《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 30 - The End of Trouble


After we clear the area around us, we decided to return to the guild...

Rin and Rick mount June to the carriage... Euclio lead the campaign, as always... but I don't mind if I am lead by Euclio... I mean, he is a good leader... even more than nisan...

I feel a bit dizzy after using the spell so I decided to take a rest by laying on the floor next to Nisan...

Fiuh.., I feel exhausted, I wonder if this is what make Nisan drop and pass out... but if I pass out, there won't be any mage between us... so I force myself to stay awake...

"All ready!" Rick shouted to Euclio which is on the top deck...

Rick and Rin enter the carriage and see me laying on the floor...

Rick laughed...

"You can take a rest Ed!" Rick said while smiling...

"Go June!" I hear Euclio's shout from far and feel the carriage is moving...

"A-Are you sure?" I asked Rick and he nodded...

"Leave it to us! You've done your part..." Lisa said

I think I should really sleep now...

Then I decided to sleep...

Euclio's Point of View

So... we should ask help from the guild... can the guild fight the assassins?! They are not trained to kill assassin, but monsters...

"Euclio, what are you thinking?" Ethan asked me...

I think I should tell him my doubt...

"You see, I was thinking about asking help from the adventurer... but on second thought, they are not trained to kill people but monsters..." I said

And Ethan remain quite as well...

"Hey! Don't forget about Army of Sera!" Eria said proudly...

T-That is true! Why I never give a thought about that...

"Then, where are the armies now?" I asked Eria...

"The army should be in the barrack or the wall... but if this are the situation..."

Eria's word are cut to deflect an arrow

"I don't know to whom to talk to... each of the Knight of Sera has died... and Lerrich-sama has died... we should talk to the captain or commander..." Eria suggested...

Hmmm, the commander should defend the city... which is...

"Okay! June! To the wall!" I shouted...

And she neighed... we continue our journey, since we know where the enemy is, we can fight them...

The enemy is equipped by bow and arrows...

"None of us have a range attack..." Ethan said...

Yes, even if we revealed them, we can't attack them while June is moving...

"I guess you are hopeless without me..." Lisa said and she come toward me...

We all looked at her speechlessly...

But then she threw three dagger at once... and hit three man...

Now, we open our mouth really big in shock...

"Y-Your class?" I asked...

"In guild? Scout!" she said happily...

No wonder...

"That is a great help!" I said while praising her...

We continue our journey, and about to reach the gate... but then what we saw is...

The army is fighting already...

When they see our carriage, they shouted a battlecry...

"UWOOAHH!" they shouted...

We see the black clothed assassins were shots by arrow by the archers...

Then I can see the commander... he is on his horse while shouting...

"Spread! Clear South Sera! Check every houses! Don't let them escape!" he shouted and the soldiers shouted another battlecry...

The infantry started to check every houses...

While the cavalries advance and spread through out the entire city...

The archers keep attacking the assassins which is on the rooftop...


"Euclio-dono..." the commander greeted me...

"I am sorry, but I don't know your name..." I said...

"My name is Kasius... the commander of South Sera..." Kasius said...

"I see, Kasius-dono, we will leave the rest to you..." I said to him

And he looks like a man with honor...

"Don't worry, you are an adventurer... it is our duty as soldier to protect the city..." Kasius said...

I know right! that he is a good man!

Oh no! I am starting to be like Nico...

"Also, thanks for helping us! You are indeed our hero! All of you..." Kasius said and give a bow from his horse..

"N-No... that is the least we can do..." I said...

He then face up and say...

"It is more than enough..." Kasius said...

"Return to your house... and we will send a soldier when everything is done... but still, remain on guard..." Kasius said while leaving...

I nodded... although he can't see me...

I think we shouldn't worry about anything else... since the army has already take control the city...

"To the guild..." I said to June and she neighed...

I think we should tell the other as well, about everything...

"Euclio! Can you drop me in the steak house!" Rin said to me...

"S-Steak House? Where Monica is?" I asked

Is he hungry?! To be honest I am hungry as well, but there are much important things to do...

Or maybe...

"No... I just want to protect that place..." Rin said with determination...

Rin has grown...

"Fine... but you should have someone else to help you..." I said...

Since I don't want to leave someone alone...

"I will accompany him!" Rick said...

"You sure?" I asked... and he nodded...

I guess that is fine, Rick is a strong swordsman... since he learn it from Nico...

But I think learning Maxim Style is actually for the best, since it is hard to counter...

"Okay, June! Steak house!" I said

And June neighed...

We are changing our direction, and now heading toward the Steak Restaurant... and when we arrived... there are a lot of soldiers already...

Rin and Rick get off from the carriage...

"See you later!" Rin shouted...

I wave my hand... also everyone else...

"June... to the guild..." I said to her... and she neighed...

Just how convenient is it to have a smart horse...

Hmmmm nevermind, she is a Pegasus...

We left the restaurant for the guild...

And when we arrived, the soldiers has spread around the town already...

Also... the adventurers are helping the soldiers...

Some of them shooting arrows toward the assassins... also daggers, like Lisa did...

And even an axe!

"Hey... I am too old for another journey... I will take a rest in the guild..." the old lady said to us...

"Hmm can someone accompany her?" I asked anyone...

But the old lady looked annoyed...

"Don't you dare underestimate me! I am pretty strong!" she said...

And now I am speechless... I don't underestimate her at all... it's just... nevermind...

"Just pick me up later... when this boy and this boy awake..." the old lady said while pointing at Nico and Ed...

"S-Sure... make sure to take a rest..." I said to her and she nodded while getting of from the carriage...

"To the house..." I said to June... and she neighed again...

We are now going to move toward our house in the forest... I hope they clean the mess already... I just want to sleep now...


After ten minutes, we arrived...

And there are soldiers! They are cleaning the dead bodies... also, Lieve's body...

I still don't believe this is happening... we lost Lieve and Lerrich... also, May, Jay, Kai... and Petra...

This is too much losses...

When the carriage stop... the soldiers looked at us...

And one of them come closer to me...

"Euclio-sama... we are here to guard the house and that is a direct order from the commander of South Sera..." the soldier said...

Even Kasius send us soldiers! Just how kind is he!

"I-I see... we are glad to have you here... we will be taking some rest... we entrust the house with all of you..." I said

And the soldier look really... happy....

"S-Sure Euclio-sama! You can count on us!" he said and left...

Ethan come closer to me...

"What are you talking about? He looks so happy..." Ethan asked me...

"Nothing, I just entrust the security to them and they looked so happy..." I said and Ethan looked at me speechlessly...

But then he laughed... both of us laughed...

It's been a tiring day...

I carry Nico to the second floor and put him on the bed...

Ethan carried Ed... and bring him to the fourth floor... toward his room...

Fredrich carried by Erin and Eria... also Lisa...

Fredrich sleep on the third floor in a single room...

Then I decided to take a bath... after the long day...

Ethan come and join me as well...

"Ahhh... nothing beats the hot bath after a whole tiring day..." Ethan said...

He looked like enjoying himself...

"But, after taking a rest, we will have a lot of things to do..." I said to him...

And he showed a tired face...

"You mean about the guild?" Ethan asked...

"Yes, Petra is gone, so they will point out another new guildmaster... and also... Lerrich is gone..." I said...

And we remain silent

"So... Fredrich going to be the next head..." Ethan said and I nodded...

"Fredrich is too young right?" I asked and Ethan nodded...

"But he is smart... and strong..." Ethan said defending Fredrich...

I know already that he is strong... he got injured twice today, and he even fell from the second floor and still alive... although it is thanks to Nico... but still, normal human can't survive anything like that...

"Yeah... he is..." I said and relax myself...

After the bath... Ethan sleep with Ed...

And I decided to take a sleep as well...

Eria is still awake... she said that she will be guarding us...

I think she has some trust issue with the soldiers...

And in no time... I sleep peacefully, with no sound...

Nicolas's Point of View

The next time I am awake...

I see the familiar ceiling... and a really bad headache... so I hold my head with my hand...

Also, I feel someone sleeping beside me...

"Euclio?" I said after seeing him sleeping next to me...

Hmmm... so I passed out again...

H-How about the assassins?! I thought the city is in trouble!

I decided to find someone else... since Euclio sleeps peacefully, I can't wake him up...

I walk really slowly and soundless... to ensure he won't be awakened...

After I leave my room, I let a sigh... that is pretty challenging, to leave the room without sound... but then... I see the big glass on my house which is facing the river... it is really dark, is it midnight?

The house is really quite, also dark... the lamp are all off, I wonder why no one turn it on... so I decided to go downstair with my magic actuvated...

'Create Elements' and the five spherical light appeared and floating on my head



The whole room become bright with my magic... from the ground floor to the fourth floor... I rarely use this magic... since usually the room is bright with the help of the lamp...

In this world, lamp is invented already... and they are supplied with magic as the source... anyone with magic can pour it to the lamp...

I move downstairs to check whether there is someone awake... and I see a girl, waiting in front of the front door...


Then, I look the sofa in our living room... and see two other person sleeps there... it's Rin and Rick?!

H-How can be with us?

Eria is standing near the front door and face outside... is she guarding us?

I come closer toward her... and suddenly, a sword has been readied next to my neck...

"Umm..." I said nervously...

She pulled back her sword and sheathed her sword back...

"A-Are you feeling better now?" she asked me...

I walk and stand next to her...

"Yeah... hey, how about the city?" I asked her...

And she looked at me with her sharp eyes...

"The city is safe... you should take a rest more..." Eria said to me...

S-She is cold as ever!

Wait... the city is safe already?! Just how long have I been sleeping...

"Your brother did it..." Eria said...


"Ed?" I asked and she nodded as a reply...

Ed? Just what did he do?

I looked at her... and she looks like guarding the house while all of us sleeping...

"You should take a rest... I have been sleeping for quite a long of time..." I said...

Then I face the door... my door has a window, so I can see everything that is happening outside... and I see a lot of soldiers patrolling the area...

"Don't you think we are safe already?" I asked Eria...

"No... don't you see the whole Knights of Sera are slaughtered... number two and three are strong... they won't be defeated that easily... but they were... and if they were defeated... these soldiers are nothing for your Kasan..." Eria said...

What she is saying is actually make sense... but,

"But you need rest..." a voice behind my back...

Both of us look behind us...

"Ed!" I said

It is Ed!

"Hey Nisan..." Ed called me with a smile...

He come closer toward us... and I face back to Eria...

"Go, both of us will guard the house..." I said to her...

But she looks a bit hesitant...

"You should trust us more..." Ed said to her...

And she looks like giving up...

"Fine... thanks..." she said

"Oh you should take a bath first! It feels really great..." I advice her and she nodded...

She then left both of us...

I sit on the floor while facing outside... and so does Ed...

There are moments of silence... but he breaks it...

"Nisan..." he called me...

The room is bright by my magic...

"Hmmm?" I responded...

"I-I did it!" Ed said...

"Did what?" I asked him...

"Save the city..." Ed said...

Ah! He did it!

"Ed! Tell me how you did it!" I asked out of my curiosity

He looks like thinking...

"Hmmm... you really want to know?" Ed asked and looks like teasing me...

Ugh... this boy really annoyed me...

But he looks really excited already... so I just go with the flow...

"Cmon tell me Ed..." I said to him...

"Okay... so..." Ed told me the whole stories after I passed out...

So, after I passed out, he went to the guild and meet with Rick and Lisa...

Also Euclio has this thought, about hitting the enemy with magic and the enemy will be revealed...

Later, they went to East Sera... and meet the old lady...

"H-How is she?" I asked Ed...

"She is fine... until I passed out, she is still safe..." Ed said...

"Wait... you passed out?" I asked Ed and he nodded...

"I feel a bit dizzy and I decided to sleep..." Ed explained...

"Oh! And just now! after I awake, I feel my head really hurt... have you experienced such thing?" Ed asked me...

And that is what I always experiences after I passed out... so I told him...

"I see..." Ed said...

So... Ed learned how to use [SHOCKWAVE]... that is dangerous...

"N-Nisan..." Ed called me...

"Hmm?" I responded...

"A-Are you..." Ed asked...

He looks a bit hesitant...

"A God Race?" Ed asked...

"God Race?" I asked back...

And he nodded...

"Hmmm I have no idea... how do you have the thought?" I asked...

How do he even think about something like that... I thought, so far I am a normal person...

Am I?

Nevermind... I control five elements... and that is insane... but everyone in my family is insane...

Kasan... the best mother I had become the most dangerous person in this world...

"You see... the [WALL] that you made during fighting the undead is not normal..." Ed said...

"Y-Yeah, but then I passed out..." I said...

"After creating ten to twenty other [WALL]s..." Ed said...

T-That is true...

"Also, your Wind Attack during our school days..." Ed said...

"Wind Attack?" I asked...

Ed nodded...

"When you dueled Ethan at the first day..." Ed said...

H-He remember what I did in the first day...

"Yes... what is it?" I asked...

"The power is inhuman! You said that you knock him out only with half of your power..." Ed said...

And it is true...

"B-But... I don't really know about it..." I said

And it is! There is no way to prove that I am a God Race until I reach maybe a hundred years?

"T-That is true..." Ed said...

Both of us remains silent...

"I think, there won't be any attack tonight..." I said...

And Ed nodded...

"But... if we leave this place, I think she will be mad at us..." Ed said while chuckling...

I imagine her angry face and she will use her sword to kill me... so I laughed...

After an hour has passed...

"Let's take a bath... I feel a bit dirty..." I said to Ed...

"Yeah, we haven't clean ourselves..." Ed said...

Hmmm but what if the enemy comes...

"Hey... what if the enemy come?" Ed asked...

That is what I have been thinking...

Oh! I have an idea!

"Wait here..." I said to Ed...

I open the windowed door...

I left the house... and talk to a soldier...

"I am going to summon a big wall protecting this house... so don't panic..." I said to the soldier... and he looks speechless but nodded...

I entered the house and give a thumb to Ed... but Ed looks speechless

I have been activating my magic since I wake up... to brighten the room...

"[PRISON]" I said and a wall surround our house started to raise up...

The sound of the wall raise make the floor trembles...

Ed looked at me...

"Ummm nisan..." Ed said...

I miss calculated... I forgot that Earth Element is noisy... and within a second the house become noisy...

"Hey! Something is happening!" Erin shouted

"Nico! Are you still there!" Eria shouted

"H-Hey! The house is shaking..." Rick wake up from the sofa...

"W-What is happening? Again?" Rin asked me...

"I-Is there an earthquake..." Lisa asked...

"H-Hey... anyone see Ed?" Ethan shouted...

And Ed laughed at me... this is stupid... everyone is awake because of me...

I apologize to everyone and they return to their bed...

And one thing I realize...

Euclio didn't even awake!

After telling everyone about it... we have a bath... and continue our job... watching the house, in the middle of the night, Ed sleeps on my shoulder

I feel the warmth... of being with my family... Nate and Nathalia are part of my family as well, but I feel something different...

Ed has been alone... and he really mean it, when he said that he won't leave me...

He is one of my brother now... so, it is my duty to protect him...

The next morning...

Ethan wake up first...

He is the hardest worker here if Nate is not here...

When he saw us sitting beside the front door, he looked surprised...

I think, he is curious with what I am doing... but after seeing Ed sleeping peacefully on my shoulder... he walked away...

So I decided to wake Ed up...

"Hey... Ed... wake up..." I said...

"Uhhh what time is it?" Ed asked me...

"Hmmm... I don't know... but Ethan is ready to practice..." I said to Ed...

And Ed open his eyes... he wake up in surprised...

"Ed... What happened?" I asked Ed...

"S-Sorry..." Ed said with sorry face...

"For?" I asked while laughing...

I believe he is too shy when he realizes that he sleeps on my shoulder... since he never did that... but I don't mind...


"That's okay! I am okay with that..." I said to Ed...

And Ed's face turns to happy...

"Go train... I will wake the other up..." I said with a smile... and he nodded...

Ed take his sword and left to train with Ethan...

How to wake other up?

I return the wall to the ground...

And the earth starting to tremble... the house is shaking and everyone leave their own room...

"W-What happened?" Erin asked...

"It's 9 AM... wake the other up please..." I said

But without asking for Erin's help... everyone heard the trembles and wake up...

"Ughh it's 9 already?!" Rin complained...

"Oh Rin! Wake Euclio up!" I said to him

And he went upstairs without opening his eyes... he is still sleepy...

I hear my room's door open...


"Rin?!" can be heard...

I laughed... and I know already how Rin wake Euclio up...

We all train ourselves, I train Rick and teach him Maxim Style... as usual, although we are in the same tier now...

"Hey, you should be more focus..." I said to Rick...

"It is harder than you think!" Rick said defending himself...

I am currently attacking Rick and Rick should have evade all of my attack, since Maxim Style is all about dodging each attack...

"Here I come..." I said and about to attack Rick... but then a carriage come toward our house...

The carriage looks like... from the guild... and an old lady come out from the carriage...

"The old lady!" Ed said...

When she looked at us, she looks happy...

Or maybe she looked at me?

Since she is moving toward me...

"Fast! Heal my back!" she said to me...

T-This old lady!

'Create Elements'

'Holy Magic... Heal...'

A light above her head appeared and then the light turned to sparks... and...

It's gone...

She tried to move her body left to right...

And she looks really happy...

"Hahaha! As expected from Nicolas..." she said to me...

And she left me?!

She headed toward Ed...

Should I join the conversation?

"Everyone, continue your training..." I said and everyone nodded...

We all now busy with ourselves...

While Ed is talking with the old lady... another carriage come...

And this time... it looks like a royalty carriage...

Who will be coming right now...

When the carriage open, we see unfamiliar faces... so Euclio and Ethan decided to accompany me to greet them... also Rick and Lisa behind us...

It's a girl... and she is an ocean race... since her hair is blue...

When the girl see Euclio, she gives a bow...

I think every Ocean Kingdom respects Qiteron Kingdom...

"My name is Oriel... and I will be the new guildmaster of South Sera... nice to meet you..." she introduce herself to us...

"We are..."

"You all are the Diamond and Platinum rank adventurer... I know everything about all of you..." she said and cut my words...

She looks even stricter than Petra...

"So... what is it you are going talk about..." Euclio asked...

Even Euclio sounds annoyed...

Then, another girl that has been accompanied Oriel move forward...

"Hello, my name is Keyler... and I am the eastern guildmaster..." she introduces herself with smile...

B-Both of them is a total contrast... and Keyler is a beastman race... with Cat Tribes? Her ear looks like cat's ear...

"Hmmm what brings the Eastern Guildmaster here?" Euclio asked..

"Hmmm you see, during yesterday accident... we lost hundreds of adventurer..." Keyler said...

I look her with annoyed face... and she notice it...

"No..noo... I am not blaming any of you, in fact all of you are the heroes of the city... especially that boy..." Keyler said and pointing at Ed...

"Yes... he will be name as Hero of Sera... and so does you..." Oriel said and also pointing at me...

"Me? I did nothing..." I said...

I didn't give any contribution during our last fight...

"During last accident, you did nothing... but during the war, you saves hundreds of thousand lives... which is why Lerrich-sama want you to be the Hero of Sera..." Oriel said...

"And also, you..." Keyler said happily and point at Euclio...

"M-Me?" Euclio asked with confusion...

Why does he look so confused? He is the strategist! We can survive since it is Euclio's idea...

"Of course, he deserve more than anyone..." I said to Keyler and she nodded in agreement..

Euclio speechless face... I want to laugh at that...

"But before that, I have a mission for you..." Oriel said in serious tone...

The atmosphere now become heavy... since she is the one that talks...

"What is it?" I asked...

She then stare at me...


"You will train the adventurer in East, North and West guild..." Oriel said...

And now our faces looks like idiot...

"Train all of them?! Why us?" I asked...

Also, East, North, West is not our concern right?

"Because you are the Diamond Rank Adventurer... and there will be only one Diamond Rank Party in this city... but of course, the training will happen if you win the tournament against the East Sera's current Platinum Party..." Oriel said...

"Tournament?! You are still going to held that?" I asked...

I thought we just loss a lot of people here... and they are still thinking about tournament?!

"That is too early..." Ethan said...

Yeah... after what we have been through...

"It is to increase the income of Sera as well..." Oriel said...

T-This person is inhuman! Doesn't she think about Fredrich's feeling! After he lost his Tousan...

"Sorry... but we have to decline..." I said

Oriel looked annoyed...

"Then your party rank will be change to Platinum Rank..." she said and she looks a bit threatening...

But I don't care...

I want to become the Diamond Rank Party just to make Petra proud... not this kind of person...

"That's fine..." I said and I left the two of them...

The last time I see Oriel's face is that she looks really mad...

That is not how you control the adventurer... Even Keyler looks more professional...

Then someone hold my back...

"Are you sure?" Rick asked me...

I looked back... and everyone is waiting for my answer...

Oriel is staring at me madly... and I put my eyes on her as well, while saying...

"I did want to join the tournament... but it is for the sake of Petra... Petra loves her adventurer... also she take care of them really well... she even asked me to train the adventurer... but now... the current Guildmaster is only thinking about money to rebuild the city... Don't you realize that the lord just died yesterday? And now? a tournament?! I am sorry, but I have to refuse... let the eastern platinum rank become the Diamond Rank..." I said with a very serious face...

Even Euclio and Ethan looked surprised...

It really breaks my heart... Lerrich-dono... you are a great man... but your guildmasters are all... nevermind...

I left them and continue practicing...

This time... I train with Fredrich... I wonder why he isn't joining our conversation... but I believe he will be mad...

Fredrich is a spear bearer... like Lerrich-dono... and he currently carrying his Dad's spear...

"I never thought of using this spear really fast..." Fredrich said...

"Yeah... you never know what is going to happened..." I said and I sit on the grass...

Then he sit in front of me...

"They are talking about the tournament?" Fredrich asked me...

H-How did he know?!

Seeing my surprised face, he laughed...

"As expected from the guildmaster..." Fredrich said...

"Hmmm? You know that it is going to happen?" I asked him... and he nodded...

"Tousan always said not to trust the guildmaster, the only guildmaster she trust is Petra... since Petra grew with us..." Fredrich said...

P-Petra?! Grew with them?!

"Y-You mean she is an Ezate too?" I asked...

But Fredrich laughed...

"N-No that's not what I meant... I mean, Petra lives with us... in Seraviel, since Tousan is really interested with her managing skill, also she is a kind-hearted person although she is a bit strict as well..." Fredrich explained...

And I can see tears in his eyes...

"I see... I am sorry I can't do anything..." I said and apologize...

"N-No! We can't do anything back there... but I really wish that I can turn back time and I won't leave my house..." Fredrich said...

That is a suicide!

I hold both of his shoulders with my hands

"Lerrich-dono is one of the greatest man I ever met! I think he could be the person I admire the most! And I believe that he did the best he can do.... He saved you, and he wants you to rule this city..." I said to Fredrich...

And Fredrich looked at me...

"R-Really?" Fredrich asked me and hoping that I said the truth...

"Of course! He trust you more than anyone else! You are Fredrich Ezate! You are the next lord, and you should make Ezate's name high again..." I said

And he looks a bit motivated...

Fredrich wipes his tears and...

"Let's train!" Fredrich said and I nodded

Fredrich is an Advance Spear Bearer with Alice Style... like his Dad...

But Lerrich can uses Alice and Maxim Style... which is crazy!

While both of us train... I can see that Euclio is still talking with guildmasters...

Until another carriage come...

Now the carriage looks even better and looks more expensive...

Then a man in armor come out from the carriage... also, he has sword sheathed on his left hips... and he looks like an old man...

Seeing my confuses, Fredrich say...

"Kasius... the person that is in charge of South Sera, he is a good man..." Fredrich explained...

Hmmm, so this man is the one that defends South Sera after the enemies become visible... that's what Euclio told me...

Euclio come closer toward Kasius and both of them shake their hand...

Both guildmaster also come closer and join the talks...

"You see, Tousan said that South Sera get the best person... the guildmaster is trustworthy and as well as the commander... also the soldiers and people, they are way more supportive compared to other city..." Fredrich told me...

"But... Oriel..." I said

I am a bit disappointed with the new guildmaster...

"Oriel is not a bad person... she is trying to maintain the city..." Fredrich said

"But you see... Tousan will do the same... priority the city... and the tournament could restore the economy of the city..." Fredrich said...

I look at Fredrich...

"Are you sure?" I asked Fredrich...

And he nodded...

"I love my Tousan... but also, I love this city... if Tousan has gone, then it is my duty to serve as the lord in this city..." Fredrich said

"I am not a strong spear bearer like him... but I will try my best to maintain this city... so... Nicolas, can you please join the tournament?" Fredrich asked me

I look at him speechlessly

"Not for the sake of my father, but for me?" Fredrich continues

Fredrich... he is much mature than I thought...

He is not a strong warrior compare to Lerrich... but his heart might be stronger than his dad...

"Fine....I'll do it for you..." I said to Fredrich... and he looks happy...

Fredrich is younger than all of us... he is 4 years younger than me... and he rule one of the biggest city in Perius Kingdom...

Also... he is now the Grand Duke, changing his Dad's position...

"Let's go..." Fredrich said and we start walking toward Euclio and the other...

While we are walking Oriel, Keyler, and Kasius are looking at us...

Seeing my face, Euclio know already what I am going to say... so he nodded...

Oriel looks shy... my words earlier are too much... I attack her blindly...

She is not a bad person... she just want to protect the city... and I can see her regretful face after deciding to choose the city more than Fredrich's feeling... which is actually a good choice...

When we are close enough... the three of them give a bow to Fredrich...

Then Oriel move forward and say


Before she apologize

"I will join..." I said to her...

She looked at me speechlessly...

I understand her now... she is just like Petra... but she never communicate with any adventurer, so she give us misunderstandings...

I face Rick...

"Y-You mean?!" Rick said in happy face...

I nodded and look at Oriel...

"The city's stability is much more important... which is why I decided to join the tournament, and I will hold my title as Diamond Rank Party, which Lerrich-dono has given to me..." I said

Oriel gives me a smile...

She looks relieved...

Keyler looked at me with surprised as well...

"Then! You should be ready! The tournament will be held in next two days... in Seraviel!" Keyler said happily...

I think every guildmaster just want to restore this city currently...

I nodded...

"Fredrich-sama..." the old man called Fredrich...

He is Kasius...

"What is it Kasius-dono?" Fredrich asked...

He then bow...

"I am sorry... I was away from Lerrich-sama... I should have been with him!" Kasius said and he looks really regretting...

"No... that is the duty of Knight of Sera... your duty is to protect the citizen of South Sera... and you did a great job..." Fredrich said

Kasius then looked at Fredrich...

"Without you, there will be more casualties... I got the report from the soldiers..." Fredrich said to him...

"I am grateful for your praises... but I can't save Lerrich-sama... this is a really embarrassing mistake in my life... please demote me..." Kasius said

And everyone looked surprised... we all knows that he is protecting the city with all of his best...

"Then..." Fredrich start to say something...

We all looked at him seriously...

"You will be the head of Knight of Sera... you will be responsible for recruiting people to be the Knight of Sera since we lost the twenty of them... also, you will become the commander of Sera... not just South but also the head of West, North and East... and your son will be in charge of South Sera..." Fredrich said to him...

Isn't it a promotion?!

Kasius looked at Fredrich with confusion...

"With that, you will now always be on my side" Fredrich said...

"Yes! Fredrich-sama!" Kasius said while crying...

H-He really deserve this...

I hope there are more people like Kasius in Auxem...

Euclio and Ethan looked at Fredrich speechlessly... I bet they are wondering on how Fredrich is much wiser than they thought...

I have nothing to worry then...

Fredrich then looked at me...

"I will be leaving you guys... since now I am the lord here... I have a lot of things to do, thanks for trusting me Nico..." Fredrich said

I nodded...

"I believe Sera is in a good hand... and don't hesitate to call me if you need help..." I said to Fredrich and he nodded...

Fredrich enters the carriage with Kasius... and they leave us...

Now it's only us with the guildmasters...

"Then! We will be seeing each other two days from now!" Keyler said...

I nodded... and she enter her carriage...

We all looked at Oriel...

And this is a bit awkward...

"Thank you for understanding..." Oriel said to me...

I nodded...

"See you later at the guild..." Euclio said with smile to lighten up the mood...

And she nodded... and left...

Then the second carriage left...

Now... it's only the old lady...

She is still talking with Ed... I am a bit curious about it... so I come closer...

When they see me coming...

"Here..." the old lady said and give a book...

I take it and read it...

"Advance Wind Magic Book..." I read it and quite surprised...

"I will be sending them to you if I had the chance... but you should return it to me after you learn it since I want to sell it to the collector..." the old lady said...

I don't really mind...

"Sure!" I said and Ed in unison...

Then she left us...

Is the conversation over because I come here?

"What have you been talking about?" I asked Ed...

And he smile at me...

"Something..." Ed said with annoying face...

T-This brother of mine....

Ethan, Rick and Lisa come to our direction...

Both of us sit on the grass...

Today, the sky is bright... the sunlight is bright as well, but the trees are blocking the sunlight, which makes this place really comfortable...

I sit on the grass and relaxed myself in one of the shade of the trees...

Ed joined me...

And when the three of them come... they join us...

"So... what is it?" I asked...

The three of them looked at each other happily...

"So... " Ethan about to say something...

"From now on, we will join Ethan's party..." Rick sad happily...

"What?!" I said in surprised...

T-They merge their party?!

"Hey! Why not joining our party?" I asked Rick...

"You have four members already... while Ethan has only three members... which is fit for both of us!" Lisa explained...

"Yeah... the maximum number of member in a party is five..." Ethan said happily...

T-That is not fair...

"Oh Nisan! You should find a member! or else you will be fighting four vs five..." Ed said

"Hmm? I guess the four of us is enough?" I said...

And Ed looked at me with surprised reaction...

Also Ethan, Rick and Lisa...

"As expected from Nisan..." Ed said while laughing...

"Expect what?" I asked...

And the other three laughed as well...

You see, I am not underestimating, but I know my own capabilities...

I will go all out...

And that day has come...

The day of the tournament..

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