《A festering world》Chapter 4- Of flesh and magic


I woke up in a strange world, where everything was black."Am I dreaming?", suddenly something or someone appeared, I could not see clearly due to the darkness, but he had a humanoid shape.

"Prove your worth"

He spoke with a powerful voice and then everything disappeared and I was back in the community hall, I was confused, prove my worth to whom? and more importantly: against what?

I looked around me and everyone was making a confused face, seems like I was not the only one to be visited by some mysterious entity, I heard the earth rumbling and the entity spoke again "Prove your worth, humans!" As he finished speaking I heard gunfire coming from outside the building, the guards were firing on something. All the persons around the entrance moved out, afraid by the commotion outside. After a minute or so, there was no gunfire anymore, the majority of the people calmed down, thinking it was over.

The door was rammed by something, was it not for the lock, I think it would have opened. Audrey freaked out and it was like a signal for the people, they all panicked and tried to find an exit but it was the only door as the others were barricaded. The door opened, revealing an abomination, it looked like a mix between a spider and a wolf, I inspected it while I tried to bring my sister in the back.

Spiderwolf Broodmother Lvl.30 hp:867/1000

A legend says that the first spiderwolf broodmother was created by an infamous fleshwarper, Kraudbrosokr. What can everybody be sure of is that this abomination must be cleansed to prevent an infestation.

The guards only dealt this much damage? we are screwed. "Audrey go hide somewhere!" The last thing I want is my possibly last family member to die. As if the boss alone was not enough, spiderwolf pups kept coming, not a broodmother for nothing I suppose but shit I really don't know how to beat it, close-combat is out but do I have enough mana to take care of it plus the pups?

I shot a mana bolt in its head but she lost only 20 hp, she must have a good magic resistance, she lunged at me, I managed to dodge her attack but the pups are pestering me, they deal a pitiful amount of damage but it accumulates very fast. I have to use life drain on the pups to keep my life from dropping but if I can't continue like this forever, I have to find something to beat her. Wait, I could attune my mana bolt with negative energy, I'm not sure if it will work but I have to try, ok, concentrate on your palm and gather energy "Arghh" I managed to attune but the mana bolt is making my hand rot, fuck it's not enough I need more energy "AAAAAAHHHH" The pain... oh god it's awful my hand is only bones now, while I was channeling more energy, the pups retreated and I understand, there is an ominous aura emaniting from my spell, it did not frighten the broodmother however as she lunged at me again, before she could touch me I shot the bolt into her face making her reeling back in pain, she started to scream with such intensity, her face was decaying at an incrediby rapid pace, it was like looking those time-lapse videos of something rotting, her eyes were gain and the brain was even visible, I took the opportunity and stabbed her in the brain with my sword, causing it to rot even more. It was apparently fatal, as she stopped screaming and fell limply to the ground. My vision was blurry I haled myself by draining as much life energy from the pups as I could, I also took the remaining life energy from human corpses, with that I was at 156 hp but my arm could not regenerate since it was eaten from negative energy, I'm a fucking cripple now...No wait the system talked about a fleshwarper, what is it?


A Fleshwarper is an artist of the flesh, using body parts or magic to modify the body.

I think it could work, I mean, I can control life energy so I could potentially attach an arm to my body, yeah I have to try it. I looked for a corpse with an arm similar to mine and found one. Now comes the worst part, I have to cut his and my arm, but I couldn't use my sword because she inflicted necrotic damage, I will have to use a knife that one of the guards used. I cut the corpse's arm without difficulty but mine will be another thing.

You can do it, John, it's nothing, the nerves are gone, inspire, expire everything is alright.

"Fuck it's painful, the nerves are gone my ass" everyone looked at me like I was crazy, I mean, yes I'm cutting my own arm but surely it's not the worst thing they have seen today. And with that my arm is gone I hurried and took the other arm because my hp was dropping like crazy. I managed to attach the arm despite the pain, it's very difficult as I have to connect the nerves, bones, and muscle properly. I stopped losing hp and looked at the popup, apparently, it waits the end of the battle to appear, which is a good thing because I don't think I could have done it if a blue box appeared in the middle of my spell.

You have learned a new spell:

Doom Bolt tier II

The doom bolt is an overcharged necrotic bolt, due to its unstable nature and devastating effects, it is classed as a forbidden magic. It will cause an intense pain along the rot inflicted on the victim.

Damage will change depending on the region of the body 100 mana/cast

Forbidden magic? It sounds dangerous to use, hmm, Is there more information about forbidden magic?

Forbidden magic is a type of magic, it is composed of all the spells which are frowned upon by the society or will cause the caster to be hunted by a religious cult, like necromancy, all necromancers are hunted by the paladins and clerics of Kelemvor, the god of the dead


Which type is Doom Bolt then?

The utilization of Doom Bolt will change your relationship with the followers of the goddess of Life to:

Unfavorable: You will not be able to purchase equipment to the members of this religion or enter their religious buildings

What a relief, I will not be hunted by zealots, I- another popup appeared, interrupting my inner monologue:

Due to your actions, you have unlocked the forbidden class: Fleshwarper

Do you want to set your current class as fleshwarper: Y/N?

This class will change your relationship with the followers of the goddess of life to Unfavorable

Sure why not, It's not it will change anything, I accept.

Your current class is Fleshwarper

As it is your first class, all your levels will count as fleshwarper levels.

You are now a level 11 Fleshwarper, you gained the following:

skill: graft

You can graft body parts to yourself or another person, you can currently graft human parts, additional grafts can be learned after studying of learning new skills

Aberrant familiar

You can now gain an aberrant familiar, an aberrant familiar is a creature of another plane, beyond your understanding. Suggested aberrant familiar:

Imp- small demonic beings from Hell

lesser Byakhee- Bird-like creatures, they serve the king in yellow

You gained a blessing from the Old Ones:

Blessing of Shub-niggurath:

Aura of corruption

When you activate this skill all that is living will slowly decay, dealing damage over time. The range and intensity of the aura can grow by gaining another blessing of Shub-Niggurath

Ok I know what imps are supposed to be: Annoying, I prefer a bird, don't care how fucked up he looks.

You have selected lesser Byakhee to be your familiar, you have gained the skill Summon familiar

And Aura of corruption is great, but I think it will be a long time before I gain another blessing, if ever.

The trial as ended, You have proved your worth by slaying the monster.

Everyone was relieved when they saw the popup, they thanked me for saving me and said I was a hero, I must say its good to have people thanking you. After everything calmed down, we burned the corpses outside the building, we can't take the risk of them turning into zombies. We organized turns to guard the place, I ate something and drifted off to sleep.

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