《The Big Yoink: A Smol Detective Story》Chapter Twenty-Two (Epilogue)
"...and so I made the decision to stay behind. I know it was stupid, and believe me I had plenty of regrets when the two Snapes got all grabby with me later on..."
Maria Vargas sat on the floor of a drab prefabricated room. She slouched back against the comforting coiled-up body of Resh'skk as she went through the whole nonsense for what felt like the millionth time with yet another Senate representative. Her interviewer was an unfamiliar Jornissian with a name she couldn't be bothered to remember. Whoever he was, he must have been a high-level spook; the powers that be had *built* this room right on location, just to give them a secure place to speak. What gave the debriefing a touch of the surreal was that the spook sat behind a human-style desk. The aforementioned spook had his hands clasped together on the desk top, nodding and smiling in a clearly coached and very human manner as Maria went on.
After she'd finished, the Jornissian paused for a few moments before speaking. "[I thank you for your courage. If it's any consolation, you did the right thing. We estimate that Sssnnathor's copies would have dominated the galactic scene in less than a [century]. That would, of course, have been a significant disruption. And I trust you understand the need to keep quiet about this whole affair.]"
She sighed and nodded. "Yes I do, as I've said the last ten damn times I've been asked that same damn question."
The Senate representative spread his hands in another calculated human-like and pleading gesture. "[I have my own orders. We need to make sure everyone is, er, 'on board', as you [humans] say.]"
"Oh, you bet I'm keeping my mouth shut. I saw up close and personal how bad Snape was, and I don't want to give any more would-be immortal dictators any ideas."
"[I fear the need for secrecy is a little more complicated than that,]" said the spook. "[You see, this whole affair also involves the [Karnakians].]"
"Ah, crap."
Maria's body shook as Resh'skk chuckled behind her. After a moment, the representative gave a hissing laugh of his own. It was the first genuine bit of emotion she'd seen from him.
"[I can well understand that sentiment! It was big news when the [Thirty-Third] and [Thirty-Fourth] Sacred Paths reached their historic agreement. Many people, especially those of a feathered persuasion, are asking many questions as to how it happened.]"
The area between Maria's shoulder blades took on a psychosomatic itch, as if the mother of all targets had just been pinned on her back. "Aww, double crap."
Resh'skk's body tensed. "[Is she in danger?]" asked the ex-soldier.
The spook shook his hood. "[Not at the moment. We've discussed things with the two Matriarchs, along with those in their retinue who were present during [Sssnnathor's], er, apprehension. They've agreed to keep silent about what exactly occurred, for [Maria's] sake.]"
Maria felt a little of her tension ease. "I guess you're worried about some reactionary nutjob from one of the Paths trying to kill me, eh?"
"[To be honest, we're worried about just the opposite. By all accounts the relations between the two Paths are thawing faster than anyone could anticipate. There is, however, a concern that if your pivotal role in that thaw is uncovered there will be a few [Karnakians] looking to...well, to [canonize] you.]"
Maria rubbed her forehead. "That beats dying, but yeah. I don't need any of that nonsense. I'm just a nerd who likes history, ya know?"
The spook smiled with real warmth. "[I know.]" His eyes flicked up towards Resh'skk. "[I'm satisfied, for what that's worth. You'll be looking out for her?]"
"[Do you really need to ask?]" replied Resh'skk. He clenched one hand, giving an audible crackle of knuckles that sounded like logs snapping.
"[Er, no, I suppose not. If it makes you both feel better, this is the last debriefing. And may I say privately that I'm grateful you chose to accompany [We Who Hunt Between The Spaces] on their vacation. I always wanted to visit Hsnrahtath-Five, and now I get to do so on the Senate's [dime].]"
Maria smiled. The dude might be a bureaucrat, but he had his priorities in order. "Yep, this is prime basking real estate. We're now gonna go do a whole lot of that ourselves." She picked up a tote bag that lay next her, and slung it over her shoulder as she stood. "Come on, Reshy."
Resh'skk escorted Maria out of the drab room and down an equally drab and prefabricated corridor. The door at the end, however, was made of real wood. As Resh'skk opened it, Maria felt a little like Dorothy stepping through into the magical land of Oz. The lobby beyond had a low ceiling (well, low for aliens), complete with a polished flagstone floor and dark-brown wood for the walls. Overall the atmosphere was homey and welcoming, in stark contrast to the soaring and intimidating architecture she remembered from Sssnnathor's palace. Off to one side was a timber-framed archway that showed a pure azure sky and a lovely expanse of white-sand beach. The latter, of course, was heavily populated with snake-like aliens flopped on their backs as they soaked up the sun.
Maria blew out a breath. "Thank the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster that's over. Hang on, I need to change."
Resh'skk paused as Maria stripped off her shirt and jeans, revealing a dark green bikini underneath. It was a tame garment by human measures, although Maria was sure her abuela would still have given her some stink-eye over showing so much skin. She packed her clothes into her tote as she glanced over at her friend and bodyguard. "You're not taking off your shirt?"
"[I don't tan, you know that...]"
Maria pulled out a pair of oversized sunglasses and donned them. "That's not the point! If you're on a beach you're supposed to show off yer bod...if you have one, and I know you do. So let's see it! Sun's out, guns out!"
With a shrug of his hood, Resh'skk unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to Maria. She stowed his garment in her tote as she gave his upper body an appreciative stare. Resh'skk would be considered 'ripped' even among Jornissians. She smiled in satisfaction. "Thaaaat's better. We need to get those Jornissian hotties checking you out. Then they'll get all jealous of our Boss." She slung her bag over one shoulder and hugged his rock-hard bicep against her side with her free arm.
Resh'skk twitched in surprise at her contact. "[Er, are you making a, um...look, [Maria], maybe I've given you the wrong signals...]"
"Oh, hush. You're my friend, Reshy. One of my best friends. I'm not about to go messing that up just to sample some alien nookie."
He relaxed, then patted her arm in a silent thanks. The pair made their way to the archway and onto the warm sand.
She grinned up at Resh'skk. "Careful, you're smiling. I'd hate to have my favorite Grumpus getting all happy on me."
He said nothing in response, only smiled wider.
Maria could feel eyes on them both as they maneuvered along the crowded beach. Much of the staring was at her, of course. But Resh'skk also received his share of curious (and, yes, lustful) consideration.
Most of the throng was Jornissian, but there were a few feathered or furred forms here and there. Maria saw no sign of the Dorarizin crew or their 'adopted' human, for which she was grateful. The pack had opted for another resort, ostensibly to avoid anyone making any connection between them and Hrathra's group. But Maria was sure the real reason was to get away from everybody else after spending so long cooped up together on the same ship. It was a sentiment she heartily agreed with.
A long green body came into view, clad in the Jornissian equivalent of a bikini. Hrathra'sstah lay flopped on her back in the sand, soaking up the sunshine with a gentle smile.
"[I've made a decision,]" she said as Maria and Resh'skk came walking/slithering up. "[I'm staying right here for the rest of my life.]"
Maria unfurled a beach towel on one side of Hrathra while Resh'skk took up a basking posture of his own on the other side. The human looked around at the sunny scene. "Well, if we're gonna settle down I can think of worse planets."
"[No, I mean I'm not moving from this spot. You two will have to feed and bathe me.]"
"I don't think that's gonna work, Boss."
Hrathra fixed Maria with an amused red eye. "[Oh? And what are you going to do about it? It's not like you can move me.]"
Resh'skk leaned over and flicked the underside of Hrathra's hood with his tongue, making the long green alien shiver. "[I'm sure I can get you moving, [sweetie]. As I recall, I got you moving pretty good last night.]"
Maria shook her head as she seated herself on her towel. "Eeeesh, you two are worse than a couple of teenagers. Don't make me break out the spray bottle."
Bluffing is a concept which all sapient species understand. At the moment, Rgrarshok-of-Ngraz was doing a whole hell of a lot of it as she regarded the paltry hand she'd been dealt. The tiny-chomper game of [Poker] had spread like wildfire throughout Senate space. Some of that popularity was due to being similar enough to existing games, what with its mixture of wagering, chance and bluffing. Part of it was due to the game's relative simplicity. But most of its popularity was due to the fact that the 'face' cards looked like tiny-chompers.
Sadly, the Captain had none of the latter at the moment. Nor even any pairs of any number. But her countenance was serene as she glanced at her opponents seated around the felt-covered table. They stared back just as imperturbably while Rgrarshok also glanced at her surroundings. This particular resort was more [glitzy] than where [Hrathra'sstah] and her crew wound up. The decor tended to the shiny and golden, and so she wore a tasteful silver-threaded dress that fit right in. She cast her eyes back down at her cards as a confident and very welcome voice sounded out.
"{Sorry I'm late, everyone. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get here.}"
The Karnakian dealer overseeing the proceedings nodded her crest. "[Sir, you'll have to wait until the current hand is completed before joining.]"
"{Of course!}" replied Bgrah. "{Don't mind me.}"
Rgrarshok didn't look up as Bgrarh seated himself at the opposite side of the table. He was wearing the simple 'basic black' outfit he'd adopted on [Sssnnathor's] planet, and without looking the Captain knew that it fitted him like a glove. She caught the faintest whiff of his excitement, which made one of her ears twitch in a spasm of barely-controlled lust. Without saying a word, she knew what the play was.
Bgrarh was going to do his best to take her to the cleaners.
Rgrarshok bluffed her way into winning the pot with her current hand, and for the next hand was dealt the much better situation of pair of tens. It was a solid hand, and yet Bgrarh had an amused slouch to his posture that indicated the exact opposite. She caught the faintest twitch of his nose as he regarded his cards, then Bgrarh began betting as if he held a straight flush. He didn't lose his carefree air, in spite of losing his first hand.
He won the next hand, barely. And that time there hadn't been any nose-twitch. His third hand resulted in Bgrarh's second loss, and the nose-twitch was back. Rgrarshok knew she'd figured out one of Bgrarh's 'tells'.
When the fourth hand was dealt, Rgrarshok had to call on years of training to keep from yipping in delight. Four nines stared back up at her, and as the players all anted in she realized that for once she didn't have to bluff.
Bgrarh met her eyes. "{Care to make this a little more exciting?}"
Rgrarshok stared back...and saw the faintest nose-twitch. She responded with a feral smile. "{Of course! What did you have in mind?}"
"{Nothing too extreme. What would you say to...the loser has to buy the winner a drink?}"
Rgrarshok didn't hesitate. "{You're on.}"
Bgrarh gave a cheeky nod of his head. "{As madame wishes.}"
Somehow that made the amount in the pot not so important. After a while the others dropped out, leaving Rgrashok and Bgrarh as the only two still wagering. The other (now ex-) competitors regarded the pot's substantial pile of chips in silent awe.
"{Are you going to raise?}" asked Rgrarshok.
Bgrarh regarded his cards...complete with the faintest of nose-twitches...and then shrugged. "{I suppose I will.}"
Rgarshok pounced, raising the bet while the other players watched on.
"{Do you call, or raise?}" asked the Captain.
"{I...call.}" came Bgrarh's response, along with another barely-perceptible nose-twitch.
Now that the bets weren't increasing, the Karnakian dealer bowed her head. "[As dictated, you must now show your hands.]"
"{Four nines,}" said Rgrarshok. She laid the cards in front of her in a stately manner.
Bgrarh's forehead wrinkled as he regarded her cards, then looked down at his own hand before leaning forward and delivering a devastating reply as he laid his cards down.
"{Four Jacks.}"
Rgrarshok stared in shock at his impossible hand while Bgrarh smiled gently. "{And what, might I ask, does Madame enjoy as a cocktail? I'll make sure to ask the bartender. As for me, I'll take a [vodka martini].}"
The Captain blinked, then nodded. "{Of course.}" She didn't move a muscle as Bgrarh swept the pile of chips towards him with casual competence.
She didn't speak again until Bgrarh cashed in his winnings and they were seated at the nearby bar. Bgrarh's drink came in an strange, tall-stemmed glass that had to be an up-sized replica of a tiny-chomper original.
"{I see that Little-Sniffer has been giving you some coaching,}" she said.
Bgrarh raised the odd glass to his lips and took a sip. "{Now, Captain, why would you think that? Maybe I'm just a natural [poker] player.}"
"{I'm not talking about [poker], you little menace.}"
Her lovely and oh-so-infuriating subordinate just smirked. "{Nobody's called me 'little' since I was five years old.}"
Rgrarshok controlled her instincts with a will. It wouldn't be proper to simply tear off his clothes and mount him right here on the bar. "{I know that Little-Sniffer has considerable skill at slight-of-hand. And I also know there's no way in this galaxy you were dealt those four Jacks.}"
Bgrarh took another sip. "{And yet you still paid for my drink.}"
"{Consider it an appreciation of your skill. Or perhaps your luck.}"
He gave her a deep nod, almost a bow. The Captain was still coming to terms with this newly-confident version of Bgrarh, and decided to cut through any nonsense.
"{How long is this going to go on?}" she asked.
"{Whatever do you mean?}"
She put an elbow on the bar as she leaned forward, almost touching her nose to his. "{Less than four weeks ago you were [Belgian], whatever that is, and styling your facial fur like tiny-chomper [moustaches]. Four weeks before that, you were wearing strange hats and going on about how the game was afoot. Right now I'll bet you're imitating some sort of...of tiny-chomper thing again. And that's why I can't do this, Bgrarh. You're my packmate, and you'll always be my packmate. I know you're courting me, and believe me I'm considering it. But I want to be with you, not some sort of character you've built in your head.}"
Bgrarh downed the rest of his drink. "{I understand, Captain. I'm not 'doing' anybody. I will admit that right now I'm...inspired by some tiny-chomper media, but during that whole fight on [Sssnnathor's] planet I came to a realization.}"
He set the odd glass back on the bar. "{For a long time I've tried to not be me. Because everybody looked at me as a meathead, a jock. So I wanted to be somebody completely different, somebody smart. During that battle, though, I realized that I am a jock. But I'm also smart. And right now, my dear, I...}" He took in a deep breath. "{Right now, I want nothing more than to be both of those things for you.}"
Rgrarshok regarded her own drink. "{Thank you for being so...open. Are you in season right now?}"
Bgrarh glanced around. The Jornissian bartender was off at the other end serving other customers, and there was nobody else nearby. The big Dorarizin raised his paw and moved it towards her head.
"{Bgrarh, don't. I'm your Captain, you shouldn't do that in...public...}" Her voice trailed off into a moan. "{...oh, by the First Pack...}"
His eyes were warm and kind as he rubbed her ear between his fingers. "{You're my Alpha. I'm yours to command, whatever you decide.}"
She couldn't resist. His scent, his intimate touching...it was too much. "{Then I command you follow me to our room.}"
Bgrarh smiled. "{No dinner first?}"
By now, Rgrarshok's breathing was visibly heavy. "{Bgrarh, if I don't have you in the next [ten minutes] I'm going to create a diplomatic incident on some nearby table.}"
Tk'rii'na trotted into the echoing, high-ceilinged lobby. The only other occupant was the Director of this sanitarium, a tall and stately Karnakian with iridescent feathers. Behind the director soared a large archway that led into a lush green garden.
He bowed to the Director. "|Tk'rii'na, of the Unified Path. I'm here to visit Ter'yeik.|"
The Director responded with a reserved nod of her crest. "|You are expected, Tk'rii'na. And you are welcome. Please, follow me.|"
Tk'rii'na followed the Director through the arch and into the garden beyond. A winding gravel path led from the archway and deep into the greenery. A wave of gentle warmth and humidity washed over Tk'rii'na as he entered the garden, and the sensation made him relax on instinct. The scent of flowers filled the air, and a gentle choral singing wafted from hidden speakers. He felt overwhelmed by a sense of tranquility.
"|How is he doing?|" Tk'rii'na asked.
"|Very well.|" The Director moved at a slow and sedate pace, one that Tk'rii'na mimicked. "|His progress is amazing, considering the state he was in when you brought him here.|"
Tk'rii'na relaxed. "|That's good.|" True, at one time he'd considered the former Second Claw a gullible fool. But even back then he didn't wish injury or harm on Ter'yeik.
"|We've had to take certain precautions, of course,|" the Director continued. She fixed a determined eye on Tk'rii'na. "|The main precaution is absolutely no mention of the little-needs-protectings.|"
The Director sighed. "|I hope that over time we can wean him off of that particular phobia. In all other regards he's a model patient, just...please don't mention them, all right?|"
The pair came around a bend in the path. In front of them sat a small glade surrounded by large ferns. In the middle of the glade stood a large easel, bearing a canvas half-filled with an impressionistic version of the sun-lit shrubbery.
Ter'yeik sat back from the easel and pondered. The cream-colored Karnakian held a small box in one hand and a brush in the other. "|Aqua number sixteen,|" he murmured to the box. The liquid within obediently shifted to the desired color. He was just about to dip his brush into the 'paint' when the Director cleared her throat.
"|Ter'yeik? You have a visitor.|"
The patient looked around in surprise, then lit up with a smile as he saw Tk'rii'na. He hastily set down his painting tools and walked towards the pair. "|Hello! It's nice to see a familiar face!|"
"|Likewise,|" responded Tk'rii'na as he and Ter'yeik clasped forearms. The pair then nuzzled their snouts together in a less-formal Karnakian greeting. "|So you've taken up painting?|"
Ter'yeik laughed. "|More like dabbling, I fear. If nothing else, it's good for helping me focus. So how is everything? The Path is doing well, I trust?|"
Tk'rii'na knew he now had to dance through a verbal minefield. He wasn't sure if Ter'yeik meant the original Thirty-Third Path or the still-developing Unified Path. Mention of the latter might lead to mention of a certain little-needs-protecting who'd instigated the unification. He had to keep his descriptions vague.
"|Everyone is well,|" Tk'rii'na replied. "|The Honored Mother sends her regards and regrets that she could not come in person. She's quite busy at the moment.|"
Ter'yeik waved a claw. "|Oh, I understand. Please tell her how much I appreciate her help. It's very magnanimous of her, considering how much I wronged everyone. I was...in a very dark place, for a while.|"
Tk'rii'na glanced back at the Director, who responded with an encouraging nod. He turned back to Ter'yeik. "|Yes, well, I have my fair share of misdeeds to atone for.|"
Ter'yeik laid a friendly hand on Tk'rii'na's shoulder. "|In our defense, we were both misled by another, this 'Silken Feather' creature. Tell me, did they ever track her down?|"
The gray Karnakian shook his crest. "|She vanished right after we rescued [Ma...], er, after we vanquished [Sssnnathor]. The Dorarizin team has her DNA information distributed through the Senate law-enforcement networks, so if she's scanned at any point they'll know.|" He stared at a nearby shrub, not really seeing it. "|I'm still angry at myself for falling for her lies.|"
Ter'yeik stepped closer and squeezed Tk'rii'na's shoulder. "|You are mortal, the same as any of us. I remember how very comely she was when she was posing as Ka'iirt. Sutra Eighty-Two...|"
"|...A pleasing smile can mask the deadliest of intentions.|"
"|Truly. Come, let's speak of more pleasant things! How goes the new temple?|"
It was such a casual question that Tk'rii'na almost answered before he realized the implications of going down that conversational road. He looked to the Director again for guidance, but the stately Karnakian merely looked on with no hint in her expression.
"|It...um, proceeds well. Getting the planet annexed took longer than expected, so they've just broken ground on the foundations. It'll be a while before the buildings are completed.|"
He felt a little trickle of sweat along one of his crest-feathers. Surely talking about this would trigger Ter'yeik? The new temple only existed because of the actions of them.
But yet the former Second Claw seemed in the very best of spirits. "|Wonderful! I can only hope to see it some day.|"
Tk'rii'na relaxed. This was not going to be such a difficult conversation after all. "|I'm sure you will! The Director has had nothing but good things to say about your progress.|"
"|She's far too kind,|" responded Ter'yeik. He nodded his crest towards the subject of their conversation. "|I'm just sorry she had to listen to so much of my ranting when I was brought here.|"
Ter'yeik's tone was light and untroubled, and thus Tk'rii'na's next words just slipped out. "|Oh yes, I remember it well! You were going on and on about the danger from the little-needs-protectings!|"
The last three words hung like a storm cloud over the tranquil garden scene. The Director slapped a hand over her face as Ter'yeik pondered the statement.
"|I was, wasn't I?|" he finally said.
The Director peeked one front-eye out from between her fingers, as if hoping that the oncoming blow-up wouldn't happen.
Her hope was in vain. Ter'yeik turned and faced his former subordinate with a raised crest and fluffed-out neck. "|You're just like everyone else, aren't you? You think that they are cute and harmless.|"
Tk'rii'na held up his hands. "|I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Please don't get angry...|"
Ter'yeik moved faster than anticipated. In less than an eyeblink the former Second Claw held Tk'rii'na's head locked in between his hands, their snout-tips all but brushing against each other.
The Director regarded the trussed-up form of Ter'yeik as he kept mumbling his rant through a tied-up muzzle. The now-visible security drone beep-booped as she dismissed it with a wave. A pair of Karnakian orderlies in neutral-colored uniforms appeared at the edge of the glade.
"|Take him back to his room,|" said the Director. She sighed. "|And...set his file back to Level One.|"
Tk'rii'na bowed his head. "|I truly didn't mean to, that phrase just slipped out-|"
She cut him off with a curt sniff. "|I'm putting this down to a test of his progress. We clearly have a lot more work to do. I trust you know the way out?|"
He did, and knew enough to not ask for anything further such as a ride back to his hostel. Tk'rii'na put in a request to the local network for a lift, then waited in the parking lot for his appointed ride.
That ride appeared as a dot in the sky, then rapidly expanded into a standard ground-to-orbit shuttle that parked itself next to Tk'rii'na with a casual competence.
After the closest door swung up, Tk'rii'na seated himself into the shuttle as he brooded on his latest failure.
"|Where to, sir?|"
He twitched his head up in surprise. An actual Karnakian driver stared back at him, her red-feathered face impassive. "|I said, where to sir?|" she repeated.
"|Ah...the base station for [Zephyr Station Thirteen], please.|" Tk'rii'na sent the necessary payment information through his implant, and she nodded in a strangely familiar way.
"|Understood, sir. Please use the safety straps.|"
"|Of course.|" He continued to berate himself silently as he strapped in. The last strap was twisted around, and without asking the driver reached over and un-snarled it. Tk'rii'na nodded his thanks before staring out the window. The lush greenery flew beneath them while he wondered just how long Ter'yeik was going to be incarcerated.
"|You want to know something?|" asked the driver.
Not really was his first thought, but aloud he said "|By all means. I could use some enlightenment.|"
"|Aw, you're too hard on yourself. You aren't nearly as much of a [dweeb] as I thought you were.|"
Tk'rii'na snapped his head around to stare at the driver, who in response shook herself as if getting rid of some errant bathing-dust. Her colors flowed into a very familiar green, complete with a yellow band around her neck.
He slumped back in despair against the hull of the shuttle. "|Of course. Why wouldn't you show up at such a time?|"
The Silken Feather smiled at him. "|I mean it, [dear]. I saw what you did to get [Maria] back safe and sound. You're much braver than I gave you credit for.|'
Tk'rii'na didn't respond. He stared at the floor of the shuttle in silent defeat.
"|Nothing to say? I expected you to try to subdue me, at least.|"
"|There's no point,|" he replied. "|I know all of your tricks. You're just a hard-light hologram...|"
His voice trailed off as she reached over and hugged him. Her scent washed over him, making his heart race just like it had back when she'd called herself Ka'iirt.
"|I'm here, my [dear],|" she whispered in his ear.
In spite of his anger, Tk'rii'na relaxed in her embrace. "|Why are you here?|" he whispered back.
"|Because you deserve an in-person apology. Oh, and because I've found some information that might be the location for Ma'Knacht's tomb.|"
All four of his eyes opened wide. "|Wait. Ma'Knacht was the teacher of Ta'irrl'qc! Her training led to his discovery of The Final Sutra! That resting place has been sought for millennia!|"
The Silken Feather released him and leaned back with an infuriating smirk on her face. "|Really? I hadn't noticed.|"
Tk'rii'na composed himself. He couldn't let his guard down again, not with this...this thief. "|What does it matter? I'm sure you'll only tell us of your supposed secret after a hefty payment.|"
Her next words surprised him even more. "|Oh, no payment will be necessary.|"
"|I meant what I said. You...all of you, but you in particular...you made a real impression on me. My only requirement is that you get that [Jornissian] archaeologist involved again. That little-needs-protecting she's mentoring has quite an interesting soul-pattern. I'd like to see what she makes of Ma'Knacht.|"
Tk'rii'na gave his species' version of a bitter laugh. "|Why not? [Maria's] already up-ended two Sacred Paths, why not another?|"
The Silken Feather caressed his shoulder. "|Awww, don't be like that. You must admit things are better now.|"
He hated to admit it, but Tk'rii'na knew she was right. "|Okay, then. I'll call [Hrathra'sstah]...assuming she wants anything to do with us.|"
His former lover's face was serene. "|For this information? She'll grow legs and call herself a lizard.|"
If Oscar stared up into the sky, he could have sworn he was back on that Florida beach where it all began. The sun and the sand looked the same, and the expanse overhead was just about the right shade of blue.
But his ears sure knew they were somewhere else. A chorus of clicks, growls, purrs, hisses, and all manner of unearthly noises sounded out around him. The alien speech resolved into idle chatter in his earpiece. Some of that chatter involved him, which was to be expected. There were only a few Dorarizin scattered here and there among the throngs of giant snakes, and for one of those Dorarizin to have a human next to her? Of course there'd be gossip. He also studiously ignored how much of the overheard chatter revolved around how adorable he was.
Farther down the beach someone had mounted a xeno-sized net, surrounded on both sides by blurs of scaly activity. A white streak zipped back and forth between the two blurs, accompanied by various hissing shouts of merriment. Oscar could only watch the action for a little bit before getting dizzy trying to track the ball.
Like most human things, the game of volleyball had spread throughout the galaxy. Oscar joined in one game before giving it up as a bad idea. Playing against Dorarizin was bad enough, but at least playing on the beach with its less-stable footing made up for his slower reflexes. But playing against Jornissians? Fuggetaboutit. They were effectively one big foot, and wickedly accurate with their tails.
Oscar checked his watch, then sat up. He pulled a bottle of sunscreen out of a nearby tote bag.
"[Again?]" asked Myyreh. She reclined next to him on a big, deck-chair-like piece of furniture with an over-sized umbrella to give her shade. Myyreh liked watching the ocean and breathing in the sea air. However, she'd refused to, as she'd put it, 'bake myself in the sun like some sort of Pale-Moon-addled snake'. To Oscar's disappointment she'd also turned down wearing a bikini in favor of a sundress.
"Yep, again. I'm tan but I can still burn if I'm not careful."
Myyreh looked up pointedly at her umbrella. "[There is another solution to that.]"
"We'll be on another assignment soon enough. Let me soak in some proper sunshine before we get shut away on board."
She shrugged an ear and leaned back. "[Suit yourself.]"
They lay in a contented silence for a while...until Ngralh's voice sounded in Oscar's ear.
"[Everybody listen up! We need to pack and get moving.]"
Myyreh sat up. "[I thought we had another [week] at least. Did something come up?]"
"[Er, no. I meant we need to move to another resort.]"
Oscar smiled with his eyes closed. "Benny and the Captain broke another room?"
"[Yes, and then they broke through the wall into the room next to them...which happened to be that of some [Jornissian] diplomat. The resort management wants to avoid an interstellar incident.]"
Myyreh gave a delighted buzzsaw of a snicker as Oscar got to his feet.
Ngralh sounded a little offended. "[It's not funny, Myyreh. Well...maybe it's a little funny.]"
Oscar looked out into the clear water, which had a few snakelike forms twisting with inhuman flexibility through the surf. "Do I have time for one last swim?"
"[Not really. They kind of want us gone right now.]"
Myyreh sighed and got out of her chair. Both it and the umbrella obediently folded themselves up into a neat, compact package that she stowed under one arm. She beckoned to Oscar with her free paw. "[Give you a lift?]"
Oscar slung his tote over his shoulder. "I can walk just fine."
She looked around with a mock-grim stare. Long, scaly and very stationary bodies surrounded them for hundreds of yards on both sides. "[I don't know, this place looks pretty dangerous. You could trip over somebody.]"
"You just want an excuse to grope me." He rolled his eyes and walked towards her. "But if I say no you'll pout and we can't have that, can we?"
Myrreh grinned as she put her arm under Oscar and hoisted him up next to her shoulder. He had to admit that getting carried did have some benefits, such as getting to lean against her and get a nice whiff of her scent.
"Is that a new perfume?"
Myyreh stepped among the splayed-out Jornissians with exaggerated care. "[Yep. Do you like it? They said it's designed for [humans].]"
"Designed to do what?"
She waggled one ear. "[It's supposed to drive them crazy with desire.]"
Oscar snuggled his head against her neck. "Hmmm. I do believe I am indeed crazy with desire. But I don't know if it's because of the perfume or because you are such a sexy-pants."
"[It's quite a quandary. We'll have to do lots of experimentation to find out the reason.]"
He gave a sigh of mock exasperation. "Work, work, work. Hey, howzabout we try to get ourselves thrown out of the next resort too?"
- In Serial39 Chapters
Charlie Manning made a mistake. Now the world is doomed, however... nobody but Charlie knows it. How much time remains? What will he do with the time he has? Can he bring himself to tell the world what he's done, or leave it in ignorance? In the story ahead, Charlie must find the answers for himself, and maybe a piece of himself, before Earth's final curtain.
8 398 - In Serial56 Chapters
The Girl from the Mountain
Alexandra Bedford is a weapon, a young woman with telekinetic powers capable of leveling entire cities, born to fight in the desolate remains of post-apocalyptic North America. There is only one problem: she may be losing control of her abilities. Sixteen years after a global pandemic devastated the earth’s population, the lines in the old United States have been drawn between the Cheyenne Directorate in Colorado and the New England Alliance on the East Coast. The Directorate, of which Alexandra is a part, is a small but powerful organization dedicated to returning the country to its former glory. However, when a diplomatic mission to the New England Alliance goes wrong, Alexandra finds herself at the center of a bloody civil war. Battles are fought on the old highways and in dilapidated towns and once-great cities. And as the conflict escalates, all of North America faces the threat of being burnt away by nuclear fire. Against this backdrop of war, Alexandra tries to uncover the long-hidden secrets behind the plague, her abilities, and the two men fighting to decide the fate of the United States - Henry Bedford, Alexandra's father and leader of the Directorate, and John Martin, the mysterious figure at the heart of the New England Alliance who may hold the key to everything she seeks. None of this will matter, however, unless Alexandra can prevent the power growing inside her from taking over and consuming the very world she is fighting to save. Author's Notes: I appreciate you taking a look at my novel, The Girl from the Mountain. If you're a fan of post-apocalyptic fiction, military thrillers, and/or cosmic horror, I think you'll enjoy this story. I completed the novel's first draft back in 2011 and made significant changes in 2016. Since then, I've more-or-less sat on the manuscript while working on other projects. Thanks to a bit of prodding, I've decided to send this story out into the wild with some touch-ups and additional revisions. I welcome any comments or criticisms, and I hope you enjoy The Girl from the Mountain!
8 227 - In Serial8 Chapters
Glass Cannon: A Dungeon Apocalypse Litrpg
In the year 2043, Earth was forever changed by the arrival of the Dungeons. They abruptly came into being all across the world, taking millions of lives and disrupting billions more. With it came the System, depicting a message: “Universal Quest Unlocked: Clear the Dungeons. Reward: The continuation of Humanity.” 16 year old Dalton Blake is half-asleep in English class when a Dungeon appears right beneath his high school, swallowing it whole. He is forcefully thrust into this new world of magic and monsters, stats and skills, villains and heroes. Will he survive or succumb? Post Schedule: Mon - Friday, 7pm EST
8 62 - In Serial33 Chapters
The Legacy of a Pirate
In a universe where magic is the driving force of every planet. One would think that being able to use magic was up to luck, but in reality, it is all calculated. A new power was born from the people unable to use magic, but they would not know until later that the consequences were fatal. A fierce pirate traveled the boundless universe in search of his reason of being. He lived like a king with countless people under him in his crew. People everywhere feared the mere mention of his name, but no one would know that he also wasn't able to use magic until a particular incident. To the ones he loved, he was a saint. And to the ones he hated he was cruelest of demons. However, he would, unfortunately, breathe his last breath under the combined efforts of unknown powers. His reincarnation will inherit his power, and his countless enemies spread across the cosmos! Will he discover the truth about his unique gift?! This is my first story I ever made public, and criticism would be much appreciated as I am not so good with grammar!
8 198 - In Serial12 Chapters
That Scottish Play
This is a very silly and cringey parody of Shakespeare's Macbeth. The play format will be kept consistent throughout. Unless you enjoy cringing so hard you experience physical pain, I'd suggest avoiding this work. However, as the level of cringe is only slightly less than that of the office, any fans of that show may enjoy this work. (I believe, as a parody, this work is protected from copyright by fair use, additionally, Shakespeare is in the public domain so it doesn't fall under copyright in the first place. If I'm wrong please let me know)
8 207 - In Serial27 Chapters
My Savior - (A Donnie x reader Fanfic)
hello! welcome to my Donnie X Reader Fanfic!this fanfic is about the 2012 version of Donnie, but for the sake of the story, April will not appear here. please be warned that this story might contain some more mature themes. this story is 16+ so please proceed with caution. thank you :)This story is dedicated to wattpad user @Donnieisbabeyafter being rescued from the clutches of the Kraang, you owe your life to a very unusual group of heroes, Four Mutant Turtles saved the lives of you, your mom, and your uncle. one thing you never planned on however, was falling for one of themalso read my other TMNT x Reader fic, Runaway Love~KC
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