《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 29 - Aeroblast


After the wall is formed... we advance to Seraviel on the wall I have made...

"Look!" Rin said and we see him pointing downward...

We all see toward Rin's pointing direction...

And I see the city is burning... smokes are everywhere...

Not only in South Sera...

"Not only South Sera..." Ed said

The same thought...

What is actually happening?! Who attack us?

We continue move forward... and with June... it only takes five minutes before we arrive at Seraviel...

And June stop at the edge of the wall...

I should create another path for June to get us down...

I create another path for June...

And June started to bring us back to the ground...

During our way downward... we see the forest in Seraviel burns...

Also the deers are running...

The flowers... are gone...

"The flowers..." Ulysses said...

That is the reason...

When we are about reach to the ground...

"Nico, Ed, Ethan, Ulysses and Fredrich... the five of you enter the house and find Lerrich... Erin, you protect me and I will dismount June... since we can't protect June... she should protect herself by flying... and the rest will defend the house..." Euclio said...

Release June?!

Everyone nodded... also June...

"J-June! When I call your name... return to me okay?" I said to June and she neighed...

I believe she understand...

And... we landed in front of Lerrich's house...

"Go!" Euclio said

And we do what we have to do... the five of us enter the house...

"Tousan!" Fredrich shouted...

"Nicolas-sama... you stay with Fredrich... and I will check the second floor..." Ulysses said...

I nodded and he left us...

The four of us check the Dining Room...

"Lerrich-dono!" I shouted when we enter the dining room... but no answer...

The one that I realize is there are someone else with us...

"Ed..." Ethan called Ed... and Ed nodded...

I hide Fredrich behind my back...

But then, I feel an arrow has been released...

To whom?

I believe if it is toward me, Ethan or Ed... we could deflect it already...

"N-Nicolas..." Fredrich call me...

I look back... and... I see an arrow on Fredrich shoulder...

"Retreat!" I said to the other...

I carry Fredrich and left the mansion...

Euclio and Eria looked at me then they looked at Fredrich...

They give us a surprised face... but they focus on defending the house...

I enter the carriage and put Fredrich on the floor...

"A-Aw..." he shouted a bit..

"C-Calm down... I am going to pull the arrow..." I said...

Fredrich nodded...

Ed and Ethan enter the carraige... and they found us on the floor...

"You okay Fred?" Ed asked...

"Y-Yeah, I'm fi-"

Before Fredrich finish his word, I pull the arrow...

"AARGHH!" Fredrich shouted louder than before...

Next is...

'Holy Magic! Heal!'

And Fredrich is healed...

"N-Nicolas! You should have told me first before you do that!" Fredrich said and sounds angry

But I laughed a bit...

"S-Sorry, but it is better when you are unprepared right? It's done now!" I said to Fredrich...

Fredrich looked at the wound...

"T-Thanks still..." Fredrich said to me...

"No problem! How about you take a rest here... and the three of us will search for Lerrich-dono..." I said

Fredrich nodded...

The three of us left the carriage and see Euclio is waiting for me...

But then suddenly, he deflected some arrows...

T-That is a nice reflect he got there...

"He is okay?" Euclio asked me...

"Yeah! Take care of him for me okay?" I said to Euclio and he nodded...


But... when we are about to enter the mansion...

A man fell from the second floor...

"U-Ulysses!" I called his name...

But, he is not breathing already...

Everyone looked at him with pale face...

H-He is one of the top Knight of Sera...

"Let's go!" Ethan said and he enter mansion...

Also, Ed follows him...

I guess I should join as well...

The three of us enter the mansion and move to the second floor...

And we see a big door is opened...

The three of us enter the room slowly...

And we see bloods everywhere...

Also... Lerrich...

He is lying on the floor... with blood...

I immediately run toward Lerrich... but then Ed pull my hand and...

An arrow was shot in front of me...

T-That is close...

I look around us...

But I see nothing...

[PRISON] I created and it protect the three of us and Lerrich's body...

I come toward him... and see he is not breathing anymore...

But still... I try it

'Healing Magic.... Heal!'

And no light appears... like it always does...

"We are too late..." Ed said to me while holding my shoulder...

Lerrich... he is the one that give us place to live... but now...

Then, the earth magic is descending...

And when my wall is gone... all of us readied ourselves

"Nisan! Watch out!" Ed shouted... and I feel an arrow was shot...

I unsheathed my sword and....

I parried it with my sword...

"That direction!" Ethan said and both of us face that direction...

"Create Element..." Ed said

And I just remember that Ed is a mage...

[WIND] Ed use wind and hit something

"Nisan!" Ed said and face me...


I throw a fireball toward the direction... and it combines with Ed's wind...

I feel the temperature is increasing... and it burns the target...

After some times... Ed stop the wind... and...

I see a person... but that person is not burnt at all...

"K-Kasan?!" I said...

She has Kasan's face... also posture...

"Ah, you notice me? I am sorry but I am not a hundred percent of your Kasan... just ten percent..." she said to me while smiling...

She then took her spear which is on her back... the spear looks exactly the same as her spear...

"Are you an illusion?" I asked...

"Yes of course... you are a slow learner Nico..." she said with mom's voice...

That is annoying...

"Why are you attacking Sera?" Ed asked...

"Hmmm? Of course... this is the city of military of Perius Kingdom... this is my first target after all..." She said

She then comes closer...

"You see, the five percent me was defeated easily back in Auxem by the Knight of Sera... but the double power of me won't be easily defeated... in fact I success in killing all of the Knight of Sera..." she said

When she is close enough... she stopped...

"Nico..." she called me...

"W-What?!" I asked...

"Are your brother and sister are really safe?" she asked me while smiling... which is annoying...

"T-They are in the safe place!" I said...

"Ohh? You think Auxem is safe?" she asked again...

S-She knew?!

She then laughed evilly

"I hate you!" I said

"That's great! You should hate me if you want to win against me... but first, you have to fight the ten percent me..." She said and then she prepare her stance...

And the three of us prepare our stance as well...

"Do you want me to use magic or without magic?" she asked me...


And the three of us looked speechless...

"H-How about without magic?" I said to the illusion of Kasan...

"Sure..." she said with a smile...

C-Can I even trust her?

But then she count...


The three of us prepare ourselves...


If the Knight of Sera couldn't stop them... how about us?!



"Wait!" Ed said...

And she is not moving...

"What?" she asked Ed...

"C-Can we call our friend?" Ed asked...

E-Ed! What kind of enemy would allow such thing!

"Sure..." she said...

S-She just did!!

"Wait here!" Ed said...

And he left...

Umm... can he do that?!

H-He run away?!

"So... how are you?" I asked...

And it becomes more awkward...

"Hmm? I am fine... is that really a question you should ask?" Kasan said while laughing...

And I feel my Kasan is back...

"You miss me?" she asked me while laughing...

I nodded... but then I realize that it is wrong... so I shook my head...

But then she laughed again...

"You are always an honest boy..." Kasan said...

"T-Thanks.." I said in reflect...

S-Should I say something like that...

And in no time... Euclio, Eria, Erin, Rin, and Ed return also with Fredrich...

And they look at me with speechlessly...

"N-Nico... you should be more aware..." Euclio said...

When the six of them enters... they prepare their stance already...

"H-How can you shoot arrows without bow?" Euclio asked Kasan...

"Ah Euclio, you should be the smartest..." Kasan said...

Then she activate her magic...

"Create Elements" she said...

All of us prepare ourselves... but not me...

Since we want to fight without magic... I believe she hold up her words...

And we can see... six spherical sphere...

All of the elements...

We all looked speechless... but she laughed...

"Here... let me show you..." Kasan said...

And then she makes the blue and brown element shines...

"W-Wood element?" I asked...

And then she created a sharp stick and with the same length as arrow...

"I-I see..." Euclio said...

Euclio let his guard down as well... But Kasan is not attacking us...

She is quite, a honest person...

"K-Kasan!" I shouted...

"Hmmm?" she asked... and then deactivate her magic...

"T-Tousan! He is alive right!" I asked her...

And she nodded...

"I just teleport him somewhere else..." Kasan said...

I then looked relieved and she laughed...

"Sorry Nico... but my time is almost up... and I have to kill you before then..." Kasan said...

"What is your mission by doing this?" Euclio asked...

"To make the world better place... no more war, starvation, also no nobility... it makes me sick... all people are created the same... that is why, this will be the final great war..." she said...

All of us looked surprised...

Better place...

No war...

No starvation...

No discrimination between noble or peasant...

T-That is impossible...

"That is impossible!" Euclio said...

And she smiled...

"It is... if I become the empress, and rule the world, which is why I should pass the test" she said...


Then she prepared her stance... and so does us...


She begin to count down...





Then she is next to Ed already

All of us still looked surprised...

But Eria is there to protect him...

She parried Kasan's attack... and Eria continue to hit Kasan...

I want to help Eria...

But I will be a burden if I do so...

After the fifth combo... Kasan move back really far and cut the combo streak...

Eria return to us...

"W-Why isn't she using any magic?" Euclio asked and he looked troubled...

"Umm, because she promised not to use magic..." Ethan said in a bit disbelief... and Euclio showed a more disbelief face...

"Yeah, she won't use any magic... I trust her..." I said...

Somehow, I feel that she is telling the truth...

"Euclio!" I throw my sword toward him...

And he catch it...

"Use both of them..." I said and he nodded...

Euclio then throw his spare sword to me... and I catch it...

Euclio uses Ocean Protector and Oathkeeper...

"I will go attack her, and Eria... you go from behind her, and perform another combo..." Euclio said...

All of us nodded...

I see Kasan come closer... walk slowly...

But then she gone...

And she is beside Fredrich...

"Fredrich!" Ed shouted and Fredrich is pierced on his chest...

Fredrich's blood flow...

But then... Fredrich hold Kasan's hand...

"N-Not yet!" Fredrich shouted...

And Euclio shouted...


Euclio, Ed, Ethan and Eria attacks Kasan... and...

She kick Fredrich also with the spear far and fall from the second floor...

"F-Fredrich!" I shouted and I immediately left the room...

I come downstairs...

And when I left the mansion... I see Fredrich's body...

I pull the spear...

"ARGHH!" Fredrich shouted...

It is a miracle that he is still alive...

"Holy Magic! Heal!" I said it... and he is healed...

"Ahh thank god..." I said after seeing him moving...

S-Should I bring him back to the battlefield? It seems that Kasan is aiming for him... the first one is the arrow... but it doesn't hit any fatal point... this one is worse, he got a damage from the spear... and he fell from the second floor... but he is still alive!

I think leaving him in the carriage is the best option, and also... he looks really tired...

"Nico... I am so sleepy...." Fredrich said...

"D-Don't worry! It is the after effect..." I said to Fredrich...

"C-Come... let's move inside the carriage..." I said while helping him stand...

I put his arm around my shoulder... while I shout...


But no respond...

I am still walking toward the carriage... and when I am standing front of the carriage, a flying white horse land...

"June, watch Fredrich for me... he is injured, just protect the carriage okay..." I said to June and she neighed... like saying 'leave it to me....'

I open the carriage door, and put Fredrich on the sit...

"Wait here... you are safe here..." I said and Fredrich... is sleeping...

I leave the carriage...

"Take care of him..." I said to June and she neighed...

Next, is I have to help the other fighting Kasan...

I run to the second floor... and see everyone surrounded Kasan...

And she is... dead...

"Nico..." Euclio call me calmly...

"How's Fredrich?" Ed asked...

"He is fine..." I said and everyone show a relax face...

I walk toward kasan's body and...

She is dead...

"Nico... the last thing she said is the next time we met, all of us have to say goodbye... do you know what is it?" Euclio asked me...

Say goodbye?

"Death?" I asked Euclio and he nodded...

"That is the most reasonable meaning so far..." Euclio said...

Euclio return my sword and I return his...

"Hey... how can you kill her?" I asked...

I was worried about them after I left to save Fredrich...

"Eria and I cornered her, and she doesn't use any magic... and has no weapon... so it is a lot easier, thanks to Fredrich..." Euclio said...

"Then Rin punched her really hard... and in close combat, he has the advantage... it seems that she couldn't fight without weapon..." Ethan said...

"Yes... but still, her agility is top tier... Eria has to fight until she reached forty combos..." Rin said

I nodded...

It seems that I underestimated my friends too much, and also... Fredrich was not useful at all, he was the mvp of this battle, if Kasan is still holding her spear, we will not be able to defeat her...

"Then, let's move... I am worried about Petra and Rick's party..." Nicolas said to the other... and they nodded...

Ed's Point of View

But when Nicolas about to leave the room... he fell...

But Euclio is next to him already, so he carried Nisan...

"N-Nisan..." I said...

"Don't worry, I know that this is going to happen... let's go, to the guild..." Euclio said...

H-He is truly reliable... I think I know why Nisan always stick with him...

"He is just tired... you see, he created [TUNNEL] when we are still in the mansion, also he created this gigantic wall so that we can arrive here, also he heal Fredrich twice already... that is more than he can take..." Euclio said to me after seeing my worried face...

I nodded... and everyone look relieved as well...

"Let's go, we have to save the city..." Ethan said... and all of us nodded...

We all leave the mansion and...

"Ed, Eria, Ethan, Rin mount June to the carriage..." Euclio commanded us...

The four of us nodded and immediately, I call June...

"June!" I shouted...

She is protecting the carriage from attack...

"W-Why the attack hasn't stop?" I asked worriedly...

"This is dark magic..." Erin said from the carriage...

All of us looked at her in confusion...

"There is this dark magic that is able to make people invisible..." Erin explained...

"H-Hey! You should tell us earlier!" Euclio said

"T-There was no time back then..." Erin said nervously

When June arrived, we put her back on the locking system with the carriage and we are ready to go!

Eria, Ethan, Rin and I come inside the carriage and we are ready to go...

"June! To the guild!" Euclio said and she neighed... the carriage started to move, without any driver or guidance, she is a genius! I hope I have a Pegasus for myself.

But I still feel arrows were shot...

"Ethan put your shield on the window..." Euclio commanded and Ethan did what Euclio say...

Also Erin release her armor and stick it to the window...

That is a great idea!

Ethan, Eria did the same thing...

Fredrich and Nisan... both of them sleeps side by side... and they looked... peaceful...

I looked forward, to the road we are heading... then I see June...

J-June is defenseless... she could be hit by an arrow in anytime...

"E-Euclio... June is defenseless..." I said...

And Euclio looked at June...

"T-That's true! June! You should priority yourselves than us! We are fully protected here by the shield and armor on the window!" Euclio said to June and she neighed....

W-What does she said?!

"She said that buy me an armor next time!" Rin translated...

"F-Fine! If we survive this, I will buy you a very expensive armor!" Euclio said

And somehow, I feel that June neighed happily...

"She said that it is a promise!" Rin translated...

Then June runs really fast... and in less than ten minutes, we have arrived in front of the guild...

"Ed! Erin! Ethan! Come with me! Eria, Rin, protect the carriage..." Euclio commanded...

I join with Euclio, Erin and Ethan and enter the guild...

And it is very rare to see the guild's door close...

When Euclio about to open it... it is locked?

"We should breach the door..." Ethan said...

"Sure... please..." Euclio give the time and space to Ethan...

Ethan move back a bit and prepare his shield...

Then he look at me...

"Sure..." I said

And I decided to help him...

"In 3...2.....1.......now!" Euclio do the countdown...

Ethan and I rush toward the door and breach the door...

And when we fall to the ground... there are several people surround us and about to attack us...

"W-What are you guys doing?" Euclio asked with surprised reaction

And I just realize that they are the adventurer...

"Hiding! Come inside! It's dangerous!" An adventurer said...

Of course they will!

And after we enter, the door is being close...

"Petra? Does any of you seen her?" Euclio asked...

"E-Euclio?" a boy called his name...

And Euclio come closer to the boy

It is Rick...

"What's wrong Rick?" Euclio asked...

"W-We have a mission... to escort Petra to Seraviel... but on our way..." Rick stop talking and he cried...

"J-Jay was shot by arrow on his head!" Rick said while burst to cry...

"H-How about Petra?!" Euclio asked...

"S-She is gone!" Rick said...


Then silent rules the room...

"I see, so only you left?" Euclio asked...

And Rick wipe his tears...

"I am here..." a girl with blonde hair come... I believe her name is Lisa, and she is Rick's older sister...

Euclio face her and Lisa shown an afraid face... like she got struck by a lightning...

"Y-You alright?" Euclio asked Lisa...

"W-We couldn't protect any of our party member..." Lisa said with empty eyes... all of us look at her worriedly

But then Erin slap her... and everyone looked surprised...

Lisa return to her mind and say...

"T-The enemies are invisible, we could only predict the attacks... we are lucky to escape..." Lisa said...

"The enemy is indeed invisible, but as I know, when it is touched by magic, their disguise will be revealed..." Euclio said

And everyone looked surprised with the statement...

"Are you sure?" Rick asked with shaking voice...

"That is so far I know..." Euclio said...

But... with what magic that could reach the entire city

"You will need an Expert Tier magic to hit the entire city with magic..." Ethan said to Euclio...

"T-Then! It is possible!" Rick said

All of us look at Rick...

"Who can do it?" Euclio asked...

"It's obvious! Nico can do it!" Rick said...

"Oh, by the way, I haven't seen him yet... where is he?" Lisa asked..,

And Euclio pointed back to our carriage outside the guild...

"He is sleeping..." Euclio said...

"Yeah, he need a long rest after using a lot of magic..." Ethan defended Nisan...

Why everyone always think that Nisan is the solution... I feel pity on Nisan, people has a really high expectation from him...

"Also..." I said and everyone looked at me...

"He can only use expert holy magic, which is not the disaster tier..." I explained...

And Euclio nodded while looking at me...

Everyone is convinced as well...

Euclio walk toward me... and the he stop right in front of me...

And he put both of his hand on my shoulder...

"But you might be able to do it..." Euclio said

"Heh?" I said in a weird way

Now everyone stare at me...

"W-What?! Me? I can't do anything..." I said

"E-Euclio is right... you are his brother! Then you should be a God Race as well!" Rick said...

"G-God Race?!" I said

"Yes! Nicolas is a God Race for sure! Every first bloodline of Maxwell is a God Race... from Auxillium Maxwell..." Lisa explained...


The legendary king?!

"B-But I am not the direct bloodline..." I said...

"But you are his brother!" Euclio said while looking at me really close...

"W-With my Intermediate Magic? I can only send a wave of wind..." I said...

Now everyone looked disappointed...

Of course I can't hit everyone in this town with only an intermediate magic level which is manipulating magic... and I can only use Holy and Wind...

"No... use this..." Euclio said and he take something from his pocket...

He then give me... a book?!

"W-What?!" I said quite loud...

It is an Expert Wind Magic Book... why does Euclio hide it from us?

"It is actually... a present for Nico... but I think we are in a dire situation... so I believe in you..." Euclio said...

"B-But... he is in the Intermediate Tier... he can't just learn Expert Tier without learning Advance Tier..." Ethan said to Euclio...

And Euclio nodded...

"That is why... we need to go to East Sera... where Nico bought the Advance Holy Magic Book..." Euclio said...

"I-I see... then let's head there..." I said...

The four of us prepare ourselves and about to leave...

"Wait..." Rick stopped us...

We all stop and face him...

"Let us join!" Lisa said...

"Y-You sure?" Ethan asked...

And both of them nodded...

Ethan and I look at Euclio... while Euclio give another thought...

"Sure... oh by the way, are there any shield?" Euclio asked

Several adventurers give us shield... and I believe it is use for the carriage...

After we collect the shield...

"Everyone... stay here until we return!" Euclio said...

And they nodded in understand...

The six of us left...


"What take you so long!" Rin complained...

And we looked below them... and they have deflect like hundreds of arrow...

"Come! Let's go!" Euclio said and everyone enter the carriage...

We put the shield we brought on the window to protect us...

"June! To the East Sera!" Euclio said...

And June neighed...

Previously, the adventurer show us the place where the shop is...

And I believe Euclio know where we are going already, since I don't see see any map...

"N-Nico?! He is okay right?" Rick asked worriedly...

"He is okay... he is out of mana..." I said to calm Rick...

"F-Fredrich-sama?!" Lisa looked surprised... and Rick as well...

"W-What are you doing with him?" Lisa asked me...

Euclio is currently on the second floor with Eria, Ethan and Erin... since Euclio is land sick... he must breathe fresh air...

"He is under our protection..." Rin said...

"H-How about Lerrich-sama?" Rick asked...

Rin face away...

Rick and Lisa looked worried as well...


"Died" I say finishing my sentence after a pause...

They looked speechless...

"T-This city has been the best city I ever stay!" Rick said angrily...

"H-Hey Rick... calm down!" Lisa said...

"B-But! Just who is our enemy!" Rick asked...

Rin and I looked at each other...

"His Kasan..." Rin said while pointing at Nico...

And both Lisa and Rick look at Nico...

Both of them looked really speechless... also they show a disbelief face... I personally won't believe if I were them... but unfortunately, that is the truth...

Lisa and Rick looked at me... asking for confirmation... and hoping that it is not true...

But I nodded...

"Why?!" Rick asked in confuse...

"Y-You don't know?" Rin asked...

I looked confused as well...

Oh! Of course! People knows that Navroth is alive now, but they don't know who is she actually...

"Nicolas's Kasan is Navroth..." I said...

And both of them looked surprised...

"S-So, your Kasan is Navroth?" Rick asked me...

"N-Not our real Kasan... but Clement Maxwell's wife..." I explained...

And they show a surprised face...

"I-I see... and he is fighting his own mother? I believe it is hard for him..." Lisa said...

Somehow, I feel that Lisa is so mature... she understands the situation...

After almost half an hour of ride, we finally reach East Sera... and also, the city is burning... but people stay on their house... since the archers are keep shooting...

And we arrive in front of the shop in no time...

"Ed, you come with me!" Euclio said and we left the other in the carriage...

It is an old store...

We enter the shop and... the shop is not locked?!

But no one is here?

"Excuse me!" Euclio shouted...

He checked to the back of the shop...

And I see this button... that is annoying to ignore it, so I decided to press it...

'TING' a sound like a bell heard...

And an old lady come to me...

"N-Nicolas! I am glad you are here!" she said

W-Wait!? Where does she come from! But nevermind!

Euclio return after checking the back of the shop...

"E-Excuse me lady! We want to buy an Advance Wind Magic Book..." Euclio said...

"Nicolas... are you with him?" the old lady ask me...

"Ummm, I'm sorry but I am not Nicolas..." I said

And the old lady looked surprised...

"But you look like him! Are you his brother or something?..."

Ugh... when the city is in danger, we are talking about this...

"Yes! I am, can you find the book?" I asked her with impatience...

"Ah, both of you sure have the same character..." she said while leaving us and start searching for the book...

And after almost ten minutes...

"Here you go!" she said...

"Thanks!" Euclio said and about to take it!

"Hey! You must pay!" the old lady said and pull the book back...

And Euclio fall to the ground...

"W-What do you mean! We want to save the city! And Nicolas is out of mana!" Euclio said and stand up...

"So... you are not a collector?" she asked us... and both of us shook our head...

"Then... who is the one that will cast the magic if Nicolas is sleeping?" the old lady asked...

"Him..." Euclio said and hold both of my shoulder...

I just give her a smile...

"I see... then, learn it now! I still need the book or else my shop will go bankrupt..." the old lady said and she offered us the book...

I take it from her and...

It is only a single sheet of paper!

I read the book and it seems easy...

"Wind Spirit, use our hand and feet, move us as fast as wind.... [SWIFT]!" I said and cast it upon the Euclio...

And Euclio's body is shining green...

But then it's gone...

Euclio try to walk and...

"H-Hey it feels really light!" Euclio said happily...

It is a success!!

The old lady looked at us in surprised...

"As expected from Nicolas's brother..." she said

"T-Thanks..." I said to the old lady...

"Thank you for your help old lady... we will be leaving!" Euclio said happily...

"W-Wait..." she said and stopped us...

Then she left us to the back of the store...

Umm... should we really wait for her... or save the city... I believe the city will need more

After five minutes of waiting...

She looks... well prepared...

"Okay! I am ready to go!" the old lady said...

"W-What?!" both of us in unison...

"What?! Both of you want to left me here? When the city is under attack?! Just how rude the young one these days!" she said and sounds mad...

"F-Fine! Let's go!" Euclio said to her... and she looks happy...

T-This old lady!

The three of us left the shop and I have to protect her until we reach the carriage...

And when we arrive... everyone shows a surprise reactions...

"W-Who is she?!" Ethan asked...

"N-Nicolas!" the old lady said after seeing Nisan...

"Hey! Ed... learn the Expert Wind Magic Book while we are on our way! We have no time!" Euclio said to me... and I nodded...

So I decided to open the book and read it...

"June! Return to the guild!" Euclio said from above...

And Ethan, Eria, and Erin move upstairs as well...

Only Rin, Rick, Lisa, the old lady, Nisan, Fredrich and I in the first floor...

Rin looks... curious as well, so I got friend to read the book with...

Then I understand...

I think I can do it...

I close the book...

"Wait..." the old lady stopped me...

"What is it?" I asked...

"[SHOCKWAVE] is a really dangerous magic... if you miss use it, you could destroy the entire city..." the old lady said...

Now, I feel very nervous...

This spell is the one that kills hundreds of thousand troops! The suicide spell of Mikhael Klorze...

C-Can I really do it?

"Don't worry! Ed can do it!" a voice behind me...

And when I face the direction... it is Ethan...

"E-Ethan..." I called his name...

But, if I do a mistake... it will destroy the entire city....

"You are his brother right?" the old lady asked while pointing at Nisan...

So I nodded...

"Then, take his staff now!" the old lady command me... I don't like being commanded by someone I don't really know... but she seems know a lot of things...

I take Nisan's staff... I will return it later Nisan, don't worry...

"Then, go upstair and go manipulate the wind! Don't use the Expert Tier yet..." the old lady said...

I nodded...

Ethan and I go upstairs... and Euclio notice my present...

"You can do it?" Euclio asked...

He looked a bit nervous... since he know that this is risky...

"The old lady asked me to use my wind manipulation first before using the [SHOCKWAVE]" I said to Eu...

And he gives a thought...

"Since there might be a probability that you are a God Race, I think she might be true..." Euclio said...

"Then, you should spread the wind attack to every direction... can you?" Ethan asked me...

"I-I'll try..." I said

"I know you can do it!" Ethan said...

I nodded... and take a really deep breath...

"I will do it now..." I said and everyone on the second floor nodded...

"Everyone, hold into something..." Euclio commanded...

Eria, Erin, Ethan and Euclio himself hold into the fence on the second floor really hard...

"Create.... Wind..." I said

And a green spherical light appeared...

"Manipulate... Wind..." I said and I can freely manipulate the wind...

I feel the power difference... when using staff and without...

I have this feeling that I have pass the magic through the staff and so I did...


"[AEROBLAST]" I said...

I summon the wave of air from my staff to every direction.... North, south, east, and even west... like a signal wave... repeatedly...

And the power is... pretty great...

"There!" Euclio shouted and we see a black clothed man...

"Eria!" Euclio called her name and Eria jump from the carriage and in a slash, she kill the assassins...

T-That is insane!

"Ed! Your magic power is great! Don't you think so?" Ethan asked me happily...

"R-Really?" I asked...

"Yeah! Do you hear that?..." Ethan said... and all of us remain silent...

I hear a bell sound...

And I look toward the direction...

"D-Did I move that bell?!" I asked and Ethan nodded happily...

Wow... I don't even believe it by myself... the bell is more than a kilometer away...

I-Is this staff really that powerful?

"It's not the staff..." Eria said to me...

Then what? I couldn't be as strong as this right?

"But it's yourself..." Eria said with a smile...

I-Is it really me?!

"It is you! I know from the beginning that it is true that you are as strong as your brother!" Ethan said...

E-Ethan... he really put a lot of trust in me... I won't make him disappointed...

"I think I can give another [AEROBLAST] with bigger wave, through the entire city..." I said

They looked at me speechlessly... but then one by one...

"I believe you! As I always do!" Ethan said...

"Yes! You are Nico's brother after all..." Euclio said with relax voice...

"Then do it! It is much faster that way..." Eria said...

And Erin just give me a smile...

"T-Then... I think I have to ask you to hold on the carriage really hard..." I said

But Euclio stop me...

"W-Wait... I think we should get you to the highest place..." Euclio said...

Everyone nodded...

"Oh, how about the wall between East and South... I think it is high enough..." Ethan suggested...

"That is great! But how can we get up stairs?" Euclio asked...

After a moment of silence...

We all hear a neighed...

"June!" all of us in unison...

"Let's go!" Euclio commanded and we move even faster...

June is really fast! She could reach four times in speed compared to normal horse... and another thing... she has a lot of stamina... and also! She understand us...

And in less than 5 minutes, we have arrived in front of the wall...

Euclio and Ethan jumped and release June from the mount...

"But more importantly, hold into something..." Erin said from above of the carriage...

"W-We are inside the carriage... aren't we safe?" Lisa asked...

"Probably..." Eria said and she move downstairs...

Probably... their face become pale...

I jump to the ground and hold June's face...

"I-Is it okay if I ride you?" I asked June and she neighed...

"She said it's okay since you smell the same with Nicolas..." Rin translated...

S-Smell the same?! He can tell?!

Previously, Keito-sensei can't tell us the difference of me and Nisan by smell as well... I thought he was joking...

Also Rin! He has strong sense... I really hope I have that ability...

June then get down... so I can climb on her...

After I climb her...

She doesn't fly! But she jump! Her jump could reach more than 50m up high! It is even higher than the wall! Also, I see the crack on the floor when June is jumping...

We landed on the wall...

And June drop me and I stand on the wall...

Not destroying the building, but just hitting the entire city with a wind...

I take a deep breath... and...

Another spell...

"[AEROBLAST]" I said and I created the biggest air blast I could...

I feel the wind is much bigger... June is almost blown away...

I look downstair... and I see... several houses are damaged...

I-I am sorry...

The wind is blown really hard and I created several damages on the street... also some pole in the street broke...

S-Should I do this?!

But then...

I see a lot of black clothed man in the city...

It is a success! I hope...

"Let's go June!" I said to June and she understand me...

She get down and I climb on her so that I can ride her...

We got down to where everyone else...

And we see they are fighting...

"Nice job Ed!" Rick said to me while fighting a black clothed man...

"He is even greater than his brother!" Lisa said while smiling toward me...

And she knock some other black clothed man...

While Euclio... he slashes four black clothed men...

He is scary...

E-Eria take eight of them...

She is scarier!

While Rin punch and kill ten at once!

He is the scariest...

"Hey! You've done a great job!" Ethan said happily to me...

Ethan come and hugged me...

With that, we finish our job and return to the guild...

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