《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 34 - The Yggdrasil


What took them so long...

It's been more than two hours...

I can do everything in an hour...

The breeze is the main problem here, and I am going to freeze to death...

They better not forget about me after they found a fireplace for themselves...

June looks okay, she doesn't seems annoyed with the weather... at least that is how she looks...

I am currently inside the carriage, and inside a blanket... I think i can still survive the night with this blanket...

And now, I am getting sleepier and sleepier...

T-This is bad...

I feel June neighed, in a panicked way

I then feel someone is watching us...

I leave my blanket and went outside... but I don't see anything...

Until someone come out from a bush... and I found a girl around my age...

"Who are you?" I asked while preparing my staff...

"Hmmm... are you his brother?" she asked me...

But then she come closer...

"Stand back!" I said and she stopped...

She then examined me... and I found that annoying...

Then I activated my magic... but only one of them...

"Create Fire..." I said...

And a red circular sphere appears behind my back...

"You won't be able to defeat me with that..." she said to me...

W-What does it mean?!

"I don't know until I try it... and I will kill you if you are in my way..." I said seriously...

But then she laughes...

"You are his brother after all..." She said...


"W-Where is Ed?!" I asked her...

"He is safe hiding in my hideout..." she said...

Should I trust her...

"How do I know that he is with you?" I asked her...

And she give it a thought...

"Hmmm... maybe, I am telling you that they won't return to this place tonight is quite convincing?" she said and now she looks dangerous...

I moved back a little...

"Who are you?" I asked...

"Me?" she asked...

"Commander Sheryn..." she said...

C-Commander?! A human race?!

"Of which kingdom?" I asked...

And she laughed...

"Of course, Southern Beastman Kingdom..." she said while laughing...

"But you are a Human Race..." I said

And she nodded...

"So?" Sheryn asked...

She is annoying...

This is a trap... And Euclio didn't see it?!

Then soldiers come and surround us...

June become loud...

And the soldier become afraid...

"Do you know who I am?" I asked Sheryn...

"A spy?" she asked me...

"I don't mind killing any of you to save my friend and brother..." I said

She then looked at me...

"Just who do you think you are?" Sheryn asked me...

I have no other choice... Killing is something I avoid, but this is emergency...

"Soldiers! Capture him alive! We need more information from them" Sheryn commanded...

"Yes!" the soldiers said...

And they come closer...

So I decided to activate all of my magic...

'Create... Elements...'

And the other four spherical light appears behind my back...

Now they looked afraid...

And Sheryn looked at me in surprised...

She did not predict this

I created a circular fireball above the staff... and earth magic on my left hand...

"Who wants to die first?" I asked...

And they looked at me speechlessly... some of them were running already...

"Hey idiot! I am telling King Leo for this!" Sherryn said...

Now they are even more afraid...

"Change of plan! Kill him!" Sherryn commanded...

And they charge at me...


"Such a pity..." I said...



And I burned them... and without realizing... I burned all of them at once in a blow... but it seems that Commander Sheryn and several soldiers survived... with wound on their skin...

They all looked at me with terrified eyes...

"R-Retreat!" Commander Sheryn shouted...

And she run away with the remaining soldiers...

What is happening with me...

I am speechless...

The power of the staff... is much greater than I expected...

I was about to throw a fireball to a person... but, instead of a person, it killed tens at once, and burn a forest...

June stays silent... but then she become loud when the fire getting closer to her...

"Oh! Wait!" I said

And I change the element from fire to water...

Then I created a water ball on the staff... and so far is so good... nothing dangerous...


I shot the water ball with the staff, but the result is... the power is too much, and I even destroyed some trees with my water ball...

T-This is dangerous...

I immediately put back my staff on my back...

And what should I do... should I trust both Euclio and Ed that they could escape...

But I must search for their hideout first...

So, I decided to leave the beach... and enter the carriage...

"June, can you find a hidden place for our temporary base..." I asked June and she neighed...

I believe June is able to find a good place, since she has good observation about our surrounding... she is indeed a legend...

"Let's go!" I said and we left the beach...

=== Euclio's Point of View ===

"Sorry..." I said to Ed...

I never thought that this is a trap... and that girl acts really good!

We are currently inside the prison...

What has happened is...

When she left, the poison in the room started to works... and we passed out...

Our both hands were cuffed and our weapon is confiscated...

"Yeah, no problem... I never expected this as well..." Ed said...

It's been a day...

I hope Nico is still alive...

Not dying of swords or arrows that I am afraid of, but from this cold...

We got food... but he should hunt it for himself...

Sad Nico...

Until the judge declare our punishment in the next hour...

"Both of you will be executed!" the judge said...

Then he knocked the hammer...

Both Ed and I look speechlessly...

"W-Wait!" I said but the soldier kicked me...

"The execution will be a public execution, and will be held tomorrow morning..." the judge announced...

"H-Hey! Are you declaring war against the PAQ Alliance?" I asked...

And the judge looked at me with no fear...

"A dead man can't speak..." the judge said...

T-This country is the worst!

"H-Hey! This city will be burnt to ashes, if you kill both of us!" I said...

"And why is that?" the judge asked...

"Because we are from the royal family, and you are facing two..."

"Great families, a Qiteron and a Maxwell... we have some research already..." the judge said and cut my words...


"Still! A punishment for interrupting our peace kingdom!" the judge said...

"We come in peace!" Ed said

"With the entire fleet..." the judge said...


"No more but... bring them out!" the judge said and the soldiers pull us...

"H-Hey! E-Euclio!" Ed called my name...

We are now being separated...

"E-Ed! Don't worry! Everything is going to be alright!" I said

He looks like about to cry...


T-This is my fault!

We ended up by being separated...

Nicolas... I hope you know our situation us...

=== Nicolas's Point of View ===

"Hoammm..." I moaned

Hmmmm the sun is up already... I can feel it...

I am currently sleeping on the carriage, where June bring me to a safe place...

Oh! I should release her! She needs a rest as well...

I wake up and look around...

Today is a sunny day, just what time is it?

I open the door of the carriage and...

We are in a beach?!

But we are completely surrounded by trees...

"I think this place is quite safe..." I said to June...

And she neighed...

I come and patted her... then release her from the mount...

Then I see her flapping her wings... and threw some sands to my clothes...

"Hey!" I said while laughing...

Then she fly away by jumping up high to the sky...

And left me alone here...

Yes... she is looking for her own foods and drinks...

Poor June, I am sorry for not noticing your needs...

After she left, I can see a beastman race come pass by the forest...

There are two person that will pass the road above our hideout...

June! This is not really safe afterall!

I come closer to the trees and hide there...

I can hear some of the conversation they had there

"Hey! Have you heard about the execution?" cat looked like human said


"You mean the Maxwell boy and Qiteron boy?" dog looked like human said...

Maxwell boy?! Qiteron boy?!

"This is bad... we are going to start a war against them... and this kingdom won't stand a chance.." cat looked like human said

In an instant, I block their way...

"Hey! Human! What are you doing!" the dog looked like human asked me...

"Where is the execution will be held?" I asked...

"Hmmm in the middle of the city..." the cat said

"I see... when is it?" I asked again

"Tomorrow morning... you should be careful human... human race is now getting all of the attention from the soldiers..." the cat said

"Yeah, you won't be able to watch them..." the dog said...

Ed... Euclio...


They are insane!

"Thanks... I get to go!" I said and left them...

"Hey!" The dog shouted

"T-That boy..." The cat remembered something...

"What is it?" The dog asked...

"Has red eyes..." The cat said...

And both of them remain silent...

I run toward the city, leaving the cat and dog...

"Ed... Euclio! Wait for me!" I said within my heart...

"June!" I shouted...

And after several seconds


A crater is created in front of my way... and June lands there...

I immediately jumped on and ride her

"To the gate..." I said seriously...

Now I don't feel like to compromise...

Should I just destroy the city?

June jumped up to the sky, and I can see the city from afar...

Then she fly through the sky for a few seconds

And she finally landed and created the biggest crater she has created so far...

There are people coming and leaving the city... but as they saw me...

They run away, and return to the city...

In an instance... they close the gate...

And soldiers to the wall...

The soldiers are equipped with bow and there are also some heavy weapon... like a balista...

A giant crossbow and they all aimed for me...

"Surrender now!" the gatekeeper said...

But then I take my staff from my back... and...

'Create Elements...'

And five spherical lights appears behind my back...

All of the soldiers looked amazed seeing it... sorry, but we are on a different side...

And I am not planning to lose a brother and a best friend...

"Surrender Now!" I shouted to them back...

But then he shouted...

The gatekeeper looked worried as well...

But he won't surrender easily to a boy...


And in a second, hundreds of arrows were released and coming to my way...

June start to flapped her wing, and we are now levitating...


And now, none of them reaches me...

They keep showering me with arrows... but those are useless...

Then suddenly, they use the big siege weapon, balista...

They shot the giant arrow and...


I cut the giant arrow into two and the giant arrow missed...

Cut is a wind magic that slices objects...

But then, they shot me with tens of Balista at once...

Can my [WIND] hold them?

I increase the output power of my [WIND]

And as a result... the soldiers begin to fall from the wall...

Hundreds are falling and dead...

And so does the giant arrows... they won't reach me...

I feel that they are being pushed back quite a lot, then I realize none of them is shooting their arrows on me anymore... since they are busy protecting themselves...

So I stopped...

"Surrender... now!" I said...

But they ignored my words...

And I see below... and see armies... using staff on their hand....

"BARRIER" the gatekeeeper shouted

They created a big barrier... but it has a dark blue color... which means, Advance Tier...

"Fire!" the gatekeeper said and now, they showering me again with the arrows...


This time, I am mad... my passion is no more...

I used my maximum output power...

And in an instance, the barrier breaks... and the arrows are returning to the shooter...

I can see they are struggling...

I think... they are too stupid not to surrender...

This feeling... I think I am controlled by my arrogance...

"Last chance before I annihilate the wall!" I shouted... but they didn't respond...


I decided to use earth magic... and throw hundreds of giant balls made of earth to the wall...

"[CATAPULT]" I named it...

Then I can see the remaining soldiers are running in panic...

I can see infantries are waiting below me as well... waiting for me to land... but sorry...

I show my hand to them, and they all become afraid...

"[PRISON]" I said and there are walls surround them... left, right, front, back and top...

Seeing the soldiers being defeated easily, the gatekeeper looks speechless...

And I still continue my attack on the wall...

After few minutes, it breaks the wall... and it hit the gate as well...

The wall is in no shape...

"W-What do you want?" the gatekeeper shouted...

"My friends... and my brother... Qiteron and Maxwell boy..." I said while keep storming the wall...

"Fine! We will give them... but please stop attacking us!" the gatekeeper said...

"I will stop, until I can see them!" I said

Instantly, the gatekeeper left the wall he has been defending...

He is quite a strong panda...

He is a panda, the gatekeeper

He immediately enter the city with horse.... And I believe to call Euclio and Ed...

To make them scare even more... I decided to create something big....

[METEOR] I created a giant earth ball, multiple of times bigger from the [CATAPULT] balls... and I put it up high in the middle of the city with my staff...

"Make it fast!" I shouted...

And they're more panicked than before...

They stopped shooting arrows and begin running away from me...

After a few minutes, I can see both Ed and Euclio on the wall with the gatekeeper...

Immediately, I deactivated my wind magic...

I created a [WALL] high enough so that it has the same height as their wall...

Euclio and Ed walks toward me using the [WALL] I created...

"I've brought them! Please! Leave the city alone!" the gatekeeper shouted...

Ed in an instance hugs me... and now the three of us ride June...

He cries on my back... and it really breaks my heart...

"I am sorry, but your people was about to executed my brother and my friend" I said and pull my staff...

We all looked at the big giant earth ball above the city that I created...

"You are still heartless..." I said...

And the meteor fall...

I can see they begin to beg...

But I don't feel any mercy... until Ed stopped me...

"S-Stop... you will kill thousands of innocents life..." Ed said...

"But they were about to kill you..." I said...

"Yes, and they didn't... because I know that you are here..." Ed said

I looked into Ed's eye...

He meant it...

He wants me to stop...

June looked at me... waiting for the next command...

So no one actually watch our frontline... and an arrow fly and hit me...

"Arghhh!" I shouted...

The gatekeeper looked at the soldier that shoot the arrow... but it is... Commander Sheryn...

I feel dizzy after I got the shot...

"I-I think I am going to passed out..." I said...

"I-Is that poison?" Euclio asked... and he pulled the arrow from my stomach...

"ARGHH IT HURTS!" I shouted

I bleed a lot...

All I can see is that I have to stop the meteor casting... killing thousands of innocents life... that is stupid idea...

I use my staff and pull the giant earth ball back closer to me...

When the meteor is right in front of the city, I dropped it slowly... slowly...

But my consciousness is fading... and I begin to lose my conscious...

After I put the meteor outside the city harmlessly

I passed out... and all I hear is...

"June! Let's leave!" Euclio shouted to June...

=== Euclio's Point of View ===

When Nico passed out, I immediately ask June to leave... and now we are flying away...

Ed instantly cast the healing magic on Nico... so, he is going to be alright...

Healing Magic could cure anything...

The wound is closing... and Nico is resting...

I looked behind, and see the wall...

Is it the wall I know? Because the shape has changed...

Holes on the wall... and the gate was destroyed as well....

Nicolas... you should realize how strong you are...

He keep saying that I am stronger... but compares to you, I am nothing...

I believe he could take down a city alone... he could be your worst nightmare, but thankfully... he is a kind boy, and caring friend, a good brother... thanks to his great family... House Maxwell, I wish I was born as a Maxwell...

"Euclio... where do we go?" Ed asked me...

"Hmmm I don't know, but it seems she knows the way..." I said while tap June's body...

Yes, June looks like returning to the carriage...

She started to descend and we are in an open area... to be more specific, a beach...

But no one is here...

And we land!

She creates a little crater on the sand when she landed...

"Open the door..." I said to Ed... and he nodded...

I carried Nicolas behind my back...

And both of us enter the carriage...

"Ed, can you mount June to the carriage... and find a hidden place..." I said to Ed while putting Nicolas on the bed...

"S-Sure... but aren't we quite hidden?" Ed asked...

"I am afraid that they are following us..." I said explaining my anxiety...

And Ed nodded... and left the carriage

I put the blanket on Nicolas...

He is... so insane... I am still out of words...

Ed enter the carriage and June started to move...

Ed sit next to Nicolas and check his wound inside the clothes...

I believe that he is okay already...

Healing Magic is very effective... but...

"No poison?" I asked...

"No... poison will make his breath heavy... Also, it will be healed by Healing Magic as well" Ed explained and I believe him...

Ed keep staring at Nico... and he looks about to cry...

I think I should give him a time alone with his brother...

"If you need me, I will be upstairs..." I said to Ed

Ed nodded... and so I left him, and head upstairs... the stair is located on the back of the carriage, but still inside the carriage...

I move to the second floor, and begin my watch...

Then I looked at June, and June is walking slower than usual...

I know that she is tired, but we must seek for a hideout...

"June, please hold on, we are sorry for forcing you to overwork..." I said to June and she neighed...

After a half an hour, we are out from the jungle, and we are currently in an open field... also, we can see a cave...

"How about that?" I asked June while pointing out the cave... and she neighed in agreement...

June started to walk to that direction....

I can feel the cold weather... it is getting darker... but this is still after noon... or is it going to rain?

And we hide inside the cave...

The cave is actually pretty big...

When we enter the cave, it is a long cave... and it is descending...?

After we enter further inside, June stopped...

I jumped immediately to the ground floor... and it is a very cold...

But we got quite a lot of blanket in the carriage, so for now we are going to be okay...

I release June from the mount of the carriage, and she feels relieved...

"Can you help us, find us a water source for us to drink..." I said to June... and she nodded....

Then she starts to search water for us... and left us...


I thought she is going to left the cave, instead she enters the cave...

" Ummm...." I was about to asked why... but she left already...

And I let a sigh...

I enter the carriage... and look at Ed sleeping next to Nicolas...

Hm... I guess it is still my time to scout around...

But I am still worry with Nicolas's wound...

I take a closer look, and I found out Nico is sleeping peacefully... he is okay...

He should be more focus... not to us but to the battlefield... this boy...

I left both of them and take a walk by using a blanket around my body...

I walk and left the carriage, passing the long passage and finally I left the cave and see the surrounding...

But it is raining... and the wind... is very chilling...

I never thought that there will be a world this cold...

Then I see something...

There are soldiers... The Southern Beastman Kingdom Soldiers...

I hide behind a big stone near the cave...

"Check every possibilities!" they said...

It is that girl! The human race girl!

What should we do... are they going to find us out...

I must call June...

I return to the cave, and walk further inside so that I can found the carriage...

Then I see to the hollow descending path.. and it looks a bit dark...

"June!" I shouted but whisperingly...

But no responses...

Or should I stop the soldiers by myself?... but attacking them is suicide...

I guess I have to wake my friends up....

When I enter the carriage, I hear the footsteps of a horse....

Is it June?

I looked at the dark cave... and see June coming toward us... but we created another problem...

"Hey! I hear footsteps from that cave!" a sound heard...

Immediately I get down from the carriage and prepare to mount June to the carriage...

Seeing me waving my hand quickly, June understand that we must be quick...

She stand in front of the carriage, and I mount her to the carriage...

In an instant I hear footsteps outside the cave...

I jump to the second floor of the carriage, and June immediately run toward inside the cave... deeper and darker...

I can't see anything...

This place is dark and cold, not to my interest, but we have no place to go...

After several minutes, I know that the soldiers are left behind already...

The cave is really dark... but all I know is that the cave is actually quite big, that it fits June and the carriage...

I move to the first floor and see both of them still sleeping...

I let a sigh...

Ed is wore out... I believe he can't sleep in the prison... thinking about we are about to be executed...

Seeing both of them sleeping next to each other, both of them really look alike...

This is the worst experience I have in my entire life... I will make sure this kind of mistake won't happen again...

So I decided to move to the second floor and see what's going on... although I can't see anything...

I really can't see anything... but June looks like she knows where we are going...

And we keep walking in the dark for hours... it seems that June sense something inside the cave...

I look at our water supply on the first floor... and I found out that we ran out of water...

"June... do you find any water source?" I asked and she neighed... I think she find one...

Then after a few hours, we stopped

This place is so dark...

I move to the first floor to find a torch... did we have one?

Since we aren't prepare for this kind of things... I always have the thought, that we have Nico or Ed to light up the room, but now both of them are sleeping...

Oh! I found one!

A lantern...

I turn it on, and it seems like we have some oil here...

Then, I left the carriage with a blanket, since it is colder than outside... and with my sword, Ocean Protector...

Before we left the prison, the guard also give our weapons back...

I stepped on the rocky floor and it is a bit slippery... I use the lantern to see our surrounding...

I release June from the carriage, so that she can find us the water source she mean, and also, she looks thirsty...

This place is very quite... then I hear a sound... a sound of flowing water, a river? No... there won't be a river in a cave...

But then I sees June drinking on a water source...

And the water source is flowing to deeper cave...


There is a river in a cave...

But then another sound can be heard... and June neighed...

Is it the soldiers?! No, the soldier can't follow us this fast...

And the footstep... it seems like a single footstep only...

I put the lantern on the middle of the room as a decoy, to bait whatever creature out there. I run away and return to the carriage, I hope they can't see us in the dark...

'Booom.... Booom...'

The footsteps of the creature.... That is not a human footsteps...

Is it a monster?

Then it stops... exactly in front of the lantern...


I let a sigh in relieved...

In an instant, I come closer to the Ogre and slash its head...

I beheaded the Ogre...

"Fiuh, thanks gods I have some experience on killing monsters back then, during our adventuring times..."

Ogre is an A Class monster... a very destructive monster, and dangerous...

It has two little horns on its head, and holding a sword on its hand...

Can the sword be useful?

I take the sword which is quite big... did the Ogre actually make this by their own?

I am surprised with the size... it is fit with their size.... a three meters creature...

This is too heavy...

But I still force myself to bring it up and tie the sword on the outside of the carriage, behind the carriage...

Oh! Water! I almost forgot about it...

I take the lantern, and as well a bucket of water...

June locate the carriage near the river, so I don't mind back and forth to take the water....

"Done!" I said after 15 minutes of refilling the water...

Is this the perfect place to be our hideout?

I think this place is quite close to the outside... so that we can search for food, while water is next to us... but this place is so cold... and our mission is to find Clement...

Arghh! I am confused so I scratch my own head...

Seeing my frustration, June neighed...

And I looked at June...

"What are you saying?" I asked...

She then come closer to the lock of the mounting, asking me to mount her on the carriage...

"Do you know a better place?" I asked June

And she neighed happily...

I smiled...

"Okay... let's go..." I said and I locked her to the mount...

I am trusting our lives to June... and I trust June with all of my heart...

I jumped to the second floor... and "Go June..." I said to June and she neighed... and what we are doing right now is, that enter the cave deeper... I wonder how did she knows everything inside this place... it's been only minutes when she enter this cave alone... but it seems that she lived here, in the cave, knowing anything...

Maybe that is some a special instinct she has, or did every Pegasus have...

I turn off the lantern... since she can see in the dark...

"Hey?" a voice behind my back...

I turned back and see Nicolas...

"N-Nico..." I said and somehow in a bit panicked...

He then sit next to me...

And both of us remain silent... until I broke it...

"Sorry..." I said while facing away...

But I believe he can't see my face either...

And somehow I can feel he is nodding...

"That's okay... but next time, be more cautious..." Nico said...

"Y-Yeah, sure... and you won't believe it..." I said and begin explaining what has happened...

About the money changer, and also Sheryn as a drunken girl... and help us by hiding us on an old apartment...

It took almost an hour...

We talk about the execution as well, also the judge...

"T-That is... what kind of judge is that?!" Nico sounds angry...

"Y-Yeah, don't worry... we are here now..." I said

"And Sheryn did her job perfectly!" Nico said...

And it is indeed, but her mistake is revealing her identity to Nico... that is why underestimating is really the worst mistake

She could tell Nico that she is our friend and bring him to us... put Nico in a room, and made him pass out, like she did to us...

"So... where are we?" Nico asked me...

"Hmmm in a cave..." I said

"What kind of cave? Cave shouldn't be this long and huge..." Nico said...

"Yeah... I don't know as well..." I said...

But after a few minutes, I understand what it is!

"Nico!" I shout his name a bit loudly... and I can hear my voice echoing...

"W-What?" he asked me and he looked a bit surprised

"It's a Labyrinth!" I said excitedly...

"W-what?! Then, shouldn't it be dangerous?" Nico asked...

I nodded...

"I encounter an Ogre when we are refilling the water..." I said...

"Hmmm... but shouldn't it have more monster since we talk at the beginning?" Nico asked...

T-That is true...

But we can't see.... Of course!

"Nico, try to light the room..." I said

And it seems like he nodded...

"Create... Light..." he said

"[IGNITE]" he said and the entire room become so bright...

I looked at the back of our carriage... and there are some monsters...

But some monster gives up in chasing us...

"S-Should we kill them all?" Nico asked me... he sounds panicked...

"No... but when June stop, we should kill them..." I said...

There is no use on killing this endless monster...

Suddenly June neighed...

"A-Are we arrive already?" Nicolas asked...

She shook her head...

But then I see more monsters around us...

What's wrong?

Is it because of the light?

"Nico, deactivate you magic! It seems like monsters are attracted to light..." I said

Yes, Ogre as well, attracted to my lantern...

Nicolas nodded and deactivate the magic...

And at once, the room become dark again... and I can hear the monster's footsteps are fading...

"Fiuh..." Nico said in relieved...

"What?" I asked...

"I think it is better when you don't see those monsters..." Nico said

And I can't be more agree than that...

We continue our journey for quite a long time...

We have a clock inside our carriage, and it is 9 PM already...

It's been 8 hours already, and we haven't eat our lunch...

"We still got some snack from the ship, let's eat..." Nico reminded me...

Ah of course!

"Sure, let's eat... I haven't eat anything since breakfast..." I said...

But then he hit me on my head...

"I haven't eat since yesterday's dinner..." Nico said...

And I just remember that I eat my breakfast in the prison... while Nico is waiting for us outside the wall...

We eat some light dishes, it is a soup... hot soup, but now it is cold already, but I don't mind...

And Ed awakes... at 10 PM... finally... it is my time to sleep...

"Hey, Ed, Nico... can I leave everything to you? I am a bit sleepy now..." I said...

And Nico nodded... "Sure, we will be arriving when you awake..." Nico said...

"Yes, sorry for leaving you alone..." Ed said with puppy face...

"That's okay... night..." I said while walking to the first floor...

I take the blanket, and sleep on the bed... in a very comfortable bed...

Within seconds, I fall asleep...

=== Nicolas's Point of View ===

Euclio has been protecting us since I passed out, and Ed sleeps...

"Ughh Ed... you should never leave my side..." I tell Ed... about what they have been through....

"Yeah, I never thought that the city will be that dangerous, we were underestimating them..." Ed said, it seems they are stronger than it looks...

Did I underestimate them as well?

I think I did... or else, I won't got hit by an arrow...

"Yeah, I guess I did underestimate them too, let's destroy the city after this is all ended..." I said...

"D-Destroy the city?!" Ed asked...

I nodded...

"Aren't we going to declare war on them?" I asked Ed...

And he is thinking... after he finished thinking, he nodded

"I think it is better that we are the one that destroys the city... or else, it will destroy PAQ Alliance trust to the world..." Ed suggested...

I give a thought about it... and I guess it is true... but...

"We have to find a shelter first..." I said and Ed nodded...

After few minutes of our conversation, we arrived at a place, where light exist...

But they are colored in blue... I guess it comes from the gemstone...

"S-Sapphire?!" I asked Ed... and Ed nodded...

"Yeah, that would be expensive..." Ed said...

Should we stop? But then I remember...

June hasn't eat anything, or taking a rest since morning...

There will be no time for stop... I guess she has to find this perfect place for our hideout...

"June, do you need a rest?" I asked June, and she shook her head...

"Just stop if you feel tired ok?" Ed said and he looks concerned as well...

June neighed...

I then remembered that she could run for 23 hours a day...

We are passing through a lot of blue and red sapphire, I don't know whether it is a red sapphire or ruby stone...

"This place is pretty..." I said...

"Yeah, but I am hungry..." Ed said...

"Oh wait..." I asked Ed to wait, and I get downstairs to take a soup for Ed...

I take the soup and give it to Ed on the second floor...

"It's cold... but still eatable..." I told Ed...

"Thanks..." Ed said while taking the food from me

Then I sit next to Ed, while he is eating...

"E-Ed... do you see that?!" I asked Ed...

When it is 12 in the midnight...

We finally found the most intriguing place...

"T-That is?!" Ed said in surprised...

I looked at a place where Ed is looking at...

It's a tree!?

And we just passed a tree...

"H-How can a tree grow inside a Labyrinth?!" I asked...

Ed shook his head, telling that this place is not making any sense

T-This place is unexpectedly beautiful...

From a dark cave... into a shiny cave with lot of gems... and now trees under the light of the gems... so it looks like the color of the trees are blue...

What is worse is the temperature... it is getting colder...

After walking through trees... we can see a light in front of us...

Is that an exit?

I feel the temperature getting higher... I feel warmth from the exit...

When we are getting closer, I can see things...

"W-What?!" I said in amazement

"T-This place is..." Ed said

"Amazing..." both of us in unison...

As we passed the exit... it is a giant flat floor...

Usually, Labyrinth is divided into floors... but I can't really differentiate which floor we are now, since it was too dark...

And now, I can see a wide floor... really wide that I can see a waterfall... from the left of the entrance...

Also, right in front of us, is a giant lake... with a big tree in the middle of it...

"I-I never see such a big tree..." I said to Ed... and Ed nodded...

"This place is beautiful..." Ed said

"Y-Yeah, I can't tell if this is real..." I said

The big tree in the middle of the floor is as tall as Sera's Wall... I guess it is even taller...

Also, this place has a really high ceiling... But I can still see the rooftop, since the wall and the ceiling of this labyrinth floor is surrounded by gemstone... this is insane!

"W-Wake Euclio up!" I said to Ed, and he immediately move to the first floor...

I see a deer! We can eat here!

When the deer sees us, they ignore us...

After several minutes, we arrived in front of the giant tree...

I-Is that a Yggdrasil?!

Wow... I finally can see a real Yggdrasil with my real eyes... this is amazing... In my previous world, when I see a Yggdrasil in a movie or a game, I am amazed already, but now... it is much more beautiful than I imagine...

The branch of the tree is so big, or maybe we should create a tree house?! On the Yggdrasil!?

"Woahh!" I heard a voice downstairs...

It's Euclio...

Then I hear steps of someone hurrying to come upstairs...

"N-Nico! Do you see the tree?!" Euclio said

Of course I do! I saw it first...

"Yeah, that is a big tree..." I said

Then I remember June...

In an instant I jumped downstairs...

Seeing me acting hurriedly, both Ed and Euclio panicked...

But then they saw me opening June's mount...

She hasn't take a rest since yesterday...

"S-Sorry for forcing you to do this..." I said after releasing her from the mount and hug her...

But then she neighed... Saying that she is okay...

But, she immediately drinks the water in the lake...

I feel sorry for her...

"You can go whenever you like..." I said to June...

Euclio jumped downstair as well..

And he patted June...

"We are safe here... so you can have a lot of free time in this place..." Euclio said to June

She neighed happily...

Then she flapped her wings and pushed both of us back... then she fly to the... top of the waterfall?!

"S-Should we make a house up there too?" I asked...

"No... it would be hard for our carriage..." Euclio said

T-That is true...

"How about the forest?" Ed suggested...

"Hmmm... I guess the deers are coming from that place... let's go..." Euclio said...

The forest is located near the waterfall...

We walked toward the forest, and it nearly takes half an hour...

I see June flying over us... like patrolling the area, or maybe securing this place for us...

We will never reach this place without June... June is indeed an extraordinary creature...

Afterall, June is a Legend... but she is here with us...

"The forest is beautiful..." Ed said...

"Everything in this place is actually beautiful..." Euclio said...

The lighting of the floor is a bit dark, so you will always feel sleepy...

"Nico, build an Earth Camp here..." Euclio suggested...

It is outside the forest, so we won't disturb the animals... which is the deer...

'Create Earth...'

I then create an Earth Camp with my earth magic...

A one floored house with a single room, which has a sofa made of earth magic... and a big bed for the three of us...

I also created a table for us to put our important things... then a place to put our weapons...

The three of us use swords...

"Dammit! Our blankets!" I said

Now we have to walk for another half an hour...

"Hey... can you use your earth magic and create a slide..." Euclio asked... then he sleeps on the earth bed...

T-This boy...

"Wind magic should work..." Ed said

"Oh wait! Can Nico fly?" Euclio asked and he wake up from the earth bed...


"Hey... That is too much!" I said

"But you did it right?" Euclio asked me..

"Did I? When?" I asked...

"Maxim... when you jumped back to the carriage, people thought you are flying..." Ed said...

"He did fly!" Euclio said...

D-Did I? I guess I did...

"Hey! If you can pass the lake, it would be much easier..." Euclio said...

"Hmmm let me help you Nisan" Ed said and he activated his magic.. and the green sphercial light appears behind his back...

All of us went outside and face the lake...

I activate my wind magic as well, and a green spherical light appear behind my back...

Then I lift myself up... I am now levitating...

"Let me give you a push..." Ed said...

Ed then give a strong push behind my back that make me pushed forward in fast speed...

"WOAHH!!!" I shouted...

The water even breaks because of the high speed of my movement...

The deers are looking at me... I bet beneath their heart they are thinking of me as an idiot... oh deer... we will eat you soon...

Then suddenly, I passed the carriage already....


I passed the carriage...

H-How to stop this!

I tried to use my wind magic in front of me, so it will stop me from advancing... but...

I hit the wall of the dungeon and passed out...

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