《Re:HUNTER *DROPPED*》Arc 01 Chapter 07


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Chapter 07

Once the match started, the twins began sprinting towards the enemy base in an unbelievable speed. The spectators were in shock at seeing the speed of the twins, first enemy that appeared was hesitant of which person to shoot. Before he could fire, he was already completely overwhelmed by the twins.

Like Vayne had guessed, the two of the are perfect in this sort of roles. They are running with the gun weighing close to 5kls and suit not higher than 2kls in their high speed, as if the weight they carry are just a mere illusions.

Vayne wasn't exemption to this, he remembered when Erica dragged Eliza when they were still kids. He had no idea what bloodline did they got it from, but using that innate ability of theirs is a good call.

After they took another kill, the two of them stopped at the higher ground waiting for reinforcement. And just like that, the match finished in Group A's win and great achievement of not losing a single teammates, and the star of the match are Eliza and Erica.

In the lobby, or the spectator's area, Vayne was ready to greet the two winner and saw them coming right now, before he could say anything Eliza already jumped at him with Erica following from behind.

"Did you see us? We were amazing, right?! We were like the this, and that... It was amazing!!" «Eliza»

"Were you scared when you were pointed, Erica?" «Vayne»

"Nnn... You were right that we shouldn't stop running..." «Erica»

Vayne patted her head in doing a good job, she blushed when he patted her but she didn't hate it when he did that. In the past, Erica was scared stiffened when she got pointed with a real gun and if wasn't for Vayne, she would more likely be dead that time.

At that time, Vayne got helped by 'him'. Though from then on, he rarely got a talk with 'him'. Still if it was 'him', he could do anything which Vayne could not.

Back to the present, they watched the second match. Group B divided themselves into two while Group F separated themselves to cover more ground. Both tactics are great, but the problem that they didn't know the map, it's more likely Group B would be the winner.


"Hey, which of the group do you think would win?"

He was asked by his team leader, awhile ago they were busy discussing their tactics and noticed him not paying attention only to the screen. He didn't bother looking at the person's face when he made his reply.

"If it's come to advantages, it would be Group B... If it's come to tactic-wise,— "That would be Group F" —yes ... So the winner would he Group B. So which of them do you think would win?"

"The same, Group B... But even when in battle, there is no absolute in the dictionary."

Both continue to watch the match on how it would unfold. Like he had predicted, Group B proved to be the winner with a close call from Group F. It was surprising how hand-to-hand combat proved to be useful, though it's a shame that they aren't allowed and the seniors could.

"Seems to be everyone's ready, so how you would plan this?" «Senior»

"Like the last group did, we would divide ourselves in three-man group in ten meter wide distance. Support the nearest firefight. Didn't you already made a plan?" «Vayne»

"We did, but their suggestions aren't good as you... So it's decided, we'll go with his plan. I will be in his group. Any inspiration before we move to the field?" «Senior»

"Don't panic, just aim and shot!" «Vayne»

"Well that's good enough for me. Let's move out!" «Senior»

As the match began, twelve players divided themselves and form into three-man-cell group then spread ten meters apart. They slowly began to cover quite a steady ground because of this tactic. By using this, they could chipped off little strength of their enemy while sustaining little casualty.

But there is a downside to this tactic, they are weak. Almost everyone are newbies as well had little trust on each other. That's why he had them in ten meters distance with each group.

This tactic is usually used in clearing out buildings, and covert ops missions. But without proper practice they are like fragile glass, too easy to break from a strong pressure.


* + * + * + *

At the observation room, where the instructor is watching at that moment. She's watching both group's movements. The tactic from group D got her very interest in, it copied the both tactics from the previous match and limited their distances.

The opposite side did the same tactic of Group B. By looking at the map, the group C-1 is hading towards the Group D-3 following them is D-2 and D-4, while Group C-2 is heading towards group D-1.

"I wonder which side would last longer. Kukuku..." «Instructor Fujiwara»

When both side finally start firing, all of them were alarm by it. The group D-1 suddenly spotted C-2 and their firefight began. Group D-1 had a vantage point on their fight, while the rest of their group is slowly surrounding the group C-1.

* + * + * + *

"looks like they spotted the enemy.. Should we head their?"

"Yea—No... Seems like we had company." «Senior»




"Quick, let's use that cover! We can't let them advance any further!" «Vayne»

They were lucky enough that where they are standing right now is bit higher from the enemy. Using the height to their advantage, they were able to halt the advance and made them focus their attention at them.

Right now, they were bit overwhelmed by the suppressing fire from the enemies group, that they were having trouble returning fire. Mean while their having a heavy firefight, the rest of their team had annihilated group C-1 and they were heading as reinforcement.

Vayne's group had lost one player from the suppressing fire, they could only shot few rounds at the enemy who tried to advance and some to the one suppressing them.

"Hahahaha!! I had never have this fun since ages!" «Senior»

He shouted sarcastically as he returned fire at the enemy. But what he shocked him is to see Vayne smiling twistedly as he continue to fire back at them, not afraid from getting hit.

Bullets kept passing and grazing him, not single one of them had a direct hit on him. When he move slightly, a bullet pass where he should had directly shot and it just left him was a graze. His kinetic vision is very frightening, as well as how he fight.

Not before long, gun shot was heard behind the enemy line. Reinforcement has arrived, and chaos was brought upon their enemy. In just few minutes, Group D won the match.

"Congratulations, you won Vayne!!" «Eliza»

"Yea... It was a close call for us, I thought we would lose..." «Vayne»

"Yeah it was, you were recklessly facing them. You were lucky that they only grazed you." «Erica»

"Ehehehe..." «Vayne»

Vayne could only laugh at himself bitterly. But when he looked at his senior, he remembered before a firefight started.

At that time, he felt a stare from behind while they were moving forward. He couldn't ignore his stare because it's getting stronger while it lasted.

"... Um... Is there something wrong?" «Vayne»

"Why you ask that?"

"Well, his been staring at me for quite sometime now..." «Vayne»

"Oh, you do know..." «Senior»

Yea... I could tell..." «Vayne»

Even though he is not 'him'. Vayne still inherited part of 'his' knowledge and ability. But he can't do other sorts of things like 'him', even so he could still do what other impossibly can't do.

"To be honest with you... You're very different from the other newbies. You have what the rest lack, you know what that is? Experience. To tell you the truth, you are very suspicious. But even with that in mind, you are too interesting to ignore. Remember these words, 'The more you stay in the light, the stronger/faster the shadows show up/creeps in'. Don't you forget that." «Senior»

What he meant was, —

"Be stronger to protect who you cared, but not too strong to hurt them."

Really in not in the great mood this late at night,

it's already 5:03 am and still can't get any sleep with this pain in my stomach..

Wish me good health guys. Good night! (  ̄︶ ̄  

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