《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 33 - Neku


The next week...

"Ughh, this is boring..." Euclio said...

He then take off his shirt... and jump to the ocean... and he has been doing it for the past week...

That is his own way to replenish his boredom, I hope I can breathe underwater too...

"Nisan... let's practice!" Ed asked me to practice with him...

And I do swordsmanship training with him... in the deck, since the deck is really wide...

"Have you seen Erin?" I asked...

"Nope, the last time I saw her was during our lunch together..." Ed said...

Hmmm Erin is getting... more distant lately...

I wonder why...

"You should talk to her..." Ed said... while slashing his wooden sword to me...

"What to talk about?" I asked while dodging his attack...

"Ask her... what is she hiding from us?...." Ed said and he ended the training by having his wooden sword on my neck...

I put away his sword from my neck...

"But I think she is avoiding us..." I said to him while walking toward the corridor...

"Yes, but you are the leader!" Ed said while following behind my back...

Now we are on my room and both of us taking a bath...

"Ahh hot bath in the middle of the day..." I said...

"I guess it is not a problem since it is cold outside..." Ed said...

"Yeah, I guess the temperature is dropping quite a lot..." I said

The temperature in this journey is getting colder from day by day, I guess it is because that we are traveling toward the south pole...

I wonder how does the Ocean Race

After several minutes...

"There you are!" Euclio shouted and jump to the bath!

"Hey! No jumping in the bath!" I said

His head popped out from the water...

And he looks really happy...

"Sorry! But you should see what I found out during todays exploration..." Euclio said...

"What is it?" I asked

"Is it a weapon?" Ed asked...

"Nope" Euclio said with a big smile....

He then stood up, like preparing to leave the bath...

"Let's meet up in the library..." Euclio said and he left the bath...

"I'll be going first, hot bath doesn't fit me..." Euclio said and left the bathroom...

Then silence...

He is a weird boy... he should not jump here and told us some random thing, and left...

"I bet he bring something stupid..." Ed said...

And I laughed...

Yesterday he brought a seaweed... he said that it is a 600 years old seaweed... since the three kingdoms era...

And what can we do with a seaweed?!

And today...

"It's a rock?" I asked...

He nodded with proud...

"What is special with the rock?" I asked...

I wanted to laughs... but I guess it is not polite, since he looks really happy when he show it to me...

But when I looked at Ed...

His jaw is opened so big that I could even put my head inside it...

"I-I-I-It is an adamantine ore..." Ed said

"A-ADAMANTINE?!" Both Euclio and I said in unison...

W-Wait?! Why Euclio looked surprised...

He does not know what he bring?!

"H-How can you find it?" I asked Euclio...

"I just see that these rocks have a very high concentration, so I bring it with me..." Euclio said...

"And how big is the stone you found down there?" Ed asked

"Hmmm, as big as this ship..." Euclio said with sad face...

"T-That is insane!" I said...


You could buy half of Perius Kingdom with that amount of Adamantine ore...

"But you won't be able to carry it thou..." Euclio said...

Yeah it is too heavy...

"Can we cut it and take it small part by small part.." Ed suggested...

"Hey... It's adamantine! We can't cut it through..." Euclio said...

And now Ed looked sad...

"T-That is true..." Ed said...

"We should make this a good use..." I said

The rock is looked like a normal rock... and I never thought Euclio has such a good sense in detecting minerals...

Erin has good sense in detecting a bad or good person...

Ed is good in detecting enemies...

And me... what do I do?

I asked Ed, how to detect your enemy... but then... he said "You can only sense it by sensing their bloodlust... the thirst of blood.. the sense where they want to kill you" Ed explained...

And I could do it but only in a few meters away, Ed could sense 3 to 4x further...

"How about a sword?" Ed asked...

"Ummm I guess this is too small for a sword, maybe a dagger?" I asked...

"Hey! That's mine! You can't decide it on your own!" Euclio said...

It is Euclio's... and actually, it is an expensive material... the rock is about the size of a palm... and it could cost for 20 000 gold coins... it cost the same as the Godarmor creation, the king of dwarfs...

Euclio take the rock...

"Is there any blacksmith in this fleet?" Euclio asked Ed...

Ed is thinking...

"Hmmm there is a blacksmith on the other ship... I think the ship on our right side..." Ed said...

We are currently surrounded by four big ships... and the rest are regular warships...

"Okay... I will be back!" Euclio said and he left us again...

And now the room become quite...

"Let's find some book to read..." I said to Ed, and he agreed

We travels for another 12 weeks... and finally... we arrived...

Euclio found other useless things, but only the adamantine that is actually quite precious... but I don't know what he used it for...

He found like an ancient sword, ancient shield... everything old... it seems like he is interested in ancient things...

I can see Neku from distance, but they are showing a hostile reaction, they have prepared warships already...

I decided to go and send an escort for us so that we can land peacefully...

So we wait...

While we are waiting...

"I have a present for all of you!" Euclio said happily...

Now, all of us looked at him with expectations...

We are currently on the deck...

He took something from his pocket... and I can see them glowing...

"Tadaaaa" Euclio show it to us...

There are four daggers...

A dagger with a gem in the middle of it...

"T-That is pretty!" Erin said and she looks happy...

"I know right! And this one is for you Erin!" Euclio said and give one to Erin...

Erin take it from Euclio

It is a slender and small dagger... looks like only for decoration... that was my first thought... until...

Erin threw the dagger to the wall...

And it actually hanged on the wall...

So, it is sharp as well...

"The steel is made of an ancient metal... you see, I found a lot of swords under the sea... and I think that it has a strong material..." Euclio explained...

I take the dagger from his hand, and so does Ed...


And I feel the steel, it is strong... not as strong as Adamantine, and also my Oathkeeper or Ocean Protector... but our sword is specialized for Elemental Fighter and usually use for royalty, while this is for soldiers...

"It is an Auxillium Steel..." Euclio said with pride

And now everyone looked surprised...

Including me...

It is the technology my ancestors created, they know how to create steel stronger... and they created strong armor and weapon with the steel, and it is known as

"The Auxillium Steel..." Ed said in amazement...

I never thought that I could have one...

"See, those weapons I brought up here is not a trash..." Euclio said proudly...

"Yeah fine... that's my fault..." I said and Euclio looks really happy...

It seems that the adamantine keep shining... I wonder why...

Seeing my confusion, Euclio explained...

"The power of adamantine... Adamantine has it's own core, they will keep shining when they are close... but when you separate them, it won't glow..." Euclio explained...

Adamantine is more complicated than I thought... but that is what make it special...

"Thanks..." I said and hug Euclio

"Wowowo, it is really rare to see you hugging me..." Euclio said...

But then Ed and Erin joined me...

"Y-You guys are so cute..." Euclio teased us and we released the hug...

He is really annoying...

It's been a week, and our messenger hasn't return yet...

"Send another messenger..." Euclio commanded, and we send another messenger, and also with a thread...

We said in the letter that, if the messenger's life is on risk, there might be a chance that they are fighting against three kingdoms... PAQ Alliances...

We send another messenger and we waited...

After a week, both messengers didn't return yet...

"Are they searching for trouble with us?" I asked...

Also, we can see their fleet are getting stronger day by day...

"How many battleship are there when we arrived?" I asked the captain...

"35 ships..." the captain answered...

"Now?" I asked...

"125 ships..." the captain answered with hopeless expression...

"Okay, let's go to the meeting room! Everyone! Captain, invite every captain of every ships we have to the meeting room in half an hour...." Euclio commanded...

The captain nodded...

The four of us are heading for the meeting room...

The meeting room is currently on the second floor, near the dining room...

When we arrived there, everything is still empty

This room has a long table with a lot of chairs, it could fit for 40 persons... but there should be only 11 captains that will be joining us...

After 10 minutes, everyone has gathered inside the meeting room...

I don't know what Euclio is going to talk about, so I will listen it carefully...

And the meeting begin after the door has been close... and everyone is seated and looking at Euclio which is seating on the edge of the table...

He stood up and said...

"It seems that Neku doesn't welcome us..." Euclio explained...

The captains nodded...

"Two messengers and both of them hasn't return yet... so it means war..." Euclio explained...

But the captains are in doubt...

And one of the captains stood up...

"We can't just declare war toward them, currently they are much more powerful compared to us..." the captain said...

"So, what do you suggest?" Euclio asked...

The captain looked Euclio...

"You have to give a suggestion if you want to talk..." Euclio said

But then he return to his seat...

"Any suggestion?" Euclio asked the same question again...

"Maybe, one of the ship should return and ask for reinforcement..." the captain of our ship said while looking at Euclio...

Some of them nodded...

That might be the best idea... but...

"It will take times... it took 12 weeks for us to come to this place from Maxim, and to return we need another 12 weeks and another 12 weeks to arrive here back, to Neku..." Euclio explained...

"And in total, it will need 6 months for travelling only, also, we haven't calculate the preparation for war... it might take another month..." a captain said...

Euclio nodded...

"Our objective is actually to find Clement Maxwell..." Euclio said

And everyone nodded...

"But they have broke the rule! Messenger shouldn't be hurt or killed! They are humiliating us!" a captain said...

"Yeah! That is true!"

"We must give them lessons!"

The captains become loud...

But then the captain of our ship raised his hand, and everyone become quite...

He seems has the highest authority around here...

"We must not let our emotion explode! We are here not for war! We have no preparation at all! We have to think about this clearly!" the captain of our ship said...

And now they become silent...

"T-That's true..."

"Captain Steve is true..."

"I think he is right!"

As expected from the captain of the main ship...

"Then, we will proceed with this plan... the four of us, Nicolas, Ed, Erin and I will infiltrate Neku... while everyone of you will stay on this ship! Waiting for reinforcement..." Euclio explained...

Now I can see worries in their eyes...

"We will immediately attack them from the inside, if they started the war against the Royal Fleet... but if the plan is success, we should be able to return to this fleet before 24 weeks... so before we return, please do not engage..." Euclio explained...

All of them looked troubled... but...

"We will try our best... but you should make sure to remain hidden, both of your faces are known globally... especially you Nicolas-sama..." Catpain Steve said to me...

I nodded...

Both of your faces are known globally, he means Euclio and I...

And still... I don't know our plan...

"Captain, you will be in charge of the fleet... send two ships one toward Maxim, and the other one toward Epius..." Euclio said

"Two? Why not just Maxim? I believe with Maxim Fleet, it is enough to fight the Southern Beastman Kingdom..." Captain Steve said...

"I am afraid... that Maxim is in trouble... and just my personal feeling..." Euclio said...

Everyone looked at him speeclessly, but I understand why... Alduir....

"I have another suggestion..." another captain speaking...

And now, all of us looked at him...

"How about we asked help from Gavenhallen Kingdom, North Beastman Kingdom, and also House Maxwell in Auxem as well..." the captain said...

Euclio give a thought...

"They did international crime..." the captain continues...

"That is true... I believe they could help us... especially Gavenhallen Kingdom, since we are still in a good term with them..." Captain Steve said...

That is true... but my house?

"How about House Maxwell?" I asked to the captain...

He looked at me...

"Because we need every war ship we can get... If Euclio-sama said that he had bad feeling with Maxim, we could move to Auxem and ask for reinforcement..." the captain said...

That is true... Auxem and Maxim is only a week travels...

I give him an approve... and he looked relieved...

"He is a smart man..." I said whisperingly toward Ed...

"He is one of the best commanders in Epius..." Ed said...

Best Commander? I thought Captain Steve has the higher rank in this fleet...

"Captain Steve is the leader of this fleet... but Commander Maxius is the best strategist in Epius..." Ed explained whisperingly...

W-What is he doing here then?!

"But if we send a lot of ships... this place will be defenseless..." Euclio said

But then Commander Maxius stood up...

"I have another suggestion..." he said and everyone is directing their eyes only to him...

"We have 11 ships, including the main ship... and there will be 5 destinations, Epius, Maxim, Auxem, Gavenhallen Kingdom and Northern Beastman Kingdom..." Commander Maxius said...

Everyone nodded...

"The hardest kingdom to persuade is Northern Beastman Kingdom... so we should send our main ship there to show our strength as well with two other ships..." Commander Maxius said...

"And the rest will be with two ships toward Gavenhallen Kingdom, two ships toward Epius, two ships toward Maxim and two ships toward Auxem... and we will distract our enemy here, making them think that we run away, so in no time, the defense here are getting weaker..." Commander Maxius said...

That is true... they will thought that we are gone and they will loosen their defense...

"And how about us?" Euclio asked...

"We will drop you tonight... and we will meet you 8 months from today..." Commander Maxius said...

"Before the war, all of you should return to this place... or else, we will have to wait for you to return, the longer it takes, the stronger they will be..." He continues...

Euclio nodded...

"Then, it is settled... everyone should prepare their own ship..." Euclio said

And everyone nodded... and the meeting is dismissed...

Euclio is talking with Commander Maxius and Captain Steve...

While Ed is talking to his old friends... I don't know them... it only left me and Erin...

T-This is awkward...

"Nico..." Erin called me...

"W-What?!" I said in surprised...

Erin looked at me in confusion...

"A-ah sorry... I am quite surprised..." I said

And she nodded...

"I need to talk to you..." Erin said...

"What is it?" I asked her... she looks serious about it...

"We need to split up..." Erin said...

"S-Split up?" I asked Erin...

S-Split up? What does it mean?

"Uuhhh..." I said nervously...

I don't know what to say...

She looks at me...

"I am sorry, but my main objective is actually... not looking for your dad..." Erin said

I nodded...

Somehow, I have that feeling already...

"You are here for revenge..." I said...

She looked at me in surprised...

"Yes, how do you know?" She asked me...

"I think you told me your story already... so I think I know how you feel..." I said to her...

And she nodded...

"Don't worry, I will help you searching for your Dad in Bazo... and create a quest in the guilds to find him..." Erin said

And I let a sigh... Then I decided to remind her

"I don't mind if you can't find my dad... or haven't got the chance to kill Leo the Lion... please comeback, that is the most important thing..." I said

She looked away...

"Thank you..." She said

Then she left the meeting room while the other are still in the meeting room, discussing their strategy... or telling their own stories...

Until dawn...

The three of us enter the bath...

Since it is very cold at night...

"Ahhh, this is the best..." Euclio said... when he entered the bath...

I thought he just said that Ocean are the best...

"This temperature is just... perfect..." Euclio said again...

"I thought hot bath is not good for Ocean Race..." I said

"I don't know, I guess I was too happy back there... so I said random stuff..." Euclio explained

What a useless boy...

"Hey, we are going today during midnight, right?" Ed asked...

"Yep! We should buy clothes! Since it is very cold for us..." I said...

Then suddenly...


All of us looked at Euclio...

"He is sick..." I said...

"N-No I am not..." Euclio defending himself...

"Do we need to go to the doctor?" Ed asked me worriedly...

"Hey... I am the doctor..." I said with pride... and

Ed looked at me with his annoyed face...

"Create.... Light...." I said

"Healing Magic!" I said while touching Euclio...

And light appears on Euclio's head... and he is healed...

"Ugh.. Feeling much better... thanks..." Euclio said...

"No problem... we must hurry and find clothes!" I said...

"B-But... during midnight..." Ed said...

Yep! The stores are closed...

"Maybe we should go now..." Euclio suggested...

"Yeah... it is still 6 PM, some stores are still open..." I said

"Let's eat our dinner and leave..." Euclio suggested and we agreed...

We left the bath, and asked the soldier to make our dinner... and also to call Commander Maxius and Captain Steve...

In several minutes, the food is ready, and we are eating with them...

We told our plan to leave earlier, and they have no problem with that...

"Make sure to visit money exchanger first..." Commander Maxius reminded us...

The three of us nodded...

The currency in Beastman Kingdom and Perius Kingdom are different... we will got more money since Perius Kingdom has a higher rate

"Then find yourselves a house to rent or buy... you could stay in the inn if you want..." Commander Maxius suggested...

And again, the three of us nodded...

"Oh! Wait! We forgot about Erin!" Ed said in surprised... and he is about to leave the room... but...

"Erin has left..." I said before Ed opened the door...

And now, all eyes are on me...

"What do you mean by left?" Euclio asked me...

He looks a bit mad...

Also Ed...

"She... has another objective..." I said to everyone....

"Which is?" Ed asked

"Killing the King... Leo the Lion..." I said...

Now everyone remains silent...

But Commander Maxius stood up...

"If Erin successfully murdered Leo the Lion... then it will be an auto victorious for all of us..." Commander Maxius said...

Captain Steve nodded... but then...

"But..." Captain Steve cut in...

"Leo the Lion is not a small fry... he is someone who is almost on the same level as Hercule Erebus from Qiteron Kingdom..." Captain Steve said...

Commander Maxius nodded...

"Leo the Lion has rule Southern Beastman Country for almost two hundred years..." Commander Maxius said...

"He survived the Great War 2" Captain Steve continue...

T-That is new!

Now Ed and Euclio's eyes are on me...

"I-I am sorry, I can't stop her anyway... she has chosen her own path..." I said

Erin is a stubborn girl... she won't listen what I said...

But still, I hope she is okay...

"I understand... but you should have told us earlier..." Euclio said to me...

"Y-Yeah I know, that is my bad..." I said...

"So, should we catch her up?" Ed asked...

But I shook my head...

"Just let her be..." I said

Somewhere in my heart, I believe in her...

Erin is strong... in this party, I am the closest one to her... since she is the one that stays beside me and protect me everytime...

The problem will be me... I am left unprotected...

"Erin is strong... we should trust her more..." I said

Everyone is looking at me with disbelief

But Euclio let a sigh...

"Fine... let's proceed with the plan..." Euclio said...

"B-But... Erin?" Ed asked with disbelief face...

"Don't worry about her... she is strong, we must put our faith on her..." I said

And finally Ed could let her go...

He let a sigh...

"Fine... let's go..." Ed said

We said farewell to Maxius and Steve... and entrust the plan to them... I hope there are no betrayals in this plan...

We plan to use a small boat and move directyly to the city and we will claim ourselves as adventurer from Sera...

But Maxius has better idea... since the fleet will be leaving as well, one of the ship could drop us near a beach outside the city... and we will use the small boat there, since they will be very suspicious if we come from their enemy's line...

So, we proceed with that plan... and it is currently 8.30 PM...

"Thanks..." I said to Maxius that is using a small boat to help us land on the beach...

"No problem, make sure to return to this place in 8 months..." Maxius said...

The three of us now left alone... in the dark... but of course with June... we still have our carriage...

"Should we enter the city tonight? Or tomorrow?" I asked...

"Of course now! Don't you know our purpose of leaving early?" Euclio asked me...

"Oh!" I said

And I just remembered that we must find clothes...

"Then! Let's go!" I said...

"Wait!" Euclio said...

And all of us looked at Euclio...

"June is too much attracting attention... and so does your eyes..." Euclio said...

Now I looked at myself... but I can't see my own eyes... now I see June...

And June looked at me...

June is too big for regular horse...

"How about you stay here with June, Nisan... Euclio and I will find clothes that suit for all of us..." Ed suggested...

Euclio nodded...

I guess I have no choice...

I let a sigh...

"Fine... make sure to be fast..." I said to both of them, and they nodded...

They left both of us...

Euclio's Point of View

We left Nico and June... and I am going to the city with Ed...

Then suddenly a breeze of wind hit us...

"This is cold..." I said

I never experience this much cold... under the sea, the temperature is balance, they do not change... and so does Human Continent... since they are located in a tropical land...

"Here" Ed said and give me a cloak made of fur...

T-This is warm...

"Thank you... how do you get this?" I asked Ed...

"Umm, it is from the ship... you see, I was a kingsguard... for Ethan... so there will be a lot of conferences or meeting in every different country... and I have this, for this kind of condition..." Ed explained...

That is a hard work... for a boy...

"Tell me Ed, have you ever tired of living? I mean, that kind of living?" I asked him...

I believe what he did before he met us was just keep training, until he get strong and be stronger...

When I looked at him... he nodded...

"I was thinking, about life... is life just about to protect someone... but then I talk about it with my best friend... and he told me that there is a lot of path to enjoys life..." Ed said while looking at the sky...

I then looked at the sky, it is dark... He has a good friend...

But where is he now?

"Where is this best friend of yours? I mean, it must have been a long time..." I said to him...

"Oh, it's been only three months... I guess Ethan will do great in Sera..." Ed said...


Ethan is a quite friendly boy, he does not care about his rank... but still, I never thought that it will be Ethan...

"I-I see... hey look at that..." I said

I can see a wall already...

"It's the city..." Ed said...

"We are adventurers from Sera, and we are on our journey... that's what we should tell to everyone in this place..." I said to Ed... and he nodded...

We walk toward the gate, and when the gatekeeper saw us, they open the gate immediately...

And we pass the gate without any question...

Now... we are inside the city...

"W-Wow!" I said in surprised...

I see a big wolf... but I know that he is not a wolf, but a wolf tribe from beastman race....

He looked at me... but then ignored me...

"Y-You should not do that..." Ed said in quite nervous way...

"S-Sorry... you see, if Nico is here, he will do worse..." I said...

Since I remember what he said when he saw Lex and Gina for the first time...

"We should find money exchanger first..." Ed said...

"How can we know?" Ed continues...

We don't know where the money exchanger is since this is our first time....

I looked our surrounding... and found nothing...

But then I see a human race...

"Let's ask them..." I said while pointing the human race...

Ed nodded...

We are walking toward them, and seeing their appearances, it looks like they are adventurers...

"Excuse me, can you tell us where the money exchanger is?" I asked them politely...

But when they heard my question... they ignored us...

"Hey, we are asking here!" Ed said in a bit impassion way...

"Information cost something kid..." a man said...

I take some bronzes and give it to them...

The man took the bronzes... but...

"It's not enough..." the man said...

H-He is playing with us!

Ed looked at me speechlessly

"Fine... I will find someone who will tell us the place with this silver..." I said...

"Deal! It is on the 13th Pocy Street... it has a big sign and 'Exchanger' written on it... that is the money exchanger I know..." the man said...

"Where is 13th Pocy Street?" I asked...

"There..." the other man pointed out a street sign...

"Follow the number until it reaches the 13th and you will find it..." the man said...

I threw the silver to him and he catch it...

We left them and head for the street...

"He is not kind at all" Ed said with annoyed face...

But I laughed...

"Welcome to the cruelest part of the world... Beastman Continent..." I said, at least that is what I know from a book...

"The cruelest? The thing that I read is that this place is the most least manner place in the world... Southern Beastman Kingdom..." Ed said

Least Manner... I can see that already...

"And also dangerous... a lot of thieves, murderers, and more..." Ed continues...

And now I feel insecure...

We are finally on the 13th street of Pocy...

Then we start walking on the street... and find this big sign...

But, I don't understand the words...

Oh no... we should have brought Erin or Rin to this place...

I forgot about the language...

This is a big trouble...

"Do you need help?"

I hear a voice behind us...

When we looked back, we see a girl... a human girl...

And she reminds me of Roxane...

"Ah yes! We are looking for Money Exchanger..." I said to the girl...

Then she pointed out on a shop...

"Ahh, thanks!" I said and about to give her a silver... but then she refuse...

"I just want to help..." the girl said...

T-There is still a kind being in this place! That was what I thought until...

"How about you accompany me tonight?" the girl said while holding Ed's shoulder...

"Ummm... E-Euclio.." Ed called my name...

"H-Hey! Don't bother him!" I said with a bit angry tone...

"Bother? It's a win win situation... right? Boy?" the girl said and keep flirting Ed...

Oh well... this is getting confusing...

"I am sorry! Please take this money and leave!" I said and giving her a silver...

"No! I want him!" the girl said and now she holds Ed's arm...

Ed's face turns to red...

"T-That is my friend's brother! Sorry, he is underage..." I said...

But then the girl said...

"I love the younger one!" the girl said and now she looks even more interested...

T-That is a mistake!

"Sorry, but we have a mission to do..." I said while pulling Ed's hand from her...

"Ah, every adventure has missions to do... but it is not wrong to take a rest sometimes..." the girl said...

I ignore her while pulling Ed's hand to the shop...

When we enters the shop, the girl stayed outside...

"Fiuh..." I said while wiping my sweat...

Without realizing I am sweating... since she is so creepy...

I hope it didn't make Ed traumatizes

"T-Thanks..." Ed said to me...

"No problem..." I said

I look around the shop, and I found an old man sitting on a chair on the other side...

We are separated by a glass... it is a strong glass I guess, that resist magic spells...

I come closer to the old man... and he asked me...

"Ocean Coins to Beastman Coins?" he asked...

"Nope, Human Coins to Beastman Coins..." I said

He then take a closer look at me...

After he realize something, he become sweating...

"Perius Coins or Reudora Coins?" he asked me...

I feel something weird... he looks a bit... on guard as well...

"Perius Coins..." I said

Then he suddenly pulled a rope...

And the room's windows were all closed... also the glass to the old man...

Ed becomes on guard... and so do I...

"What is happening?" Ed asked...

"I don't know!" I said in panicked...

Then a big bell rang...


After a few seconds I hear someone was about to break the door where we come in... it is locked...

But then it breaks!

"Come here! Fast!" a voice heard, and we decided to follow the voice...

When I leave the room, I can see the same girl that flirted Ed... so I stopped...

And now I am a bit hesitating...

"Executed? Or follow me?" she asked me with serious tone...

N-No time to hesitate...

"Let's go!" I said and she lead the way...

To an empty apartment...

We follows her, and she lead us inside, through a broken windows... and we climb through stairs...

And finally, after climbing to the 5th floor, we stop in front of a room...

"Both of you stay here..." she said while giving us a key room...

We took the key room from her and enter the room...

And I can see an old room... old and dusty...

"Are we going to stay here?" Ed asked...

"N-No... we should not forget about Nico..." I said...

Yes... Nico is still out there... waiting for us to give him a warm clothes...

When I am about to leave the room, she is back...

I stop in front of her and give her my thanks...

"Thank you for saving us... but we have to go..." I said...

"Go? You are a fugitive now..." the girl said...


"Wait.. what did I do?" I asked... I didn't feel anything I do wrong today...

"You are suspected for being a spy from Perius kingdom... you should think ahead..." the girl said...

H-How did she know?!

Then I remember... that I want to trade coins from Perius Kingdom...

T-That is a mistake...

I should trade my money first...

Then I can see Ed feeling cold...

I return the clothes to him...

"B-But you?" Ed asked...

"D-Don't worry about me... I am used to it now!" I said while my teeth are trembling...

Then she laughed at me...

"But we really need to go..." I said to her...

"Why?" she asked me...

"There is a friend of mine waiting outside..." I said...

"So, you are really a spy?" she asked me with her crossing hand...

"N-No... we are actually, here for a mission..." I said...

"Scouting mission?" She asked me...

"N-No! We are looking for someone here..." Ed said...

She then looked at Ed...

And she pinched his cheeks...

"Fine... I accept that for now..." she said...

It seems that she is attracted to Ed...

"Do you have any idea for us to leave the town?" I asked her...

"I know... but I won't tell you..." she said...

"W-Why?" Ed asked...

He looks a bit mad...

"Because I want to spend my night with you!" the girl said while pointing at Ed...

Then she laughed...

It seems that she is a bit insane...

She then drinks her alcohol...

"Fine... I will leave this place, whether I have to kill you or not..." Ed said to her...

Now, Ed is scary...

But she ignores Ed...

And after several minutes... she put her drinks and asked...

"Just who is this person? That you want to meet?" she asked Ed...

"My brother..." Ed said...

She then looked at Ed seriously...

"Is he looked like you?" she asked Ed...

But Ed looked at her with confusion...

"Yes... they are looked alike..." I said...

And now she is on fire, and about to leave us...

"W-Where are you going?" I asked...

"To save that boy's brother..." she said...

T-That is fast...

"He is on the beach... with a horse... big horse..." Ed explained

"Fine..." she said and left...

That is weird...

I believe Nico will have a hard time...

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