《Children of Hameza [A Magical Fantasy Story]》4. The Blonde Princess
The winding path between the teleportation circle marquee and the city's crystal gates is about a kilometer long. It's very difficult to see what exactly is waiting for her at the foot of the gates due to the strong gusts of winds obscuring her vision. As Selica marches defiantly outside of the marquee against the howling mountain winds towards the city gates, she gets small glimpses of all the other mages traveling along the path.
The most common scene would be a group of mages, decorated in their own unique accents and accessories, huddled up together to prevent from getting blown away by the wind. Selica also notices some single mages like herself who braves the harsh winds alone. Some tries to use magic to block of the strong winds, but the other unfortunate ones who does not have access to said magic are walking along side the safety barricades for some assistance. And from the far distance, she also see flashes of white blinking in and out beside the crystal gate, probably made using teleportation spells by those mages who can use it. Lucky them.
"Maybe I should lean at the barricades as well." Selica has barely left the marquee so she still has time to go by the side and walk by the barricades. But, there's something she's quickly notice. Those who are walking in the middle of the road are all doing so with dignity, their posture are straight, their gait is calm, and most important of all, they don't let the harsh wind affect their composure at all. While those who are walking by the side looks desperate, as if they are clinging against the barricade for their dear life.
"Mages are an arrogant lot." Gallian's words rings again in Selica's mind. Though she might not fully agree with that statement, there's a hint of truth about the Mages she has seen striving to impose a confident disposition towards their peers.
"Is this part of the test already?" Selica ponders upon that realization. Maybe the city's first test is to see how mages can present themselves when they enter the city gates? If that’s the case, then teleporters have the best advantage amongst all the other mages. By simply bypassing the strong winds they can just present themselves to the gate in a flash. But if we’re talking about confidence, strolling into the city against this harsh weather like it’s nothing speaks louder than a simple teleportation spell. It would be the true display of mage confidence Selica thought to herself.
"If that's the case, then I'm already at a bigger disadvantage." She recalls her hapless situation half an hour ago. Her overconfident callout and it backfiring might have already deducted some major points on her score board. And the fact that no one helped her might also mean that showing weakness and compassion might also not be proper Mage etiquette.
"Then, that would mean Gallian's help also put her in a disadvantage as well." The realization regarding Gallian's aid brought Selica great sorrow towards her, but also warms her heart as it only reaffirms her belief that Gallian is indeed a girl with a good heart.
Selica shakes here head. Regaining her focus on the task at hand. "I can't rely on the barricades. I've already lost too much. I need to walk through the pavement and brave the wind." Selica digs deep and find the determination to step forward. She has already lost a lot of "points" from before, she can't afford to lose more by walking by the barricade now as well. She has to show them that she too can brave the winds like a “true” mage should.
Before her trek, Selica double checks all of her equipment so that they can withstand the winds better. She places all her paperwork at the very bottom and ties her backpack twice as an added precaution. she grabs one of her book and casts a "Wind Shield" on both herself and her gear. Normally a "Wind Shield" prevents projectiles from hitting the caster, but in this case the wind shield helps stabilize the stuff against the wind as it somewhat cancels out the harsh gusts from blowing her away It's not a fool-proof plan, but at least it can give her a good chance of reaching the gates without having too much problem.
"Uhh. Excuse me mam." While in the middle of Selica's preparation, she hears a male voice speaking to her from behind.
"Ah yes I'll be done in a sec-" Selica looks back and sees a bunch of black laden mannequins staring at her. They are all bulky built and their hands have some sort of metallic brass knuckles.
Is this ventrilomancy? "Hello? Are you talking to me?" Selica asks the mannequin, but there were no answer.
"Oh, oh sorry please wait a bit." A voice starts pushing through the mannequin, it was a black tied individual with a distinctive scar on his cheek. Somehow this guy looks familiar to Selica. Once the man finally reaches, her he waves his hand and the mannequins slowly moves back. "Apologies, I didn't realize I was using the mannequin. The name is Bigz, mam and can we ask for you to move a bit so we can leave?"
Selica makes a good look around her and realizes that she is in fact blocking the teleportation circle's exit path. Her whole preparation routine might have actually delayed this man and his mannequins from leaving.
"Oh my, my apologies!" Selica immediately moves to the side. Another point off Selica, she thought to herself. Getting flustered and being a hindrance is surely not the mage's way.
But Bigz simply smiles and laughs. "No worries mam, we didn't want to bother you when you were casting spells on yourself and stuff. Okay Ash, we can move now." Bigz looks back behind the tall mannequins and shouts at the person in the middle.
The mannequins slowly marches forward. At first, Selica thought there were many mannequins, but after a good look at them she only counted around 5 to 6 of them around Bigz. What really caught her eye is the person walking in the middle of these magical mannequins.
A pale white girl with blonde hair.
Wait a minute, isn't that the Gollaza girl? Selica immediately recalls her entrance just a while ago. How could she forget? So that's why there's so many mannequins surrounding her, they are her bodyguards.
As Bigz and the Gollaza girl starts walking out, the blonde girl stops and looks at Selica. She had squinted eyes, and her skin is almost porcelain in color. Selica reminded her of one of those exotic dolls the girls used to play with back in the village.
"A-are you going to walk alone?" The Gollaza girl speaks. At first Selica thought she’s talking to someone behind her, but after a quick moment she realizes the blonde girl was talking to her.
"Ah me? Umm yes." Selica stammers a bit. She’s not expecting to talk to some with the likes of her.
"Really? isn't that dangerous?" The Gollaza girl responds.
"Well, actually yes." Selica spoke honestly. "But, I have to do it. I've already lost points in my display before you came here. That's why I'm redeeming myself." Selica shores up a bit of confidence within her. If she is to become a “true” mage, she has to properly showcase a bit of confidence about herself.
But instead of answering, The Gollaza girl just stares at her eyes, then smiles. "Hey Bigz, you think we can let her join us towards the gates?"
"Missy here?!" Bigz answers back, his voice is ecstatic from the Gollaza girl's recommendation. "Of course!! Come on girl, get in the middle of the mannequins." The Mannequins slowly opens up revealing a path towards the small space the Gollaza girl is standing in.
Selica is speechless. Is this really happening? But before she was about to react, she compose herself and slowly walk towards the center and along side the Gollaza girl. The mannequins adjusts accordingly to Selica's baggage and gave her room to freely move.
The Gollaza girl's eyes were not as expressive as Gallian, but at the moment Selica can tell that she is relieved that she agreed to join her. "My name is Ashlin. and the dude in front of us is Bigz, my bodyguard. And you?"
"M-my name is Selica." The trembles in her voice is inescapable despite Selica's best effort to be composed. "W-why did you help me?" They and the mannequins have starts marching.
Ashlin ponders the question a bit, "I guess because you're the only person who actually needs help. All the rest of those mages at the back where only trying to elevate their status." Ashlin replies. "But you, you were ready to face the winds all on your own. You could say you inspire me."
"I-Inspire??" At this point Selica's composed facade breaks entirely. She’s not expecting to inspire someone like her, or anyone for that manner.
Ashlin responds with laughter, "Don't think too much of it." She adds. "But really, you were really going to walk straight into the crystal gates in the middle of the road? Against this harsh winds? That's some confidence."
Selica tries to give sense to her decision by explaining what happens awhile ago. Ashlin listens intently to her discussion while Bigz listens from the front while their small merry group marches towards the city gates.
The mannequins act as great wind breakers for both Selica and Ashlin within. Bigz on the other hand looks barely clinging by the exterior shell of the group and is bracing the winds head on.
"Wait! There's a point system??" Bigz is the first to react to her story. "Why did no one told me? I could have worn a better suit than what I'm wearing right now. And you could have been wearing your hero's suit as well Ashlin. That's sure to rake up some points"
"Oh please." Ashlin responds with a sigh. "Selica just said it in a theoretical sense. And besides, you can never make me wear that suit even at gun point." Ashlin's voice starts to sound dark by the end of her statement.
"So you are her." Selica has been trying to avoid that topic the moment she saw her. "The hero Gollaza's daughter."
"Yes, well it's not really a secret anyways." Ashlin resigns herself regarding the revelation. "But in terms of being a hero, well I'm not that. Or at least not yet."
"See Selica. Our little princess here is having her rebellious phase." Bigz starts to tease Ashlin. "She left the city and asks me to escort her here. I remember she was balling her eyes-Hey!" Suddenly a small surge of lightning shocks Bigz on the butt.
Ashlin is holding her hand out and pointing it at Bigz’ butt. The small cinder spark slowly crystalizes and becomes a patch of ice. "I should have picked Terry to escort me, at least he doesn't talk as much." Ashlin sighs. "Apologies for this blabber mouth, but unfortunately he's not wrong. I trust that you can keep this between us, as payment for our aid."
"Oh, yes of course." Selica motions her lips being sealed shut. "My lips are sealed."
Gigantic marble-like fortifications towers over Selica and the rest of the mages commuting towards the city’s gates. The walls are so high Selica swears she can see clouds floating around at its tips. Fortunately as they get closer to the gates, Selica has finally been able to get a glimpse of some more details regarding the city walls aside from them being white and big.
She starts to notice some of the walls are covered with some kind of crystalline material, however they seem natural in their appearance rather than intentionally man-made. Like hardened amber that has oozed out over the walls, these clusters of crystalline formation embedded itself at the marble wall's parapet, obscuring any gaps with what Selica feels with some sort of mystical protection. She also notices that there seems to be some sort of carvings running along on top of these crystals; she guess them to be some sort runic spell. Though these crystal formations are well scattered all over the wall's exterior they all seem to converge into a large concentration at its center, on top of a large iron gate surrounded by guards and visitors alike.
Magecraft City's Crystal Gates is what she hears it's called from the sparse talks she picks up during their walk. Other mages say that these gates could not only withstand some of the strongest magic that exists, but can also store them within the crystal concentration and keep for future use.
The iron-rimmed gates are made intentionally to complement the city gate's mage-specific protection. Even from this distance Selica can see that the gates are coated in a layer of raw iron on top of the hard steel to supplement its brittleness. As other mages, as well as Selica, have found out during their magical studies, nature-based or raw iron has great magical dispersal properties. If you don’t mix iron with any other materials while casting it, raw iron disrupts mana flow from any magic by breaking the spell’s structural integrity or form, weakening or dispelling it altogether. Though its brittleness is a major issue, anti-magic iron structures often supplemented by other metallic substance like steel but more as an add on rather than mixed in during forging.
Though Selica has read that there are some daredevil mages out there who went out of their way to control iron of all types despite its dangers. From her research its said that they use a special artifact to help manipulate the external form of iron as they see fit. She has also read some horror stories of how these same people have ultimately lost their magic or worse die just because they had an accident while controlling iron using their magic.
"We're almost there." The wind is still bellowing on all sides making Bigz announcement barely audible. "Damn, that's a lot of Silencers."
"That sounds fair." Ashlin comments, "this is a mage-city after all. Their police has to be specialized to deal with any kind of the mages’ antics."
Selica tries to peer through the mannequins in front of her to see what Ashlin and Bigz are talking about. A number of thick-coated individuals are posted by the road side holding a large white shield and swords holstered on their waist. Their bodies neatly garbed by white to gray wool sheets layered upon each other for more protection. Selica can see some of these garbs shine a faint iridescence when the light touches them. The armors and weapons on the other hand are finely tuned, not only are they iron but there is a slick white sheet on top of them that makes them look pristine and pure as its reflected by daylight.
"White Iron" Selica comments as she gets a closer look when they passes by one of the guarding Silencers.
"White Iron?" Ashlin asks with curiosity.
"Y-yes! White Iron." Selica is surprised by Ashlin catching her musings. "Those Silencers seems to be covered from head to toe in White Iron. I've only heard of it before, but it's some sort of a compromise between raw iron and a specific forging process using magic. White Iron are said to absorb magic instead of weakening them as what raw iron usually does. It also makes iron's attributes malleable enough to be used for clothing." Selica points at the Silencer's windbreaker and turban. The White Iron’s iridescent properties shines perfectly as Ashlin sees them for the first time.
"Really." Ashlin eyes wander towards the towering walls at the side. "Are those things made from white iron as well?"
"The walls? Of course not-!" Selica reactively shrugs off the possibility, but then takes a closer look. The walls were white from a distance, but now, she can see it. There's an iridescence in them similar to the Silencer's clothes a while ago. "No way. They can't. That would have taken so much material and time to do so." Even if it’s just the exterior coating of the wall, there’s still too much white iron used for it to have any logistical sense.
Ashlin snickers as she watches Selica’s astounding reaction. "This is the Magecraft City after all. If there was a place where money and time has plenty off in making something as audacious as this, it would be them."
"Yeah, I just hope they've had lent some of it in the city's naming." Selica comments back. "Seriously? Magecraft City? How dull is that?"
"It's probably for branding purposes." Ashlin answers back. "Also it's a matter of pride. I mean how much balls would you have to call yourself THE Magecraft City? That's just sheer confidence from the name-maker's sake."
"Huh," Selica is stumped by Ashlin's comment, "I never thought of it that before." Again, pride. It seems Selica is slowly learning the importance of having pride as a mage. She has never really looked into it before, as she was often more focused in studying magic rather than being proud about it. But it seems like it’s something she needs to learn in order to be “true” mage in Magecraft City.
"Yeah, stuff like that are also common with heroes as well." Ashlin now seems to be drawing from experience. "Your hero name has to be just close enough with your "thing" but not fully encompass it like "Power Man" or something. Doing so will have you face a number of challengers, both hero and villains alike, to clog up your daily plate just cause of your audacious name."
"Ughh that sounds exhausting." Selica has never been the type to deal with other people, and imagining others actually confront her just for picking up a name just sounds the absolute definition of hell.
"So true." Ashlin laughs heartily. "Can't really imagine how my father deals with it honestly. He spent most of his days arguing with other heroes rather actually helping them." The blonde haired girl's cold demeanor begin to crack for Selica. But the moment she realizes it, Ashlin immediately composes herself. "A-anyways, we should be by the gates now. Hey Bigz, are we there yet?"
"Aww, I was hoping to hear the rest of your story, princess." Bigz smug voice prevailes over the howling mountain winds. "Yes we're here already. Just lining up for inspection."
By this point Selica and the group have stops walking. She peeks through the mannequins again and saw a sizeable line forming up in front of the iron gates. Lines again? Really? Why are there so many lines? Selica thought to herself.
Mages of different practices fills up the inspection line. Most mages carry themselves in the usual regality Selica has slowly become accustomed to. Others are more practical, their bodies covered from head-to-toe in thick cloths and furs. Then there are the more unfortunate ones who are wearing nothing more but rags and are barely enduring the winds.
Selica could faintly hear whispers talking about them. Looking back on her journey from the marquee, they must have stood out too much with all these animated mannequins surrounding them. She watches Ashlin's reaction towards it, surely she too can hear the whispers regarding her. But she seems to not let it bother her much, or probably she is already too used to it by now.
"Oh really! That's amazing." Suddenly a familiar voice broke through the whispers and the strong winds. "Such a young age and already a Sage associate." The voice was sweet as ever, but not in a caring motherly tone. Selica tries to see through the mannequin once again, hoping to find the source of that sweet alluring voice.
"Yes, yes." The boy’s voice is responding in a haughty tone, "So just stick with me love, and you can get to see my prowess first hand." Selica searches the crowd and was able to locate the male voice, it’s a young mage that’s a few group in front of them in the line. The mage is no younger than 18 and is wearing a flowing green and gold robes and an exquisite fur hat, and on his arm a familiar girl is laughing and flirting with him.
"Gallian?" Selica could never miss Gallian's luxurious flowing red hair even amidst this strong mountain winds.
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