《Re:HUNTER *DROPPED*》Arc 02 Chapter 15


Chapter 15

After being petrified for almost an hour, he recovered bit of himself as he began feeling guilty of what he done and couldn't even get to apologize to her.

He started asking about her, so the next time she ever meet her he would apologies to her immediately.

"Princess", is what they called her. Other than her nickname, he couldn't get her name is nor where she could be found except for a clue that she is in a Combat Course.

"Eliza, do you know anyone with a name of 'Princess'?"

He asked Eliza if she knew anyone with the name they called "Princess". But she answered him with another question, "Why do you ask?", with a hollow looked on her eyes that forced him to give up prying any further.

He didn't know why Eliza had that kind of look on her eyes, but what he know is that she is exactly like Erica. A person that he should be cautious of when it comes to girl-related.

* + * + * + *

Today is the day of the match.

Everyone had gathered for today's event, all where sitting on the audience area slowly filling it up. From First Year's students to Fourth Year's students and as well as the Faculty staffs, everyone is watching.

He didn't knew why would there be so many crowds willing to watch them fight, but Erica latter told him that because they were famous among the first years that why this should be expected.

He was surprised and didn't knew that they were very famous to this extent, having a lot of people watching them. He would be very nervous seeing a lot of audience but he just imagined them a stones and trees to calm himself.

They were then ask to come to the stage to greet the challenger for a few words before being sent to the field with a teleporting device.


On stage, he saw a huge bulge person holding out his visor between his arm and waist, looking intensely at him while grinning with confidence. Behind him was 24 other players, already wearing their visor on.

He was surprised, not because of the bulge leader, nor the huge number of enemy, but because the "Princess" he was looking for is right beside the bulge person. Even though she is already wearing her visor, he would forget the face, and other part he wouldn't forget.

Suddenly he felt an intense pain on each of her waist with almost the same pain level, he noticed that the twins were pinching him intensely while smiling coldly at him, without even need to look behind he could already guessed their expression.

["Welcome everyone, fellow schoolmates and faculties, for today's very first official match of the year! Here I'm your Commentator, Helen Frexus, and next to me is Izuna Fujiwara, Instructor in Combat course. Any few words, Instructor Fujiwara?"] «Commentator»

["Today's first event would be run for your money. I guaranty it!"] «Instructor Fujiwara»

["Ooh... Looks like Instructor already guessed who would win. Now next to her is the Head Technician of the Technical course, Hermine Ghustell. Any word on today's event?"] «Commentator»

["I won't say anything about the individual team, but I would be expecting how great they would perform."] «Technical Herminee»

["Then, let me explain the match. Using magic are prohibited and killing their opponents would be instantly be either disqualified or expelled from the game onward.

The challenged team had the right to choose whatever field that is right now available and their weather conditions would be randomly set to give out some fairness.

But surprisingly the challenged team only had a few member, I wonder why didn't they invite some member to join."] «Commentator»

["Well that is simple, no one want to join in a losing team. So even if they were able to gather some enough fire power, they would just lack cooperation."] «Technical Herminee»


["I also agree what Technical Hermin said... Even if it was me, I wouldn't join in a losing team. Though it's depend how their condition is, and even if they had a good gun it would still be useless because you don't know your team, so cooperation is weak."] «Instructor Fujiwara»

["Now, let us look for the field that they would be using!!"] «Commentator»

What appeared on the screen is a Jungle field centering a three-story building on top of a hill with a very harsh stormy weather.

["Uoh... I can't say weather their luck is good or not, but it seems to me that their chance of winning is now gone. They had a bit of an advantage since the challenged team is much closer to the building than the challenger team.

But they had to cross the bridge before they could get to the building first, and the strong wind of the storm making it unstable for crossing."] «Commentator»

While everything is going on right now outside the stage, inside they had just met face to face both of the leaders.

"Seems to be that I don't need to introduce myself, but I'm the leader of this team, Vayne A. Colard. Senior what is your name might be?" «Vayne»

"Alexander Ludwig, Leader of Vhecule Alliance. There is no need to be formal." «Alexander»

"I want to ask, why do you want to fight us? We didn't do anything to provoke your alliance, so why?" «Vayne»

"Kukuku... Isn't it obvious, simply I want you to become mine!" «Alexander»


Vayne and the twins are speechless, his teammates was creep out, and the Vice-leader face palmed to his declaration. Even everyone who heard him was speechless as well.

Vayne became so determined to surely to win this challenge with everything he had at 200% at most. He wouldn't dare loss this match, if that happened he would loss something very important as a man.

The twins were also determined to protect Vayne's chastity from this person at any cost.

* + * + * + *

At the distance who is watching, a figure of a boy laughing so hard that he fell from his seat. This mysterious person introduced himself as Arsur.

"Ghahahaha.... Hahahaha... As expected from a musclehead!! Priceless!!" «Arsur»

* + * + * + *

["Looks like everyone is set to go, remember annihilating the enemy team or gaining a large point would be declared winner on a time limkt of 20 minutes. Time would start once the match begin."] «Commentator»

A loud siren began making noise in the field and being transmitted to the speaker of the stage. The match begin once that the sirens stops.

The commentator could help but looked at Vayne's team after they were transported, she saw that he was giving something to his teammates.

["Look at here, on the challenged team. The Leader of the team, Vayne A. Colard, is giving something the the two teammates, Eliza Colard and Erica Colard... Oohh!! What is this!? Listen up folks!! Vayne and his teammates just suddenly vanished!!"] «Commentator»

A few second after something had block the live feed, and the figure of Vayne and the twins had miraculously disappeared from the screen. But on the map of the field, three dots represents the his team is still presents.

Everyone who is watching had unconsciously said "Stealth Magic". But they knew that magic could be detected and once it did it will immediately ending the map. So how they did it? Turning invisible to the naked eye.

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