《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 37 - Undersiege


We are on our way toward the harbor of Neku... and we are leaving this giant castle...

"This place is actually pretty good..." Ed said...

"Good in what terms?" Euclio asked...

"I mean, it is beautiful.. also, the people are well-mannered... they accepted that their king is dead... and now they serve us..." Ed said

"That is the rule of Beastman Kingdom..." Erin interupt us...

"When a King die in a fight, the killer will be their new King..." Erin explained...

"Which is why, it explained that the city accepted us easily..." I said...

"Yes... but actually we never have a King from other race... which is why, it is hard for you to be the king of beastman Kingdom..." Erin said to me...

I nodded...

"I never wanted to be a king anyway..." I said

After we left the castle...

The path to the harbor has been cleared by the soldiers...

The citizen is waiting for us to pass... but they say nothing to us, and I think it will take some times for them to accept us as their new king...

It is a long way, and no one is actually angry to us, after I killed their King...

"Hmmm, I feel a bit uncomfortable..." I said

"Yeah, but they do not hold any grudge against us... so it seems that they had accepted already..." Euclio said...

It is actually Erin that killed King Leo... but somehow, people assume it was me...

And I feel a bit guilty, but not Erin...

After a long way, we finally arrived at the harbor... and there is a white tiger waiting for us...

"Bring June in..." I said to Ed... and he nodded...

I jumped to the ground with Euclio and talks with Javier... while Ed and Erin accompany June to enter the ship...

"Everything is ready, Nicolas-sama..." Javier told me...

"Yes, thanks... but I thought, I asked Tyr to prepare the ship..." I said

"Tyr is...."

"Nicolas-sama!" someone called me from distance...

I looked back, and it is Tyr...


He is pulling a wagon instead a horse!... what is it about...

Then he stopped the wagon when we are close enough...

I asked him...

"What's inside the wagon?"

"It is water... there are a total of 50 barrels..." Tyr said...

"Nice... ask your men to bring it to the ship..." I said

"Yes! Nicolas-sama!" Tyr said energetically

I wonder what makes him on fire...

Tyr then commanded his men to do the job...

While doing so, Javier come closer...

"Do you think that Saltvein and Bazo will accept me?" I asked Javier...

And he give a thought...

"Saltvein will surely accept you... since they hate King Leo for a long time... but Bazo, it will be hard..." Javier told me...

I understand about Bazo, but why Saltvein?

"They hate King Leo because of what he did to the White Wolf Tribe..." Javier told me...

I then remember Erin and Rin...

"I see, but why Saltvein's lord did not stopped him?" I asked

"Because he is lack of power... Saltvein has the least power in the entire South Beastman Kingdom..."Javier explained...

Hmmm I see...

"How about Neku and Bazo, which one is stronger?" Euclio asked...

Javier gave another thought...

"Bazo has more troops... but Neku has better position... we are on the higher hills..." Javier said...

"So, is it equal?" Euclio asked...

"Bazo has a lot of experienced warrior... so, they might be in the advantage..." Javier said...


"Then, don't make too much problem, we don't want you to have a war and start killing each other..." Euclio said...

Javier nodded...

"Of course, Euclio-sama... please leave it to me..." Javier said...

Both of us nodded...

After the drink supply has been deployed on the ship, we left Javier to join the other... they were waiting for both of us...

"Done?" Ed asked...

"Yes..." I said...

"How about the water?" Euclio asked Erin...

"It is safe..." Erin said...

Euclio is a bit traumatized with poison... since the incident happened in Sera, when we were still a Platinum Adventure...

Hearing from Erin that it is safe, Euclio let a sigh...

"Let's go..." I said to the captain...

But the captain looked at me in confusion...

Ummm maybe because of the language...

Then Erin talk to him... and the captain nodded understanding Erin's word and leave us to drive this ship...

This ship is not as big as the Royal Fleet that Captain Steve lead... but it is still a nice ship...

There are around a hundred troops in this ship... and this is the main ship...

We brought like fifty other ships from beastman kingdom... with PAQ Alliance flag...

Their size are smaller... but they could hold up to a hundred person in it... while our ship maximum capacity would be two thousand...

We brought a thousand troops in total on our journey...

And the ship started to move...

Our plan is to fight Navroth... but, if it is impossible, we will bring everyone to safety, which is in the Beastman Continent...

We will evacuate the whole town...

"Erin, you will be in charge of the fleet... since you are the only one that understand their tounge..." Euclio said...

"Okay..." Erin said with a smile

She is.... Like a different person, she looks much more cheerful these days...

"Oh, they said that it will take 3 months, for us to arrive at Auxem..." Erin said...

And I nodded...

Can we do something... to make the fleet travel faster...

I am now looking at the giant sail...


Euclio looked at me as well...

"Wind..." I said...

"Water..." Euclio said...

And now both of us remain silent...

"Both?" Ed suggested...

"Okay..." both Euclio and I in unison...

Our ship is in the middle, and we are going to perform magic... a really strong one that could affect the entire fleet...

The soldiers are looking at us confusedly...

"Here..." I said and borrowed my staff to Ed...

Ed took it...

"Don't you need it too?" Ed asked...

"I am stronger than you..." I said in a teasing way... and he looks a bit mad...

"Erin, you asked the captain about our ship's speed, and tell it to us..." Euclio said... and Erin nodded...

Erin left us and she moves to the captain's cabin...

'Create Wind...' Ed spawned a green spherical light...

'[WIND]' Ed used it and I can feel the breeze...

But the entire fleet is moving faster, we can see it with our own eyes...

"We are moving 4x faster!" Erin said...

Woah... 4x faster?! We can arrive in three weeks if we continue with this speed...

But Ed won't be able to keep doing this for 24 hours...

Control the water...

"How to control the water?" I asked Ed...


"Push the water behind us to our destination?" Ed said but he doubts himself as well...

Let me try it...

'Create.... Water....'

Every eyes are on me...

'[WAVE]' I casted the water and control the flow... with it... I can see the difference in speed as well...


And... I cast it for the entire fleet... wow... my magic could cover bigger area than I thought...

But I can't hold this for hours...

"It is now 10x faster!" Erin shouted to us...

"W-Wow...." Euclio said in impressed...

10x... if we do it for 2 hours, we can save a day faster...

"Ughh... I need to pee..." I said to Euclio...

"Don't asked me where the toilet is..." Euclio said

"Erin... where is the toilet?" I asked...

While I am asking, Ed is still raising his hand to cast the magic... and he looked at me in surprised...

"N-Nisan? How can you do that?" Ed asked me...

"Hmm? Just leave it, after you cast your magic, it will work by its own..." I said...

And Ed give a big O face... H-He just knew it?!

We then left the cabin and the spells are still working...

We do it 12 hours a day... which means, we save 6 days each day... a day counted as 6 days...

We need only 15 days... to reach Auxem, which is crazy...

On the fifteenth day...

"Land!" one of the soldier shouted...

Ed and I were casting our magic from the library...

While Euclio and Erin trained...

I leave the library with Ed and go to the deck... and meet with Eu and Erin...

"A-Auxem..." I said

It is Auxem port...

Both Ed and I deactivated our magic

Seeing our fleet, Auxem is on guard, and they prepared their fleet as well...

"I thought they could see our flag..." Ed said...

"No, there is trust issues in Human Continent..." Euclio said...

Ah yes, I think they should be making sure of everything in this kind of time...

I will prepare myself as well if I am on their side...

"Let's just go with a small ship..." Euclio suggested... and I nodded in agreement...

They will accept us if it is just a boat...

Erin talks with the captain... In the language we don't know...

The captain nodded... and ask his men to do something...

But I can see a small boat is deployed...

"Let's go..." I said to everyone...

And the three of them nodded...

We enter the small boat and the captain drop the small boat to the water...

Um... should we row our boat by ourselves?

I never do this in my entire life...

Ed and Erin take the paddle and begin rowing...

Oh... I am really such a baby...

I help them with my water magic... and we begin to move faster...

When we are getting closer we can see ships are ready for war...

They react to our fleet really fast...

We passes through several ships... amd when they see us...

"I-It is Nicolas-sama!"


"They are not the enemy!"

"We are saved!"

It seems that the soldiers know us already...

And... we are saved? Are they in war already?

So... we land safely in the beach... and hundreds of soldiers has surround us...


"Please help us..."

"We are fighting against Navroth..."

But then, suddenly... I hear a very familiar voice...


I looked toward the direction and see a familiar face...

"R-Rueger!" I said and instantly I cried...

I run toward him and give him a hug...

"Ohh! Look at you... you are getting bigger..." Rueger said to me...

Everyone becomes silent...

"I thought you were dead!" I said while crying...

The last time I saw him, is when he fights against Kasan... and I think my healing magic didn't work...

"Sorry, I was planning to surprise her in the fight..." Rueger said...

Then I hugged him again, really hard...

"Where have you been?" I asked him...

"I will tell you later... and I believe, King Ethen needs you now..." Rueger told me...

"K-King Ethen?" I asked...

King Ethen is here?!

After asking that, I can see a carriage coming to our direction... I release my hug from Rueger...

And when the carriage stopped...

"Nisan!" Nathalia shouted while running toward my direction...

"N-Nathalia!" I shouted back and open my arms...

She instantly jumped to me... and I catch her...

"You are alright!" Nathalia said...

"Of course I am! Why are you thinking like that!" I said

And another one comes...

"Nate!" I said

"Nisan" Nate said with unexcited tone...

T-This boy has grown...

But he still hugs me...

I look around and the soldiers are still looking at me... also the citizens... they are not hating me anymore, since I have repelled Marius the head priest...

And it feels really weird

I release both Nathalia and Nate...

"Nate... there are a fleet of Southern Beastman Kingdom that help us to return to this place... ask our soldier to move aside and give them a space to park in our harbor..." I said to Nate...

"Okay..." he said and left us...

After Nate left... I see another boy...

"Leon!" I called him...

"Hey Nico..." Leon said with a smile...

I come toward him and pat his head... I can see him smiling...

"How's Aerios Kingdom?" I asked...

"We are recovering... don't mind our Kingdom, we are strong..." Leon said

T-That is quite arrogant...

"Qiteron Kingdom is also okay... the problem is Perius Kingdom..." Leon said...

"Let's return to the mansion... King Ethen is waiting..." Leon said...

I nodded... and I looked behind...


Where is Euclio? Ed? Erin? They all went missing...

"Oh!" I found him talking with two women...

W-Wait... is that...

"Precilla? Roxane?" I called them...

"Hey Nico..." Precilla said and patted my head...

I wonder why they looked different...

"It's been only a year, and you looked like haven't been around for decades..." Roxane said while teasing me...

"Hahaha... let's return to the palace..." I asked them...

"Wait... there is something much more important..." Rueger reminded us...

And everyone went silent...

What is much more important right now than the war?

"Oh... That man!" Leon just remembered...

"Yeah! That man has been protecting us for days..." Precilla said

That man?

"Who is he?" I asked...

"And protecting from who?" Euclio asked...

Nate return to us... and I can see the ships are giving some space for the Beastman Fleet...

"That person in heavy armor..." Nate said...

"Protecting us from Reudora Kingdom's siege..." Roxane said...

"Euclio... you go to the meeting room with Ed.... Erin and I will meet this man..." I said

Euclio and Ed nodded...

"Let me accompany you..." Rueger said...

I nodded...

And I examined Rueger once more...

It is really him!

"It's been a while..." I said to Rueger with a smile...

"It is..." Rueger said with his warm smile...

I really missed him... for me, Rueger is my second father...

"Let's go..." Precilla said...

Precilla is using a heavy armor as usual... but then, I see something weird on her armor...

She is wearing a cape... and the emblem on the cape...

"That emblem..." I pointed at the cape...

It is an eagle... House Maxwell's emblem...

"Are you?" I asked...

"I am the commander of the wall..." Precilla said with proud...

Then I direct my view to Roxane...

She is wearing a cape as well... and I check her cape...

"I-It is our House Emblem!" I said in surprised...

"Yep! Commander of the Fleet..." Roxane said..


I looked at Nate... and he just smiled...

It is Nate's job...

"Let's go... we have no time..." Leon said...

Euclio, Ed, and Nate join Leon and they are going to the mansion, where King Ethen is...

The Beastman Kingdom come closer...

We are waiting for June now... she is still inside the ship...

When the ship arrived... Erin talked to the captain... and the captain asked his men to let June off the ship...

After several minutes, Erin come with June...

In front of us, she stopped and jumped off the carriage...

"I will be waiting here with the fleet..." Erin said...

I nodded...

I enter June's carriage with Nathalia, Rueger, and Precilla...

But Roxane...

"Roxane?" I asked...

"I will be here with Erin... to maintain the fleet... I have jobs to do..." Roxane said with a smile...

I nodded...

She really do her job seriously

"Let's go June..." I said to June and she neighed...

We ride June and left the harbor... and enter the city crowd...

"W-Wow... that is a big horse..."

"That is a Pegasus idiot!"

"P-Pegasus? Which mean?!"

"N-Nicolas-sama is back!"

"We will win the war!"

They cheer for me...

We can hear a loud battlecry in the city...

"So, who is this person?" I asked...

"I don't know... but he is strong, if he is not here, this city has been burnt to ashes already..." Precilla said...

Now, I am much more curious than before...

"When did Reudora Kingdom start to attack?" I asked...

"Hmmm it's been three days..." Precilla said...

"And when did that person come?" I asked...

"Three days ago..." Precilla said...


"And he did not rest at all..." Nathalia said...

"I think I know him..." Rueger said...

"Who?" I asked...

"Ninth..." Rueger said...

"Ninth?!" All of us in surprised...

Rueger nodded...

"He is a God Tier in Valeon Sword Style..." Rueger explained...

I really miss this lecture from Rueger...

"Have you met him?" I asked

"I have dueled him once..." Rueger said...

"And?" I asked

"That is a close battle... but he won... I just can't find any blind spot to attack... he closes every gap..." Rueger said...

I really want to see both of them duel...

"I see..." I said to Rueger...

And after five minutes, we arrived at a large field...

But it is full of tents... not soldiers but civilian...

"Who are they?" I asked

"Civilian of Sera, Civilian of Haven... and Civilian of Averos..." Precilla explained...

I see the crowd there...

"How about the food supply?" I asked...

"We have a year of food supply..." Nathalia explained...

"Water?" I asked...

Now she looked a bit down...

"3 months... and we can only hope from the rain" Nathalia explained...

Hmmm this would be a hard place for us to survive... unless we fight them...

"We need to fight back..." I said

"We are planning for that already..." Rueger said...

"And when?" I asked...

Now they are looking to each other...

"We still don't know when..." Rueger said...

"We have a thousand of Beastman Kingdom army..." I said...

And they are thinking about it...

"I thought Beastman Kingdom supposed to be our enemy..." Nathalia said...

"They were... until Erin killed King Leo..." I said

Now they all looked surprised...

"H-How?" Rueger asked...

"King Leo is strong..." Rueger said again...

"He is... and he almost got Eu, Ed and I killed..." I said

"But Erin is smart and strong as well..." I said...

None of them actually seen Erin fight... so I understand why they are confused...

"And full of vengeance..." Rueger said...

I looked at him... how did he know...

Rueger looked at me and give me a wink...

"H-He is... the White Wolf tribe were slaughtered by King Leo... only Erin and Rin survived..." I explained...

"And King Leo is the cause of it..." I said...

Nathalia and Precilla gives an understanding look...

"We arrived!" Precilla said... After we traveled for 10 minutes

And we are right in front of the gate...

I can see a man standing right in front of the gate... with his heavy armor and sword...

"Open the gate..." Precilla said...

And the gate opened...

The man is still looking toward the enemy...

I get down from June...

And the other follows me behind my back...

We come closer to him...

I can see that this city has been surrounded...

Thousands... tens of thousands... or maybe hundreds of thousand...

I stand next to him...

While everyone is waiting behind us...

But he say nothing...

"Ehem..." I said

And he stand still...

Is he alright?

I then stand in front of him...

And knock his helmet...

But then is moving...

Moving to the ground... and fall...

"W-What?!" I said in surprised...

Rueger, Nathalia and Precilla are surprised as well...

"I-Is he dead?!" I asked

"No... I think he is too tired..." Rueger said...

Seeing that man fall... Reudora begin to move...

"Nisan!" Nathalia said while pointing out the enemy...

I looked behind and I see the soldiers begin to march at us...

The cavalries...

"Move back... Nicolas-sama..." Rueger instantly pushed me back...

But I hold it...

I stand in front of him... and...

'Create Elements...' I summoned all of the five bangs...And [WIND]

I used [WIND] and the entire troops are moving much slower... but not powerful enough to make them fall...

I also see arrows were shot, but it doesn't affect me, since the [WIND] is still activated...

"Bring him to the doctor..." Rueger said to Precilla and she nodded...

"Nathalia... you joined her..." I said to Nathalia...

"B-But..." Nathalia is in fear...

"Don't worry... Nisan took a whole kingdom... this is just a small fry..." I said to make her relax...

And she nodded...

Both of them went away...

"Close the gate!" Rueger shouted... and the gate is close...

"Archers!" Rueger shouted as well...

In an instant... the archers are ready on the wall...

"Nock..." Rueger shouted...

"Fire!" Rueger commanded...

And we can see thousands of arrows flying toward the enemy...

With my [WIND] toward their direction... it would be an extra damage...

But then... all of them were deflected...

"W-What happened?" I asked...

"They have mages as well..." Rueger told me...

So, they use [WIND] as well, and they can equalize my magic power...

I take my staff behind my back...



This time, all of the horses are pushed back... and the riders are all falling to the ground...

Seeing my magic is effective...

"Archers! Nock!" Rueger shouted...


"Fire!" Rueger commanded...

And again, the sun is hidden by the arrows that are going toward the enemy...

But this time, it hit them...

I can see horses hit by the arrow... and also soldiers...

They are using heavy armor... but my [WIND] make the arrows stronger... and pierced the armor...

I can hear shouts from here... screaming of pain... but from my side... I can hear a loud battle cry...

But then, unexpectedly... I hear the worst sound ever....


My green spherical light breaks...

"[BARRIER MAGIC]" I said and I draw a line in front of me...

A dark blue barrier is activated...

Dark Blue Barrier means I can block up to Advance Level Magic... and of course, every Nullifying Magic...

Nullifying Magic could not pass Barrier Magic...

Since my Wind Magic is disabled, the enemy could mobilize their army and continue their assault to this wall...

"Can you shake the earth?" Rueger asked...

I shook my head... I think he expect me to do that...

"[CATAPULT]" I said and I creates hundreds of Earth Ball and throw it to the enemy...


They summoned a Purple Barrier...

"Expert Barrier Magic...." Rueger said

"I can't beat them..." I said

But Rueger remembered me of something...

"Fusion Magic..." Rueger said...

I nodded...

I grasp my hand... and...

"Archers! Keep shooting!" Rueger commanded, and they are now shooting arrows...

Combine Water and Earth...

I aim my hand to the enemy I release my hand grasp...

The wood appears on my hand and launches to hit the enemy...


But it hit the barrier and covered the entire gigantic barrier with Wood Magic...

Now, the enemy is covered by my WOOD MAGIC... and then... I grasp my hand again... the WOOD is pressing the Barrier Magic... until it breaks...

Then I launch [FIREBREATH] to burn the woods...

From distance... I can see the enemies are retreating...

"UWOAHHHH" The soldiers shouted another battlecry...

Hmmm... I think we can win this... I said...

I was about to return to the city...

But without noticing, a giant catapult rock was thrown to my direction...

"Watch out!"


"Move aside!"

What are they saying?

Until Rueger shout at me...

"Watch out!" He said and he move in front of me, and cut the rock into two, with his sword...

And also, another one... and more... and another rock...

They keep shooting on the wall... but Rueger destroy those who aim for the gate...

The wall can keep holding the impact... but someday, it will be falling...

I looked back and my green spherical light has recovered...

Nice! Since I am a Wind Type person...

"[WIND]" I summoned a big win to hold the enemies catapult...

They keep firing the wall...

On my other hand... I created a [FIREBALL] and try to shot it to the catapult, but then, all of them were hold by their Expert Barrier Magic...

I never thought that they have a reserve mage to do another barrier magic...

Because, when your barrier magic were destroyed... there should be some cooldown, like maybe an hour... but I can do it instantly, maybe because I am a God Race? But I still don't know the fact..

After an hour... I am running out of mana...

The mages on the wall is trying to destroy the barrier as well...

Without realizing... the gate is opened... and I can see Ed behind me...

Also Euclio, and King Ethen!

Not only them, I can see everyone...

Ethan... Rin... Lisa... Rick... and also Eria...

Fredrich is here as well...

But, Ed come toward me...

"It is my turn... Nisan..." Ed said

I nodded, and give the staff to Ed...

Now I am falling down...

But before I fall, Rueger hold me up... and carry me...

I feel my sweat drops to the floor...

It is really a tiring day...

=== Ed's Point of View ===

I hold Nisan's staff... and I can see behind me, Rueger is carrying him back to June's Carriage...

"Follow the plan..." Euclio said

I nodded...

We were receiving information about the gate is being attacked, when we are on the meeting, also about Nisan defending it with Rueger...

I was about to go and help Nisan... but King Ethen asked me to stop worrying about him... he told me that Nisan is a really strong person...

I followed what he said, and plan for a counter-attack...

*During the Meeting*

"Ed can use a strong magic... even stronger than Nico..." Euclio said to King Ethen...

And all of them looked at me...

"R-Really? What magic is that?" Ethan asked...

"You remember when we protected Sera from the invisible army? It is that magic that he learnt, the Expert Tier Wind Magic..." Euclio said...

And everyone shows a surprised face...

"Then we will use that to destroy the enemy line, and ambush them from the rear..." Commander Maxius said...

All of us nodded...

"Who will lead the ambush troop?" Nate asked...

"The Wall Commander should do it... also, we will use cavalries, it can move much much faster, and tramples the enemy... but also, we need infantries to kill those who are left..." Commander Maxius said

King Ethen nodded in agreement...

"Then, let's head for the wall... I am afraid Nicolas can't hold much longer..." King Ethen said... and everyone nodded...

*Back to the Wall*

And here we are...

Arrows are still shot to our direction... and so does catapult shot...

But I can hold it with [WALL]

"[WALL]" I said it and a giant wall appears in front of us... and protecting the walls...

I mean, that is easier than you use [WIND]... all of the catapult's attacks were blocked by the [WALL]

But, the disadvantage is fatal... since we can't see the enemies movement... which is why nisan use [WIND]

I need to concentrate... and create a powerful magic... powerful enough to destroy the Purple Barrier...

It is in the same level... Expert Tier... so, normally Barrier Magic will win... but if I am a God Race... like what Euclio told me, I could destroy the Purple Barrier...

I close my eyes

Then... suddenly, I have this eerie feeling... I immediately opened my eyes and check my surrounding...

Euclio, Erin, Rin, Ethan, Rick, Lisa and Eria come to protect me, since the [WALL] was brought down by the enemy...

What is this feeling...

Is it only me, or everyone feels the same...

I looked at Euclio... I can see he is sweating, also Erin and Rin...

Even King Ethen which is right behind us looks scared, and evacuate the people of the town...

"Move to the harbor! Everyone! Run!" King Ethen said and the people begin evacuating...

The bells in the town begin to ring... and everyone in the town become really loud...

"D-Do you feel it?" Ethan asked me...

"Yeah..." I said while concentrating my power....

When the wall was brought down by the enemy, they do not fire anything else... arrows nor Catapult's attack...

"There should be something..." Euclio said with shaking voice...

Now I am ready... and waiting for the ambush team to give the signal...

Where are the ambush team...

"What take them so long..." Eria asked...

Eria looks afraid... the former number 1 of KoS is scared... I never see this...

Just what is happening...

It's been five minutes... but no sign from the ambush team...

"Are they alright?" Rick asked...

He is scared as well...

We all scared... this feeling... is way worse than anything I ever felt...

I never feel this scared before...

And finally...

A [FIREBALL] was shot to the sky...

"Now!" Euclio said a bit loud...

And I aim my magic right in the middle of the enemy....

"[SHOCKWAVE]" I said

Everyone looked a bit relieved when I launched the ball full of wind power... until

"WHAT?!" All of us said in unison...

"Whoever created that... that is not a good sign!"

"Run" Euclio said...

"All of you run!" Euclio shouted to the army on the wall...

And everyone started to run...

What we see is... a Black Barrier... a God Tier of Barrier Magic...

No human can do that!

"To June..." Euclio said... and all of us moving toward June...

Every citizen near the town has been evacuated...

And I feel a bit tired... after using that kind of spell... I am walking much slower...

My eyes are blurry...

I was about to fall...

But Ethan catch me up...

"Wow... Let's catch up with the other" Ethan said while give me a shoulder...

"Thanks..." I said to him...

And finally, we are the last one to arrive there...

Seeing Ethan a bit troubled...

Rick get down and help me up as well...

"C'mon Ed..." Rick said...

And now all of us in...

"All in?" Euclio asked from the upper floor...

"Yes!" Rin shouted...

"Let's go June... to the harbor..." Euclio said...

Erin and Eria are above, and so does Rick and Lisa, they left us downstairs...

I can see Nisan is sleeping while Rueger accompany him...

Rueger is much more fatherly than Clement...

Nisan is sleeping peacefully... without any sound...

The soldiers are running from the wall...

June is running really fast... it's like when she run outside the city, which she never did before...

And she chooses the perfect route for us and escape the chaos in the city...

There is no sign of enemy's attack...

"Why are we running?" I asked...

I don't even know why...

"That Black Barrier Magic..." Euclio explained...

And why is that?

I thought there supposed to be person who can use it...

"Unlike swordsmanship... those who could use a God Tier in any magic... it is considered as a dangerous person..." Rueger explained...

"But, it is a barrier magic... it's not an offensive magic..." I said...

"It is... but, the highest mage that is able to use Barrier Magic is Marius the Highpriest... which is Master Level... a Red Barrier..." Rueger explained...


"But... that is a black one..." I said...

"Then... it is her..." Rueger said in serious tone...

"Navroth..." he continues...

Navroth... fighting her is a nightmare... and in a different whole level, I can't fight her, we can't fight her... yet...

Everyone in the carriage remain silent... because of this eerie feeling... it still continue when we reached the ship...

There, chaos are everywhere...

I can't see where King Ethen is, also Nate and the other...

Both King Ethen and Nate are busy evacuating the civilian

When the captain of the Beastman Kingdom fleet saw us, they give us a special way... that lead us to June's place...

Ah! So this is June's room

It is quite wide... and it got the view to the sea... and it has a lot of food...

June, this is a five star hotel for you...

All of us leave the carriage... and I unmount June from the Carriage...

She looks happy and neighed...

"Let's go... to the deck..." Euclio said, and everyone followed him...

Except Rueger...

"I will be staying here with Nicolas-sama... we will join you later..." Rueger said

"Okay... catch up with us later..." Euclio said and Rueger nodded

We left both of them, and head to the third deck...

It needs quite an effort, since the first deck is full of people... and the second deck is no difference...

But the third deck is vacant, since it is only for us...

Two guards from Southern Beastman Kingdom let us pass... after they saw Euclio...

We pass them and head to the deck... there is the captain here as well...

"Ask him... how many people are in this ship?" Euclio said to Erin...

Erin then talked with the captain...

And the captain replied to her...

"four thousand..." Erin told Euclio...

Euclio give a thought...

And he give a command...

"We should stop receiving more people... ask the people to find other ship..." Euclio said...

"Why?" Ethan asked...

And Euclio pointed out at the ship that park behind us...

"That ship has much more space than ours..." Euclio said...

"The more people we bring, the more responsibility we got..." Euclio added...

"And also, when the ship is overloaded, it will be an easy target..." Euclio added again...

Now, everyone looked at Euclio, and amazed with his thought...

Erin in an instant talk to the captain... and the captain shouted to his men... and the soldiers begin blocking the way...

There are some people trying to pass the guards, but stopped by the guards...

"We should leave the harbor, so that the other ship can park..." I said to Erin.... And Erin tell the captain...

The captain nodded, and the captain left us to the captain's room, where he control the ship's movement...

I can see the people are in panick...

"Don't leave us!"

"We are not in yet!"

"Save my child!"

The crowds are in chaos...

But Ethan shouted from above the ship...

"Don't worry, there are a lot of spaces in the ship behind us... but this ship is full... we will be waiting for you and sail together with you..."

They looked much relaxed... until...


I can hear an explosion... and when I looked at the city, I can see the city has been breached...

I looked toward the wall... and the gate is destroyed already...

It seems that the enemy is coming...

Also, I can see Precilla... and her troops...

She returns to the city...

"Precilla! Here!" Euclio shouted...

But then, it seems that she is feeling responsible with the wall... and...

She decided to stay with her troops... defending the evacuating citizen...

"P-Precilla?" Euclio said in confuse...

Then, I hear Roxane voice...

"Precilla! What are you doing!" Roxane asked...

But Precilla is facing at the town... preparing for the enemies...

We are quite far already, and another ship has replaced us, and more people can come inside...

S-She is sacrificing herself?!

"Precilla!" Euclio shouted... and she doesn't move an inch...

From a far, we can see the enemies troop are coming inside to the city... and I know that there will be a war there... the entire hundreds of thousand facing Precilla's men... which is only a thousand troops...

T-This cannot be... is she going to die?

"She won't die!" a voice behind me...

Everyone looked behind... and...

"Nisan?" I said

"Nico?!" Everyone said...

He is carried by Rueger...

"I have a bad dream... which is why I am awake..." Nisan said...

He come to me, and take his staff back from my hand...

And stand on the edge of the deck... facing toward the city...

The ship is full... and they are sending another ship...

All of the citizen are safe...

The thing that I can see from nisan is... he is pointing something with his staff...

And suddenly, a brown spherical light appears...

"[WALL]!!" Nisan shouted really loud...

And a gigantic wall appears... bigger than Auxem's Wall...

When Precilla looked at the wall, she looked at us...

The soldiers there shouting a battlecry...

"To the ship!" Precilla commanded...

And the soldiers begin running to the remaining ship of Auxem Fleet...

The Southern Beastman Fleet is full of citizens already...

"I... can't hold... much... longer..." Nisan said... he looks like in pain...

I can see his hand shaking...

The soldiers are quite fast so in a minute, they could divide their own to several ships equally... as expected from House Maxwell's soldiers...

And I can see, the wall is descending, slowly

Precilla is the last person enters the ship... and their ship is leaving the harbor as well...

Nisan's hand is much more shaking now... and I decided to help him, holding the staff... which is really heavy...

It seems like I give him some mana as well... sending it to Nisan, so that he can hold it longer...

The Wall is stop descending...

"UWOAAHHH!" The people shouting a battlecry, soldiers, citizen, nobles... everyone shouts like they won a great war... which is actually, we are losing...

But our escape plan is a big success...

And I can't hold it much longer as well... the staff is getting heavier...

Seeing my face... Euclio decided to help Nisan as well... and then everyone join and help Nisan... the nine of us... Nisan, Euclio, Erin, Rin, Ethan, Me, Eria, Rick and Lisa... all together again... the adventurer of Sera...

But in a sudden, we feel a heavy damage on our [WALL] which create a big impact to our mana...

"Argh..." Nisan said and he drop the staff... and fell to the floor...

"Nisan!" I shouted... and carry him up...

"This boy.... He is forcing himself..." Euclio said...

After Nisan passed out, the [WALL] is falling down instantly...

And Reudora's soldiers passed the wall

The Royal Fleet of Perius Kingdom shot the enemy from quite a distance with balista... a giant crossbow... a siege weapon... and so does the Auxem Fleet...

The Southern Beastman Fleet carry a catapult above their highest deck, and begin shooting as well... except our ship... our ship is a carrier... which mean, specialize in carrying a lot of people...

We killed thousands of people from distance, while they can only watch us leaving them...

And, that is our story... leaving the Human Continent... and Reudora Kingdom rules a hundred percent of Human Continent... the perish of Perius Kingdom...

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