《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 32 - Second


A week has passed... and we find no trouble on our journey

We always take a rest for an hour every morning, where we cook our food and also a short time of training to keep our body fit.

Ed is getting better, his swordsmanship almost surpasses me. I should be an Expert Tier Swordman now, so I think, Ed is in a higher level of Expert Tier... Maybe he is about to the Master Tier

This is the seventh day after our journey, and in this early morning... I continue my training with Ed

And it is my win... In total, I win 4 out of 7.

Oh, and yes, we are practicing together since the beginning, while Erin train with Euclio with her Dark Elemental Fighting.

And that is scary, since it is very powerful, this Dark Attributes... and I believe that even Rin will lose against Erin... Euclio has been really careful when he trains with Erin.

Dark Elemental Fighter, not only that it can absorb everything, but it can reflect as well... when Euclio hit Erin's sword really hard... in an instance, Euclio was thrown away...

Ed and I are in no level to that...

I am wondering, why does Erin show her skill to us now... but not from the very beginning, its like she has been hiding it forever, but now she show it for no reason.

And I should admit it, that she is strong... really strong... maybe the strongest... I wonder if Rueger can even defeat her...

"Today, we will arrive in Maxim... I hope we did not miscalculate..." Euclio said on the carriage, he always stay on the second floor of the carriage, since he has landsick, what a weird sickness...

"Should we visit Persey and Julian Nexum first?" Ed suggested...

Euclio give a thought...

While Erin looked impassion...

"Yeah, I guess they will need some times to prepare the fleet as well... and also, we should show the letter that King Ethen has given to us, to Julian Nexum... since he will be the one that will prepare us the fleet..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

"There!" Erin point out to a wall...

It's a common building... a wall that we protected...

It is clean already...

We have our PAQ Alliance flag waving...

When they see our flag, they immediately opened the gate.

This is actually a small city... but they have a strong warrior, the city of swordsmanship...

Maxim Style is well-known in this city...

When we pass the gate, I could see a lot of dojo already...

I see people practicing swordsmanship, this noon...

That is an unusual view for a town

Usually, we sees market, crowds, restaurants, but this is a training field where soldier, adventurer, and even citizen trains together...

Wow... they are great...

All left and right, are the view of people training hard in this morning...

"N-No wonder they can hold Klorze's House for days..." Euclio said...

And, we left the fields... the field where people trained, it has good images when you entered the city... since next is the town, which is quite normal...

When we arrive at the town... people looked at us...

"T-That is a big horse..."

"No! That is a Pegasus!"


And people started to whispering... until someone block our way...

June immediately stopped...

And Euclio almost fall to the ground from the second floor...

"Hey! You! Yes you!" the man with big body posture pointed at me...

"What?" I asked...

"Let's duel! If I win, I take your horse!" the man said...


And around them, they shout a battlecry...

Do they realize who am I? Not to be arrogant... but they should have seen our flag... it's like the flag that representing the three kingdoms...

"We have no time for this..." Euclio said...

"Yes we don't..." Erin said and she jump out from the second floor of the carriage to the ground... and she create a small crater on the floor...

Everyone around us become quite...

"H-Hey! S-She looks strong!"

"How can the floor crack when a tiny girl just jumped from a second floor?"

"She looks dangerous!"

The man that challenged me looks worry now...

"I-I challenge you boy... not her! Are you afraid boy?" the man said...

He looks... a bit desperate....

But the crowd helps the man...

"Yeah! That is true!"

"Come down and fight!"

"That is a coward!"

Huh... I guess all cities are the same... at the beginning...

The crowd now become louder...

Euclio then says...

"You see, he is our leader... you will be dead in a second..."

Hearing that, they become silent...

But then, all of them burst their laugh...

"T-That boy? He can't be!"

"W-Wait... I think I know him..."

"Hmmm a red eye boy... I think I heard it somewhere..."

"Ah, he just a normal boy..."

I take my staff behind my back...

And jump down to the floor...

The crowd become loud again...

"Fight for the horse!!"

"Show how strong Maxim people are!"

Ugh, they have a high pride... they will fall eventually...

"Can we go without the rules?" I asked...

And everyone looked confuse... also the man...

"What do you mean?" the man asked...

"What rules?" the other asked...

"The no killing one... let's erase that..." I said with a smile...

Now I feel everyone looked afraid...

'Create Elements'

And five shining spherical circle show up behind my back... Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and Brown...

When they look at me...

"T-That is Nicolas Maxwell!"

"You are a dead man!"

"He win against Lerrich Ezate, a Master Tier in a shot..."

"N-Nicolas Maxwell! The strongest person in human continent!"

"Hey! He is the Hero of our town! Everyone should pay him respect!"

The people suddenly give me a bow...

Literally everyone...

Just what has happened...

The man I was about to duel did the same thing...

He changes his mind really quick, but then he raise up...

"I am sorry for not noticing you Nicolas-sama..." the man said... he looks downward...

"Fine, we are in hurry... Let's go Nico!" Euclio called me, seems like Euclio is avoiding more trouble...

I nodded and jumped up high using my wind... looks a bit like flying... which make people amazed...

Then I deactivate my magic...

Before we started to move, there are a convoy of soldiers come... when they arrive in front of us, they stopped... a soldier moved forward and say...

"Nicolas-sama... Euclio-sama... all of you are invited by Julian-sama to his mansion... please kindly accept it..." the soldier said

"Thanks... and we gratefully accept it..." Euclio said...

And we are directly guarded by the soldiers...

"Oh! And can you prepare the royal fleet?" I said and give the letter to the soldier that talked to us...

He looked surprised seeing a letter with Horse Emblem, which mean it comes from House Perius... and he took the letter...

He looks like a soldier with high rank, since he talks really clearly... also, he has different kind of armor, compared to the other soldiers that is currently guarding us...


He opens the letter and read it thoroughly...

While we are moving toward the mansion, he read the letter on his horse...

Then he return the letter to me...

"We will prepare the fleet at once... please wait in the mansion while we are preparing it..." the soldier said... and I nodded...

He gives me a bow and left...

Then I sit between Ed and Euclio...

"Wow, he looks like a trustworthy guy..." I said

He is indeed looked like a guy I can trust... and he works really fast...

But Euclio and Ed just laughs...

"W-What?" I asked them

"Nothing!" both of them in unison... while smiling!

T-That smile! Is wicked!

"Hey, where is Erin?" I asked...

"She is downstairs... preparing her stuff..." Ed said...

I nodded...

And after several minutes, I can see a mansion...

Not as beauty as our mansion, also Fredrich's mansion...

I even misjudged this place as an adventure guild...

The three of us get down to the first floor of the carriage, and meet Erin...

She looks a bit... impatient...

I wonder what is on her thought...

When I looked into it, the mansion looks like a dojo instead a guild...

The soldiers opened the door for us to leave the carriage, and let us down... Erin left the carriage first, then Ed, Euclio and finally me...

Then we see a familiar face...

"Nicolas-dono! Euclio-dono! Welcome to Maxim! I never thought of your coming today..." Julian said...

"Julian-dono... sorry for not telling you, we are in a hurry..." I said

"How about a meal with me? Do you have the time?" Julian asked...

"There is always a time for meal..." I said in a friendly way...

And he laughed...

He lead the way and we enter the mansion...

It is not a big mansion, but this mansion give me an old mansion vibe...

Everything, from the wall and the floor, is made of wood...

When we enter the dining room, we see another familiar face...

He was sitting on the chair in the dining table...

"Persey!" I called his name...

"Nicolas-dono! We've been waiting for you!" Persey said while standing up...

He come toward us and hug the three of us... without Erin, since Erin don't know him well

He sure has a really big body...

Julian then seated us...

We sit and the foods are immediately served...

It is a soup... with brown color...

Very classic... but when I taste it...

"W-Wow...." Ed said in surprised after tasting it...

It tasted really good, and satisfying... also warm...

Even Euclio has finished a bowl...

Julian and Persey laughed already...

While Euclio asking for another round of food... I take the letter from my pocket...

And I give it to Julian...

He looked at the seal, and it is the seal of Perius House... but it is opened already...

He read the letter with Persey...

After he finished reading...

"So... you need the royal fleet?" Julian asked...

I nodded...

"But we have asked one of your soldiers to prepare it for us..." I said

And Julian nodded...

"I see, then, it should be done in an hour or two..." Julian said

I nodded...

"So..." Persey suddenly talks...

We all looked at Persey, except Euclio... he focused on eating too much...

"You found something?" Persey asked me...

And I nodded...

Then I begin to explain about Tousan's whereabout, and we receive it from Saltvein's Adventure Guild... also, about we meet the king on our way here, so he gave us the letter...

"I see..." Julian said...

"Saltvein?" Persey asked me...

And I nodded...

"What's wrong with that?" I asked...

"Watch out with the weather there..." Persey reminded us... but we knows already...

"Yeah, we have given a thought about that..." I said

"And King Leo..." Persey said...

We all looked toward him...

Especially Erin, she looks like about to jump to Persey... even Persey looks a bit worried...

"What about him?" I asked...

"He is an old friend of mine..." Persey said...

Now all of us looked at him in surprised...

We all always thought that King Leo is a bad person... for doing annihilation...

"H-How can you know him?" I asked...

"Oh! You see, I was taught by him to fight... he was my teacher back there when I was a child..." Persey explained...

Now everyone looked confused...

"But, he killed my entire tribe!" Erin said emotionally...

The atmosphere now become really dark...

Erin is about to go on a rage...

"Calm down Er-" Ed tried to calm Erin down but...

"He is going to die in my hand..." Erin said...

But then Persey looked downward

"You will not be able to kill him... He is strong..." Persey said in a sad way

"And I am stronger" Erin said to Persey...

Now everyone in the room looked surprised with Erin's statement...

But Persey laughed...

"You sure have found an interesting friend here... Nicolas..." Persey said

"But she is really strong! She is in the same level as Euclio..." I explained

Now Persey looked surprised...

"Let's find out about it later..." Euclio said after staring at Erin...

When I looked at Erin, she looks like she is in rage... she could go rampage anytime....

"Y-Yeah, Let's focus on the mission first, to save Dad..." I said and everyone nodded...

Except Erin, but she calmed down a bit.

"How about me joining you guys..." Persey suggested...

Now all eyes are on him... I think he help us more already, I guess we can't trouble him further...

Also, I am afraid of him making trouble with Erin...

Euclio and Ed's eyes are on me, waiting me for answer...

"That's okay, the four of us is enough already...." I said


"I guess that's fine..." Erin said and cut my words...

Now everyone's eyes are on her...

"We can see together how your teacher has changed..." Erin continues... but Persey smiled...

"Okay, I will prepare my armor and clothes..." Persey said and stand up to leave the room... after he close the door of the room...

The room become quite...

"Even he hasn't got my permission yet..." Julian said...

But I laughed...

That is true! Even Persey do what he wants to do...

"Is it really okay?" Ed asked Julian worriedly...

"Of course! I can't stop him anyway..." Julian said...

Then a soldier come,

He come closer and talk to Julian whisperingly...

Julian nodded while hearing what the soldier said and after that the soldier left us...

"So, the fleet is ready... also, we give you a year of supplies in the ship and also soldiers to escort all of you..." Julian said to us...

That's fast!

"That's fast..." Julian said...

Even he looked surprised...

I believe it is the work of that man, the soldier that we showed the letter to...

"You should give a promotion to that soldier..." Euclio said...

"But who?" Julian asked...

"Number 81" Ed said

Now everyone looked at Ed...

Is there even number on their armor, since I don't see anything...

"I see, I will ensure he got something for this..." Julian said and everyone nodded...

After we finish our meal, we say our farewell... the food is great... and also the service... We waited in the lobby for June, and when she arrives we enter June so that we can go to the port... And Persey? He said that he will join us in the port

We say our farewell to Julian Nexum, then we go for the port... while we are on our way, people give a bow to us... a very contrast treatment compared to when we just arrived here...

After minutes of travelling, we finally can see the ocean...

"Ocean..." Ed said...

"Yeah, we will be travelling for months after this..." I said to Ed...

We have discussed this on our way to Maxim, about our next destination... it is Neku...

Neku is a city in Southern Beastman Kingdom, and it will be a city with cold climate as well... and we plan to buy clothes there... also, there are no snow there, so it will be less cold compare to Saltvein...

Neku is currently under control by a cat-tribe... Neko the Cat is the current governor, when I heard the name, I can't stop laughing for a little while...

Our prediction, is that we will found Tousan in Neku, the nearest city to Saltvein... If he isn't there, we will immediately leave message in the adventure guild, then we will head toward Bazo

Bazo is the second nearest city in Southern Beastman Kingdom... and I believe, the biggest city in the Kingdom... since Leo the Lion rules there...

But I really hope that Tousan won't be that far... and Euclio believe so...

The routes from Saltvein toward Bazo or Neku is complicated... and harsh... Tousan must pass through mountains and valleys in snows...

The breeze is really cold that you might feel like needles piercing through your face...

That's what Erin said...

Hearing Erin's explanation, we are avoiding Saltvein as possible as we can...

We arrived in the port in no time and we see the soldier... the kind soldier that greeted us earlier...

"We have prepared the supplies, food, water for a year journey... please stay safe..." the soldier said...

"What's your name?" I asked... since I want to remember his name...

He looked at me in surprised... but then he took off his helmet and I face a man...

He has a white hair... that is weird...

I never seen someone in this world with white hair...

"My name is Aldwin..." The man with white hair said...

June looks worried... also Erin... both of them looks like on guard...

June is jumping around, and she was about to kick Aldwin...

While Euclio, Ed and I don't feel anything, but now we are on guard since I feel a bit worried with both June and Erin's reaction...

Aldwin put his helmet on his head again... and June become calm again... just what is happening...

I didn't feel anything...

"It is nice to meet you, now I will have to leave all of you, there will be a lot of things to do..." Aldwin said...

"S-Sure... good luck..." I said with a bit nervous...

He gave us a bow and left...

"That is weird... what's with you?" I asked Erin...

Erin looks a bit worried...

"I-I don't know... but I feel a bit afraid toward him... it's like the vibe when I face your mother..." Erin said...

"Okasan?" I asked back and she nodded...

That is weird...

"I think there is something wrong about him..." Erin said...

"But for now, there is nothing we can do..." Euclio said...

Yes, there is no proof either... we should focus on the mission...

"Let's let it be for now..." I said...

We enter the gigantic ship... there are a lot of free space here... also, a place for us to train on the deck...

The ship is equipped with canons on both left and right side... so it is well defensed... and also, it has a lot of rooms... even hundreds! Just how big is th-

"Excuse me Nicolas-sama... this is the corridor for the soldiers... the guess rooms are on the third floor..." A soldier said...

T-Third floor? Just how tall is this ship...

The soldier has Horse emblem on his armor... so, they come from the Perius House...

King Ethen deploy his troops to his fleet...

"We will be accompanying you for your journey" the soldier said... while we are directed to our own room...

"And we will be expecting a lot from you..." Euclio said...

The soldier then looks very proud... after we walk and talk for several minutes, we finally arrives at the third floor...

"There are eight rooms... please find your own room..." The soldier said...

I nodded...

"Thank you for helping..." I said and the soldier give us a bow...

The soldier left and we find our own room...

"W-What are you doing?!" I shout after I opened a door into one of the room...

All I see is Persey drinking his alcohol while sleeping on the bed...

"Ahh, so you finally arrive!" Persey said...

"H-Hey! Have you prepared your things?" I asked...

"Of course!" Persey said while looking at his broadsword

O-Only that big sword?!

Ed comes to the room...

"Persey!" Ed greeted him...

"Hey Ed! The ship is great! Thanks for having me!" Persey said

And Ed nodded...

"It's been a while since I come to this ship again... I even forgot about the room... this place is too big..." Ed said

It's been a while?

Oh! He was working for Perius House! As Ethan's bodyguard... so maybe he follows Ethan on a journey for meetings or conferences

"Have you explore the entire ship?" I asked Ed...

And Ed nodded...

"Yes, I have to know everything inside the ship to make sure the royal family safe..." Ed said

I-I should have not underestimate him....

He is indeed doing his job really well...

"Hey! Nico! This is our room!" Euclio shouted from the other room...

And I left Ed with Persey

I enter the room where I heard Euclio's voice... and...

The room has the same design as Persey's room... a king size bed and a bathroom, also a view to the ocean...

"Okay... this is nice..." I said

June is guided to a room, she has her own place...

"Hey... about the soldier we met..." Euclio suddenly said...

He is sitting on the sofa which is facing to the fireplace

I come toward him and sit on the other sofa...

"You mean Aldwin?" I asked and he nodded

"I think someone ever told me a story about a white-haired man..." Euclio said...

"You mean like old people of human race?" I asked... since only human race that change hair color to white when they are growing older...

"No... I mean he looks young, but white hair..." Euclio explained...

"Like Aldwin?" I asked

Aldwin looks like a young man... maybe in his twenties...

"He is a dangerous existence..." Euclio suddenly looks like remembering something...

After several second

He stood up from his seat...

"W-We should stop him!" Euclio suddenly said in surprise...

"W-What do you mean?!" I asked in surprised...

"His name... is not Aldwin!" Euclio said...

And suddenly I feel the ship is shaking... then an explosion...


Not from the ship...

"What's that?" I asked...

I left the room to the corridor, and meet Persey, Ed and Erin...

"Did you guys hear that?" Persey asked...

Everyone nodded...

"Something is not right..." Euclio said...

All of us walking faster and leave the corridor to the deck...

From the deck, we can see the city...

"There!" Ed said while pointing out his finger...

He is pointing at the mansion...

"Julian-sama!" Persey shouted

In an instant Persey jump from the deck to the harbor... but then, we meet him... and stand on Persey way...

The four of us follow Persey...

"Aldwin, what happened?" I asked Aldwin...

"Don't worry, it is only an explosion from the kitchen... nothing to be afraid of..." Aldwin said...

But Persey looked at Aldwin suspiciously...

Persey was about to take his weapon from his back but...

Euclio hold his hand...

"W-We will be leaving... please check the storage, I am afraid there will be some kind of robbery..." Euclio said...

"Storage? But the explosion is in the mansion..." Aldwin said in confuse...

Euclio looked afraid...

I can see he is sweating...

Seeing Euclio, everyone looks worried...

"Oh, that is just my feeling, and my feeling is usually right... can you do that for me?" Euclio said again...

It seems that Aldwin thinking about it...

"Fine... I will be heading to that place at once..." Aldwin said and left...

But before he left...

"A-Aldwin... where is your weapon?" Euclio asked...

When I looked around his armor, I can't find any weapon as well...

But then he took it from his back... and he shows Euclio a longsword...

H-How can he took a weapon that long from his back... It is like 3 meters long....

Euclio looked more nervous... and afraid...

But then he put back his longsword... and left

After he left... Euclio could breathe...

"J-Just who is he?" I asked...

But he has no time to answer but talk to Persey...

"Persey!" Euclio said while facing him with serious face...

"W-What is it?" Persey answered nervously...

"You should bring Julian away! Bring him to Auxem or Sera!" Euclio said...

"What is wrong with you? Tell me your reason!" Persey said...

"He is not Aldwin!" Euclio said...

Now everyone looked at Euclio in confusion...

"What do you mean?" I asked...

"White hair... and longsword! He is Alduir!" Euclio said nervously...


Who is he? I think I know that name...

Persey in an instant run toward the mansion...

"Leave it to me! You guys need to go now!" Persey said while leaving us...

"Alduir! The second?!" Ed asked...

"W-We should leave to!" Erin suggested...

Erin, Ed and Euclio immediately jump to the ship...

"Set Sail!" Euclio shouted and the soldiers begin to shout to each other, telling the other to set sail...

"Set Sail!" one soldier,

"Set Sail!" to the other soldier on other ship...

Everyone is preparing to sail...

"Nico... what are you doing?" Erin asked me...

While I am still spacing out in the harbor...

"H-How about Persey and Julian, are they going to be okay? Should we wait for them?" I asked...

"No! I told them to leave already, so they are going to be okay..." Euclio told me...

"B-But how about Alduir? He can attack them in anytime..." I said

"I told him to check the storage... so it will give Persey some time..." Euclio explained...

I-Is he really going to the storage?!

I looked at Euclio and he nodded... asking me to trust him...

And I do trust him...

The ship begins to move... and I jump immediately...

I look at my surroundings, and see other tens of ships sailing with us... for protection...

They have smaller size compare to the main ship, which is our ship...

But when we are just about to go...

"The storage is clear!" I heard a voice...

And it is behind me...

Everyone looked at my back... and everyone looks panicking...

"W-What are you doing here?" Ed asked...

While I turn my body slowly...

"Stop the ship!" Euclio shouted... and the soldiers begin to shout to each other...

The ships around us is not moving now... and so does ours...

"Hmm... I am here to report you about the storage condition..."

I looked at him... and I can clearly see his face...

A white haired person...with his longsword on his hand...

"I see, thank you for your help... it seems that my suspicion is not right..." Euclio said to Aldwin...

Aldwin is smiling...

"Okay, that is not a problem... the problem is why are you sweating Nicolas-sama?" Aldwin asked me...

D-Did I?!

I am doom...

"He has sea sick!..." Euclio said...

Euclio is good in talking...

"Yeah... sorry..." I said to Aldwin...

Why do I apologize for...

"Okay! No problem, should I accompany you for your journey?" Aldwin asked...

"No!" the four of us said immediately in unison....

"F-Fine..." Aldwin said and he jumped from the ship... which is about 20 meters from the harbor...

T-That is insane!

I looked at him on the harbor and he waved his hand toward me...

But I accidentally waved my hand back... and he looks happy...

That is creepy...

When I looked back... everyone is on the floor... they all looked speechless...

"Set Sail!" I shouted, and again the soldiers are shouting to each other, from ship to ship and now we are moving

I then sit next to Euclio...

"I hope we won't meet him again..." Euclio said...

"Yes, but why are you so scared with him?" I asked

He looks like a good person to be honest

"So..." Euclio begin his explanation... but...

"How about we talk about him in the library or the meeting room..." Ed suggested...

Everyone stood up...

Ed is now guiding us toward the library, since the meeting room is too formal...

I never expect, that a ship has its own library... but this is the royal fleet after all, and also the biggest ship I ever see... even compared to my own cruise in the old world... that was nothing...

We arrived on the lobby, and we move to the fourth floor, which is the highest floor in the ship... and I found a big library, a two floored library, with a round table in the middle of the room and four chairs... fit for us...

I sit on a chair, and also Euclio...

While Erin said that she need a rest... so she head to her room...

Ed is taking some of the books to be read later...

"So, second, or Alduir is a man with no purpose..." Euclio said...

"No purpose?" I asked...

Euclio nodded...

"Yes, since the Great War 1, he choose no side... and he loves traveling" Euclio explained...

Great War 1?!

"W-Wait... just how old is he?!" I asked...

"Great war 1?!" I asked again...

Euclio nodded...

"He is one of the famous God Race... but he got the worst reputation... the Kingslayer..." Euclio explained...

"King Slayer?" I asked

"Yes, he killed tens of kings already... after the history of the three kingdoms... Alduir try to kill every of the heir of each houses... that is why he is one of our enemy..." Euclio explained...

"H-He only kill kings right?" I asked to calm myself... since I am not a king or a child of a king...

"Hmm... I guess he only kill Kings... so you are going to be safe..." Euclio said...

And I let a sigh...

"Nope..." Ed suddenly come behind me with a lot of books...

When he is in front of the table, he dropped all of the books he carried...

"What do you mean?" I asked Ed about his statement...

"There is one more thing that has been Alduir's objective these past hundreds of years..." Ed explained...

Now I gulped...

"What is it?" I asked...

"To destroy House Maxwell..." Ed said with serious face...

Really? Is he trying to make me afraid? I mean why Maxwell...

Ed sure has his own taste of joke...

"HAHAHAHAHA" I laughed really hard... I never thought that Ed could make a joke...

While Ed and Euclio looked at each other...

After I laughed, I said...

"That is the best joke you ever told..." I said to Ed...

And he looked confuse...

"That is not a joke..." Ed said...

"B-But why?! Someone as dangerous as him, aiming for our House?" I asked now with worried face...

"Hey Nicolas... don't you remember the story about the three ancient kingdoms?" Euclio asked...

And I nodded...

"What are their houses?" Ed asked...

"Euron, Aerios and..." I answered...

"Maxwell..." I continue...

"Euron has gone... and Aerios were attacked a lot... while Maxwell..." Ed explained...

"There is no one in the history of Maxwell, we're killed by Alduir... no one..." Ed explained...

Now I am amazed with Ed's words... also Euclio...

B-But... what if I am the history breaker...

I am the worst!

"Our ancestors always beat Alduir... Maxim Maxwell fought him multiple of time and won... that is what I know..." Ed explained...

"W-Wow... that is cool..." Euclio said in amazement... but I am doubting myself...

"He is a God Tier in Sword and Spear wielding... compared to me... I am nothing..." I said...

Euclio and Ed looked at me speechlessly... but I am hopeless compared to my ancestors...

"Are you crazy?!" Ed asked...

"Heh?" now I am looked like an idiot...

"You saved Sera from the invisible armies!" Ed said...

"You saved Maxim in the battle of against House Klorze..." Euclio said...

"You saved Epius in the battle against the undead..." Ed said

T-That is true... but...

"T-That is because I have all of you guys... the credit is not all for me..." I said

"Yeah but you did the most..." Ed said...

"Also, we saved Haven and Mera Sect..." Euclio added...

"You save Staviel Kingdom from war against Gavenhallen Kingdom..." Ed added...

"You created the PAQ Alliances..." Euclio added...

"H-Hey it is we, not me..." I remembered them...

"Yeah, and WE will be fighting against Alduir together as well..." Ed said...

E-Ed... he is such a cool person

"Don't worry, we will be sticking with you a lot..." Euclio said with a smile...

Both of them really knows how to motivate me...

"I know..." I said...

"Let's take a rest..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

There are a lot of things to be thought...

Also, Persey and Julian, I hope both of them are safe...

"I will catch with you guys later, maybe after a book..." Ed said...

"Hmmm okay, make sure to take a rest..." I said and Ed nodded...

"I will wake you up when it is dinner time..." Ed said

"Okay..." Euclio said and both of us left...

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