《Power of Possibility》Chapter 10


“What in the name of Poseidon is that?!” Luke shouted.

Shouts filled the air as the people on board freaked out as the large otter that stood on deck spoke. The otter’s eyebrow rose up in confusion as he witnessed their panic.

“I might need some backup squad.” it said in the direction of the water.

Numerous splashes sounded out over the cries of surprise as five more otters hit the deck.

“Arm yourself men!” Ikaros shouted. “They have weapons.”

Swords left their sheathes as the warriors on deck readied themselves for the imminent battle. The otters seemed surprised and hefted their tridents at them.

“What are you doing Humans?” cried the first otter.”Have you caught the Dark King’s sickness, and gone mad?” He exclaimed.

Aleks walked in front of the ship’s crew and motioned with his hand for them to stand down. “What do you mean Dark King’s sickness? More importantly, what are you?” he asked.

“What do you mean what am I? Can’t you see what I am?” the otter asked, his eyebrow quizzically raised.

“You look like an. . . otter?” Ikaros hesitantly said.

The otter regarded him for a second before it shouted.”Of course, I’m a bloody Otter! Did you think I’m Human or Draconian?”

Surprised at its outburst, Aleks carefully said.”The otters that we know. . . they don’t stand like you, and definitely cannot talk.”

The otter’s mouth fell open.”What kind of lunacy is that? Otters that don’t talk!” he cried out before all the otters relaxed their tridents and laughed. “Where do you hail from, Human?” it asked.

“Not from around here.” Ikaros interjected.

“That’s obvious.” one of the otters said, getting another laugh from its squad.

“Maxwell, get the Human’s spokesperson here. This is going to give me a headache.” the first otter said. Maxwell, the otter, straightened itself and saluted before jumping off the ship.

“Where did you send it?” Aleks asked.

“I sent HIM back to the city. Just wait a bit ‘till the spokesperson gets here.” the otter replied before continuing.” And do you mind not pointing those shabby swords at us, geez. Who taught you manners?”

The men aboard were still unsure of what to do. Aleks looked at his comrades and they shrugged.

“Stand down men!” Aleks shouted.”Let’s hear what it. . . or rather he has to say.”


Sounds of swords being sheathed rang out in the air. The otter planted his trident in front of him and then pulled a small lever on the pole. A clang rang out as the pole reduced to a third of its length before the otter attached it to his back.

“Now that the tension has been eased.” the otter looked at them.” I am Captain Reginald Stroke of the Canalis sea patrol, at your service.”

Aleks and the rest could only stare at him, still unbelieving that an otter could talk and walk as they did. “My name is Aleksander, some of us are from Greece.” he pointed at himself and his comrades.”The rest are from Francia.” he said, pointing at the rest.

“Pleasure to meet you Aleksander. I do not know where this Greece and Francia is, but I assume they are human kingdoms considering your reaction to us.” Reginald replied.

“They are most certainly human. There are no animals that we know of that can talk, except some from the gods.” Aleks said.

The Otters fur rose up and their expression turned murderous as they thumbed their tridents.

“Human. I will give you only one warning. Never refer to any of my kind as animals. It is extremely insulting.” Reginald said in a low voice.

“Apologies, we did not mean any offense. We have never met any of your kind before but we will make sure not to do that.” Luke said.

“It is fine. The human spokesperson should be here any second now. He will educate you.” Reginald replied before continuing.”You will have to excuse us, we need to complete our patrol. Make sure to get a permit and identification card from the council.”

The otters moved into formation and smartly saluted with their right hands touching their heads. They fell over the railing and into the waiting waters. Aleks and the rest ran to the railing and saw them underwater, as they swam far faster than any human ever could.

“That was insane!” Luke exclaimed.”Otters that talk and walk like us. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing before?” he asked as he looked at everyone in turn.

“Never in my life have I ever seen or heard of such a thing, much less imagined it.” Damon replied.”This surely is another world.”


The rest could only nod at that statement. So far the world was relatively normal except for the exotic fish and the more vibrant atmosphere. That event though, changed the ordinary to the extraordinary. As they discussed what had happened, they saw a small but unique vessel approach them from the city. It had no sail and no oars. Steam billowed from it as it moved towards them with surprising speed. It slowed down as they arrived next to them. Two men were aboard with one man sitting at the back with a rod in his hand. The rod was attached to a metallic contraption that went into the water. The other man was standing and waved at them with a smile plastered on his face.

“Ahoy gentlemen! Permission to board?” he shouted.

Once again, the men on the ship looked at each other before they turned to Aleks. “Why am I the one who has to decide the whole time?” he asked and then shrugged before shouting down at the peculiar boat.“Granted!.”

They threw down a rope to the man and soon he was on deck. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with grey trousers. Spectacles sat on his nose and in his left hand, he held a case made out of leather. He looked rather young as there were no signs of wrinkles or grey hair.

“Good day gentlemen!” He said with a friendly voice.” The name’s Mark, spokesperson of the Human union, happy to make your acquaintance!”

They exchanged pleasantries and then Horus asked a question.”This was our first time seeing an otter that could talk. . . what more is in your city?”

“I was informed about your lack of knowledge. I will tell you about the city and its inhabitants. After we are done though, I would like to know where you all come from. It is needed for you to enter the city.” Mark said.

“Agreed.” Aleks replied.

Mark cleared his throat and began his explanation. The city’s name was Canalis. It had a population of over three hundred thousand members. The city was home to four different sentient races. The Otters that had their home close to the ocean, the Humans next to them, followed by the Draconians, and then the Rockfolk.

“Wait a minute. . . what are Dracionians and Rockfolk?” Luke asked.

“Oh, you really must not be from around here.”Mark replied before continuing. The Draconian people were descended from the Dragons far in the North. They walked on two legs and were humanoid in nature. The Rockfolk were like their name implied, made out of rock. Some were extremely large, reaching ten feet in height, while others were only four feet high.

“Seeing your faces, I think it might be better to show you than tell you about them.” Mark said with a chuckle.”Let’s get you to the city then I’ll take you through everything you need to know.”

They nodded with excited smiles. They were going to meet other races, something that no one had ever done where they are from.

“Before we do that though, you have to tell me where you are from.” Mark said with a serious expression.

“We think that we are from another world. . .” Aleks said while his hand scratched his head, looking unsure.

“Another world?” Mark asked, perplexed.

“We sailed through a blue light that we think might be a portal. That was a bit longer than a week ago.” Ikaros added.

“How peculiar. Where is this portal you speak of?” Mark asked.

Aleks pointed behind them.”A week’s sailing that way.”

Mark stared into the distance as he thought. His eyes widened as he looked at them with shock. “You came from the Dark Kings territory?!” he shouted.

“The Dark King?” Luke asked, confused.

“Of course you don’t know! The Dark King men. . .” Mark said his hands were in his hair.”Were there any dark spires sticking out of a jungle that lacked the colour of possibility with a large stone arch?”

“There might have been.” Aleks said hesitantly.

“Oh wow. That is just great!” Mark said loudly.” Did you disembark anywhere on that land?”

Aleks shared a look with his friends and then replied. “No.”

Mark breathed out a sigh of relief.”That’s good then. There are items of great power there, but they twist the minds of those that hold it. The last time someone explored the ruins of the Dark King, he turned mad and enslaved half of the continent.”

Everyone onboard except Mark began sweating nervously.

“Oh.” Aleks sounded.

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