《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 31 - News!


Without noticing, it is already the day for our tournament... and we are currently riding June...

"Hey! Nico... don't panic..." Lisa said to calm me down...

"W-What?! Am I?" I asked and my voice is a bit trembling

"It's not that I am underestimating them... it's just I know my own capabilities..."Rick said imitating me...

And everyone laughed...

Euclio looked at me and he laughed the loudest...

"Are you sure you okay?" Ed asked me worriedly...

"I-I am...why do you guys think I am panicking?" I asked...

"You are sweating..." Lisa said...

"You are shaking" Rick said...

"Your voice is also trembling..." Rin joined...

"R-Really? I don't feel anything different" I said

After saying that, June stop advancing...

"W-We are here already?!" I asked with my trembling voice and now they laughed even louder...

A soldier come toward us and open the door for us...

"Please..." the soldier said... and he let us out...

When we left the carriage... the applauses of from the crowd is really loud...

"They are here!"

"The Diamond Rank Party!"

"Nicolas and Ed! The Hero of Sera!"

"The challenger will have no chance to win..."

I hear such words from the crowd...

Hero of Sera? I just sleep while Ed do the rest

We all directed to the special place... where we can see the circle...

There are nine chairs for all of us...

Yesterday... Rick and Ethan's group decided to merge... and now... here they are, become part of us now... they stayed with us starting from yesterday, and I don't have any problem...

After all of us seated... I can see Fredrich there... in the middle of the circle... using Lerrich's spear... and a black armor...

Seeing him reminding me of Lerrich...

Everyone in the arena become really quite...

No one talks but watch Fredrich...

Then... I can see another person enter the circle...

It is Kasius!

He then stand in front of Fredrich...

"From this day... Fredrich Ezate will be our new lord! Give a bow to your new lord!" Kasius said and he bowed...

Everyone in the arena bowed to him...

I am proud of him already...

Only Ethan, Euclio and I didn't bow... since our position is higher than him...

Apparently, I am still the archduke of Perius Kingdom... since Nate don't want to take the title... but he still do my work, poor Nate...

After they done with the bowing... Fredrich announce...

"Yesterday is a grief... but today is a new day... everyone! Enjoy the tournament!" Fredrich said...

And the crowds become loud again...

Fredrich wave his hand toward me... and I waved back...

He move away from the circle with Kasius... and sit on a special chair and guarded by five new Knights of Sera...

Then, I can see someone who will act as the judge, come inside the circle...

I also see our opponents sitting on the opposite side of the arena... it is too far, so I can't see them...

"I am Oriel... the South Guild new Guildmaster..." Oriel said...

Everyone look at her... and they start to compare her with Petra...

"Petra-chan is much prettier"

"I like Petra-chan more"

That is mean... but she ignores all of them...

"Let's call the Diamond Rank Party... Nicolas, Euclio, Erin, and Rin!" she shouted...

And the crowd ignore the previous talks and now shout and give us praises...

Then we stand up from our chair and head toward the circle, which is the arena...

"Good luck..." Ed said...

"Win the fight!" Ethan said...


"Hey! Fight with all of you got!" Rick said...

Lisa just smiled at us...

The four of us nodded while walking toward the circle...

When we arrived at the circle... we stand in front of Oriel...

Then she face back to the audience...

"And the challenger team! The Platinum Rank! Navael! Kiel! Hayyel! Olive! And Emily!" Oriel shouted...

I am surprised when I hear one of the name

And the crowds become loud once again... it is really loud until I forgot what I am surprised about...

Oh it is Navael!

I look at Euclio... and he looked back at me...

Then we direct our eyes on the opponents... they are walking toward here...

I see a familiar elven race... the elven race with white hair... and green eyes... since he uses no helmet... but he uses heavy armor... and a spear on his hand...

"Navael!" Euclio and I shouted in unison...

And Navael waved his hand to us while walking to us...

Then their party stood in front of us...

"It's been a long time..." I said... and Navael nodded...

"I miss the old duel... but this time, we will defeat you!" Navael said...

"Oh really? I have been growing as well lately..." I said to Navael...

And he looks friendly as always...

But then...

The atmosphere become heavy....

"I am sorry about your dad..." Navael said while his face looks really sad...


"He is alive... don't worry..." I said to Navael with certainty

Then Navael looked at me seriously...

And I nodded... means that I am serious about that...

"Then! I will show it to Clement-sama! That I can beat his son!" Navael said

A fan boy...

"Fine! Let's do this..." I said

Both of us looked at Oriel... and she nodded...

"Both team, move back a bit..." Oriel said and we moved back... and as well their team...

We are now twenty meters away...

The crowds are really loud...

After Oriel leave the circle...

"The battle will start in 5....4....3....2...1... now!" Oriel said

'Create Elements'

Five floating spherical circle appeared...

"BARRIER MAGIC" I said it... and a dark blue magic barrier appeared in front of us...

I can cast magic through them freely... and she won't be able to nullify my magic as long as the barrier stands...

While I give a thought, an arrow is coming to my direction in high speed...

But then Eria deflect it for me...

"Rin now!" Euclio said and Rin punches the air...

All of us are currently hiding behind the barrier magic...

When Rin punches the air... a wall stood in front of them...

They use [WALL] to protect themselves from Rin's attack...

Then Rin and Euclio moved forward...

Euclio unsheathed his sword while running...

"Keep punching! The enemy will not notice us coming closer to them!" Euclio said to Rin

Rin punches the air while running... to make the enemy thinks we are still far away...

But when they are pretty close... I decided to bring down the wall...

When they realize that the [WALL] is descending... A man stood up against Euclio...

And I can see his weapon glowing brown...

T-That is the elemental fighter!

He uses earth magic, which is the counter of water magic...

Water > Fire > Wind > Earth > Water and keeps repeating...

The man is a swordsman... and I believe he won't be as strong as Euclio...

While both of them fighting, Navael was about to help the swordsman...

If it was two vs one, it will be hard... even for Euclio


But I decided to create a wall in front of Navael...


And a wall created...

Rin is fighting with the Nullifier...

Somehow the Nullifier knows how to fight...

Until the Mage pushed back Rin...using wind magic...

I created a wall in front of Rin...

Then I created a big bang... exactly in front the four of them...


And they all blinded...

It is an easy way to disable the enemy...

Euclio and the other guy is fighting behind the wall... so they aren't affected at all by the [FLASHBANG] and so does Rin...

After two seconds... Rin jump out of the wall and pushed them with the air pressure he created by his punches...

But they protect themselves with [PRISON]

Ughh earth magic is annoying...

"Hey Nico! Use your staff!" Erin reminded me...

W-Wait... I just realize that I have a staff!

I immediately take my staff behind my back...


I descend their wall they use to protect themselves...

And within a second... the wall descend!

That is fast!

Even I am surprised...

Rin is trying to push the four but Navael is close enough to Rin so both of them are now fighting in close combat...

And without realizing... Euclio has defeated the elemental fighter...

Euclio swordsmanship level is just... too high...

And so does Rin...

He immediately take advantage with the close combat...

Navael was formidable... during our fight back there in school... but with Rin on our side... we have more power...

Rin punches Navael's shield and Navael was knocked back really far... that he almost out of the line...

And again... an arrow without my awareness was shot...

But again, it was deflected by Erin...

Without Erin, I have been dead twice already...

It's only the four of them...

Rin and Euclio looked at me... and I understand...

I decided to use my ultimate skill to stop them in one shot...

The blue and brown spherical light shines brightly...

Noticing me preparing my Fusion Magic... they all looked scared...


I never use my Fusion Magic while holding my staff...

My staff could amplify the effect up to hundred times...

So I put back my staff and proceed with the plan...

"Fusion Magic... Wood Magic!" I said and the wood are created from the combination of the two...

And the wood strike toward them...

The mage created a wall... trying to protect themselves from the strike of my wood magic...

But still, the wood attack breaks the earth wall...

The wood attack and hit Navael...

And it spread and also hit the other three...

While Euclio and Rin moved back and return to us...

And then, it is all done!

"Stop..." Oriel announced...

"The winner is the Diamond Rank Party!" Oriel announced and the whole audience become really busy...

I am not saying that it is easy... but without my Wood Magic... it will probably takes 10x more effort...

I then undo my magic...

We can see that the mage's hand is tied with the branches... the Nullifier's feet is tied with the branches... also the archer's both hand and feet were tied...

While Navael... he become one with the tree... I can only see his face...

After I undo my magic... I come closer toward Navael...

And help him stand...

"Last time I was disabled by earth magic... now wood?" he asked me

And I laughed...

When he stand up... I asked him...

"What are you doing here?" I asked...

"Hmmm me and my party are a moving party..." Navael said...

"Moving Party?" I asked...

"Yes... where we move from city to city... to find the most fit one... and when we did pretty good... as an adventure, so when we heard about a Diamond Party in Sera... we are really interested to challenge you... and I never thought that it will be you and Euclio..." Navael explained while we are walking toward the bench...

When we arrived at our bench... Euclio, Ed and Ethan come closer...

They greeted Navael and Navael greet them back...

We talks a few minutes until the announcement...

The announcement is about the closing...

The audiences looked a bit disappointed with only one matches...

Usually, Lerrich open the battle for anyone...

When the crowd is started to leave...

"Then... we will be leaving the city as well!" Navael said...

"R-Really? That fast?!" Euclio said

"We will keep moving! See you next time!" Navael said and he left with his party...

After Navael left... Fredrich come toward me...

He is guarded by five KoS (Knight of Sera)

"You know him?" Fredrich asked...

"Yeah, he was one of the student in Auxem School..." I said

Fredrich don't know him since Navael graduated already before Fredrich enter the school...

"I see... oh before I forgot..." Fredrich then take a letter out from his pocket...

He then gives it to me...

"This is from Nate..." Fredrich said...

I take the letter... and I open the letter...

The letter were still with it seal... so no one has read the letter...

'To Nicolas Maxwell

There have been some clues about Tousan's incident...

The researcher found something weird during our mansion renovation... they found out that there is a spherical area damaged...

The spherical damaged that we found is not the effect of swords or spear or even bow damage... as well as Earth, Wind, Fire, Wind, Dark, and Holy attributes...

We believe there is other kind of magic...

You can return here if you want to see the damage... but it is okay for you to continue your study... since we haven't received any information about Tousan's

I will contact you if you need something else...

From Nate Maxwell'

I read it without telling anyone... but everyone is expecting me to tell what I just read...

Spherical damage... is it a Teleportation Magic? Kasan said that she teleported them...


Before I start... a soldier come...

He then bow in front of me...

"Nicolas-sama... a letter for you..." a soldier said...

He then offer me the letter...

It has... uncommon seal...

I take it from him

Then I open the letter...

'To Nicolas Maxwell...

We are from the South Beastman Guild... and we have received the quest that is given by the Guilds...

About the lost person, Clement Maxwell...

We have some adventurer spotted him during their mission...

It seems that he is walking toward the mountain between South and North Beastman Kingdom...

That is all we got...

From South Beastman Guild...'

"N-Nico?!!" Euclio called me with worried reaction...

Without noticing... I was crying already...

"T-Tousan... We know where he is!" I said

Everyone looked at me seriously...

I then wipe my tears...

"Where?" Euclio asked me... then he took the letter from me...

He read it...

"South Beastman Kingdom..." I said

Everyone looked at me in surprised...

Especially Rin and Erin...

I then remembered their stories... about their tribe...

"Y-You shouldn't go there..." Rin said to me...

He looks terrified

But Erin said the opposite...

"We should go there..." Erin said...

Everyone now looked at both of them...

Except Euclio... he is reading the letter...

After he finish reading the letter... all of us looked at him... expecting him to give us more information...

"So... if the information is right... they might not be in South Beastman Kingdom now..." Euclio said

"What? Why?!" I asked loudly...

I am desperate already...

"First... this is a direct letter from South Beastman Kingdom Guild..." Euclio said...

"Which is?" I asked

"Which is, it takes more than a month before it can reach here..." Euclio said

Now everyone looked a bit down... but I am the worst...

"B-But... he shouldn't be that far..." I said

Then Euclio looked at me with annoyed face... He then put both of his hand to my shoulders...

"Nico... think clearly! I know that you are not this dumb! It will take a month for us as well to go to South Beastman Kingdom... Which mean, we should predict their move two months apart..." Euclio said while shaking my shoulder...

"More importantly... you should tell Nate..." Ethan said to me...

Nate!... yes, I have to tell him...

"Ethan... your party will be staying here... protect Fredrich, also protect the city..." Euclio commanded...

W-What?! Ethan is not joining us?!

I looked at Ethan... he looks a bit disappointed, but...

Ethan nodded...

"W-Wait... I will join you..." Ed interfere...

I look at Ed...

"I-It is dangerous..." I said

I don't want to lose anyone else... it is much safer to leave Ed here...

"You remember our promise?" Ed reminded...

I give a thought...

Now I can think clearly...

I promised him not to leave him...

Then I looked at his face... and Ed is serious about it...

I then remember Rin... and I direct my view toward Rin...

He looks scared... his face is worried... and his body is shaking...

Euclio looked at me... asking me to decide...

So I decided to...

"Rin... you stay here with Ethan's party... Ed, you will be coming with us..." I said

Rin and Ed didn't say a word...

Euclio nodded in agreement...

"I have no problem with that... but how about you Rin? Are you okay?" Ethan asked and worried about Rin...

"Are you sure you are going to be alright?" Rin asked me...

He looks worried as well...

"Hmmm you are strong... but we are more than enough... and also, we will go to Auxem first... and tell our plan to Nate..." I said

Yep... there is a probability that Nate could give us some reinforcement... or maybe he can join us...

"But Nate won't join us... since he must maintain Auxem..." Euclio reminded me...

That's.... true....

"I can tell Nate if you want... through a letter..." Fredrich suggested...

Euclio nodded...

Then Euclio looked at Ethan...

"Ethan, your party will be in charge of teaching the East, West and North Sera adventurer... are you okay?" Euclio asked Ethan...

Ethan nodded...

"Leave it to me..." Ethan said with proud...

Then I looked at Fredrich... is it okay for him?

He looked back at me...

"That's fine..." Fredrich said to me...

Fiuh... Fredrich is so kind...

We are currently in Seraviel... and we are still discussing our next step...

Fredrich raise his hand and call the soldiers...

"Give us table and chairs..." Fredrich commanded...

And we begin our emergency meeting... Fredrich give us a map of the entire world...

"So... if it's been two months... he has probably left North Beastman Kingdom right?" I asked

Euclio shook his head...

"You see... Beastman Continent is bigger than you thought..." Euclio said

"From the symbol of the seal... it is from the Saltvein town... the most bottom part of Beastman Continent... which is the furthest..." Euclio continues...

He pointed out his hand on the edge of the South Beastman Kingdom...

"T-That is really far..." I said

Euclio nodded...

"There might be a chance that they are still in the Southern Kingdom..." Euclio said...

"R-Really? But what takes them so long?" I asked...

Euclio then looked at Erin...

And Erin nodded...

"The weather..." Erin said...

"Weather? What do you mean?" I asked...

Ed and the other are interested as well...

"Hmmm... have you ever heard about winter?" Erin asked...



Everyone shook their head except me...

Now everyone is looking at me...

"Umm... it is cold weather and snow, right?" I asked...

And Erin nodded...

"N-Nico?! I never thought that you are smart?" Euclio asked

"Y-You don't know?" I asked back

And he shook his head...

"I just know when Erin told me before the meeting"

But then I remember... there won't be any winter under the sea...

Hmmm... but Ethan? Fredrich? Ed? They don't know?

And so does Rick and Lisa...

"The temperature won't be this warm... it is very cold... and it will be hard for Human Race..." Erin explained...

I nodded...

I then realize that the position of Saltvein is actually the lowest point in map... which is making it as the south pole...

"How about Northern Kingdom?" I asked Erin...

"Hmmm... Northern Kingdom has four seasons..." Erin explained...

F-Four?! Wow... it is like Japan!

"Seasons?" Euclio asked...

Also the other looks troubled...

"Which means, that there will be summer, winter, spring and autumn?" I asked Erin

And Erin looked surprised...

"H-How do you know that?" Erin asked...

Now everyone looked at me with curiosity...

"F-From a book..." I said

I actually never found those kind of book...

"I never see any kind of those book..." Ed said suspiciously...

I-I just remembered that he is a nerd as well!!

"Ummm... it's a special book... I read it before I even enter the school..." I said

And everyone believe...

Except one person...


He keeps staring at me...

Ugh... he knows me so well...

But then he changes the topic...

"So... what is the worst thing about winter?" Euclio asked...

"In Northern Kingdom... the season will keep changing every four months... but in Southern Kingdom... more specifically, in Saltvein... it is an eternal winter..." Erin explained...

Now I asked out of my curiosity...

"Where did you live?" I asked Erin...

She then looked at me...

"I mean, back then, when both of you are still in Beastman Continent..." I asked...

"Outside Saltvein... there is a small village..." Rin said...

His voice... is a bit trembling...

I guess I asked something bad... how stupid I am...

"N-Nevermind... what else should we know about winter?" I asked...

"Transport..." Erin explained...

"What do you mean?" Euclio asked...

I look at June...

We can use June right?

"We need to prepare clothes for cold weather..." Euclio said...

"But you can't find those things in Human Continent..." Ethan said...

That's true... we are in the tropical zone... there won't be any winter...

"H-Hey what about the transport?" I asked...

"The weather... that is one thing... also, there are no roads..." Erin explained...

That is bad...

"How long does it take to go to Saltvein from the nearest city?" Euclio asked...

"This is the nearest city..." Erin said and pointed out a city...

It is written there... Neku...

"From Neku... it takes maybe two to three months..." Erin said...

"T-That's impossible..." I said desperately...

It takes a lot of time...

"That's bad news... so, this letter... it could take..." Euclio said to Erin...

Erin nodded...

"It's maybe five months late..." Erin said...


Everyone remains silent...

Five months...

"But... the messenger is usually faster in movement compared to us... they know where they are going... " Erin said

"So... can we assume that Nico's Tousan only two to three months journey?" Euclio asked... and Erin nodded

"We should get going..." I said

Faster is better... since we don't want to lose more track...

"Okay... okay... Let's pack our things up..." Euclio said

And Ed, Erin and I nodded...

So... it's back to the four of us... like when we travel to Epius...

"Fredrich... can you tell my brother about us going to Beastman Kingdom?" I asked him

And he nodded...

"Sure... anything else?" Fredrich asked...

We are currently entering the carriage...

All of us except Fredrich... since we are going to return to our home first to prepare ourselves

"Ummm make sure not to make him really worry... tell him to wait... I am going back with Tousan..." I said with determination...

"Sure... make sure to return in one piece..." Fredrich said to me...

And I nodded...

Then the carriage started to move...

"Fredrich... see you soon! Thanks for the help!..." I shouted...

He waved his hand from far...

We are leaving Seraviel and head for our home...

After almost twenty minutes, we arrive at our house near the river...

It is dark already... but the house is in prettiest moment... when it shines alone in the dark... also the river is lighten up by the fireflies...

We will not be seeing this house for maybe a year... that is hard... I am use to sleep in my own room, but now we are going for a journey...

Wait, I haven't finish our study...

Ah I don't care about it... I just want to meet Tousan now... Sorry Santa-sensei...

When we arrived... we also spotted several soldiers guarding our house...

After June stopped in front of our house, all of us get down from the carriage, Euclio asked me to take our things, so I decided to take his belonging as well...

He seems like thinking about something

Did we missed something? I guess I leave that to Euclio...

I enter the house with Ed and Erin...

Erin goes to her own room, and so does Ed...

I return to my room as well, and take several important things like map, compass, pocket watch and some gold coins... I believe we need money every-time, everywhere...

After taking my own stuff and Euclio's... I look at the room once again, to check whether I miss something or not...

I then think, this could be a very long time before I can see this room again...

"Nico! Faster!" Euclio shouted from outside...

"Okay!" I shouted back...

Ugh, the bag feels a bit heavy... but I can't complain since June will be the one that carrying it for us...

I then leave my room and head downstairs...

"What took you so long?" Erin asked... she looks in hurry, I think she can't wait to return to beastman continent...

Also, she looks mad...

"Calm down, he is ready now... let's go" Ed said...

Erin left and Ed give me a wink...

Thanks Ed...

I left the house with Ed and join with the other... Euclio and the other is waiting for us already...

Ethan come closer to me...

"Are you ready?" Ethan asked...

I nodded...

"I will leave the house and the guild to you..." I said to Ethan...

I then pat his head, like a brother...

"Sure! You can count on me..." Ethan said happily...

"And..." Ethan continues...

"And?" I asked

"Make sure to return as fast as possible..." Eria said to me... she looks serious...

But when I look at her, she looks away....

D-Did I do something wrong?

But she looks sad...

And suddenly Euclio push me with his shoulder...

"Hey!" I said

But then he come closer to me... and say "You should tell her that we are going to be alright..." Euclio say whisperingly...

I nodded and I say what Euclio told me to say...

"We are going to be alright... and we will return in no time..." I said...

After saying that, Eria turn his face to me... she looks... worried...

But then she slap her own face...

"H-Hey!" Ethan said in panic...

"Of course you will return! If you are not returning... we will search for you till the edge of the world! So make sure not to trouble us!" Eria said energetically but with red face...

"Of course! Just wait for us!" I said and she nodded...

Not only Eria but everyone else...

After everyone said their farewell...

"Go June!" Euclio said and June neighed

The carriage is moving... and we are starting to leave the mansion...

Everyone that are staying, wave their hand on us, and so do I...

It is still in the middle of the night... since we wanted to start as soon as possible...

The breeze in this forest... is really amazing, i'm going to miss this place for quite a long time...

After several minutes, we left the forest... and now we are in the town...

Less crowded, but we can see some people here...

"Erin, Ed... go to sleep, Nico and I will take the first shift..." Euclio said...

Erin nodded, and she move downstair... while Ed looked at me first...

I nodded at him... and he move downstairs to the first floor of the carriage...

Then Euclio come closer to me...

I sit on the second floor of the carriage, still feeling the breeze hit my face...

Euclio sit down next to me...

But he didn't speak anything... but it doesn't mean that it is quite...

There are some people on the street shout our name...

"The Diamond Rank Party!"

"Where are they going this late?"

"They must be doing some special mission..."

"Hey! Its Nicolas Maxwell!"

It continues for 5 minutes... until we pass the last gate... without saying anything, the gatekeeper opened the gate for us...

Then... silence...

In front of us is a dark view... with starry sky, which is pretty...

We are now heading to the South of Perius Kingdom...

A place where we can set sail...

The place call Maxim... where Persey live...

I think I miss him already... he is one of the cool guy...

"Nico..." Euclio call my name out of the sudden...

"Hmmm? What is it?" I asked

He looked a bit serious... since he call my name in flat voice...

"Hmmm you know, since I know you, I travel a lot... and I am happy about it... thanks..." Euclio said thanking me...

"H-Huh? What's with that? You talk like you will be dead tomorrow..." I said in confusion...

He just laughed...

But also in relieved...

I thought he wanted to say a bad news...

"You see, remember during The Battle of the Undead in Epius?" Euclio asked...

"Yeah... I created a lot of walls..." I said while looking up the sky... remembering what I have done...

I have done a lot...

"Yes... that is one of the crazy adventure we got right? Travelling from Sera to Auxem to claim the city back... also we went to Maxim to help them fighting Klorze House... then..." Before Euclio finish I continue his words...

"We travel to Epius... to fight the Undead... and finally, we travel to Haven to put end on the hatred they put on me..." I said

Euclio nodded...

"And now... it will be far more than our previous journey..." Euclio said...

And that is true...

"We just need to face every problem that stand in our way..." I said

Euclio then looked at me speechlessly...

"You know, sometimes you can be wise...that's weird..." Euclio said while teasing me...

"Hey!" and I poke his head but he laughs..

June could run for a day without resting... she is a monster! But a divine one...

"So, two shifts... sleep for 6 hours each shift... and there will be break for June for 30 minutes a day..." Euclio said to me...

I nodded...

"Can you do it?" Euclio asked June while she is pulling our carriage...

She then shook her head?

"Ummm one hour?" Euclio asked again...

Then she neighed...

Ugh... June is bargaining...

But what can we do... we will be counting her a lot...

"Ah, now I remember what am I going to say..." Euclio said...

Now I look at him... he looked a bit ... curious...

"How do you know about Winter?" Euclio asked...


"I-I said it right... from the book..." I said to defend myself...

"No... that's a lie..." Euclio said

"H-How do you know that it is a lie?" I asked...

"Coz you were thinking really hard back there, when we are still in Sera... C'mon Nico... I know you already..." Euclio said...

T-This boy...

I let a sigh...

Keep calm... and think what should I say...

"So, actually... Tousan has ever told me a story about winter... a white view with cold weather... there will be this thing call snow... and it is very funny to touch... Tousan said..." I said to Euclio... without expression...

While I am explaining... Euclio keep looking at my face...

H-He want to know whether I am lying or not... That is scary...

"Hmm ... I don't understand with your face... but fine..." Euclio said...

Then suddenly June stop...

Ed and Erin is awake as well...

Then, I see what's in front of us...

A carriage... with a Perius House emblem!

It is guarded by hundreds of soldiers...

And they finally come to our direction...

The carriage is made of expensive wood... very classy...

I can't see the inside... but then the door is opened...

Then someone I knew call my name

"Nicolas!" King Ethen said

"K-King Ethen?! What are you doing here?" I asked...

"Oh... you see, I have to attempt the funeral of Lerrich Ezate..." King Ethen said with serious face...

We then feel the heavy atmosphere...

"I am sorry... I can't be there when you boys need me..." King Ethen said to me... and also to the rest of us...

"T-That's not a problem..." I said...

"Yes... you have a lot of works to do..." Ed said...

Seeing Ed, King Ethen look surprised...

"By the way, where are you guys going?" King Ethen noticing we are going to the opposite way...

"And it's still 2 AM..." King Ethen continues...

We all looked to each other...

I guess we have nothing to hide...

"We are going to find my dad..." I said

King Ethen looked at me seriously...

"You know where he is?" He asked me...

I nodded...

"In a city name Saltvein..." Euclio said...

He then look surprised...

"T-That is very far away!" King Ethen said...

But then he call one of his soldier...

"Bring me the letter..." King Ethen said...

And the soldiers nodded...

After several second, he return with a letter and Perius House emblem on the letter...

King Ethen took it from the soldier and give it to me...

"I believe you are going to Maxim... the nearest city to Beastman Continent..." King Ethen said...

We nodded...

He stretches his hand, asking me to take the letter...

I take the letter...

"That is a ship for you, one of the royal fleet... that letter has my name... so don't worry about the permission..." King Ethen said with a smile...

"T-Thank you, King Ethen..." I said while bowing... also Ed, and Erin...

While Euclio did not...

"That is the least thing I can do... you see, if you need more help, you can send a letter to Epius..." King Ethen said while he returning to his carriage...

I nodded...

King Ethen sit on his chair... and looked at us...

"I am counting on all of you..." King Ethen said...

"We will bring him back... no matter what..." I said with determination... and King Ethen just smile...

The door then close by the soldier...

"Forward!" the soldier said... and the army started to move toward Sera...

When they left, we start moving as well...

"Ed and Erin... we will continue our shift... make sure to take a nice sleep..." I said and bot of them nodded...

"June... let's go!" I say it from the first floor, and June can still hear our voice...

We are moving...

Euclio and I move upstairs... and we begin our watches

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