《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 35 - The Lion's Roar!


When I am awake...

I feel that this place is so warm and comfortable...

When I opened my eyes, all I can see is the light from outside of this place

I looked around, and i found myself inside the Earth Camp...

What happened, did i just passed out? Since i didn't remember to sleep...

I move a bit, and I see someone sleeping beside me...

Oh! It's Euclio...

How about Ed?

I look around and found no Ed...

Where is he?

Is it time to wake up already?

And What time is it?

I decided to wake up from my bed, and leave the camp...

When I open the door, all I see is the gigantic tree in the middle of the floor, and the gemstone and other material which become our only light source reflect the light to the Yggdrasil, and the color is astonishing...

Then I looked around, and found our carriage next to our camp...

"Ah! Onisan! You awake!" Ed said while approaching me...

It looks like he come from the forest...

"Hey Ed....." I called him and I looked at what he brought with him...

A deer...

"Can we cook here?" I asked Ed...

"Of course! We have trees there, we can cut it down..." Ed said

I looked at the tree...

"Let me cut a tree..." I tell Ed... and he nodded...

I hope we don't do too much deforestation here...

If it is just a tree, it can't be called as deforestation, right? I hope those deer won't mind...

When I check the trees, I realize that the size isn't normal

"T-This is so big..." I said

Yeah, it is more than 10m tall...

Wow... The tree is not only big in height, but also in wide...

I activate my magic and a green spherical light appears on my back...

"[CUT]" I said while slashing the tree with my wind magic... and the tree was cut...

I am not thinking about where it falls... but thankfully it is not falling to our camp...

But when I looked at the direction where the tree fall, I can see that it will fall and hit a deer

I used my wind magic and push the tree up...

The deer looks panic after seeing a tree almost hit him... and ran...

And finally I can put it back to the ground...

Holding the tree is quite a job...

I put it slowly, that it almost make no sound...

Then I cut it into smaller pieces... Of course with my wind magic

And it took quite a lot of time...

After 10 minutes, I return to Ed...

"Ed, what time is it?" I asked

He is currently cut the deer to separate the eatable one and the uneatable...

"Hmmm when I woke up, it was 9 AM, you can check it on the carriage..." Ed said...

I put the woods on the floor...

And I come inside the carriage...

It is 9.30 AM...

Hmmm in this place, I can't sense the time, day and night are all the same...

"Nisan... can you create a table for us to eat?" Ed asked me

"Sure!" I shouted from inside the carriage...

I left the carriage and go where Ed is...

Activating magic... and brown spherical light appears...

Then I lift up a small area of the ground to become our table...

"We should find Tousan..."I said after creating the table...

"Yeah, Euclio thought about it last night..." Ed said

Last night?

"Hey, what happened last night?" I asked... I forgot things somehow...


But Ed laughed...

"You hit the wall pretty hard... but June immediately come and bring you to us..." Ed said...

I hit the wall?!

Oh! I remembered!

I was trying to fly... but I am not focus enough...

"I-I see... ah, how's the plan?" I asked Ed...

He then told me everything... while preparing our food...

"That is insane!" I said

"And very risky!" Ed said...

"But that might work..." I said

"And that is the fastest way of solving our problems..." Ed said

I nodded in agreement...

"When will we start?" I asked Ed...

"After lunch..." Ed said...

"1 PM" a voice behind me...

It is Euclio...

"I hope it's not 12 yet..." Euclio said...

"It's still 9.30" Ed told Euclio and he sigh in relieved....

"Let's train for a little bit, and the food will be ready by then..." Ed said...

"Y-You can cook?!" Euclio said in a surprised reaction...

And I am surprised as well...

He laughed...

"Of course, I am trained to cook as well..." Ed said

"The best swordsman in Perius can cook!" Euclio said jokingly why sitting down on the chair I just made...

We all moving to an empty space, which is the grassland next to us...

"No, I am not the best..." Ed said...

"Who is the strongest swordsman in Perius?" I asked...

"There is this man name Victor... he is the commander of the entire army of Epius..." Ed said...

"Is he strong?" Euclio asked...

"Yes, I guess stronger than Persey..." Ed said...

Stronger than Persey?! Then! He must be really strong!

"Also, there is Bran... he is my teacher..." Ed said...

So, there are still a lot of stronger swordsman than Ed...

"Which one is stronger?" Euclio asked...

"Hmmm, I guess Bran-sensei could win in a one on one fight, but Victor is in a different area, he could win in a one against twenty fight..." Ed explained...

Wow... one against twenty, that is cool!

"And Nico could killed hundreds..." Euclio said...

Ed looked at me...

I did kill hundreds... but it is for them...

"Yeah for both of you..." I said...

Now Euclio feels a bit guilty for saying such things...

"Make sure not to be arrested once more!" I said

And both of them nodded...

"How about Qiteron Kingdom?" Ed asked Euclio...

"About what? Swordsman?" Euclio asked back and Ed nodded...

We are now practicing...

While Ed and Euclio practicing, I watched them while waiting for my turn...

"Hmm, there is this man name Hercule Erebus... that man which is very strong..." Euclio said

Hercule Erebus, I think I know that man... the one that come to our mansion back when I am still in Auxem School...

"I know him, he dueled Rueger once!" I said

And Euclio nodded...

"Rueger is the strongest swordsman in the entire Human Continent right?" Ed asked me...

I nodded...

"He is..." I said

"Number 1 strongest is supposed to be Navroth..." Euclio said

"Number 2 is Alduir, we just met him in Maxim..." Ed said

Just below Kasan, we could be dead instantly...

"Number 3 is Maxim..." I said

"Maxim Maxwell?" Euclio asked...

"I don't know, but no one ever meet him anyway..." Ed said

"It would be great if it is Maxim Maxwell..." Euclio said

And Ed nodded...

"Number 4 is Keito-sensei... Zerotus Maxwell..." Ed said

"Yeah, but he is gone now..." I said


"But at least, he is still alive..." Euclio said

I nodded...

"Number 5 is blank isn't it?" Ed said trying to remember...

"Yeah... I think so..." Euclio said

I wonder why they are remembering it...

"Number 6 is Orphamiel Aerios... Leon's uncle..." Ed said

"Number 7 is Vaeril Naerel" Euclio said

"I don't know 8 and 9... it seems that they are not a famous person..." Ed said...

"And 10 is Rueger...." Euclio said...

I never knew that all of them are really remembering those name... I will never know the order...

And all of us return to camp after 10 minutes... and, we eat the food that Ed has made for us...

But before eating our food, Ed asked me to create a plate out of earth magic...

Earth Magic and Wind Magic is really useful in our daily life...

After eating, we take a bath... not on the lake...

I made the fancy bath for us...

So, I use my earth magic to create a pool... and then I put water inside the pool using my water magic... then I burn the pool from the bottom, and create a hot bath...

It took several minutes for us to wait for the right temperature for the bath...

After taking a bath we relax a little bit, I sleep once more since the atmosphere makes you want to sleep all the time, while Ed and Euclio are taking water and food from the lake and forest...

Without realizing, it is 12 PM already...

We discussed our plan...

"Ed and I will watch your back, in case of ambush..." Euclio explained...

"And you... will threat them, ask for your Tousan's location, or else you will destroy the entire city..." Euclio said to me...

I nodded...

That is our plan... I will talk with the gatekeeper once more, and try to bargain information...

"If they don't want to tell you where he is, you can use your magic and destroy some of the gate..." Euclio said...

"But, don't hurt the innocent one..." Ed said

Ed is always being the justice man here, he never want to hurt the innocencts...

Euclio nodded as well...

Unlike last time, I was in rage...

"Yeah, I understand..." I said

"What is the situation up there..." Ed asked...

"I think, they will be patrolling in the cave area... or perhaps, they are actually chasing us down here..." Euclio said

"But that is almost impossible..." Euclio said again...

"Why?" I asked...

"The first 8 hours, this cave is full of darkness... I guess this labyrinth will be avoided by a lot of adventurers..."

"Then, they should be waiting outside the labyrinth" Ed said

Euclio nodded...

"That's why, we will make them afraid..." Euclio said...

"Leave it to me..." I said

I am pretty good at making my enemies trembling...

"Oh... it will take 12 hours to leave this place..." Euclio said...

"By the way, this floor is really special..." Ed said

"We know...." both Euclio and I said....

And both of us laughed...

Of course we know! Look at this beauty... I can even live here forever...

"N-No, that's not what I mean..." Ed said

"What I mean is... I never see a single monster entering this floor..." Ed said...

Now both of us remain silent...

"T-That is true..." I said

It is weird...

"I don't know about that, but that is a good thing..." Euclio said

Euclio is still focus on the mission's strategy, he is always like that...

"And also, Nico won't ride June later..." Euclio said

Now I am surprised... but it is true...

"Yeah, it is harder to protect both June and I" I said...

Euclio nodded...

I wonder why Euclio is so smart... I mean, I know that he is a genius... but we are just 16 and I live 16 years longer than him already... if it is included to my previous life, and he could understand what I am thinking...

"Oh!" Ed let an interested voice...

"Will we return to this place?" Ed asked...

"We will..." Euclio said...

"While waiting for their response... I will give them a week to find Tousan, or else I will destroy the city... how about that?" I asked Euclio...

Euclio give a thought...

"Let's give them 7 months..." Euclio said...

Now both of us looked confused...

"Isn't it too long?" I asked...

"Finding a person is really hard... also, he might not be here, he might be in Bazo... where Erin heads to..." Euclio explained...

Hmmm we don't have anything to do anymore, I guess giving them 7 months is not a big problem...

"But we will have to check them every week, and punish them for not searching for him..." I said

Euclio nodded in agreement...

And we sounds like a real tyranny...

We all prepare our weapons and food supply, like the deer's meat... just in case...

And of course our own weapon... Euclio's swords, Ed's sword, my sword and staff...

"June!" I called June by shouting...

She came out of nowhere, and she looks ready...

I come closer to her...

"Are you ready?" I asked her, and she neighed happily...

She is much more energetic this time, I hope this is a good omen...

I mount her with the carriage while everyone preparing the blankets for our journey and I come inside the carriage as well when everyone are inside already...

"Let's go!" I said to June and she neighed energetically...

Then we started to move...

And Euclio asked me to sleep... since I will be consuming a lot of mana...

I agree with him so I went sleeping again...

The next time I awake...

I feel that we are in a bad situation...

"Run! June! Retreat!" a voice above...

Then I feel June's maneuver... turning around...

W-What happen?

I look at the clock, and it shows that it is 4 PM...

We should be arriving at 1 AM... but isn't it too early?

I looked at the windows and check who is behind us...

"W-What?!" I said in surprised...

The soldiers, the beastman soldiers are inside the cave...

Now I feel that June is moving in her highest speed

Euclio and Ed moved downstairs... I believed they don't want to be thrown away, since June is really fast now...

'Create... Wind....'

I said within my heart... and...

"[WIND]" I use it on June's only...

Seeing me awake... Euclio stopped June...

"June! Stop!" Euclio said...

And June stop...

"W-What are you doing?" Ed sounds panicking...

Euclio looked at me... and I nodded...

"Let's stop them here..." I said and I left the carriage...

It is dark...

Ed left the carriage as well with Euclio...

"Are you sure about this?" Ed asked me...

"We must not let them enter our hideout..." Euclio said...

"Yeah, especially the gem... if they got the gemstone, their army will be much stronger since they will upgrade their weapons..." I said and Euclio nodded...

Euclio then stand next to me...

"I never knew that you are this smart..." Euclio said...

I-Is he underestimating me?!

"I'll make a great pit here... so they won't be able to cross..." I said...

But Euclio stopped me...

"You see, earth magic is forbidden in a labyrinth... you can destroy everything... that is a first year subject..." Euclio reminded me...

And that is true...

"So... what is the best trap?" I asked...

"Hmmm to be honest, you don't need traps... you are strong enough to destroy them at once..." Euclio said...

Am I really that strong?!

"Hey! They are coming!" Ed said... and I looked forward...

I can see lights of torches? No... that is a holy magic...

They brought a mage with them...

"Are you sure we are not underestimating them?" I asked Euclio...

"We did..." Euclio said, and now he looks afraid...

And so does Ed...

W-What happened?!

I looked forward, and I see hundreds of beastman warrior... also a lion... with a crown on its head...

"Isn't he King Leo?" I asked Euclio or Ed...

Both of them nodded...

They are coming closer...

And also, the king is protected by strong warrior... I can tell by looking at them...

After we are about 50m apart, they stopped...

And the silence rules the cave, no more footsteps or shouts can be heard...

King Leo moved forward, then stopped in front of the soldiers... but he is facing toward us...

"You destroyed my city's wall..." King Leo shouted in anger

Next to him come forward, a cat...

Is that Neko the Cat?

"I could have destroyed your city..." I shouted in respond

"But I choose not to..." I continues

"Which is why I talk to you right now... if you destroyed my city, you will be dead already..." King Leo said...

Now I feel the intimidating aura from him... this is scary... I can't move....

I think my body just got paralyzed

"Sorry, but you attacked us first..." Euclio said...

"Really? I believe we did what is best for our kingdom..." King Leo said...

"By killing the messenger?" I asked...

"They are just some useless person..." King Leo said...

"Like you slaughtered the white wolf tribe?" I asked on the behalf of Rin and Erin...

"Their sacrifice is what brings our kingdom alives..." King Leo said...

"Your kingdom should be dead..." Ed shouted...

And now the soldiers looked annoyed...

"Kill them!"

"They are an outsider!"

"Useless! Kill!"

They become loud... but King Leo raise his hand...

And now they become quite...

"Hmmmm, are you sure you are going to fight us?" King Leo asked...

"Afraid?" I asked...

And they are triggered once more...

Euclio laughed...

Then they put their eyes on Euclio...

"You are fighting against an entire Kingdom..." King Leo said...

"A Small Kingdom... and you are fighting against three Great Kingdoms..." I said...

"But they are not here now..." King Leo said...

"Are you sure?" Euclio asked while smiling...

Now he doubt himself...

"How long have you been here?" Euclio asked...

Now they give a thought...

We need 12 hours to get here, so they will need more than 48 hours... which mean 2 days since June is 4x faster...

But wait...

We haven't stayed here for that long...

It means that, they are faster than 2 days...

As expected from the Beastman Race staminas...

"If your army is here, we can crush all of you at once using the earth magic..." Euclio said...

"And left your kingdom defenseless..." I said

Euclio nodded...

"Nicolas Maxwell, you have grown into such an annoying brat..." King Leo said...

I smiled...

"I will be leaving..." King Leo shouted...

D-Did he take Euclio's word seriously?!

And the soldiers begin to turn their way back, up to the surface including King Leo...

"Oh, King Leo..." I called his name...

He looked back at me...

"Can you help to search my father?" I asked King Leo...

He and his warriors looked at me speechlessly...

"Let me kill him..." the warrior said... and he jumped out to the battle immediately...

He rushes toward me...

'Create... Elements...'

And five spherical circle shines behind my back...

I see hesitation on the warrior that is rushing toward me...

"[WIND]" I summoned a wind strong enough that pushed him back to his initial position...

"T-That is impossible..." he said...

"Is he a God Race?" Another warrior asked King Leo...x

And King Leo nodded...

"A normal mage will have no such power with only using an intermediate tier..." King Leo said...

King Leo then face me...

"What do I get from helping you?" King Leo asked...

I give a thought...

"Your Kingdom will be safe, and there won't be any war... if... you find Clement..." Euclio explained...

That is a good deal...

"What if I can't find him? What if he is not in this Kingdom? There is too much to risk..." King Leo said... King Leo walked away from us...

"Are you sure? You prefer war?" I asked King Leo...

"We are not planning to lose, we have allies too..." King Leo said without facing me...

"And you are a threat... which is why..." King Leo said and he snapped his finger...

His guardian is now facing at us...

"This is your final resting place..." King Leo said and left...

S-So, they do not

We have quite a distance... and we are facing 8 warriors and mages...

What are their power...

One is an archer... four fighters, and three mages...

They are strong... maybe the strongest in this kingdom...

The fighters instantly rush toward us, one is jumping up really high, and I believe he can reach us in a jump, and the other three are running toward us...

This is bad...

"[WIND]" I said...

And they were pushed back...



Something broke behind me...

I looked behind and see my green spherical light is not shining anymore...

"Nullifier!" Ed said...

"[BARRIER MAGIC]" Euclio use it in front of me...

But now I can't use WIND MAGIC for a while...

The archer shot an arrow toward Euclio, but he deflect the arrow...

This is a dangerous war...

"[WIND]" Ed used the wind instead of me...

I can't push them for a while...

But I can hit them...

"[CATAPULT]" I said and I created a lot of giant rocks and throw it to them...

But unexpectedly, the four fighters destroyed it all... easily, with their fist... they are indeed a strong fighter...

But they can't come closer because of Ed...

Until one point, where the other mage uses his magic...

"Create...Wind...." The mage said...

"[SWIFT]" the mage cast on their fighter...

But four of them can barely come closer... until...

"Create... Water..." the same mage said...

"[MAGIC RESISTANCE]" they cast it on the fighters again... and now they are back to their prime speed and coming to us...

"Should we fight with swords?" Ed asked...

"Nope..." I said

"That would be dangers, we don't know their skills..." Euclio said

But seeing them move, they should be at Legendary Tier...

I decided to burn them all... I have no choice...

"[FIREBREATH]" I said...

It's not that I breath fire, but I spread the fire through the entire area in front of me...

And the temperature is raising instantly...


I can see a barrier in front of the four warriors...

"S-She could use Barrier Magic as well?!" Ed said in surprised...

The female mage could use Barrier Magic and Nullifying Magic... while the other mage could use Wind and Water magic... and the other one is unknown...

This is tough...

"Let me blind the mages... let's do it once more..." Ed said then he activated his magic

"That's a good idea... I can only hold them with my Barrier Magic in this battle... do it" Euclio said to me...

"Okay, you go first Ed..." I said to Ed... and he nodded...

The fighters are getting closer...

Ed uses his magic... and

"[FLASHBANG]" Ed said...

And a shiny spherical circle explodes in front of the mages and blind them...

In an instant, the fighters are looking back...


Now I created a wall between the fighters and the mage...

I can see the fighters are surprised, and they looked afraid

I am sorry, but you choose the wrong side...


"[FIREBREATH]" I said and cast it on a big area, like a dragon breathing fire...

The sounds are brutal... I heard some of them screaming in pain because of the fire that burn their body...

Euclio is still using the Barrier Magic, so that the fire won't spread to our area...

After several seconds, my [WALL] was brought down by the mage...

I stopped the [FIREBREATH] as well to see the result...


Two fighters left...

They looked at me angrily...

Just how could both of them survived... I was not hesitating

I looked behind me, and the green spherical light is shining again... I can use Wind Magic now...

"The fighters are Elemental Fighters!" Euclio reminded me...

I looked at them, and I see their fist... one is covered with water, and the other one is covered with stones...

"How to fight water?" I asked Ed...

"More Fire!" Ed said... and somehow I laughed...

"I will do it one more time..." Ed said...

I nodded...

And he summoned another [FLASHBANG] in front of the mages, and again they are disabled...

"[WALL]" I used and divide both the mages and the fighters... and...

Ed steals my staff...

"What are you doing?" I asked in panicked...

And he cast some spells...

While the fighters are coming toward us...

It seems Ed going to use a special spell, and takes a long time...

"[WIND]" I used wind to pushed them back...

And after several seconds...

I see the wall was brought down by the enemy's mage...

Damn... we are too late...

I see Ed and he finished casting the spell...

I feel that this is a dangerous spell...

"Euclio! Moved behind Ed!" I said and Euclio did what I said...

Both of us moved behind Ed... and still, Euclio parried some arrows directed to one of us...

Ed point the staff on the enemy and I feel a very eerie feeling... this is a different level of spell...

The enemy stop moving, it looks like they are paralyzed by Ed's spell...

Not because of the effect of the spell but because of the bad feeling coming from the spell...


"[SHOCKWAVE]!" Ed said... and he summoned the [SHOCKWAVE] on the enemy's mage... and I feel that this could be the end for the three of us as well, if I do nothing

Sensing the dangers, I grab Ed and Euclio to June... and create a big [WALL]... but somehow, it is quite fragile

The rule of Labyrinth, never use Earth Magic... but this labyrinth is special, I think Earth Magic is fine, I used [WALL] during the fight and nothing happened...

After creating a big wall, I see a crack on the wall...

"Move back..." I said to Ed, Euclio and June... and the three of them moved back...

"[WALL]" I created another wall another big wall...

After a few seconds, it almost break as well...

"Nisan!" Ed called me and I looked back...

He throw the staff to me...

Of course! I wasn't using my staff...

I catch the staff and...

"[WALL]" I created another wall, using my staff so it amplifies the effect...

But then... it cracks...

"W-What a strong magic..." I said...

So I decided to create a barrier magic...

And so does Euclio...

I create a Barrier Magic, and Euclio created another one behind my Barrier Magic...

It holds for a few seconds...

We can still feel the strong wind effect from the spell Ed had casted...

Then I hear a cracking sound...

"Look above..." Euclio said...

Ed and I looked above and I see the ceiling begin to fall...

"[WALL]" I created another wall... to protect our head...

The only reason that I haven't use [PRISON] is that I'm afraid of being burried here alive... since we can't see what's happening...

"We should fallback..." I said to the other two...

Then a crack on my barrier...

"June, turn around..." Euclio said and she did what Euclio said... so that we can mount her to the carriage to the direction of our hideout

After turning around, my barrier broke...now Euclio's barrier is holding the wind...

"[WALL]" I summoned another wall, and jump to the second floor of the carriage...

"Go June!" Ed said and we are moving back, returning to our hideout...

Then now, I can see my [WALL] breaks again...

I have used 5 [WALL]s and it still breaks again and again...

"Oh I will never use this spell again..." Ed said...

And I can see Euclio hit Ed's head...

"If you want to use it, don't use the staff!" Euclio said... And Ed just smiled...

"[WALL]" I created another wall after seeing the previous wall broke...

"Ed... your power is amazing!" I said to him praising him...

"No, I believe it is the spell..." Ed said...

"I mean, do you remember when we fight Mikhael Klorze?" I asked Ed...

He nodded...

"I could hold the effect with a single barrier magic..." I said...

"But now, it breaks two barriers, mine and Euclio's... and also 6 walls?" I said again after seeing my last wall begin to crack...

"[WALLS]" I said...

And this time, I created five [WALLS] at once... so that I don't have to worried for a little while...

After a minute, I feel the wind is getting weaker...

Until it finally stopped...

"Stop..." Euclio said to June... and June stopped...

It takes five minutes in total... from the beginning until the [SHOCKWAVE] stop...

"That is an insane spell!" I said to Ed...

"Hehe..." Ed laughed...

"That is a friendly fire spell!" Euclio said...

And both of us looked at Euclio...

"Sorry, I thought it was a one way attack, but it comes out to be a surrounding attack..." Ed said...

"That's fine... we survived..." Euclio said...

"Let's check our enemies...." I said...

"Both fighters are dead..." Euclio said...

"H-How do you know?" I asked...

"I see them flying away, when you were creating the first [WALL]" Euclio said...

T-That is a crazy spell! They were enhanced my [MAGICRESISTANC] but still, they were thrown away by Ed's spell

"E-Ed... you better not use that spell if we are surrounded by our allies..." I said to remind him...

"Y-Yeah, sure..." Ed said

How about the mages?

They should be dead...

"Let's check them June..." I said to June... and June neighed...

June turned back and we are moving back to the surface where the armies retreating...

We passed the [WALLS] I created, and it breaks until the last or the fifth wall I created...

Then passed several broken walls, they become ruins...

In several minutes, we arrived at our battle place...

Where are the mages?

We continue move forward... and we finally found a body of the mage...

"She is dead..." Euclio said... it is a cat tribe, the mage that could use Nulifiying and Barrier magic...

Bloods are everywhere around her body...

And we found the other two mages on the wall, it seems like they hit the cave wall really hard... that I can see bloods around the cave wall...

"Let's leave the labyrinth..." I said and everyone agrees...

June started to run with her high speed... I see several dead monster around...

Not several but every monster...

Either killed by Ed's spell or the warrior from Beastman Kingdom...

"I hate to say, but I have to learn that spell too..." I said to Ed...

"Hmmm" Ed said while thinking...

"What is it?" I asked Ed

"I-I think I forgot where I put it..." Ed said with a smile...

T-This boy! That is precious!

Euclio laughed...

"That was supposed to be a present for you" Euclio said while pointing at me...

"But, we were in a critical situation, so we have no choice at all but to give it to Ed..." Euclio continues...

F-For me?!

C-Critical Situation?!

Oh, they are talking about our situation back then in Sera, where the enemies are invisible...

I let a sigh, "Fine, that's okay..." I said and let it go...

But Euclio laughed...

Now... we continue moving forward, leaving the bodies behind... also, I see no bodies right now...

After 5 minutes riding with June...

"They should be here when Ed used [SHOCKWAVE]" Euclio said

"Yes, they must be pushed away by Ed's spell..." I said...

After ten minutes later... someone is waiting in front of us...

June instantly stopped the carriage...

King Leo... he is sitting on the dead body...

Behind him is the hundreds of soldiers Ed killed... I can tell from the damage they had... like they were suffocated

"You really make me mad..." King Leo said after seeing us...

"I am sorry, but I believe you don't want to be killed in this place..." Euclio said...

"Do you think you are capable of killing me?" King Leo asked...

He then stood up...

Then I remember someone I know...

Lex... Lex the Lion, my friend from Auxem School...

"Poor Lex, spending his own life without his father..." I said

Then King Leo looked at me... he give me a really intimidating stare...

But then he stopped intimidating us...

And he sit on one of the corpse...

"You see, once upon a time... the world is in suspicion to each other, people to people... house to house... kingdoms to kingdoms..." King Leo tell a story...

"But then, there is a baby born to this world... and the baby grows up and become a talented boy, with extraordinary skills..." King Leo told us...

"Then... he become one of the most influencing boy as well in the age of 9..." King Leo said...

"Every kingdoms were invited by his father, with the ambition of making peace with every kingdoms..."

"But... everyone is actually faking it... they join the party, because of wanting to know about the boy... is he really a threat?" King Leo explained with his eyes focusing on me

"But when people saw his skills... they are getting afraid, he was just 9 at that time... imagine if he has grown older...."

"So people started to create alliances... but there are two types of kingdom..."

"One... those who decided to follow the boy's father ambition, and maintain peace..."

"And the other one, for those who are rejecting the boy from this world..."

King Leo stood up...

"Now... that boy has grown older... and become an ultimate weapon for his house... and his kingdom..."

"And I am, currently facing the boy..." King Leo said...

I gulped... is it me he was speaking all time?

Am I a weapon?

"He is not a weapon..." Euclio said...

I looked at Euclio... also Ed and King Leo

"Nicolas is a boy, just a normal boy from House Maxwell... and about his father, he just wanted peace...and what is wrong with peace?" Euclio asked...

"Nothing wrong with peace, but peace is just an illusion... behind your back, there will be plots to destroy you..." King Leo said...

"And while you are here... you don't know what is happening right?" King Leo said...

W-What is going on... are they plotting something...

"Maxim should have been destroyed by second..." King Leo said...


T-They planned this already?!

So! When we left Maxim, they were actuallin in war?! Led by second?!

"W-What is your plan?!" Ed asked in a bit scary way...

"Staviel and Gavenhallen Kingdom is on your side, they were about to join the PAQ Alliances... but how about Elven Kingdom?" King Leo said

"Elven Kingdom is attacking Aerios Kingdom now..." King Leo told us...

"Dwarven Kingdom is attacking Qiteron Kingdom..." King Leo said...

But Euclio laughed...

"Qiteron Kingdom is the strongest kingdom now, dwarven kingdom? They can't even swim..." Euclio laughed at King Leo statement...

"Dwarven Kingdom might be a small kingdom... but they are a smart kingdom, in smithing... and also knowledge from the Elven Kingdom..." King Leo said...

Euclio looked a bit afraid now...

And King Leo laughed...

"Let me tell you the plan... we are going to put poison in your kingdom... we poison the water, and your kingdom will be gone, such a weak creature, you Ocean Race..." King Leo said while smiling...

"Y-You are a monster!" I said in rage...

"Ooppss, I haven't told you the whole plan..." King Leo said...

"Perius Kingdom will be attacked by Navroth... or should I say, your mom?" King Leo said...

"Perius Kingdom will be attacked by Alduir as well, by killing each of the Head House in each city, starting from House Nexum, House Perius, House Klorze, House Aslan, House Avom, House Ezate..." King Leo said...

Then Ed and Euclio looked at me...

Why my House was not mentioned...

"Oh, House Maxwell would be the last... and Navroth will end it by herself..." King Leo said...

"Beastman Kingdom has only one job... to kill Nicolas Maxwell..." King Leo said...

I am speechless now...

My feet can't hold it anymore... I am shaking...

T-This is a lie right...

"T-That's a lie!" Ed shouted...

"Lie? Why should I lie to a dead man?" King Leo said...

And he suddenly punch the wall of the labyrinth...

It starts shaking... and the ceiling begin to fall...

"Hey! You are killing yourself!" Euclio reminded him...

"That is the plan..." King Leo said with a smile...

H-His punch!

During our journey to beastman kingdom...

"Is Leo the Lion strong?" I asked Euclio...

"Based on what I know... when you got hit by his red fist... you will be a dead man..." Euclio said...

"I-Is it really that powerful?!" I asked...

"Yes... even he could destroy a blue sapphire swords, or an Auxillium Steel in one punch... that is why, never let him punch..." Euclio said....

His fist turning to red... and he is about to punch the wall...

W-We are a doom...

I looked at Ed's dagger on his waist... and it begin to shine brighter...

It shines? Why?!

Euclio noticed it as well...

And suddenly, I see someone behind him... with a dagger on her hand...

She hold King Leo's head...

King Leo looked at her...

"W-White Wolf?!" He sounds panicked...

And without hesitation, Erin slashes King Leo's throat with the dagger...

An instant dead...

King Leo's body fall to the ground and blood flows from his head...

"E-Erin!" I called her...

"I guess you need some help..." Erin said with a smile...

"How do you know us here?" Euclio asked...

"I had one objective since the beginning, killing this mad man..." Erin said...

Now I couldn't be more agree with Erin... this stupid Lion is a mad man...

I am sorry Lex, but we do what we had to...

"We should return to the surface..." Erin said while cutting Leo's head with her sword...

She then bring the head with her hand... that is disgusting...

How can she do that without hesitation?!

"Can you put his head on that basket..." I said while pointing at the basket outside our carriage....

And she come toward us and put the head... there...

I give her water, so that she can wash her hand...

"Let's go..." Erin said...

I nodded and all of us enter the carriage... and June started to move...

Also, we see Neku's body... I guess, he got hit by Ed's spell...

But, we don't need anyone's head anymore... the king's head is enough... and now, we are discussing on our next plan...

"He was bluffing right?" Euclio asked...

"No... he is not..." Erin said

And now, Euclio's face changed to pale

"Which is why I said, we need to return to the surface..." Erin said...

She looks much fresher now after killing Leo...

"How do you know?" Ed asked...

"I hear some discussion from the soldiers..." Erin said...

We need to return to the surface as soon as possible...

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