《Re:HUNTER *DROPPED*》Arc 02 Chapter 11


Chapter 11


Eliza shouted as soon as she sighted Vayne, holding the letter up high while the rest of the letters were placed on the table, spread out.

The two people who she was calling was a bit held back from her shouting that made some of the students around them staring at them.

They hasten their walk to the table, to stop her from making loud noises.

“THI— *AHEM* this is serious, take a look at this!” «Eliza»

Eliza was immediately hushed up by Erica’s glare, but she still raised her voice and this time it was not quite as loud than before only a bit higher from her normal voice.

Vayne glanced at the pile of letter on the table and at the letter that she handed, he took a peak at the content and it was written as an Alliance Solicitation letter from Vhecule Alliance.

“I’m surprised, I never thought that there is so many invitation letter…” «Vayne»

“I kno—wait, what? Invitation letter… That not it!” «Eliza»

Eliza began to scan the entire letter one by one, throwing it the entire letter that wasn’t it behind her making a lot of mess. After a bit moment, she gave the correct letter with a “CHALLENGE” written on it.

“A letter of challenge? Why would someone gave us this letter?” «Vayne»

Vayne was puzzled at the discovery, almost speechless that they were challenged by someone they don’t know of. In fact, they just began schooling this year, so why did someone want to fight them.

“Did they just give it to the wrong person? Clearly we haven’t done anything to provoke someone.” «Erica»

Vayne also agreed with her statement, it was logical that it may be wasn’t for them but for someone else. From the start of their first day up till now, they haven’t provoked anyone.


“That what I thought at first and just read it…” «Eliza»

“Hey isn’t that rude, reading someone else’s?” «Vayne»

“If it was someone else’s… But it was given to me without knowing so when I read it, it was written directly to us…” «Eliza»

Now he was surprised, it was almost their second month and they already got a challenge letter, and the worst part is the paper colored in grey, meaning they couldn’t refuse the challenge.

There are two types of declaring a challenge, Verbal Declaration and Letter of Challenge.

Verbal declaration is when someone declared a challenge at you or some of your team in front of the witnesses. This declaration can’t be refuse without meaningful reason.

Letter of Challenge are different from the first one, they are separated by color codings. Those are White, Red, Grey and Black.

White can be refused by the receiver with the same condition as the Verbal Declaration, Red is declaration of alliance annihilation or a challenge to dismissed the alliance.

Grey is a declaration of challenge that can’t be refused but comes with an exchanged condition of winning, while Black (authorized by the Supreme Student Government) is a challenge of dismissing from the academy.

It was written that if they, the entire alliance member, had won over them. They are force to join the alliance as one of their member and if they are who won the challenge, the leadership of the alliance would be given to the leader of the challenged team.

But, he didn’t read the last part because he was shocked that if they were to loss on this challenge, they would be force to join the alliance without any regard.

“If we lose this challenge, we would be force to join in this alliance as a me—” «Vayne»


“… Then all we have to do is win this challenge. Vayne, how long could you finish making that gun you are talking about? And when is the Challenge due?” «Erica»

“’Bout a day or two… it would be at Saturday… but didn’t you told me to—” «Vayne»

“I need you to finish it by Wednesday, as fast as you could.” «Erica»

Vayne was shock that what she said before was the opposite of what she said now, rushing him to finish it by a day each.

“I can’t fin—” «Vayne»

“I’ll help you make it to quicken development. Eliza, you’ll go meet the professors and ask them for a leave of absence. If they ask why, tell them we are preparing for a challenge this Saturday, any other else is up to you.” «Erica»

“On it… I’ll meet at Vayne’s Workplace!” «Eliza»

Vayne was surprised, not from Erica’s leadership and quick decision. He was surprised because she clearly unusually hated this situation they are currently place on.

In the past, she never act this way whenever that she angry, she was always calm in any situation. But this was different, from her usual self like she was hiding something and forcing her to speed right is not a good idea.

Right now, following her orders should be taken priority for now and he couldn’t refuse the current “her” so he had to abide by her commands.

Surprisingly, they got an “OK” from the professors when Eliza got back and non of them even ask her and they just agreed unconditionally. Now, they are free to move for this whole week.

Vayne immediately began is remodeling the part for the sub-machine gun using the machine gun as the model, while Erica was molding the screws, plates and other parts the he requested in quantity.

As soon as Vayne finish constructing the model, he began analyzing how he could minimize the mechanics while keeping the firing rate untouched or improve the firing rate.

This cause him to make 5 failed attempt and he finally succeeded when he used the SAR as a model, he took out the firing mechanism and placed it on the SAR’s mechanism.

He then finally minimize the whole thing making it lighter while it had the fast firing rate decreased slightly, but it was still faster compared to the other rifle.

Its appearance was slight smaller to the SAR rifle and it’s cousins in line in the eyes of a weapons expert. He had to look for a new set of bullets for the newly created gun.

Completing the first gun, he then immediately began making the second gun without any breaks except for satisfying his hunger, other than there is nothing.

At last, exactly 53 hours 49 minutes and 17 seconds. He completed two prototype sub-machine guns with only few spare parts remaining, and exact moment he gave the two prototypes he now couldn’t resist losing all his strength and immediately falling asleep on the spot.

The twins were surprised that he suddenly collapsed, but who would blame him for exceeding his limit and succumbed by his fatigued that been building up.

All they could do was pull him back to his table and let him sleep there, it wasn’t quite noticeable but the color of his skin is now returning to what it used to be.

—He slept in his workplace like a log, as if no one could ever force him to wake up from his long-awaited dream.

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