《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 38 - The New Neku


After two days of sailing... we decided to have an emergency meeting on the sea...

Right now, we are in the middle of the sea, far enough from Auxem...

We held the meeting in The Royal Fleet...

It is a big long table, and King Ethen lead the meeting...

"Auxem?" King Ethen asked

"Present..." I said

Behind me, there are five people... Nate, Nathalia, and Ed... also Euclio as Qiteron Kingdom representative, and also Leon as Aerios Kingdom representative...

"Sera?" King Ethen asked

"Present..." Fredrich Ezate said, he changed his father, Lerrich Ezate as the Grand Duke...

Behind him, is 5 KoS guarding him...

"Pantea?" King Ethen asked

"Present..." Karl Klorze said...

As I remember, he was one of the students from Auxem School... his father was the spy of Navroth... which kill himself along with his soldiers in front of Maxim's Wall... and now, House Klorze is demoted and become a Duke...

"Averos?" King Ethen asked...

"Present..." Tev Avom said

He is the head of House Avom... and he is a Duke... also, Noc Avom's Dad, the boy that could use three elements...

Behind him, I can see Noc...

"Dexus?" King Ethen asked...

"Present..." Darren Aslan said, he is a Count of our kingdom... I never meet him personally...

And the last one is...

"Maxim?" King Ethen asked...

"Present..." Julian Nexum said...

I can see Persey behind him...

So, they survived the murder attempt by Alduir...

"And Haven?" King Ethen asked...

"Present..." Highpriest Marius said...

Behind him, we can see two mages...

"Can we have an update, what's going on with each city?" King Ethen asked...

"From Dexus... the nearest city to Reudora Kingdom..." King Ethen continue...

Darren Aslan nodded...

"We are attacked suddenly by Reudora Kingdom, without any reason and it is a sudden attack... at night... by their siege weapon... since we are not ready for war, within an hour... our Wall has been breached... and we evacuated the citizen to Epius..." Darren Aslan explain...

"When did it happen?" Euclio asked...

"It happened around three months ago..." Darren Aslan said...

I looked at Euclio... and he nodded...

"Is there something you might want to share with us?" King Ethen asked me...

"Yes, it seems that they are waiting for us, to left the Human Continent..." I said to King Ethen...

"Julian-dono... do you remember the soldier we asked you to promote?" Euclio asked Julian...

And he nodded...

"How long has he been working with you?" Euclio asked again...

"Hmmm a week before they start attacking Dexus..." Julian said...


Everyone remain silent

"So, we have been spied for some time..." Euclio said...

"And where is this soldier?" King Ethen asked Julian...

"H-He is... apparently... the second..." Julian said... with a bit frightened...

Now everyone looked a bit surprised...

"Thanks to House Maxwell, and also House Qiteron, we are able to escape..." Persey said...

King Ethen looked at us and give us a warm smile...

He looked pretty proud with both Euclio and I...

"How about Pantea?" King Ethen asked...

Karl looked a bit nervous speaking in front of us... I believe, this is his first time...

"W-We were spying on the enemy's movement... and we got an intel, that the enemy, which is Reudora Kingdom is marching toward us... With our small number of troops, we decided to run, and retreated to Averos..." Karl said...

King Ethen nodded...

"You have good sense... Karl... that is a good decision you made..." King Ethen praised him...


And he looks relieved...

It is... House Klorze lost a lot of soldiers, and actually more than 90% than their troops because of Karl's father, Mikhael Klorze...

"Epius was attacked by Reudora's Kingdom Fleet... and at the same time, we receive intel about Pantea retreated to Averos, and Maxim retreated to Auxem... so Epius decided to retreat as well, to Haven..." King Ethen explained...

"I was not there... I was in Sera with some other business, so it was his decision..." King Ethen said while pointing someone behind him...

Who is he?

Looking my confusion...

"Let me introduce you... this is Commander Victor..." King Ethen introduced him after seeing my confusion...

And he gives us a bow...

All of us nodded...

Commander Victor... Ed told me that he is strong... stronger than Ed...

I looked at him, and he looked at me back...

He is around Tousan's age...

"Then, knowing each of you are going to be attacked... everyone retreated to the most West part of Perius Kingdom? Auxem?" Euclio asked...

King Ethen nodded...

"Then, where are we going?" I asked...

"The only allies we had... is Aerios Kingdom... and the whole Ocean Kingdom... Qiteron Kingdom, Staviel Kingdom, Gavenhallen Kingdom... and Garasol Kingdom..." King Ethen said...

That is not only... we still have quite a lot of allies

"So... the only place we can evacuate to, is Aerios Kingdom?" Euclio asked...

And King Ethen nodded...

That is the only Land Kingdom... human race can't live in Ocean Kingdom, since they can't breathe under water

"So, who is our other enemy? Beside Reudora Kingdom?" Darren Aslan asked...

"High Elven Kingdom, Wood Elven Kingdom, Dwarven Kingdom, Northern Beastman Kingdom... and Southern Beastman Kingdom..." King Ethen said... which is actually, the rest of the world...

Oh... before I forgot...

"Actually..." I said...

And everyone looked at us...

"We killed Leo the Lion..." I said to them...

And everyone looked surprised...

"Leo the Lion?! Southern Beastman Kingdom?!" King Ethen asked...

I nodded...

"H-He is a strong man..." Julian Nexum said in surprised...

"Actually, not me, but Erin... my Beastman friend... from the White Wolf tribe..." I said...

And they looked more surprised than ever...

Except King Ethen...

"W-White Wolf Tribe?" Karl Klorze looked surprised...

"I thought they were annihilated by Leo the Lion..." Tev Avom said...

"Yeah, that is why, she took her revenge... she and her brother are the only survivors..." Euclio explained...

And everyone gives a nod...

"So, how about Southern Beastman Kingdom?" King Ethen asked me seriously...

"We are their King for now... so we can evacuate some of the citizen there..." I said...

Um... I am now in confuse... if King Ethen are there... in the Southern Beastman Kingdom... will he become their King... or is it still me?

"You will be their King... if you want it..." I give him the chance to take it...

But he laughs...

"No, don't worry, I trust you like I trust your father... which is why... I am going to give you a special mission..." King Ethen said...

He looks a bit scary... what is this special mission...

Sounds like a bad omen...

"Take Northern Beastman Kingdom..." King Ethen said...


Now, everyone looked at me...

"Fighting against Gina the Elephant?" I asked...

And King Ethen nodded...

T-That is easy to say!

"We will divide our forces into two... I believe Aerios Kingdom can't keep every people in Perius Kingdom in their land... we are too much a burden..." King Ethen said...


"So... we are eight houses... let's divide it to four and four..." King Ethen said...

And I have to agree...

Southern Beastman Kingdom is a big territory... maybe the same size as Aerios Kingdom...

"House Perius will be going to Aerios Kingdom... and House Maxwell will be going to Southern Beastman Kingdom..." King Ethen said...

"So... who will be going to Aerios Kingdom?" King Ethen asked...

And one by one, they raise their hand...

Starting from House Aslan...

Then House Avom...

And finally... High Priest Marius...

Hmmm, I thought High Priest Marius will be choosing me, since I am a God to them.. but I guess, he used his brain as well, King Ethen has more experience in ruling a kingdom... while I don't...

"So, House Maxwell will go South... with House Ezate, House Nexum and House Klorze..." King Ethen said... and I nodded...

So, I will be in a team with Fredrich, Julian and Karl... I hope we can work together...

I looked at Fredrich, and he nodded... also Julian give me a smile, and I smile back...

Karl... I never talk with him since we left school...

But he gives me a smile when I looked at him, and I smile back...

"We have five fleets... Auxem Fleet, the Royal Fleet, Sera Fleet, Averos Fleet and Southern Beastman Kingdom fleet... Those who will be heading to Southern Beastman Kingdom, will be using three fleets, Auxem's, Beastman and Sera's... since they have more people..." Commander Maxius suggested...

He has been standing behind King Ethen these all time...

We nodded...

"Then... it is our job for now...to ensure safety for the people, and I close the meeting..." King Ethen said and everyone stood up from their own chair and left the meeting... I left the room with everyone as well...

"Nicolas..." someone called me...

Euclio, Nate, Nathalia, Leon and I looked back...

It is Karl...

"Hey Karl..." I called him...

"Ummm, I am sorry for what happened during school..." Karl said...

School? What did he do?!

I believe I am showing a stupid face right now...

"Oh... that's okay, I have forgotten that for a long time..." I said to Karl... and Karl look relieved...

"I will be entrusting my people to you..." Karl said...

"You can count on me..." I said with smile...

And he gives me another smile

"I'll be returning to my ship and help my people move to your fleet..." Karl said and I nodded...

He then left us...

"He changed..." Euclio said...

"Into a better one..." I said

We left the room, and return to Beastman Fleet...

We don't need to take a long time to return to our ship... we just need June to fly...

"Let's go June!" I said and she fly away...

June knows where we wanted to go... it seems that our mind become one lately...

We landed on the third deck... which is specially for us...

When we land, the citizen on the ship looked at us...

I announce about what we have been talking in the meeting...

"Those who come from Averos, Epius, Dexus, and Haven have to leave this ship and head to the Royal Fleet or Averos Fleet... and those who come from Auxem, Maxim, Sera and Pantea, stay here... and we will record your name here in this ship... so that we can give you room to stay..." I announced...

The idea about giving them rooms is just across my mind... but Euclio nodded in agreement...

It took five days, to move the people to the right ship...

We asked for blanket from the other ship, since it is going to be really cold down there in the south...

After the preparation completed...

"You will need 3 months for you to arrive at Neku..." King Ethen said to me...

He is visiting my ship and we are on third deck...

He is accompanied by Commander Maxius and Commander Victor...

"Don't worry, we can do it in fifteen days..." I said...

And the three of them looked at me in surprised...

"We used WIND and WATER magic..." Euclio explained...

"3 months?! Down to 15 days?! That is 6x faster!" King Ethen said...

"Which is why, you need more food and water than us..." Euclio said...

King Ethen nodded...

Normally, they will need two months for their fleet arrive at Aerios Kingdom...

"Nicolas... thank you for everything..." King Ethen said while smiling and patting my head

King Ethen is a good man...

"That is my responsible as a Temporary Archduke..." I said to King Ethen... he laughs...

"When Clement is back... he will be so proud of you!" King Ethen said...

I nodded...

"Thank you" I said to King Ethen...

I hope, when we return to Neku, Tousan has been found... also Grandpa...

With me, we have Ed and Euclio only.... The other are helping the soldiers...

"Ed... I entrust my son to you..." King Ethen said...

"It is not his responsibility anymore..." I said...

And King Ethen looked at me in surprised...

Yes, Ed is no longer Ethan's kingsguard

"It is now our responsibility..." I said and everyone around us nodded...

"We will be staying together all the time..." Euclio said

"So, don't worry about him..." Euclio continues

He then looks relieved ...

"Thank you... when will our fleet be departing?" King Ethen asked Commander Maxius...

"In an Hour... we can't spend more time in the sea or else, we will out of stock for foods and drinks..." Commander Maxius said...

"Then, we will be leaving after you left..." I said... and then King Ethen come closer and hugged me...

Which is I am quite surprised...

"Take care of yourself..." King Ethen said

"I-I will..." I told him

"You are like a son to me..." he said to me...

And I am quite surprised with that

But from his tone... I know that he is serious it...

He then let go...

"Jeremiel is like a brother to me... and so, you are like my own son... make sure that you survive!" King Ethen said...

I nodded...

"I am actually much more worry about you..." I said while teasing him... and he laughed...

"Don't worry, I have both my best strategist and warrior here by my side..." King Ethen said...

I think that might be true...

"Be careful of the Elven's attack..." Euclio reminded him... and King Ethen nodded...

King Ethen looked at Euclio...

"You are very different from your Father..." King Ethen said...

Ummm is it bad or good...

Euclio looked confuse... but King Ethen smile...

"In a better way.... Much better... one day, you will be a great king..." King Ethen said...

"T-Thank you..." Euclio said... it seems that he is blushing...

Then King Ethen looked at Ed... he looks really sad...

And also hugged him...

"I am sorry, for not raising you as my child... that is my biggest regret I have done in my life..." King Ethen said...

"N-No that's okay..." Ed said...

"Treating Jeremiel's son as a Kingsguard... is really... sad for me to see... I hope you understand why I am doing this for you..." King Ethen said...

Ed hugged him back...

"Don't worry, you are much more fatherly than you thought... King Ethen... and I am happy that I can grow up as a Kingsguard... not as a prince..." Ed said with happy face...

King Ethen released him from his hug...

"Are you sure?" King Ethen asked... he is crying...

K-King Ethen is crying?!

All of us looked surprised

But Ed, he remain calm...

"I am! You are the best King and best Father I have ever known..." Ed said...

Now King Ethen's tear keep flowing... he is touched by Ed's word...

After a while, King Ethen wipes his tear... and he looks so happy...

"Thank you Ed..." King Ethen said and patted Ed's head...

"We have to leave now... it will take time to return..." Commander Maxius said...

"Fine, let's go!" King Ethen said to both of his Commander

And King Ethen left us with his Kingsguard...

After they left...

We return to everybody else...

"I never thought that King Ethen really kind..." I said...

"Yeah... me either... that is a good thing..." Euclio said...

"He is always that kind... but he never exposed it..." Ed said...

"Really?" I asked...

"Really?" a voice behind me...

I looked back...

"Ethan?" I called him...

"All ready, and we are ready to go..." Ethan said...

"Are you sure you are not going with your father?" Euclio asked Ethan...

"Of course! The more I stick with you guys, the more fun I got..." Ethan said with smile...

War is not fun...

"But still, stay on guard..." Euclio reminded him

And he nodded...

"Where are our other friends?" I asked...

"Precilla is staying in the last ship... while Roxane is staying in the frontline..." Ethan reported...

"You will be in this ship Ethan..." I said and he looks happy...

"Eria is watching the left wing of the fleet and Erin is watching.... The sky..." Ethan said while pointing out at Erin...

I looked at Erin... she looks like... enjoying her life... which is good...

She looks pretty peaceful these days...

"Let her be..." I said...

Everyone nodded in agreement, I guess everyone knows already about Erin's background story and about she kills Leo the Lion

"The right wing?" I asked...

"Not yet... I can't decide who..." Ethan said

"Hmmm Rueger is our Kingsguard, he must be here with us... and I need you and Nate to learn how to command the fleet... and Nathalia should be with us..." I said...

"Let me take the right wing!" a voice behind me...

I looked behind... and it is Nathalia...

"W-What? No way! You should be here..." I said

"Hey Nisan! Are you underestimating me?" she asked me while pointing her sword to me...

"Ughh no..." I said...

"Then! I will be going to the right wing..." Nathalia said...

"Oh! I will help her, with Lisa..." Rick said to me...

He overheard our conversation...

"Okay... please keep her safe..." I said to Rick...

"Leave it to me!" Rick said...

And Lisa smiled...

Nathalia looked at me with annoyed face...

"W-What?" I asked... but then she left me...

What is wrong with her?! I just want to protect her...

Ed, Ethan and Euclio laughed at me...

"Having a sister is hard..." Euclio said to me...

I let a sigh...

"It is..." I said...

I looked around and see Nate... he is with Rin as his translator talking with the beastman army...

And the captain on the fleet come to me...

He is about to say something... but I don't really know...

"He said that our supplies could only last for a month journey..." Ethan explained...

Now, the three of us looked at Ethan in surprised...

Even the captain... but he looks happy...

"Oh! Ethan learns every language! I just remember that!" Ed said...

"Every language?!" both Euclio and I in unison...

"Yes! Dwarven! And also Elven Langu-" before Ed finished his word... Ethan closed his mouth...

"Ah! The Royal Fleet is leaving!" Ethan said and change the topic...

I looked at the Royal Fleet, and they had moved...

"Say to the captain to set sail!" I said to Ethan...

And Ethan talked to the captain... in Beastman Language...

The captain nodded and left...

"Wow... Ethan! That is amazing!" Euclio praised him while hitting Ethan's back... but I looked at Ethan and see his annoyed face and I laughed...

And I believe Euclio is just playing around with him...

Nate jumped from the first deck to the third deck...

And surprised all of us...

"Nisan!" Nate said

"Woahh!?" I said in surprised...

"What?!?" Euclio said in panicked as well...

And everyone on the first deck looked at Nate in surprised as well...

"What?" Nate asked...

D-Did he just thought that it is normal?!

"Ugh... normally you can't jump up to two decks at once..." I said

Then I see Karl on the first deck... what is he doing!

"Karl! Come up here!" I shouted and call him...

"Sure!" Karl said and he left the first deck by walking with stairs... normally... not jumping...

"That is how you should act in front of people..." I said to Nate and he just laughed...

After all of us are on the third deck...

Ed and I were about to use our magic and push three fleet at once...

"Ethan... Nate... Karl... the three of you should help Euclio in case anything bad happened... like sea monsters..." I said...

The three of them nodded...

"What should I do!" Rin asked me while jumping around...

"Oh... can you remind Precilla, Roxane, Nathalia and Eria, to summon a [FIREBALL] if they found something that could threat our fleet? So, that we knows if they are in danger" I asked Rin... and he nodded... and jumped... after activating his Elemental Fighter...

And he is on the ship beside us already...

That is fast...

"Euclio..." I called his name... and he nodded...

Euclio ask the mage to send the signal...

The mage shot 1x [FIREBALL] up to the sky, which mean that we are going to go, and I am going to use my WATER MAGIC, while Ed is going to use his WIND MAGIC

After the shot... every people on board, hold tight

"Ed..." I called him and I give him my staff...

"Wait... how about you try using the staff..." Ed said...

"Hmmm? Why?" I asked...

"I think we can arrive faster... since your basic power, without staff is high already... if you use the staff, it will amplify much bigger... and it will be much more efficient..." Ed said...

Hmmm, that is actually make sense..

I looked at Euclio, and he nodded...

"Okay..." I said...


'Create... Water....'

"Waitt waitt..." Euclio said...

"What else?" I asked in a bit tired way...

"If your power is too big, you will destroy the entire ship..." Euclio explained...

T-That is true!!

And I can only see Karl gulped...

"You should do it gently..." Euclio reminded me...

"Okay... okay..." I said and I concentrate my power...

I feel the staff absorbing my mana...


"[WAVE]" I said it...

And I can feel the ship was pushed in an instant...

But, I guess that it is too much power...

Everyone even shouted... including Euclio

"WAAA!!" he shouted

"Slower!" Euclio yelled at me and I do what he said... and it seems that the wave is getting easier to control...

"Can you make it a bit more powerfull?" Euclio asked...

I showed a disappointed face...

"N-No... I mean, at first you must control the wave in a soft way, but then, you can push it harder after it moved..." Euclio explained

I let a sigh and I nodded...

Someone come into our place...

"Rin?" Euclio asked...

"We are 10x faster now..." Rin said...

What... Ten times already?

"Does it cover the entire fleet?" I asked Rin... and he nodded...

I try to make the [WAVE] stronger...


Erin come inside and hurry...

"Hey... it is 15x faster now... I think that would be enough..." Erin said...

If I do this and plus Ed...

I looked at Ed... Ed nodded...

And I can see a green spherical light appears behind her...

"[WIND]" he said...

And the [WIND] starting to blow the ship even faster...

Rin move outside to check the fleet's condition...

But then Ethan come in...

"20x faster... I think we should stop it right there..." Ethan said in scared way...

Everyone nodded in agreement...

Even Karl's face is pale already...

After I get the feel... it is easier... I can leave the deck, and my magic will go on without me being on top of the deck

I can read books now, with Ed in the library...

Euclio, Nate, Ethan and Karl are watching the situation... Erin return to her place which is on the left wing and Rin is watching the people in the ship...

"So... everyone got their own room?" Ed asked me...

"Yes... this is a carrier ship... and it is enough for 3000 persons... each family take one room..." I said while reading...

This is a History Book

About Beastman Continent...

It is about their Kingdom under Navroth... during the Great War 2...

Until a hero save them... a hero of both North and South Beastman Kingdom has been proud of...

"Zerotus Maxwell?!" I said in surprised...

"W-What happened?" Ed asked me...

I looked at Ed... and he come closer to me... he take the book, but before he read it, I explained it

"You see... our grandpa... is the hero of both Northern and Southern Beastman Kingdom..." I said

And Ed looked amazed...

"Woahhh... how did he do it?" Ed asked...

I haven't read the part...

But no explanation in it...

It seems that they have a statue of him, in Bazo...

"No explanation... but they got the statue of him in Bazo..." I said to Ed...

"I see, I guess that is why Neku was welcoming us without any problem..." Ed explained

T-That is true...

Ed returned the book to me, and looked around the library and search for another book...

"Ed... do you think we can win the war?" I asked Ed out of a sudden...

He stopped searching for books now...

"Of course! We will conquer the North... while Aerios Kingdom will attack the Elven Kingdom with the help of King Ethen..." Ed said while looking at me...

"But Navroth..." I said...

The other Kingdom might be easy, but Navroth is the real challenge...

After I passed out back then in Auxem, they told me what happened...

About the black barrier that suddenly spawned and cancelled Ed's attack...

I then let a sigh...

"Black Barrier is not a game... there won't be any spell that can destroy that thing..." I said...

Since Black Barrier is the highest rank of Barrier Magic

"But you see, maybe we can counter it with swordsmanship... or maybe Fusion Magic" I said

Yes... that is possible... Barrier Magic doesn't affect physical attack... and Fusion Magic decrease the user's mana much more than normal magic...

Umm... why Ed hasn't replied any of my conversation... where is he?

"Ed?" I called Ed...

Where is he?

I stood up from my seat... and search for Ed...

And I found him staring at a bookshelf...

He then took out a book... and show it to me with his mouth open...

"Advance... Wind... Magic?!" I said in surprised...

"Okay! You should study this" Ed said but I hold him...

Ed has learnt that during Sera under attack by the invisible, in the old granny's shop Euclio told me...

"Not now... " I said

"Huh? Why?" Ed asked

"If I learn it now, the effect of speed to the ship will be gone..." I said

And Ed just remembered about that...

We are 20x faster... and we will keep doing it for 12 hours...

Now I am calculating it...

We will be arriving in 9 days...

"Ed... are we the only mages within our party?" I asked Ed...

"Hmmm Euclio can only to Basic Tier of water..." Ed said...

"Oh! Karl can use fire!" I said remembering the old days during Auxem School...

He can activate fire... but I don't know what tier is he...

"What is that for?" Ed asked me...

"Hmmm maybe there are more books like that..." I said while pointing at the book that Ed is holding...

"So, if you found a fire book, told Karl about it..." I told Ed

"I see, okay!" Ed said with his face full of proud after hearing my decision...

The library is not as big as the library in the Royal Fleet... but there are a lot of book stacks here...

And after four days...

"Nisan!" Ed shouted...

We are in the library...

"What is it?" I asked while running toward Ed...

"WHAT?!?" I shouted... I believe everyone in the ship could hear my shout...

Euclio, Ethan, Nate, Karl, and Rin come to the library within a minute...

"What is wrong?!" Euclio asked

"Are you guys okay?!" Ethan asked...

"Y-Yeah... Yeah... all good..." I said

But Euclio shows a distrustful face...

"But... Ed found this..." I then showed them the book title...

"You are kidding me?!" Ethan said...

"T-That is insane!" Euclio said...

"Master... Holy.... Book..." Erin read it...

This is the book I always wanted...

Please tell me, it is a healing book...

And I was about to open it... but Ed hold it...

"Ahh... of course..." I said

And I remember that I am activating a spell now...

I guess I have to be patient for now...

On our ninth day...

"Land!" our soldiers shouted... and the captain come at us in hurry...

And talk to Ethan...

"Stop the spell!" Ethan shouted...

And both of us instantly deactivate our spell...

As a result, there are an impact... that makes everyone falls to the floor...

I help the captain to stand up...

"Let's check the fleet..." Euclio said while running toward the deck...

And I can see that we are in the harbor already... the front ship is on the beach already...

There are soldiers around the beach, soldier of Neku...

"Nico... let's get down first..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

We prepare a board so that we can walk down to the port...

After the board has been prepared... we walked down from the ship to the harbor...

When we get down... I can see Fo already...

"Nicolas-sama!" Fo called me and run toward me...

Behind him is Javier... and also Tyr...

The three of them come toward me, and give me a bow...

"Who is living in the inner wall?" I asked a sudden question to Fo...

"The nobles... and the rich..." Fo said...

"We have thousands of civilian here... can you help us finding a perfect place for them?" Euclio asked...

We should have plan this...

"Neku is a big city, with little population... there should be enough space for them..." Fo said...

"No, there will be chaos if the Human Race and Beastman Race combine..." Javier said...

And I couldn't be more agree anymore...

"How many person live in the inner wall?" I asked Fo...

"Hmmm hundreds..." Fo told me...

Everyone is watching our conversation from the ship...

"Buy all of their belonging..." I said to Fo...

"Hmmm... I am sorry... What did you just said?" Fo asked...

"Buy their land and houses twice the price... so that they won't hate us since we need the land..." I said to Fo...

Fo looked at me speechlessly...

But he nodded anyway...

So... in the meantime... the civilian should have to stay in the ship for one more day...

It is noon today... but the weather is cold...

I can see Euclio shaking...

But then Erin come to us, with blankets...

"Thanks..." I said to her...

"No problem..." she said...

Wow... she is talking...

It's not that Erin never talk, but usually, she just give us a nod...

I am still not used to it, with the new Erin... but I like the new Erin more....

"Let's head inside, Nicolas-sama..." Javier invited me... to the castle...

Should we walk?

We asked the soldiers to bring June here...

After they prepared a board for June, June comes with the carriage...

"We will be waiting for you in the castle..." I said to Javier... but he looks annoyed...

"Nope... I will be there first..." Javier said while teasing...

"Umm.. is this a race?" Euclio asked...

"Yes!" Both Javier and I said...

"Let's go!" Javier said and steal the first start!

"That is cheating!" I said while June is running as well...

To be honest, Javier is fast...

Faster than June...

In five minutes, we arrived at the castle... and June is out of breath...

When she stopped at the lobby... I open her from her mount...

And she flapped her wings before she flies away. It seems that she miss the sky already...

Poor June...

"Oh... you have arrived..." Javier said from inside the lobby...

And all of us looked surprised...

"Fine! You win!" I said and he laughed happily...

"You are fast!" Ed praised him and he is really happy now...

It is only the five of us including Javier...

And we move to the meeting room... the five of us... Euclio, Ed, Erin, Javier and I

The other are taking care of the fleet and the people...

Javier give me a map of Neku...

"Hm... the southern Neku is spacious... to be honest, the whole population of the city could have fit in the northern Neku..." Javier explained...

"How about the inner one?" I asked...

"Fo-sama is doing his job... but I believe some of them will refuse..." Javier said...

So... this will be hard...

"Locating the Human Race inside the wall, will make the beastman race feels discriminated... I suggest, the southern Neku for the Human..." Javier said...

Euclio nodded as well...

"I guess that is the only way..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

"Erin... tell the soldiers to prepare the people to move by tomorrow morning..." I said to Erin and she nodded and left...

"Javier... can you tell your men and asked them to move to the north... and leave the south for human race?" I asked...

"As you wish... Nicolas-sama..." Javier said and left the room...

After Javier left...

"Hmmm I hope we made the right choice..." I said...

Euclio looks like laughing...

"You see, you are just a boy... a mistake is alright..." Euclio said to make me calm...

"Don't worry nisan! I guess that is the best thing we can do for now..." Ed said to me...

I looked at Euclio and Euclio nodded as well...

I then let a sigh in relieved

"Fine... let's do this!" I said

The next day...

I can see Ethan, Nate, Leon and Karl doing their jobs... they are the next head of their house... except Nate actually... but I think I will give him the House... I am too tired...

Nathalia as their counselor... as always, the smartest one...

Nathalia vs Euclio, which one is smarter...

Nathalia is a genius, even Euclio admit it...

The difference is, that Euclio is concentrating in the art of war, while Nathalia is concentrating in the city management...

Both are smart in different ways...

Now, it is my job to talk with the Beastman Race... they looked mad at us... but I am their king...

I give them an announcement yesterday, that I will be talking in front of the people of Beastman Race today... in the plaza... and here I am...

Facing thousands of beastman race...

"As you know, there will be a human race, living on this city..." I said...

And Erin translate it...

"Therefore, I want to keep the harmony of the city... this city will be great, imagine the city where Human Race and Beastman Race live together..." I said and Erin translate it...

After Erin translate it... there are a lot of disappointed faces...

But I have to use my authority this time...

"My name is Nicolas Maxwell... and I am your King..." I said and Erin do her job...

They all looked at me...

"So, I want all of you, to respect my decision! Which is why... I will create an arena... for those who wanted to oppose me..." I said...

After Erin translated the words... I create a small arena out of Earth Magic... like a high-ground arena...

My purpose of doing this is to show my strength, since the beastman race only bow to the strong one. That is a proposal suggested by Javier, he is pretty smart too...

I stand on the arena... but no one dare to come on...

"I will not kill..." I said

And Erin translate it...

After she translate it... there are a lot of people wants to fight me... it seems like hundreds...

But none of them could win against me...

On that day, I dueled more than tens of person... and also, we created a tournament with the people of Neku...

We also let them drink... the stock of wine from the castle...

Now, I feel like I am gaining their trust...

A lot of people show a friendly attitude to me now...

Until it is late at night...

Nate and Ethan picked me up with the soldiers of Auxem...

Seeing that, the Beastman Race looked at them with annoyed face...

"Oh... is it over?" some of them asked...

"You should spent more time with us!" another one said speaking in my tounge...

"I will return tomorrow, to bring some changes in the city... a better one..." I said to them...

But they looked at each other...

Are they afraid of something? I guess that they are afraid of something bad is going to happen...

But I decided to ignore them and left with Nate and Ethan...

They give me a loud shout...

"For Nicolas-sama!" a man shouted...

I can hear that...

I looked back...

"FOR NICOLAS-SAMA!!!" everyone shouted in unison while drinking their wine...

I let a sigh in relieved... I am happy now that they are trusting me...

"They are totally attached to you..." Nate said to me...

"Of course! Beastman Race need to acknowledge their own King... which is why I dueled with 80 or 90 person..." I said...

Hearing the number I just mentioned, both Nate and Ethan looked at me with their jaws falling to the floor...

And it is fun...

We come toward June... and Enter the carriage with Ed, Nate, Ethan, Euclio and Erin...

I look at the clock...

"It's 1 AM already?" I said in surprised...

The sky is dark and chilling to my bone... but I never thought that it is already this late...

"It is... which is why we picked you up..." Nate said...

We return to our castle... and I found everyone is sleeping already... Nathalia, Precilla, Roxane, Karl, Fredrich, Eria... it seems it is our turn to sleep as well...

"Fo... can you assemble for an emergency meeting for tomorrow? Invite Lex the Lion... and also the Koo the Turtle..." I asked him...

I met him in the hall way...

"Of course... Nicolas-sama..." Fo said...

"Is there a space for you and your family to stay here?" I asked Fo... and he nodded...

"Of course... this castle is very big... there are more than 500 rooms in this castle... so no worries..." Fo said with a smile...

"Thank you..." I said...

"Oh! And also, tomorrow before lunch, we will have another meeting about the condition of the city..." Euclio said to Fo...

"Of course... Euclio-sama..." Fo said... and he left us...

Argh... it's been a tiring day...

Erin return to her room with Rin...

Ethan sleeps with Ed...


I sleep with Euclio...

And Nate with Leon...

Leon has been busy, helping the other fleet... which is why I didn't seen him for the last few days...

The next day... before lunch

the circular table with Ennea, our world here... on the table...

There are Commander Sherryn, Commander Javier, Fo, Ethan, Nate, Leon, Fredrich, Karl, and Julian...

Behind Ethan, we can see Ed...

Behind Nate, we can see Nathalia and Rueger....

Behind Leon, we can see Rick and Lisa...

Behind Fredrich, we can see KoS...

Behind Karl, we can see guards from Pantea...

Behind Julian, we can see Persey...

And Behind me... Euclio, Rin, and Erin...

"Hmmm let's we inform you first..." I said to Javier, Fo and Sherryn...

"Perius Kingdom is no more... and has been taken by Reudora Kingdom..." I said

Javier nodded and so does Sherryn... it seems they knew already, since we brought all of the civilian here, to Neku...

"Fo, how is it?" Euclio asked...

"The inner wall has been emptied... and I want to ask you something if I may... Nicolas-sama..." Fo said

"Sure, go on..." I said

"Who will be living behind the castle's wall?" Fo asked me...

"Beastman Race, that doesn't mind living with Human Race... and Human Race that could live harmony with Beastman Race..." I said

Fo, Sherryn and Javier looked at me with a surprised face...

And everyone seems agree with me...

That is what Euclio told me last night...

I give a nod to him...

"Oh... and also, how's the condition of Beastman Race?" I asked Fo once more...

"They are happy with you... since last night feast you held... Nicolas-sama..." Fo explained...

I am glad that they are happy... I thought it will be hard to gain their trust... but a feast is enough...

There are still a lot of topic to be discuss...

"How about our the meeting with Koo the Turtle and Lex the Lion?" Euclio asked Commander Javier...

"Both of them, accept your terms... becoming this Kingdom as Puppet Kingdom..." Commander Javier said...

"Good..." I said

That is actually easier than I thought...

"It seems that your House has a really big impact to Beastman Race... which is why we are accepting you easier than we thought..." Commander Javier said...

I nodded...

Maybe something related with Zerotus Maxwell, the hero of Beastman Race...

I looked at the next person... and it is Sherryn...

"Any sign?" I asked her...

But she shook her head...

I let a sigh...

"Keep searching for him..." Euclio said

"Yes... Euclio-sama..." Sherryn said

"I will be continuing my investigation now..." she said to me and stand up...

"Okay..." I said and she give me a bow and left...

Next is... Nate...

"How is it Auxem citizen? Does everyone got their own house?" I asked Nate...

He nodded...

I looked at Fredrich... and he nodded as well... Julian... nodded... Karl nodded...

So, everyone got their own place...

"Now, make sure all of you interview them well... for those that want to live harmoniously..." I said and everyone nodded...

The human race was moving to the southern part of Neku since yesterday...

"Oh... how many houses are there inside the wall?" I asked Fo...

"Tens of thousand..." Fo said...

"Then... Auxem a hundred person, Sera a hundred person, Maxim a hundred person and Pantea a hundred person.... While Beastman Race four hundred person... for these two days..." Euclio said...

"To make everyone inside the wall, equal..." Euclio continue...

And everyone nodded in agreement...

"We are in the Beastman Kingdom... we came here not to conquer... but as a refugee, make sure to act kindly..." Euclio said to Nate, Julian, Fredrich and Karl... and four of them nodded...


"Make sure you find the proper Beastman Race... not those who only seek for fight..." I said to Fo...

And he nodded...

"Neku... Neku's family, bring them inside the wall... they got special privilege..." Euclio said...

Fo nodded...

Is there anyone I know... that should live within the wall...

"Oh! You should bring Doctor Frans! And also that old lady..." I said to Fredrich... it seems that Fredrich understand...

"Sure... anyone else?" Fredrich asked me...

"Monica, from the steak house... make sure you bring her in... with her family and give them a big house... also the guild in the Inner Neku, will be lead by Sera Southern Guild..." I said...

Everyone has no problem with that...

I looked at Nate... do I have someone I know in Auxem...

"Santa!" Nate said... how can I not remember my teacher...

"Find the biggest building in the inner wall... make it as a school... for both every race!" I said to Nate... and he give me a nod...

I guess that's all of today...

"You all dismiss" I said...

And everyone left the room...

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