary option...

We can't think anything else...

Run... where? Dwarven is our enemies... and so does Elven...

We are surrounded by our enemies...

And after rethinking about the plan...

"Just let them stay where they are... and we should not create panic in the city..." Euclio said

We all looked at Euclio...

"Are you sure? Euclio-sama..." Javier asked...

"We are not planning to lose right?" Euclio asked Javier...

And I can see a smile on Javier's face..

"We are not..." Javier said...

"Y-You guys are insane..." I said

"We just finished creating the farm and barn, and we are leaving? That is unreasonable..." Fo said with a smile...

"Yes! Defending it to death is the best option!" Tyr said

Everyone nodded...

I let a sigh...

"But double the guard in the sea... and also prepare our ships..." I said

"Also, we should remind Bazo... they are the closest to the Northern Beastman Kingdom... they will got hit first from the land attack..." I said

Javier nodded...

"We will be having naval war... while Bazo will have a land war in Zero..." Javier said...

"We have five million, we should reinforce Bazo at once..." Euclio said

"I will take a million of our troops..." Javier said and stood up...

"Remember... don't tell anyone else..." Rueger said to Javier...

He nodded...

"Tyr, you come with me..." Javier said...

And he nodded...

Both of them left with a million troops...

"We should tell Nate..." I said...

"Wait... first... Keito-sensei..." Euclio said... and Rueger and I nodded...

And all of us prepare for war, without the people noticing it...

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