《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 39 - The New Adventurers


After the meeting, Me and Fo the Panda went toward the Northern city of Neku... where the beastman race live for now...

Fo and I are standing in front of the people of Neku... and behind me, Euclio, Erin, Rin and Commander Javier...

"For those, who want to live within this wall... they will receive education, better life, better protection..." Fo the Panda said...

"In one condition..." Fo said

"Is it money?"

"How much should we pay?!"

"No...No, it is for free!" Fo said...

Then everyone looked confuse...

"But you have to live together with the Human Race..." Fo said...

Now I can see their disappointed face...

What is wrong with living with Human Race?

"Why is it a problem? For you to live with other race? You have to be used to it... there are a lot of races in this world..." I said

Now everyone turns quite...

"Nicolas-sama! I want to live with the Human Race!" one person shouted...

And I see a monkey tribe?

"Come! You and Your family inside the wall!" Fo said immediately

"You will receive a good treatment!" Fo said

"I-I want to!" a buffalo tribe said

"Move forward!" Fo called the buffalo...

"I want it too!"

"Hey! Me first!"

"Pick me Fo-sama!"

Now everyone is racing to enter the wall... and we can see more people enter the wall today...

"I leave it to you..." I told Fo, and Fo nodded...

"Thank you..." Fo said...

I return to the castle... with Euclio, Rin and Erin...

When I return...

I see food has been prepared... but it seems that we are going to eat in different time...

While we eat our lunch...

"Nico... you should take a rest..." Euclio said...

He looks a bit worried about me...

I am tired and I don't have any free time lately... since last night I was having a feast with the beastman race, also I dueled a lot of people... but still,

"Yeah, I think I have to... but there are a lot of things I have to do..." I said to Euclio...

Euclio looked at me annoyingly...

"Hey! You should depending in us more..." Euclio said

"Let me and Erin do it... you should take a break... before the meeting with Lex and Koo..." Euclio said...

Hmmm I planned to visit the Southern Neku... but it seems that Euclio force me to take my time...

"Fine... I will, Rin... accompany me for practice okay?" I said to Rin... and he nodded with a smile...

It's been a while since I talk to Rin...

After lunch, I decided to learn the new magic I got...

Master Level... of Holy Magic...

Master Level is a tier two of manipulating magic...

Like Water Magic... tier one is to manipulate water... and tier two is to manipulate Ice... like what King Feurius did...

If Holy Magic could control light... what will be the second tier...

"Gravity?" I said while reading the book...

"Manipulate... Gravity..." I said and...

I am holding my staff...

And it is flying...

"W-Woah..." Rin said in surprised...

How to control the gravity?

I looked at the book...

"[HIGH] means low gravity, so you can make a person fly high..." I said while reading the text...

"[HIGH]" I said and cast it on my staff...

And it is flying higher!

"[LOW]" I casted it... and then it come back to my hand...

I think I have the feeling already...

"R-Rin... do you want to fly?" I asked him... and he nodded happily...


"Of course! Of course!" Rin said without thinking of te dangerousness

H-He surely trust me...

I come toward Rin... and he smiles happily... with his tail moving around...

R-Rin is so fluffy...

I decided to pat his hair...

"Um... Nisan?" a voice behind me...

"N-Nathalia!?" I called her... I immediately pulled my hand...

"What are you doing?" She asked me...

"Ummm you see, trying new magic..." I said

"And do you really need to do that?" Nathalia asked...

"Y-Yeah Yeah! It is necessary!" I said to defend myself...

After I touch Rin...

"[HIGH]" I said...

And he is starting to float in the air...

"I-I am flying!" Rin said...

But can he move forward... and keep flying upward...

"Is that the Master Tier of Holy Magic?" Nathalia asked me... and I nodded...

Nathalia looked amazed...

"Oh Rin... try to punches the air with your Elemental Fighter..." Nathalia suggested...

"Oh! That's a good idea!" Rin said from above...

He then punches the air and moving around while floating...

"Woahh! It is fun!" Rin said...

"[LOW]" I said...

And he is getting lower, and until finally he reaches the ground

"Aw... I want more..." Rin said...

"What is that?!" Ed and Ethan come toward us...

And both of them are already on guard, like something has happened...

"You see.."

"I was flying!" Rin said and cut my words...

Ethan and Ed looked like they don't believe it... but then they looked at me...

"Is it the Master Holy Magic?" Ethan asked me...

And I nodded...

"Hey... can I borrow it?" Ed asked...

"Sure!" I said and give the book to Ed...

It would be great if both of us can do it...

When Ed opens the book...

"Ummm... Nisan?" Ed asked...

It looks like something wrong...

Ethan look at the book first... and he looked surprised...

When I see the inside of the book...

"Nothing?" Ed asked me...

It is blank!

"What?! How can it be?!" I said in confusion...

"The book above Expert Tier... is a one time use only..." a voice behind me...

"R-Rueger?!" I called him...

He come closer with his golden armor...

"Can you do it?" Rueger asked me...

I nodded...

"You are entering the stage, where only 0.1% of mages are able to do it..." Rueger said to me and he looked so proud...

The other looked at me with amazed eyes...

"You all should eat your lunch!" I said to remind them...

"Ah! Of course! Let's go!" Rueger said...

And everyone return to the dining room...

They all eat their lunch... while Rin and I accompanied them...

Fo and Commander Javier entered the room and joined us...

We are all talking like a friend...

Ethan, Nathalia and Ed is talking with Fo...

Rueger and Commander Javier is talking as well... it seems that Commander Javier is so happy, that he can talk with the tenth...

Eria and Fredrich come inside the room and join us... it seems that Eria helped Fredrich during the selection of people from Sera in the inner gate...

"How's your magic?" Fredrich asked me... while choosing a place to sit...

Now everyone looked at me...

I looked them back... it looks awkward...

"Yeah... it works..." I said while eating my food...

Now everyone looked at me in surprise...

"What tier is it? All of you look surprised?" Commander Javier asked...

"Mas...ter..." Fredrich said...

Now Commander Javier looked surprised as well...


"Only 5 people in this world... that is Master Tier or above in witchcraft..." Rueger begin his explanation...

All of us looked at him...

"one... is Navroth..." Rueger said...

That is not very surprising...

"Two, your father..." Rueger said while pointing at me and Ed...

"Three, your father..." Rueger said while pointing at Euclio...

"Four... King Vaeril..." Rueger explained...

Vaeril? King of the High Elven Kingdom...

"And... you..." Rueger said...


"T-There should be more people that could do it without we knowing them..." I said

"Yeah! But look at you! You are a mage! Which is only 10% of the lucky people!" Euclio said...

"Also... now, you are belong to the 0.1% group from all mages..." Euclio said again...

Then, a soldier come to our dining room...

"Nicolas-sama... Lex the Lion and Koo the Turtle has arrived..." the soldier said...

I nodded...

"Javier, Euclio, Ethan, Erin and Rin... come with me... the other please do your job..." I said

The four of them stood up from the chair and accompany me...

"Rueger, can you accompany Nate and Nathalia?" I asked...

And he nodded

"Of course, Nicolas-sama..." Rueger said

I really miss how Rueger explained about the only five person in this world that are able to use Master Tier Magic... I feel like we are back to the mansion I lived, Auxem Mansion...

After we left the room... we can see both Lex and Koo in the lobby

We can see Lex accompanied by a tall alligator... he is scary...

While Koo... is accompanied by two other turtles...

"Nicolas..." Lex greeted me...

"Lex..." I called him...

"He is our king... Lex-sama... you should address him wit-"

Before Javier finished his word... I raise my hand...

"That's okay Javier... he is a friend of mine... in Auxem School..." I said

And Lex give me a smile...

"Let's continue our discussion inside..." I said and I lead the way to the Meeting Room which is behind the throne... Also, everyone followed me from behind...

The guard that is stand next to the door open the door for us... and I enter the Meeting Room... I seat on my own chair and everyone is sitting on their own chair now, I started the meeting...

"So, this is about the Great War..." I said...

Everyone looked at me...

"First... of all..." Lex said out of a sudden...

Now everyone looked at Lex...

"The reason that we are following you, is because you are a Maxwell..." Lex said...

I nodded...

"Also... we choose to join Navroth... because we are afraid of you at first..." Lex said

"Your father told me already..." I said

And he stopped talking...

Everyone is looking at me now...

This table looked a bit intense...

Until Lex cool it down...

"Which is why, I believe in you... and I believe my father was wrong..." Lex said

"You are a man with kindness... which is why you are like a magnet for everyone back in school days..." Lex continues...

"Also, my father was a bit insane... and he thought about this world taken by you..." Lex said while he let a sigh...

I never know this other point of view of the story...

"Which is why, he did whatever he can to kill you... before you even have a thought of destroying or ruling the world..." Lex said...

Everyone in this room is hearing his word carefully...

"But... I believe in you..." Lex said...

"You were hated... but you have friends... and also a supporting family... which is why, I believe, you will grow into a fine man... the man that will make peace to the 12 Kingdoms..." Lex said...

"Like what your ancestor did... Auxillium Maxwell... I admired him... and so does Zerotus Maxwell... the one that save our race from extinction..." Lex said...

All of the beastman race in this room nodded...

"T-This is the first time in hundred years... I agree with the Lion Tribe..." Koo said

All of us look at Koo...

"You are different from your father... and I believe you will rule better... no... much even greater than his reign..." Koo said to Lex...

"T-Thank You Koo..." Lex said... and he looks a bit embarrassed...

"How about you Koo? Do you believe in your current leader?" Javier asked Koo...

"I don't know... but King Ethen entrusted him with half of the population of human continent... it means that he is a competent leader...." Koo said while staring at me...

His stare... like he stare through my soul...

But... I guess it is because of his age... he looks old...

"And... also, uniting the Beastman Race and Human Race... that is something people never did in the history of beastman kingdom..." Koo said...

"That is why, I will give him the chance..." Koo said...while still staring at me...

"Thank you, for the chance..." I said to Koo...

"Is there anything else?" I asked...


"I have to say one more thing..." Lex said...

I nodded...

Lex looked at Erin and Rin...

And he stood up...

"I am sorry for what we did to you and your tribe... if you want a land in this beastman Kingdom... you can choose any place within our kingdom...." Lex said while bowing...

"Ahh... you see, that's okay... I am fine living with Nico..." Rin said with a bit panicking...

Lex stand up straight... and look at me...

"I am sorry for troubling you, but please keep him safe... it was our biggest mistake... even Koo has reminded us back then... and I was still too young to understand..." Lex said...

I nodded...

"He will always be with us... don't worry..." I said

And Lex return to his seat...

I never thought that Lex would be this kind? Is that the word? Or maybe gentle...

During school, he looks like the bad boy in school, the leader of the gank of beastman race, with Gina

"Ehem... then, let's begin..." Euclio announce...

"We will attack Northern Beastman Kingdom..." I said to them...

And everyone looked surprised... and the room become busy

"Are you sure? Why?" Lex asked...

While Koo just 'cihh'

"That is a second plan..." Euclio said...

"At first... we will negotiate..." Euclio continues...

"You will take Northern Beastman Kingdom?" Lex asked me...

Koo is showing a distrustfull face...

"Koo... calm down..." Javier said...

"We just met today, and you ask for my army?" Koo said...

"No... do you want to face Navroth or PAQ Alliance?" Euclio asked...

Then Koo remain silent...

"We are avoiding any war..." I said to Koo...

"Navroth is much more powerful, but she is thirst of blood... and will create more wars... while we are trying our best to avoid wars..." I said...

"The first thing we are going to do... is negotiate... if they are agree... you all will be serving under me... as my puppet kingdom..." I said

"And under my rule, you can switch side anytime you want..." I said

Euclio, Ethan, Rin, Erin and Javier looked at me in confusion, also Koo and Lex...

"Yes, as long as the people save, I am okay with that... the survival of your own city is the most important thing..." I said

Hearing my words... Koo looks relieved...

"How to negotiate?" Koo asked

"What if they turn down the offer?" Lex asked...

"Then, Nicolas-sama can threat them... and shot them with some magic he got..." Javier said...

Lex looked at me...

"I know that you can use five elements... but can you really threaten the whole kingdom?" Lex asked me

"He is now a Master Mage..." Euclio said...

Now... Koo and Lex looked at Nicolas with their jaw dropped to the ground....

"Y-You are kidding right?" Lex asked Euclio...

"Nicolas-sama now, can control gravity..." Javier said...

Ugh... this is now become uncomfortable...

Hey! Even Javier never see me using it!

"So... I want you to prepare your troops in a week, and travel to Zero..." I said...

They all nodded...

"The meeting is over..." I said

"Let's look around the town... we will guide you..." Javier said to Lex and Koo...

Both of them nodded...

"I will be helping the people.... oh wait..." I said

Lex and Koo stopped...

"We will be meeting Santa-sensei actually... wanna join?" I asked Lex...

"Hmmm sure... I guess that's fine if you are fine..." Lex said

"Sure..." I said

"Rin... you help the other okay...." I said to Rin...

"Okay!" He said cheerfully...

We walked to the Lobby... and found Karl...

"Karl! Have you eat?" I asked Karl...

"Nico! Lex?! Yes I have eaten..." Karl said...

"Come with us, we are going to meet Santa-sensei..." Ethan said...

"Really? Sure!" Karl said...

Then afterwards, we met Precilla and Roxane...

"Lex?!" Roxane sounds surprised...

"Hey!" Lex said...

"Did Nico arrange a reunion for us?" Precilla asked...

"N-No... we were discussing things..." I said

And they understand...

"So, where are you guys going?" Roxane asked...

"We are going to meet Santa-sensei... wanna come?" I invited them...

"Sure... let's go..." Roxane said happily

"W-Wait... how about the people?" Precilla asked...

"Don't worry, trust it to the guard..." Roxane said...

Ummm did I interupt their job...

Precilla and Roxane stand in front of me...

And Roxane looks surprised...

He is staring at my? Hair?

"N-Nico!" Roxane said in surprised...

"W-What?!" I asked...

"Y-You are growing so fast!" Roxane said...

"Ughh... I thought it was something important... let's go" I said

"Wait! You are taller now!" Precilla noticed it a bit late

I ignored both of them...

"Hey, you should not ignore your senpai here..." Roxane said...

"That is why you never get a girlfriend!" Roxane continues

"P-Prepare June!" I said to the soldier and everyone laughed...

I asked the soldier to prepare June...

But then, I forgot that they can't speak our tongue, so Lex translated it for us....

June come and all of us enter June... except Lex...

Lex talk to his Alligator, and asked the Alligator to stay...

Then... Lex is standing next to June...

"Are you sure you don't want to be up here?" I asked Lex...

"I am fine... that is Beastman Race habit..." Lex said

He wants to run toward the school, since Beastman do not use carriage or other mounted animal...

"Okay... make sure you catch up..." I said...

Then we left the castle, and head to Santa-sensei inside the wall... Lex is following us behind, with his four hands on the ground, running really fast....

We asked Nate before, where the school will be, and it will be the biggest building in the Inner Wall...

"How's Auxem?" I asked both Roxane and Precilla... both of them are helping Nate and Nathalia, and now, both my brother and sister are migrating the people from the outter wall to the inner wall...

"So far, we have brought like 60 people inside the wall, including Santa..." Precilla said...

"Nate give him the biggest land in the inner wall... and several building..." Roxane said...

I nodded...

I believe Nate knows what he is doing...

After several minutes, we arrived...

I can see Santa with several teachers around...

When they see our carriage arrived... all of them keep staring toward our direction...

We left the carriage... and "Santa-sensei!" Roxane shouted from far...

"R-Roxane?" Santa said...

Roxane looks like running toward him... and we followed him from behind... Ethan, Euclio, Precilla, Lex and I...

Roxane give Santa a hug...

"Wow... look how you have grown..." Santa said happily... Roxane shows a smile on her face...

And then Santa looked at us...

"Oh... look who we have here... King Nicolas and King Lex..." Santa said...

"Ahh, I ain't a King..." I said to Santa...

"He is something, higher..." Lex said jokingly... and everyone laughed...

"It is very odd... to see you and Lex going along... also, with Ethan?" Santa said...

I give a hug to Santa...

"Well... time goes on..." I said

"Yeah, on your first year, you dueled Lex, on the second year, you dueled Ethan... and here we are, together..." Santa said...

"Thank god he didn't fight anyone on the third year..." Euclio said...

"Ah! Euclio... of course, I believe it is thanks to you..." Santa said...

"Me? Yeah, taming Nico is quite a challenge..." Euclio said...

"T-Taming?!" I said in a bit offended way...

"Yeah, but we are cool now, and Nico is getting stronger!" Ethan said to Santa...

"Hello Ethan! Nice to see you again..." Santa said and hug Ethan...

"I am happy to see you too..." Ethan said...

"How is the school?" Precilla asked...

"Ah Precilla! Yes, Nate give us 5 building.. and a big field..." Santa said...

"What do you need?" I asked Santa...

"We need tables... chairs... but don't worry, we have the money... what we don't have is... Beastman Coins... our currencies are different... which is harder for us to exchange our money..." Santa said...

I nodded in agreement...

How to solve the money problems

"We can make everyone in the inner wall, buy or sell using both currency, Perius and Beastman Currency..." Euclio said...

"That is possible..." Santa said...

"New currencies?" Ethan asked...

Everyone looked at Ethan...

"It will be hard for our currencies to be accepted by other..." Santa said...

Santa got the point...

"But I am actually planning to make a new currencies for Southern Beastman Kingdom..." Lex said...

"If that what you want, you will need them work now..." Euclio said...

"How about the resource of this kingdom?" Santa asked...

"We do not buy resources from any other Kingdom... we have our silver and gold mine..." Lex said...

"Silver and Gold... you should start doing it now then... where is the mining place?" I asked

"It should be near Saltvein..." Euclio said...

Lex nodded...

"When could it be achieve? Everyone using the new currency?" I asked...

"Month..." Lex said...

"Then, you will have to tell Koo about this, ask his people to mine silver and gold..." I said

He nodded...

"Then, we should go with Euclio plan first for now..." Ethan said

I nodded...

"I will be leaving today... there will be a lot of thing to manage..." Lex said...

I nodded...

"Santa-sensei..." Lex called Santa...

"Yes?" Santa asked...

"Please educate everyone in this place, like you did in Auxem School..." Lex said...

"That is what I am planning to do... trust your people to me... King Lex..." Santa said...

Lex looked a bit annoyed...

"I prefer you to call me with Lex only, Santa-sensei..." Lex said...

"Okay Lex..." Santa said while smiling...

"I will be going..." Lex said to everyone...

"Careful..." I said

He nodded and left us while rushing... he runs like a lion in my previous world...

"And you will need man? I will assign Auxem Troops..." I said to Santa and he nodded...

"Thank you for understanding..." Santa said...

"No, we are thankful that you want to help us here..." Ethan said...

"Yes, with you are here building a new school, there will be more people from beastman race come to the inner wall..." Euclio said...

"Oh, we need to check the other... let's visit Doctor Frans!" I told the other...

"Oh! I want to ask about him... who is this Doctro Frans?" Euclio asked me...

"Y-You don't know?" I asked...

"He is the retire doctor of the royal family right?" Santa asked...

Ethan nodded...

"R-Really?" I asked... I just know about that...

"Yes! He cure me once from a sickness when I was young... but I forgot what sickness, since then he received a lot of praises from everyone..." Ethan said

All of us looked at Ethan...

"Wow... you never told me about that..." I said...

"S-Sorry, I am talking too much... but let's go!" Ethan said...

"Precilla and I will be here for a while, then we will continue our job..." Roxane said to Ethan, Euclio and I... and we nodded...

"Me too... I will be with Santa-sensei..." Karl said...

"K-Karl?!" Santa-sensei looked surprised...

"Hello..." he said...

"I didn't see you... sorry..." Santa said and give him a hug...

"T-That's okay..." Karl said...

After they finished the reunion...

"The three of us will be leaving..." I said...

"See you..." Santa said while waving his hand...

We are walking away while waving our hand as well...

The weather is cold... but the people has been given a proper outfit... and it is quite late...

"It's time for dinner..." I said...

"Let's return first..." Euclio said...

Ethan nodded...

"Oh!" I said

I just remember something when we arrive in front of the carriage...

"What is it?" Ethan asked me and sounds panic...

"June... I will be trying something new... is that okay?" I asked for June's permission and she neighed happily...

I activate my magic...

"Create... Light..." I said

And yellow spherical light appears above my head...

I touched the carriage, and...

"[GRAVITY 0]" I said it and...

"I got a bad feeling about this..." Euclio said...

"Everyone up!" I said and Ethan also Euclio enters the carriage...

We enter the carriage and...

I sit on the bench on the first floor... and hold tight, and so does the other...

"Are you sure about this?" Ethan asked me....

"Nope... Fly June!" I shouted and...

June flapped her wing, and I can feel the carriage is lifted up...

"Wo...wow wooahhh!" Euclio shouted...

"Woahhhh!" I shouted

Euclio's shout sounds afraid... but mine is the excited one...

"Yeah!" Ethan shouted... and he looks happy as well...

We are flying quite high, until Euclio stopped shouting...

"Are we there yet?" Euclio asked me...

"Come Euclio! Open your eyes!" I said...

I can touch the clouds... inside this comfortable place...

Euclio slowly open his eyes...

"Ughh Nico... we should buy another carriages... the wind is chilling me!" Euclio said...

"And als- aaaaaarghhhhHhhhh"

And June started to going downwards, with high speed... and within seconds... we arrive in a field...

The carriage is safe as well, no damage at all...

Before doing this, I asked Tyr to buy me an armor for June that is not blocking June's wing...

The soldiers are gathering around us and look at us speechlessly, there are the beastman soldiers and the Auxem, Sera, Maxim, or Pantea...

All of the soldiers here are combined by Javier...

In this kind of time, the most important job will be a translator...

A beastman race soldier come and approach me... and speak a language that I don't know, but he gives me a letter...

"Thank you" I said while taking the letter from him...

I look at the Seal... it is from King Ethen... I believe he should be arrive at Aerios Kingdom in one and a half month...

'To Nicolas Maxwell...

Take the Northern Beastman Kingdom after we take Elven Kingdom...

Which will take around 6 months or more...

The purpose is to make Navroth afraid with our fast movement...

But, if you heard something bad happen with Aerios Kingdom, go attack Northern Beastman Kingdom at once...

Also, attack Elven Kingdom, then aid us in Aerios Kingdom... you don't have to be in hurry...

We will survive the war... as always, since the Great War 1...

Make sure that you stay alive...

There is no guarantee that Southern Beastman Kingdom will always be safe and Navroth won't come... she might come and looking for you...

Good Luck...

King Ethen'

That is what the letter said... Euclio and Ethan is reading behind me as well...

I give the letter to Euclio so he can read it easier...

After 6 months King Ethen said...

Then, there will be a lot of things could happen in this Kingdom...

3 months has passed...

"Nicolas-sama... Euclio-sama... wake up... it is 6 AM already..." Rueger waked me up...

"Ughh... okay... thanks Rueger..." I said while sitting down on my bed...

The one that live in this castle is only Euclio, Ethan, Rin and Erin... also Rueger and June...

I gave a limit to the person who could stay here...

While Nate and Nathalia will stay together in Kastil...

Kastil is actually the inner wall, we decided to name it as Kastil... and there are tens of thousand citizen that is currently living in Kastil...

Euclio predicted that in a year, the population in Kastil will be 80% of the entire population...

Not only Neku, Auxem, Sera, Nexum and Pantea... but also those who come from Reudora Kingdom territory now... which is a lot... also from Bazo and Saltvein...

Surprisingly, there are quite a lot, visitor from Northern Beastman Kingdom, High Elven Kingdom and Wood Elven Kingdom...

At first, I am quite afraid... but then, Rin and Erin handled them... the spy will be known instantly, since Erin and Rin have the ability to reads people mind... not read... but sense...

There are a lot of spies trying to enter the city, but we reject them as always...

Neku 6 months ago, is a million population city... but now, it almost double...

Now, we accept five thousand people daily...

All of the survivor from the Human Continent has been living in Kastil this past week...

"How is it our currency?" I asked Javier...

"Surprisingly, we have a higher rate than the Northern Beastman Coin..." Javier said...

It is not Northern Beastman Coin previously, the north and south used to be having the same currency, until five months ago...

"What's the rate?" Euclio asked...

"1 to 3..." Javier said...

That is quite a lot...

1 Gold of Southern Beastman is equal to 3 Gold of Northern Beastman

There are no news coming from the Aerios Kingdom... while we are actually has created a balance Kingdom...

We are currently on the balcony of the castle... sitting and relaxing... watching the view of Neku...

"This is a peaceful life I have been dreaming..." Euclio said...

"It is... I hope life goes like now forever..." I said...

Hearing that Javier laughed...

"Then, both of you should work harder to maintain peace..." Javier told us...

And both of us let a sigh...

"Oh Nicolas!" Ethan come in...

"Yeah?" I asked...

"I will be living with Ed, Eria, Lisa and Rick from now on..." Ethan said...

"Y-You are going to move?" I asked...

"Yeah, sorry, but I guess we are going to be adventurer... again..." Ethan said...

"T-That's sounds fun..." I said...

"Now I envy you..." Euclio said... missing the old days...

It is still in the morning, and we have just finished our breakfast...

"Fine..." Euclio said...


I then remember about my brother and sister...

They never tried adventuring before!

"Oh! Ethan!" I called him...

He turns back...

"What is it?" Ethan asked me...

He was about to leave...

"Can you ask Nate and Nathalia to leave their job... I want them to have fun as well... bring them to the guild..." I said

"What? Asking Nate to leave his job? That would be very hard..." Ethan said...

Yeah, Nate is a hard working boy...

"Nevermind... I will talk to him..." I said

I stand up from my chair...

"Now?" Euclio asked me...

"Yeah, we are procrastinating..." I said

"Fine..." Euclio said...

"Let's go..." Euclio said while standing up...

"Javier, we are leaving..." I said to Javier...

"Please be careful..." Javier said...

We move to the first floor... and saw soldiers talking...

A beastman race and human race soldiers talking to each other... that is a dream that come true...

When they looked at us, walking downstairs... they stand on guard... and give us a bow...

We passed them... and see June in the field...

"June... I guess I will walk today..." I said to June... and she neighed...

She flapped her wings... and left us...

"S-She looks happy leaving you..." Ethan said teasing me...

"H-Hey... she is loyal to me!" I said with a bit afraid as well...

Euclio laughed...

We walk and leave the gate... which is only like a fence...

This city is weird... there are two walls... one is the outter wall... which is basically protecting the whole city...

While the inner wall is protecting Kastil... and also the main castle...

So, unlike Seraviel... the main castle has no more wall...

When we left the gate... in front of us is a big plaza...

The small fence is guarded by two guards... from a beastman race and a human race...

In this plaza, there are a lot of great shop... like, the Steak House! They are open right in the main plaza...

Also, Doctor Frans's house...

He received a lot of patient lately because of his fame...

As well as Monica...

We visit her every week, and make everyone interested with her restaurant...

When we are walking through the crowd... everyone give us a way, and some of them even bow to us...

I give them a bow as well...

I guess, when they saw me bow... they are surprised...

That is why, lately more people bow... including the Beastman Race...

And I bow a lot on our way to Nate's house...

Euclio and Ethan laughed at me... always...

But finally, we arrive at Nate's house...

Nate's house is a three floored house...

Two Auxem guard is guarding the house...

When they looked at me... they bowed...

"Nate-sama is not home yet..." one of the soldier said...

"Nathalia?" I asked...

"She is home..." the other soldier reported...

I nodded... and the soldier open the door...

I enter the house... and Euclio and Ethan followed me from behind...

The house... look really expensive... it has a good floor...

But no servants...

I see Nathalia sitting on the sofa... near the fireplace... and relaxing herself...

She then looked at me...

"N-Nisan?!" Nathalia looked surprised...

She immediately run and jump to me...

I catch her...

"What are you doing here?" She asked me... and she looks really happy...

"Looking for you and Nate..." I said...

"Hey... you are getting heavier..." I told her...

Then her mood change...

For a while, I can sense a bloodlust...

Euclio and Ethan looked away while holding their laugh...

"Nisan? What did you say?" Nathalia asked me while smiling...

"I-I mean you are growing..." I said nervously... and she laughed...

She let us seat on the table...

"Let me cook something for you!" Nathalia said... and she goes to the kitchen...

"When will Nate return?" I asked her...

"Hmmm, he should be returning for lunch and I will accompany him working till dawn..." Nathalia said...

"Wow... I wonder why Maxwell is always a hard worker..." Euclio said whisperingly...

Ethan nodded really hard...

Even I can hear that...

I am a hard worker? I daydreamed a lot these days...

But they seems to know that Ed is a hard worker as well...

"Where is Ed by the way?" I asked Ethan...

"Ed, Eria, Lisa and Rick are doing a mission..." Ethan said...

"Guild?" I asked...

Ethan nodded... "And finally, tomorrow I can join them!" Ethan said happily...

That is really good... I want to do adventuring as well...

"But today, you should accompany them first..." I said to Ethan... and Ethan nodded...

Yes, Ethan must help Nate and Nathalia to registered themselves in the guild...

"Who is the Guild Master?" Euclio asked...

"Still the same person... Oriel..." Ethan said...

I never went to the guild...

"The guild is huge!" Ethan said...

"How big?" I asked...

"I guess bigger than your mansion in Auxem..." Ethan said while teasing me...

"A-At least, Auxem's Mansion is a comfortable place to live..." I said...

"Yeah, I miss your bedroom in Auxem..." Euclio said...

"And so do I!" Nathalia said and she bring us foods...

"W-Woah! C-Curry?!?" I said in surprised...

"W-What is this food?!" Ethan said

"Why is it so colorless..." Euclio said

Nathalia nodded proudly...

"Nate-nisan have tried it... and he love it!" Nathalia said...

"R-Really? But it smells..." Ethan said...

"Itadakimas!" I said and immediately eat the food...

"Itadakimas?" Both Euclio and Ethan looked confused... but Nathalia laughed...

"Hmmm Human Race has interesting food..." Euclio said while examining the food... then he sees a chicken underneath the curry

"Itadakimas!" Euclio said as well... and start eating...

And his reaction...

"T-This is! Food!" Euclio said with a mouth full of rice...

Ethan looked at Euclio in surprised face...

He then try a spoon of rice mix with curry...

Nathalia and I looked at him... to see his reaction...

And... Ethan stop moving...

But then, he continued eating his food, until he finished it all...

"You should make a restaurant! I bet you'll be a great businesswoman!" Ethan said after finishing his part...

While Euclio...

"C-Can I add more!" Euclio said...

"Sure!" Nathalia said happily...

It's been 16 years since the last time I ate curry...

I was 16 in the previous world, and now I am 16 in this world...

Then Nate enter...

When he saw us... he looked surprised...

"N-Nisan? Euclio? Ethan?" He called us... while opening his shoes...

"Yo Nate... how's the day?" I asked...

"Ah, there are a lot of things to do..." Nate said...

A hard-worker...

"Such as?" I asked...

"Hearing the people's opinion... Interviewing the people that are trying to enter Kastil..." Nate said while moving to the kitchen to wash his hand...

"Nate-nisan~" Nathalia greeted him in the kitchen...

"Hello Nathalia..." Nate greet her back...

Both of them sounds cute...

Nate sit with us... also Nathalia next to him... and Nathalia serve Nate a plate and also Euclio another plate...

"T-Thank you Nathalia!" Euclio said...

And Nathalia could only laughes...

"T-The food is great right!" Nate asked the other... especially me...

"Curry right? That is the best!" I said...

"I never eat something like this! You see, I feel really warm now..." Ethan said...

While Euclio.... he is eating...

We can only laughed...

After both of them finish their food...

"So... actually, I have a task for both of you..." I said

Nate and Nathalia looked at me seriously...

Euclio and Ethan could only laughed...

"W-What is it?" Nate asked...

"I want you to try adventuring... and continue your school...." I said to them...

"W-What? School?" Nathalia asked...

"Ummm... Actually...." Nate is about to say something...

Now, it sounds like we said something wrong...

"What is it?" I asked Nate

"We got a special treatment... and both of us are graduated already..." Nate said...

"W-What?!" I said in surprised...

"H-How about us?" I asked about Euclio, Ethan and myself...

"The three of you are given a special privielege as well, so... the three of you are graduated... including Ed as well..." Nate explained... and Nathalia nodded...

I-I can't force them to adventure now...

"So, we don't have to go Adventure..." Nate said...

"Nope! That is an order..." I said...

"H-Heh? Nisan? You are using order! That is cheating!" Nathalia said... and she looks so cute...

Even Ethan and Euclio laughed...

"B-But, there are a lot of things to do..." Nate said, while Nate looks so sad...

"An order... as your brother..." I said...

Nate and Nathalia looked at me... in a confuse way....

Also, there is this moment of silent, that make everything awkward...

"Fine..." Nate said, breaking the silence... even Nathalia looked surprised...

"Since it is you are the one that asking... I will do it..." Nate said...

T-That is a surprise... even Euclio and Ethan show a shock relation, both of them looks like just got hit by a thunder...

"That is great... Euclio and I will manage Auxem..." I said while standing up...

"Leaving already?" Nate asked me...

"Yep... I should be preparing myself and head for the wall..." I said...

I should change Nate so that he can have fun without any worry...

"I-I see... thank you Nisan..." Nate said...

"Make sure to return here for dinner..." Nathalia said...

"Of course! Euclio come on!" I asked Euclio that is still shocked with Nate's fast respond...

"O-Oh... okay..." Euclio said and he stood up... he just come back to his sense...

"Ethan! I will be leaving them to you..." I said...

But no response...

"Ethan?" I called him once more...

"O-Oh?? Sure!" Ethan said...

Everyone is surprised with Nate's respond...

On that day, Nate and Nathalia become adventurer for the first time...

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