《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 36 - Bad News!


It is 7 PM... and we are still on our way, back to the surface...

"Aerios Kingdom has suffered a lot of damage..." Erin said...

"From Elven Kingdom?" I asked...

Erin nodded...

So, it seems that King Leo is actually telling the truth...

"But Aerios Kingdom has the twice army of High Elven Race and Wood Elven Race combined..." Ed said...

"Yes, but do you know that both High Elven Race and Wood Elven Race never been united? Until now..." Erin explained...

"And no one expected this, but they are actually winning against Aerios Kingdom..." Erin continue...

"How about Perius Kingdom?" I asked...

"Doomed..." Erin said while eating our reserve food...

"Auxem?" I asked... and a bit hoping that it is not attacked yet...

"Except Auxem, Sera, Averos and Haven..." Erin said...

Averos... House Avom...

"Staviel and Gavenhallen Kingdom was about to be attacked by Dwarven Kingdom as well... but both received intel from Garasol Kingdom... so both Kingdom has the chance to prepare their defense..." Erin said...

Garasol Kingdom... It is quite rare to hear that name...

Garasol Kingdom is one of the Ocean Kingdom... there are Four Ocean Kingdoms, Qiteron Kingdom, Garasol Kingdom, Gavenhallen Kingdom and Staviel Kingdom...

"Garasol Kingdom is neutral... they don't side with anyone..." Erin explained...

"How about Qiterom Kingdom itself?" Euclio asked worriedly...

Erin looked at Euclio...

"Saved by Garasol Kingdom's intel..." Erin said...

And Euclio let a sigh in relieved...

This Garasol Kingdom, is so kind... I wonder why they don't joined us yet...

It seems that all of the four ocean kingdoms support PAQ Alliances...

"This is the third Great War..." Euclio said...

Erin nodded...

"And again... Navroth... we should kill her..." I said

Everyone nodded...

But how... I don't know how to kill her...

"All of you take a rest...I believe you all tired already..." Euclio said...

"Hey, you haven't take a rest..." I said to Euclio...

"Heh? Its still 7PM... I don't need a rest since I did nothing..." Euclio said... but leaving him alone makes me worry...

Euclio then moved to the second floor...

He left the three of us...

"Ed, Erin both of you take a rest first, I will join you guys later..." I said and both of them nodded...

I decided to accompany Euclio and moved upstairs to the second floor, and I see him sitting on the edge of the carriage, with his feet not inside the carriage...

I joined Euclio...

"We have just got here for two days... and a lot of things has happened..." Euclio started the conversation...

I nodded...

"So, everything has started already since we are on our way to Beastman Kingdom..." I said

Euclio nodded...

"At least we know that King Ethen is safe..." I said

"Yeah, my old man is safe as well, saved by Garasol Kingdom..." Euclio said...

Then, a moment of silent...

"Hey, Nico..." Euclio called me...

"Hm?" I responded...

"Do you know why Garasol Kingdom helped us?" Euclio asked me...

Is he testing me or really asking me?

"No..." I said

"I know..." Euclio said...

Now I looked at him seriously...

So! He is testing me!

"Remember the book about Maxwell's Generation?" Euclio asked me...

I nodded... the book that telling us about my ancestor... since Auxillium Maxwell, the first Maxwell... and the King of Maxwell Kingdom... the strongest of the three kingdoms...

"Do you remember the child of Auxillium?" Euclio asked me...

I shook my head, and Euclio stood up from his seat and started to walk away...


He then moved downstairs to take the book...

When he returns, he sit next to me...

For me, it is not important... about this generation...

"Light please" Euclio said...

I let a sigh...

"Create Light..." I said

And a yellow orbs shines behind my back...

"That is enough..." Euclio said...

I don't even cast any magic, I just activate one of them...

After he opens the book... "there!" Euclio said

He pointed out...

Now he can read the book, since he has touched the Legendary Weapon of King Ethen... at the first time, when we read the book was when we were still in school, Euclio read a different thing, since he was manipulated...

"Here..." Euclio said

"Moore Maxwell..." Euclio read it...

"And the child of Moore Maxwell and Maximia Euron are..." Euclio search for the child's name...

"Here! Read it!" Euclio give me the book and asked me to read it...

"There are three child, which are Maxim Maxwell, Alice Maxwell and Ares Maxwell..." I said...

"Do you realize something?" Euclio asked me...

I thought he had asked me this before...

"The Sword Style..." I said

"No! You see... Ares Maxwell, later change his name into Ares Perius..." Euclio explained...


"How did you know that?!" I asked Euclio...

And Euclio smile evilly...

"You are not the only one that is interested in books..." Euclio said...

"You are only interested in history..." I said with uninterested face...

And he smiled...

Yes... Euclio loves history subject since the beginning... at Auxem School...

"Wait... so Ethan is?!" I said...

And Euclio nodded..l

"Part of us..." Euclio said...

Ethan is a Maxwell?

"But do not tell him about this... let's make it a secret first..." Euclio said

And I nodded

"And one more thing..." Euclio said...

"Alice Maxwell is the first Alice..." Euclio said...

"Andd?" I asked...

"The current Queen of Garasol Kingdom is... Alice the third..." Euclio said...

Now I am in shocked...

We just got a new allies?

"House Perius and House Garasol, is basically a Maxwell" Euclio said...

J-Just how big is House Maxwell...

Qiteron is one of Maxwell Line as well... which is why, they are now together with us... in this kind of situation...

"You need to take a nap..." Euclio said...

"Later, after one of them awake..." I said

"You used a lot of mana..." Euclio said...

"Just for a wall..." I said

"It is still a mana..." Euclio said...

I looked at the clear way...

Could just both of us take a rest?

I mean, we killed the rest already...

Not we, Ed did...

We could still see some of the corpses here...

Ed is insane...

"God Race..." I said

One of them saying that I am a God Race...

"You are a God Race..." Euclio said...

"How can you be so sure?" I asked Eu

"You see, every Maxwell is a God Race... especially the first blood line... they are always 100% God Race..." Euclio said to me...

"And how about you? Your family was a Maxwell?" I asked Euclio...

He looks unsure...

"I don't know... but all I know is that there might be a probability that I am an Ocean God Race..." Euclio said...

Hmm that would be cool...

"I wonder about Nate and Nathalia..." I said

I missed Nate... and Nathalia...

I hope both of them are a God Race as well...

"Hey... we are going back right? At least I know that my Kingdom is safe... now Auxem will be our priority..." Euclio said...


I nodded...

"How about Sera?" I asked...

"Sera is a one day journey with June, that won't be a problem..." Euclio said

That is true...

"The problem is..." Euclio said...

"Our sea journey..." I said

And he nodded...

"What if we are too late?" I asked Euclio...

"No... Auxem got Nate and Leon... also Nathalia... they are strong!" Euclio said...

"B-But..." I said

"You should have more faith on them..." Euclio said...

T-That is true...

I nodded....

"So, what we have to do?" I asked Euclio...

"Take over Neku..." Euclio said...




"I see..." I said

We got Leo's head... they will be afraid now...

"But what for?" I asked...

"Back up... in case that Human Continent is taken by Reudora Kingdom..." Euclio said...

Epius has been taken... and so does Maxim...

Erin told us that there are only Auxem, Sera, Haven and Averos... which is...

"Human Continent is 70% ruled by Reudora Kingdom..." Euclio said

I nodded...

"They only need three months... to take over Epius, Pantea, and Dexus..." Euclio said...

"So, after another three months, they could have taken Sera, Haven and Averos..." Euclio said

"So... Auxem will be the last stronghold of Perius Kingdom?" I asked

Euclio nodded...

"Sera has the best defense... but Auxem got the best soldiers..." Euclio said

"House Maxwell soldiers has the best quality in the entire human race..." Euclio praised my house... and I feel really happy...

"But the best equipped soldiers in the world is Aerios Soldiers..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

Most of their armies used a really high-quality armor... and they have all weapon... bow, sword, spear and shield...

That is just crazy!

What surprised me is that the Elven Kingdom is able to cornered Aerios Kingdom...

Aerios Kingdom is the oldest kingdom in the world... I mean they were exist since the three ancient kingdoms...

Without realizing we spent quite a long time talking... and I decided to accompany Euclio, I feel really bad if I left him alone...

It is around 10 PM...

June suddenly stopped...

Euclio and I immediately on guard...

I can't see anything... but Ed and Erin wake up as well...

'Create Elements'

I activate all of my magic and...

"[IGNITE]" I said

And the room become bright...

But I don't see anything... Why June stopped...

She then looked at me... and neighed in panick...

I don't see anything... and so does Euclio...

I look behind my back, and still I didn't see anything...

But now June is much panicked then ever...

The four of us becomes really afraid, we never seen June this panicked...

Until Ed throws a dagger behind my back... which I don't see anything or anyone there...


It hit something...

And suddenly a shade appears... with its reaper...

"S-Shade?!?" the three of us in unison... except Erin...

We learnt it in Auxem School...

It is an S ranked monster...

And you can only feel its presence from the bloodlust...

"T-That is dangerous..." I said

"This dungeon is dangerous!" Euclio said...

Meanwhile... Ed jumped downstairs... and reclaimed his dagger, also taking the reaper...

I drop to the floor and take a sit in panicked...

"I-I almost die!" I said

I think I underestimated this Labyrinth...

"You did... but you are still alive..." Euclio said...

Ed put the reaper next to a sword of an ogre...

And he jumped to the second floor...

"Thanks Ed..." I am thanking him...

"That is dangerous... you should train more..." Ed said...

"I-I will..." I said...

"Euclio, Nico... both of you should take a rest... we will be taking the shift..." Erin said

Maybe Erin thought that we are too tired...

"Are you sure?" I asked them...

Both nodded... while Ed put his dagger back to it's socket...

"Fine, we will be taking a rest now..." Euclio said to the two of them...

And now both of us move downstairs... and I fall to the bed...

"Ugh... this place is so cold..." I said...

"I was guarding this carriage on my own while both of you sleeping peacefully down here..." Euclio said...

And I laughed...

"At least, now we can take a rest right?" I asked him... while put some blanket above my body...

"Yeah, it has passed..." Euclio said while letting a sigh... he put a blanket on himself as well...

"Night..." I said to Euclio...

Then both of us take a rest...

The next time we awake is...

We are awaked by the breeze...

And I just realize that we had stopped...

"Ughh... this place is so cold..." I said...

"I-I hate the south..." Euclio said...

Both Euclio and I move upstairs with our blanket...

"No soldiers?" I asked Ed...

"Erin is scouting the place..." Ed said...

Then, after a while she returns...

"No enemies at all..." Erin said

This is weird...

Are we falling into a trap...

"Then, let's head for Neku..." Euclio said...

June neighed and immediately head there...

The four of us was on the second floor... and decided to move downstairs, since it is too cold... but it seems that Erin is used to it....

We eat our breakfast, which is the deer... and prepare ourselves...

When we are close enough to the gate... we release June from the carriage, and hide the carriage...

"It seems that they are on guard..." Erin told us...

"Yeah, they haven't received any words from their King..." I said

"Don't worry, he is with us..." Euclio said...

And that is a bit... weird to say...

"We go as plan..." Euclio said

Ed, Euclio and Erin will guard me, in case of ambush...

While I walk forward with the head of Leo in the basket...

I have my staff and sword with me...

When the gatekeeper sees me...

"Stop!" he yelled...

I looked at their wall... and they are still damaged...

My [CATAPULT] is really something... but those four fighters could destroyed it easily...

"I demand your surrender..." I said to the gatekeeper... which is on the wall...

Around the wall is a forest, which is why a perfect place for Ed, Euclio and Erin to hide...

"Why is that? Our king is here with us! You will be a dead man!" the gatekeeper shouted from the top of the wall...

"No! Your King is with me..." I said

And the gatekeeper looked confused... and so does the other soldiers on the wall...

I then open the basket and... take the head of Leo...

Now, they are afraid...

There is a moment of silence...

The soldiers on the gate is waiting for the gatekeeper's words...

All of them looks really worry and of course, we just brought their King's head...

The king that has been ruling the kingdom for hundreds of year... was killed by Erin instantly...

"What will you do to this town?" The gatekeeper asked me...

What will I do?

"Nothing!" I shouted... and finally I put the head back to its basket...

It seems that they notice their King's head...

That is disgusting... I don't want to hold it longer...

The gatekeeper looked at me seriously...

"You just killed our King! And based on tradition... you will be the new king!" the gatekeeper said...

"Then! I command you to open the gate..." I said

The gatekeeper looked speechless...

But then he shouted...

"Open the gate!" The panda shouted to the soldier... the gatekeeper is a panda...

And the gate is slowly opened...

Euclio and the other comes with June and also the carriage...

It seems that everything is over...

I joined them and enter the city...

Neku is a big city... bigger than Sera... or even Epius...

When I enter the city, peoples and soldiers are standing on the street, but they are creating path for us...

They are looking at their king's slayer...

It is actually not me... but I have this feeling that they all threw their eyes on me...

We are riding June on the top of the carriage... and June walks really slow...

We continue our ride until we met someone...

Commander Sherryn, she blocked our way and June stopped...

I get down from the carriage by jumping...

I don't really care about manners here, in beastman kingdom...

"Show me where the castle is..." I asked Sherryn...

And she obeyed me... since she has no other choice, I am a king for them...

I then return to June... and followed them, while all of them are walking...

Beastman Race doesn't really use any transport...

It takes an hour to reach the castle...

When I enter the gate... the servant looked at us... annoyingly...

But I ignored them... and passed the gate...

"W-Wow.." I said

This castle is so big! It is as big as the inner wall in Sera...

There are a lot of soldiers trained here...

Seeing us... they stopped...

Then someone come toward us...

"What are you doing?" The tiger asked me...

He looks like one of the commander here...

"Me? Taking the castle..." I said...

Erin then throw the head of Leo in front of him...

Now everyone is in shocked...

Also the tiger...

"Who did this?" the tiger asked... while staring at me...

"I did..." Erin said...

After seeing Erin again, the tiger just notice something...

"Y-You are a white wolf..." the tiger said...

"I am..." Erin said...

"I-I thought white wolf tribe has vanished..." the tiger said...

"Yes, slaughtered by him..." Erin said and threw a knife to Leo's head...

T-That is too much...

Then the tiger moved back a bit...

"So, you will be the Queen of our Kingdom?" the tiger asked...

"No... he is my boss..." Erin said while pointing at me...


Then the tiger stared at me...

"I never bow to a human..." the tiger said...

"You will... tiger..." Ed said...

Now everyone stares at Ed...

While the situation is tense, Euclio laughed...

"He is trully your brother...!" Euclio said while laughing even louder...

"I challenge you to a duel!" the tiger said to me...

"Okay! Let's do it quickly..." I said

"Then! Fight to death?" Euclio asked me...

And I nodded...

Now I see hesitation on tiger's eyes...

Death is always able to stop people from dueling me...

"Fine!" the tiger said...

T-That is an unexpected answer...

I get down... and

"We should go t-" before he finished saying his words... I stopped him...

"No need... let's do it here... I have no time..." I said

Yes, I will kill him in an instant...

"Okay..." the tiger said and he looked pissed off...

Ed act as the judge...

"This is a battle to death... " Ed said...

"It will begin in three..."

He trains soldiers... which mean he is a good fighter...


I should not underestimate him...

I take my sword at first...


"Go!" Ed shouted and...

'Create Elements...'

And all of the five spherical light appears behind my back...

Tiger is close enough and he is about to scratch my face... so I tried to dodge it... but instead of scratch, he kicked me on the stomach... and knocked me back quite far...

The soldiers become loud... cheering for their tiger...

But that is a mistake he made...

Distance... is your biggest mistake when fighting a mage...

I take my staff...

"[PRISON]" I created... and... he is unable to avoid the PRISON since the WALL rise really quick when I hold my staff...

"[DEATHPRISON]" I said...

And I push the ground below tiger upward... which makes him crash to the wall...

"ARGHHHH" I hear shouts from inside the [PRISON]

But this is a battle to death...

Also, I hear bones cracking...

The soldiers around us looked at our fight in terrified...

Including Commander Sherryn... but she looks away, it seems that she doesn't want to follows Tiger's path... and that is good...

But then I looked at Ed...

His face... is asking me to stop

I still can heard shouts from the inside...

I then realize that I am getting more merciless these days...

And I decided to stop... before I kill him...

Somehow I stopped...

I pulled the [PRISON] and see him...

He is in no shape of fighting... anymore...

"N-Nicolas win!" Ed declared...

The soldiers around him becomes aware of me... they are now afraid...

I think I just gave him a permanent damage... and mental damage to the soldiers...

"You should go retire..." I said to him... and left him...

I jumped to the carriage... and continue our journey to the throne in Neku...

Commander Sherryn continue and lead us the way...

Before we left, I looked at the tiger, and it seems that he passed out...

We continue our journey... and after several minute...

Finally, we stopped in the lobby...

The four of us get down...

I release June from the mount...

"If you sense anything dangerous, you can leave..." I said to June whisperingly...

And she neighed...

I am afraid that they will kill June after we left her...

We enter the lobby and found out the thrones instantly...

The throne is in the lobby... while several guards is looking me in disgust...

Then I sit in the throne...

Euclio, Ed and Erin looked at me in confuse...

"Do you have any meeting room?" I asked Sherryn....

And she nodded...

We are led to a room behind the throne...

Inside the room, we can see a giant table, with a map of the world on the table...

It is a circular table...

I sit on the different kind of chair, the more majestic one... and Euclio, Erin sit on my right, and Euclio on my left...

And now, Sherryn looked confused...

"Call that person I fight before, and also all of the commanders of the army, and so does the gatekeeper..." I said

Sherryn nodded and left with her guards...

After the door closed...

"What is you plan?" Euclio asked me...

He looked a bit confused...

I never told Euclio what I am going to do, since I think with my instinct...

"All of us have to return to Auxem... which is why we have to leave this place under the person we trust..." I said

Now the three of them are looking to each other...

"But not the three of you..." I said

"Who can you trust in this city?" Euclio asked...

"This is even your first time entering this city..." Ed said

While Erin remain silent...

"There is actually one person, I could trust..." I said

Now the three of them looked at me...

"Who?" Euclio asked...

"The gatekeeper..." I said

Now, they are looking at me speechlessly...

"I mean, he agrees on handing both of you, to make the city safe... that is a good point..." I said...

But then Euclio nodded...

"And also, he just let us in, which means that he knows that he can't really do anything... he got a good sense..." Euclio said

Euclio look at me and smile...

"I never thought that you are this smart..." Euclio said...

This again...

I looked at Erin...

"Erin, you can tell how bad and good is this person right?" I asked...

Erin nodded...

Yes, that is something special about her race...

"I will need that..." I said

And Erin nodded once more...

After five minutes the door is opened... and I can see 10 persons entering the room...

Including Commander Sherryn...

All of them are facing toward at me, and give a bow... except tiger... I know that it's not because he don't want to, but he can't...

After they give me a bow, they standstill...

Um.... what are they doing?

"You can sit..." Euclio said, and all of them are going to their own chair...

That is weird...

After all of them sit, except tiger... he sit on his wheelchair since the beginning he enters the room

I feel really bad...

I stand up, and come toward him...

Then he looked at me, with his bloodlust... I can feel it...

But I ignored his bloodlust, and repair what I did...

'Create.... Light....'

A white spherical light appears behind my back, and they all looked surprised...

"Stop! That is enough!" one of the commander shouted...

"How inhuman are you!" the other one said...


'Healing' I said within my heart while touching tiger...

And in a second, I hear cracks from his bone... I am not seeing him... it looks hurt... but then... after the glowing thing on him is missing, I looked at him....

He is cured!

Even Tiger looked surprised...

He suddenly stands up and...

"T-Thank you..." He said to me while giving me a bow...

"That's alright..." I said, then I return to my sit...

Now those commanders looked at me speechlessly...

I killed King Leo, so basically, I am the King of the Southern Beastman right?

"We came here for a reason..." I said to the ten of them...

"We are not here for war... but to find a specific person... a person name Clement Maxwell..." I said

"There has been so much killing these past few days, and I don't want any more bloodshed... but if you interfere me, I will do what I have to..." I said to them...

And they looked at me without facing away...

"Neku the Cat has died..." I said

Now they looked at to each other...

"And I will be going back, soon to Auxem..." I said

They return they gaze to me...

"I will be choosing a leader for all of you, changing Neku the Cat..." I said

"As the lord of Neku?" Commander Sherryn asked me... and I nodded...

"But... the cat tribe has been ruling Neku for decades!" one of the commander said...

"And so does Lion tribes" I said

Now, they all looked at me seriously...

"I killed Leo the Lion and become your King..." I said

And no one dare to interfere what I am saying...

"That is why, I will choose one person, in this room... to maintain this city..." I said...

I looked around and see the gatekeeper sit in front of me...

"You... will be the Lord of Neku..." I said while pointing at a panda...

Yes, the gatekeeper is a panda...

He then looked at me in surprised... not only him but everyone else...

"What's your name?" I asked the panda...

"Fo..." he said...

"Then, from now... you will be named by me as Fo the Panda..." I said

And everyone in the room stood up and give him an applause...

I think everyone is quite agree with my choices...

I looked at Erin... and Erin nodded...

Seems like everything is under control...

"Now... all of you, stand up... and bow to your new king..." Erin said...

All of them stood and give me a bow...

"Swear your loyalty..." Erin said...

"We will be loyal to King Nicolas..." all of them said in unison....

I looked at Erin... and Erin nodded...

It seems like everyone in Beastman Kingdom keep their words...

"Please sit..." I said, and everyone seated...

After everyone seated, Euclio start the conversation...

"The Third Great War has just begun..." Euclio said...

"Therefore, this Kingdom will have to join PAQ Alliance..." Euclio said...

The commander haven't show any disagreement...

"Then, we are losing..." Sherryn said...

Finally, someone talks...

Euclio nodded...

"PAQ Alliance never wanted to have another war... we just want peace... but Reudora Kingdom stirred other kingdom to attack us..." Euclio explained...

"How about the North?" a commander asked...

"North Beastman Kingdom?" Euclio asked

"Yes, they are still on the enemy side..." another commander said...

"Then, we will be fighting them..." Euclio said...

Now the commander become busy...

And I raise my hand, they become quite...

"Any other suggestion?" I asked...

"How about keep this as a secret..." Fo said...


"Yes, that will make both of us stay in peace..." another commander said...

"There is no peace in this time of war... we are just getting started..." Euclio said...

And everyone remains silent...

After a few minutes of thinking...

"Your Highness, if I may speak..." a white tiger tribe talking to me...

"Sure..." I said

"You are about to go to Human Continent... which is most likely has been attacked by Reudora Kingdom..." the white tiger said...

I nodded...

"How about we keep King Leo's dead hidden... and this city will provide you a safe place for you and your people... we don't want to engage war with North Beastman Kingdom..." the white tiger said...

I looked at Euclio... and he seems thinking about it...

"How about other city?" Ed asked...

"We will send them a letter about King Leo's death... but we will ask them to remain silent... and not to tell the crowd" the white tiger said...

"But some of the crowd has known already... and it will keep spreading until it reach the North..." Euclio said

"I will give you another suggestion... how about making this Kingdom as your puppet..." the white tiger said...

Puppet Kingdom...

"Why?" I asked...

"We will make King Leo's son as our King... but the entire South Beastman Kingdom is still under your command..." the white tiger suggest...

That is a risk... we could be easily betrayed...


"Sounds good..." Euclio said...

Ed, Erin and I looked at him...

Euclio looked at us...

"What? Don't you think that it is weird, when a beastman kingdom is ruled by a human race?" Euclio asked...

T-That is true...

"And also, there is never, in the history of Beastman Kingdom, a human race become a king..." Euclio said again...

I see... but there are some risks as well... we have to make a bet...

"Fine... then, all of you shall obey King Lex's command..." I said...

Now, they all looked confused...

"But, Lex-sama is the last son of King Leo..." the tiger said...

"That's okay, I trust him more..." I said...

"Are you sure?" Ed asked...

"About Lex?" I asked...

"No, about this kingdom being our puppet..." Ed said...

"Don't worry, if they heard that their new king is a human race, there will be rebellions across the entire kingdom..." Euclio said...

Ed looks like understand our situation now...

"Okay, but do you trust them?" Ed asked me... in front of everyone...

Now... It's my time to respect the beastman race...

All of their eyes are on me...

"I trust the Beastman Race's word..." I said...

And they all looked happy hearing that...

"We will send an envoy..." the white tiger said...

I nodded...

Then he is about to leave the room...

"Oh, what's your name?" Euclio asked the white tiger...

"Javier... Euclio-sama..." the white tiger said...

"Javier... are you the one that planning to capture Ed and me, inside the city?" Euclio asked him...

Then, there is a doubt...

But he answers...

"Yes, I am planning those horrible plan... I am sorry Euclio-sama..." Javier said while bowing...

"No, actually that is a successful plan... until Nicolas starting to go on berserk..." Euclio said...

And I scratch my hair...

"I am sorry for destroying the city... but, I never have any intention to destroy the city, I just want them to be back..." I said

And everyone in the room nodded...

"You should not say sorry, my king... you are always right..." tiger said...

See how tiger change so much...

"Then, it will be the duty of Fo the Panda to repair and maintain the city..." I said

Fo nodded...

"Leave it to us, Nicolas-sama..." Fo said...

I nodded...

"Oh, we need you Javier... please don't go... ask your servant to do the job instead..." Euclio said to Javier that about to go...

Why is he looked so in hurry... is he planning something...

But Erin could sense it... if they think anything about betrayal...

Javier return to the seat and call his soldier instead...

"To make them clearly understand about our situation here... I want you to call them here... not just a letter..." Javier said to the soldier that will be our messenger...

"Call Lex the Lion from Bazo and also Koo the Turtle from Saltvein..." Javier said again to the messenger...

And the messenger nodded...

After the messenger left, we have another topic...

"The second one is... finding Clement Maxwell..." Euclio said...

"I will entrust the Kingdom's problem to Fo and Javier... but, about finding Clement Maxwell, I will entrust this to Sherryn..." Euclio said...

I looked at her... and she looked at me... like waiting for my confirmation... and so I nodded...

I trust Euclio... and at the same time, I am agree with him... it seems like this girl is full of information and intel...

She is a scout...

"You are the scouting commander?" I asked Sherryn... and she nodded...

"In this city, Fo the Panda will have the highest authority after me..." I said to everyone...

"Below him, is Commander Javier and Commander Sherryn..." I said...

Everyone nodded...

"The rest of you, will help both Commander Javier and Commander Sherryn..." Euclio continue my words... and everyone nodded...

"We are going today..." I said... I looked at the clock... and it is 4 AM in the morning...

"Oh, what's your name?" I asked Tiger...

"Tyr" The tiger said...

"I give you a job, prepare a fleet... we will be going at 12 PM after lunch..." I said to Tyr...

"Yes...of course Nicolas-sama..." Tyr said

"Then, everyone do your job..." I said

"Yes, Nicolas-sama..." They said in unison and leave the room...

We are leaving the room... and Fo is with us...

After everyone left... Fo asked me...

"Why me?" he asked me...

"Hmmm... just a good feeling..." I said...

H-He is a panda right?! I never touched a panda in my entire life...

"U-Um... Nico?" Euclio asked me...

Without realizing my hand was about to touch his fur...

"Ummm... sorry..." I said and hide it on my back...

Fo laughed at me...

"Human Race is not bad at all..." Fo said to Erin...

"Yes, especially Nicolas... he healed my brother when I was leaving the Beastman Continent..." Erin said...

Fo then looked surprised...

"U-Um... can you show us the room?" I asked... since I hate the topic...

"Ah, Nicolas also help me in my study!" Euclio said....

"Also! He never bored when I ignored him during school..." Ed said...

And I am really annoyed...

Seeing my annoyed face, the four of them laughed...

"Let me show you the room..." Fo said

He lead us to a stair next to the throne... and we enter a corridor...

The place looks pretty old...

"How about Neku's family?" I asked...

"They moved already..." Fo said...

The Beastman Race is actually pretty fast in doing things...

"There are a lot of rooms here... you can choose one..." Fo said and I nodded...

I will be in a room with Ed and Euclio... while Erin sleeps alone...

We have a bath before... and we got really warm clothes then...

"I never thought, hot bath will be great in this kind of weather..." Euclio said...

Yep... there is nothing better but Hot Bath in this cold weather...

Then we sleep until...

'knock knock knock'

"Ugh... come in..." I said...

We are still sleeping on our bed...

"Nico, Eu, Ed... wake up..." a voice come out...

It is a voice of Erin...

I then open my eyes...

I see the sunlight is pretty bright... don't tell me...

"What time is it?" I asked Erin with my eyes open really big...

"11AM..." Erin said...

In an instant Euclio and Ed awaked as well...

Seeing us in panicked, Erin laughed...

It's been a while since I hear she laughes...

Then, a panda enters our room...

"Everyone... the food is ready!" Fo said...

"Let's go!" Euclio said and jumped from the bed...

"I am hungry..." Ed said and move from the bed...

Seeing us act like a child, Fo only laughed...

I bet he thought that, how can these children take the entire kingdom....

And that is actually, pretty annoying for them...

Now they have to serve these kids for their entire life...

We move to the dining room, which is on the first floor... when we get down, we move to the dining room... and we can see the food has been served on the table...

We sit on the table... and face our food...

"This is a special food from Beastman Kingdom..." Fo explained... and he looked pretty proud of it

"Did you cook it by yourself?" Euclio asked...

And he nodded...

Wow... he really has accepted us isn't he...

"Let's eat..." I said... and everyone eat...

At first, I doubt it... also Ed and Euclio...

But not Erin... it seems Erin know already...

So I followed her...

And I eat the food as well...

Also Euclio and Ed...

Wow... it taste... great!

Especially the soup... it is made with bamboo?

But it taste really great... and also it smells good...

I love the soup... really...

"It taste really good..." I said praising Fo... and he looks so happy...

"You should open a restaurant in Auxem..." Euclio said while eating...

"Yeah, this will be a hit..." Ed said while eating...

Fo looks really proud...

After a while... it's 11.30 AM...

"We should get going..." I said to Fo...

"Oh, Fo, when will your family move here?" Euclio asked Fo...

And Fo looked confuse...

"T-They move here? With me?" Fo asked...

"Of course! You are the owner of this castle..." I said to Fo...

Now Fo looks really happy...

"You should act like a lord... everyone here will respect, and bow to you..." I said

"I will try my best to maintain this city..." Fo said while bowing...

He has a good manner...

I choose the right person... I hope...

"Oh, and you should declare yourself as the new lord in this city..." I said...

"Yes Nicolas-sama... Commander Javier has set a feast, to celebrate my promotion..." Fo said...

"How about Neku's death?" I asked...

"Commander Javier said, that it was an accident, and he was ambushed..." Fo said...


"How about his family?" Euclio asked...

"Commander Javier has told them the truth... about the death of King Leo and Neko the Cat... also about you, so that the family can accept it..." Fo explained...

It seems like Commander Javier has done everything...

We left the dining room and head to the lobby... and June has been prepared... mounted to the carriage...

She is waiting for us...

When she see us, she neighed happily...

"What a lovely horse you have!" Fo said...

"Have you feed her?" I asked the guard who prepared June...

"Yes, and she eats... a lot..." the guard said...

I laughed...

Then I give him a tip...

A gold...

Seeing that, he say his thanks..

"Thank you Nicolas-sama..." the guard said...

"Not a problem..." I said

Let's be kind to the Beastman Race for some times...

We enter the carriage... and say our farewell to Fo...

"Fo, we leave this city in your hand... do your best, don't disappoint me... we will be back soon..." I said

It seems I said quite a lot...

"Oh! Make sure you treat Clement Maxwell well if he is found... He is my Dad..." I said to Fo...

He nodded...

"Have a save journey... Nicolas-sama..." Fo said

I nodded...

"Let's go June..." Euclio said...

And June started to move...

"The city is guarded by the troops! You should be safe!" Fo said...

"Thanks Fo!" I said while waving my hand

"Come back soon!" Fo said while waving his hand

We left the castle... and we are heading for the harbor...

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