《Children of Hameza [A Magical Fantasy Story]》8. Bloodbath
Moments before the rain drops Selica was able to successfully cast the spell she was searching for. Her instincts were right; the rain was indeed unnatural. From what she read in her first book, this silvery type of rain is called a Psy Rain, and it is especially bothersome for mages like her. From her research, a Psy Rain is the result of precipitation in either a magically dense environment or a location closely located to a magical rift. As the magical energies are dispersed through spell casting and other similar effects, the air and moisture carries these effects up to the sky and alters their composition to a point that it becomes a condense magical droplet that affects nothing but magic itself. So in effect, a Psy Rain washes out any magical foundation it hits, destroying or minimizing their effect to at most a quarter of its strength.
According to the book, Psy Rains are common in Magecraft City, however they usually only happen at around winter season, as the intense condensation of magical residue overflows and mixes up with the annual snowfall. That’s why a lot of the city’s citizen prepare for it like it’s an event; a holiday to reflect on the previous year. Festive decorations, contemplative atmosphere, and a “magical cleansing” ritual to end the year and greet the new one fresh and reinvigorated. A time of reflection that is unheard off to any mages that might have live outside of the city. Having the same Psy Rain in between spring and summer however is unprecedented and is bound to bring panic than cheer even amongst the oldest of Magecraft City’s citizens.
“PSY SHIELD!” Selica shouts with every once of her strength. Desperation fuels her magic to make it form faster. A translucent bubble hastily appears around Selica, big enough to have two more people inside. When the rain starts falling Selica thought that her magical shield didn’t work; the droplets seems to simply passes through the bubble Selica has created, but compared to the other mages, Selica can still feel the shield protecting her magic keeping its foundation solid and steady.
“Don’t leave the bubble!” Selica shouted as Ashlin and Gallian were surprised by the “Psy Shield” Selica has just created.
“How-!” Ashlin wanted to ask Selica but is immediately interrupted by one of the Silencers. Blade at hand, the Silencer lunged straight at Ashlin, but she was able to deflect it, and counter back with a fist straight at the opponent’s core. Ashlin’s fist erupted in an electric flash that catapulted the Silencer away, leaving his sword on the ground next to Ashlin’s feet. The body lies motionless as static and ice residue appeared where Ashlin punched him. ”Look out! Selica sees two more Silencers going for them. Their blades bloodied already by their recent victims and have found the kids as their next target.
Gallian grabs the iron sword the previous Silencer left with her good arm and points it at the two approaching enemies. “Come on, sea slugs. You want this?” There is an ease on how Gallian wields the sword. Though compared to how the Silencers are carrying them, she holds it more comfortably back handed than front.
Ashlin, on the other hand, is focused solely on combat. After punching her previous opponent she quickly shuffles herself and stands against the next upcoming threat; using her body as a shield against them and Selica. Both her hands are open palmed anticipating to parry the Silencer’s attacks.
Selica is barely keeping herself together. It’s only by some miracle that she was able to cast the “Psy Shield” in the first place. After the first few seconds of combat, Selica’s eyes darted around to see what has already transpired; and what she found is utterly gruesome. Mages, once proud of their position and stature, lie helplessly on the soaked ground bleeding and dying. Those who are still alive are desperately appealing to the SIlencer’s mercy but are unfortunately answered by a blade in the chest.
It’s a massacre. How can this be even called a test? Selica stumbles on her feet as she continues to witness this carnage first hand. Her mind is racing of any desperate attempt to get out of here as soon as possible.
“Steady yourself, Selica.” Ashlin’s voice pierced through Selica’s horrified mind. “Your spell is weakening because you’re panicking.” Selica looks up and sees her shield slowly dissipating similarly to her panicking state of mind.
“H-how exactly am I suppose to “steady” myself!?!” Selica shouts in anger and confusion. How dare Ashlin ask something so heartless right now. “Are you not aware what’s going on right now?” ”Yes, and thanks to you we might actually have a way to get out from this.” Ashlin answers more emphatically this time. The first Silencer lunged straight at Ashlin but she was able to immediately block and counter their attack with a quick nose jab. Normally a jab like that would only faze an adult let alone a Silencer, but Ashlin’s jab was coated with a static spark aimed at the target’s eyes. After disorienting the man, Ashlin punched him by the ribs. Hitting him with a more potent dose of her electrical charge. The Silencer is out after two hit, limply dropping as his body shivers from both the electrical current and frost accumulating in his body.
The second Silencer, seeing what has just happened to his friend, steps back and runs away. ”Hey come back here!” Gallian tries to follow the other Silencer, but held herself back when she notices the “Psy Shield” she was in. She surveys the surrounding area with a grim expression as she places the sword on her holster. “What a mess we’re in.” Gallian looks at the two people Ashlin confronted, their lifeless body covered with an unnatural sheet of ice from where she attacked them. “Are they dead?”
“Close to.” Ashlin relaxes her stance and carefully picks up the frightened Selica. “I gave them a taste of the Gollaza cocktail: an unhealthy doze of electricity and frost straight to their nerves.” She dusts off some of the dirt in Selica’s clothes. “And I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Selica is still speechless on what just happened. “H-how can you be so calm about this?” Selica stammers as she consciously maintains the “Psy Shield” around them. “People are dying left and right, and you seem to be talking as if we’re just in a challenge.”
Ashlin looks at Gallian, who seems to be on her side for once, then looks back at Selica. “Well this is a test. Though it is twisted in its own way.” Ashlin points at one of the buildings near them and ushers them there. “I’ll explain when we’re in a safe location. Come on.” She guides Selica towards the building with Gallian covering their back.
The interior of the building looks very similar to your average two story cobblestone home, except this one shows signs that it’s made from one material, stone, and its mock furniture are all rooted on the ground, as if they grew from it. When the gang enters the house, Ashlin immediately inspects it if there are any rain drops leaking in from the roof. After she has confirms there are none, she asks Selica to drop her "Psy Shield” for now.
Gallian, with a sword on her good hand, is keeping watch outside of the house for anyone who might try to enter. She nestled herself perfectly between a corner and starts to tear a small hole in the wall, just big enough for her eyes. Gallian’s method in keeping watch is almost methodical, like this is just second nature to her.
Selica also noticed something odd about to Gallian’s hair. Though she knows her friend’s hair has always been reddishly vibrant, somehow being soaked in rain actually magnifies it. Like it’s slightly glowing for some reason. It’s probably the effects of the Psy rain, she assumes.
The moment Selica dispelled the “Psy Shield”, her body falls over from exhaustion. Fortunately Ashlin is able to catch her before she falls. “Take it easy.” She leans Selica towards a nearby wall and carefully places her there. “You okay?”
Selica wipes the rain and sweat off her face. Adrenaline still pumping as she tries to calm herself down on Ashlin’s request. “A bit. But what’s going on outside? How is this a test?” ”Remember the bright flash the moment the gates closed? That was a resurrection spell.” Ashlin starts explaining their situation. “A delayed one at that. I know it because I use to see the same flash happen when I was studying some underground fights for training. It basically revives you right back up when you die.” Ashlin pauses. Then continues in an unsure tone. “Well that’s the idea of it anyways.”
“Let me guess, the rain is stopping them from being revived.” Selica adds. “We are under a Psy rain right now. Mages will have a limited amount of magic available to them once they get wet by this type of rain.” Selica explains on her side. “And if I recall correctly, it also suppresses spells within people, right?”
Ashlin nods. “Yes, that’s why those mages out there are corpses right now. The rain is preventing the rezz spell from activating.” Ashlin ponders a bit. “Not gonna lie, even if this is a challenge, this is some sick joke they’re playing on us, adding the Silencers to attack us during this condition could be a step too far.” ”I doubt it.” Gallian suddenly speaks up. “Those “Silencers” can barely be called one with how they wield those swords. I’m guessing they are new practitioner of the art or are new recruits of the fold.” She looks at the sword she has been holding, the sword has too many scratches and dents to even remotely be called a good sword. “Definitely new recruits.”
“So all of these are calculated? But why?” Selica starts to openly question their predicament. “How is limiting our magic AND being attacked by Silencers can be considered a good test to be a citizen of Magecraft City?”
Both Gallian and Ashlin are silent, though they may deduce the set pieces in play, finding the reason behind it is still beyond their grasp. ”Why don’t you tell us, Selica.” Gallian sighs and looks at her new friend. “You’re the one with the crazy theories.”
Selica gives a sarcastic laugh and bows her head from exhaustion. “And they are crazy for a reason, Galli. Remember how far off the mark I was with the first one?”
“Anyways, we can’t stay here for long. Silencers might start looking through these buildings soon.” Ashlin breaks their short reprieve. “We’re already over the initial surprise they’ve laid for us. Now it’s time for us to fight back and show that we can finish their test. We will get through this challenge, together.”
Gallian smiles, one of the few honest smiles Selica saw her have, “Gods you’re soo cheesy, princess.” She stands up and grabs a small bottle from her bag and threw it at Selica. The liquid inside the bottle is color blue. At first Selica thought it was just water, but when the liquid inside starts to shimmer she immediately realize what it is.
“A mana potion!” Selica begins holding the bottle with utmost care. “Where did you get this?” ”From the rich kid from before.” Gallian opens her bag and reveals a bunch of other stuff that’s probably not hers. “He might have seen through my acting, but I bet he didn’t see through how I robbed them blind.” Ashlin smiles, deep down she’s thankful Gallian is on her side. ”Drink up Selica, you’ll be the central piece of our group. So you better be in tip top shape and maintain the “Psy Shield” for us.” Ashlin explains with confidence.
Selica smiles as her new friends place their confidence on her. All her life, no one, aside from her parents, has really entrusted her with anything. Having these two rely on her in this situation makes her heart grow in confidence as well.
Emotionally rejuvenated, Selica uncorks the potion and drinks in one gulp. She can feel the mana inside her slowly refreshing, as if her body is being spiritually quenched by this bottle alone.
“I’m ready!” Selica can feel like she can do anything, and right now she needs to for their team to succeed.
Meanwhile, on another side of the battlefield, three Silencers are desperately fighting off one man. The man, or more appropriately a boy, is holding two iron swords he pilfered from the other dead Silencers in the field. Though compared to the usual stance Silencers handle their blades, this man has more finesse. The boy holds the iron swords as if they were a pair of rapier and dagger respectively. One blade facing forward while the other placed on his back on a downward position. His fencing pose also exudes confidence, as if three on one was nothing for the likes of him.
“Is he really a mage?” One of the Silencer complains. They were originally seven Silencers but somehow they were all cut down to three. This man is a monster, the pendants on their necks says that he’s a mage, but all evidence points out that he is a master of the blade instead.
“What are you waiting for?” The boy speaks up, his voice is crisp and suave that can make any girl swoon. “I am already getting tired so you may get lucky with your swinging.” He mocks them as he flourishes the blade arrogantly in front of them. Despite his charming voice, the boy is covered from head to toe with bandages. The small gaps you can peek through shows some darkened skin that is more burnt than complexion.
“You little-!” One of the other Silencers recklessly charges in. He tries to lunge at the boy, but he simply parries it to the side and slit his throat in one strike. The Silencer slumps down on the damp floor motionless as the boy washes the blade then pointed at the next person. ”Next!” The oozing confidence from the boy terrifies the other two. ”Fuck this, I’m going-!” Before the second Silencer can run, a sharp sword pierces through his chest as another kid appears from behind him with another iron sword at his hand. He wears a cliché ensemble of a wizard’s hat and robes, it’s as if he’s a stereotypical mage you would read in the books. ”How-?” The boy twisted the sword and pulled it out of the Silencer in quick succession. The last Silencer is speechless, not because of the murder but because his pendant is not responding to the boy at all.
The Silencer’s pendant allows them to see the mana stored within the mages. This is especially useful in a bloodbath like this. Quick witted mages might try to act as Silencers to sneak pass their ranks.
But this boy is special, actually not special, but rather too ordinary. Not only is the pendant not responding to his mana, but it’s as if he never had mana in the first place. Why did the guards in Silicon City allowed this kid in? Just because he’s wearing wizard clothes doesn’t make him a mage.
“What are you?” The last Silencer points at the boy holding the sword. It is an eerie juxtaposition; the only person dressed as your archetypical wizard doesn’t exude any magical powers at all.
The wizard boy spit on the corpse of his friend and pointed the sword at him. “Can’t you tell? I’m a wizard.” He lunges the sword at his throat. “And don’t you forget it.”
The last Silencer gargles on his own blood as he slowly slides down to his death. His mind is racing for an answer on what the boy is. Until finally in his last moment, he recalls an astute teacher of Magecraft City that is very similar to him. ”Y-you’re a null-!” Before he could finish his sentence the Silencer dies out.
“Good grief.” The swordsman boy walks closer to the wizard boy with both his swords holstered neatly on his waist. “No need to be so gruesome.” ”Relax, Mirna said they’ll all be revived like the other mages.” The wizard boy mutters a name in exasperation. “Right?” He looks over at the wall flanking them and there stands a young girl waiting in her damp clerical clothes. Despite the hood, the girl’s brown hair is completely soaked, covering most of her vision. “Yes, yes. They will come back after the rain has subsided.” She answers in calm demeanor, “But honestly, why is it raining like this during summer? Doesn’t this only happen during winter?”
“Seems like they cooked up something just for the test.” The wizard replies with a grunt, “Not as if it bothers me anyways.” ”Me neither.” The swordsman replies to the query, “Just a bit...awkward with the weight of things, that’s all.” He looks at the two iron swords in his hilt, sizing up his newly acquired weapons.
the young girl named sighed. “Well, I do.” She grumpily walks through the damp battlefield ahead of the two boys. “Can we just finish the test soon? I don’t really like being powerless like this.”
“As you wish.” The swordsman starts to walk towards the girl and escort her towards the hill where the monument lies. “Are you coming, friend?” ”Yes, yes.” The wizard boy starts walking as well.
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