《Tides Of Protomis》XXXIX-Big Brother, Return Of Tetsuya Hoshi!
Though the methods utilized were different, the fact remained that three of the Elimination force’s four members had been neutralized. Leaving one Tetsuya Hoshi as the last one fighting against the tides. This was a fact that he was well aware of, even so, he didn’t plan on backing down. It simply meant that he had to fight more effectively. His cold gaze was fixed on Zhao, observing him as he drew a Dao from the sheath on his side. In response, the translucent tendrils returned, about four sprouting from Tetsuya’s back. Though they were poised to do so, Neither attacked, instead, opting to study their adversary. Of course, the battle between them didn't go unnoticed... Watching from one of the many shops, kneeling by the window to keep herself out of site. Despite the words of protest from her friends and her better judgment, Asami was there.
“After all this time, you finally come back, but this is how you act. What happened to you, what happened to the kind older brother I knew?! Even with what Taius said, that doesn't change that I want to know for myself... “
Asami began to peek over the windowsill once more, aiming to see the fighter’s once more. And, before she knew it, the battle had already begun. Tetsuya shoved his hands into his pocket, as two of the tendrils flew forward, coming toward the monk like spears. Zhao took notice within a moment, he weaved around the first as it got close. The second bounced off the Qi field he’d since created around himself… As if to make things worse, Zhao thought of a counterattack within moments. Before he had time to retract his tendrils, Zhao held both in place with two hands, something that Tetsuya took note of. But, he was unable to do anything with that info, as Zhao yanked Tetsuya toward him. Tetsuya looked on in surprise as he found himself lifted off of the ground. However, he soon regained his composure. The two tendrils soon disappeared, the liquid from them splashing onto the ground. Tetsuya soon grappled onto the wall of a building, before sending tendril after tendril at his opponent. Zhao got into his stance, placing his blade in front of him, he stopped one tendril with his blade. Making it fall to the ground uselessly, as a pool of liquid. Another flew forward, and he jumped out of the way, moving to his left. As he touched down, another came forth, and he quickly cut it apart..
Tetsuya frowned, before beginning a second wave of attacks. Zhao continued his defensive strategy, time and time again, dodging strikes, and parrying them, never making an attack. But, Tetsuya simply did not let up, launching waves of tendrils that seemed to get larger tirelessly. If he continued this for too long...
“My original plan of letting him tire himself out… It won’t work. If things keep going at the rate they are now, I’ll be the one running out of Stamina. If I let him gain an advantage this early it won’t bode well for me… While I don’t know how good he is at melee, long-range is not my forte. My best bet would be to get in and get out, as quickly as possible.”
Zhao dropped his left leg, and placed his right leg forward. He pointed his blade at his opponent as he bent his knees.
“Guo Art: Shearing Thrust!!!”
As Zhao’s feet left the ground, he barreled toward his opponents, at blinding speed. Making quick winds blow through the street around them. Strong enough that it nearly knocked their spectator off of her feet. Tetsuya’s eyes widened at this fact.
“He’s quick!”
Tetsuya was quick to send the tendrils at him once more. But they found themselves unable to stop the charging monk, being cut through like butter. Soon, he came within a few feet of Tetsuya’s chest, his blade aimed at it… The speed of Tetsuya’s heartbeat quickened, as he entirely recognized what this meant. This could mean the end. But, he was not going to let that happen, easily at the least, Tendrils shot from Tetsuya’s sides, speeding toward Zhao. He took note, backflipping away from Tetsuya before they reached him.
“He can use them in melee range as well… But what is his maximum range? I need to figure out his range.” Though Zhao.
As he finished that thought, the Tendrils flew toward him once more, one striking him in the shoulder, and the other, on his stomach. Just like that, another wave of attacks had begun.
“Is that what you thought would let you win this battle? I’m afraid you're incorrect, I wouldn’t reveal all my cards so early, after all.”
Tetsuya soon made his move, rushing toward Zhao, stopping some feet in front of him, before thrusting his tendrils forward, with the extensions becoming sharp at the end, While Zhao dodged once, another soon stabbed right through his left arm. Zhao looked down at this but did not stop his attack, as he took a swipe at the tentacle, cutting it off, as the rest simply fell to the ground, adding to the puddle that was there. Zhao was not finished yet. He put both of the hands on the hilt of his blade, as he shifted his right foot forward once again, and he pointed the point of his blade toward the ground, as the blue light burst out of his body, surrounding him once again. As he focused his gaze on Tetsuya, the monk swung up diagonally, with the point of the blade now facing the sky, as the ground was given a gash by the simple force of the swing. Tetsuya eyed this with surprise. He swiftly jumped to the right, out of the way of the attack. He stopped afterward, though keeping his gaze on Zhao, he went back into his thoughts.
“So this is one of the tides… They’re more than what I expected. This will be an issue, especially if- “
As this battle continued… Asami continued to watch. Thankfully shielded from any of the battle’s harmful effects. While she was aware of the dangers of revealing herself… This was something that she couldn’t back down on. She couldn’t let this continue… No, she WOULDN'T let this continue! She was quick to leap to her feet, as she yet out a yel. he soon got from behind
“Tetsuya, Stop this!!”
As the familiar voice rang through his ears, Zhao’s gaze shot over to the buildinging she’d used as shelter.
“What?! Corde’s friend?”
Tetsuya did not turn his head… Only giving Asami the side-eye. His intent to keep most of his focus on his adversary.
“What are you doing here… I thought I made it very clear that I want nothing to do with you… The very fact that you associate with Arctaius Corde makes it so.”
The words stung, no doubt, but it was not enough to make her give up.
“Even then, you’re my brother, There’s no way I’d just accept that without knowing why!”
“The reason why isn’t important as of right now… And it certainly isn’t any business of yours.” He spat.
Zhao turned his gaze back to Tetsuya, decidedly ignoring Asami, for now, at the least.
“Is that any way to treat family…?”
“Enough talk- we return to battle!” Tetsuya yelled.
His tendrils shot toward the monk once more, and just like that, the battle had started once more… In The midst of all of this, Asami stood watching this with a clenched fist... As she watched the battle, a feeling of guilt began to wash down on her, as she delved into her thoughts, trying to think up some way she could have prevented this… How her beloved older brother even got to this point.
Part B
Three years prior, a night in the Hoshi Household… Asami sat in her room, her ear against her door. Though she tried her hardest to ignore what was happening outside of her room, she simply couldn’t. She heard her brother’s normally calm voice, yelling it in what seemed to be rage. Though she couldn’t hear what he was saying, the intent was clear... Eventually, the yelling finally subsided, followed by footsteps approaching her room, she peeked outside her door, looking to see her brother walking down the darkly lit hallway. He made it to the stairs, before he stopped right there. Tetsuya began to pat his pockets, assuring that he hadn’t left anything he considered important. And, just like that, he made his way down the stairs. Unbeknownst to him, his sibling followed behind him. Watching as he inched toward the door, taking his shoes out from the rack. Asami stopped behind him, watching this take place, with a look of confusion on her face. While she could say he’d been acting strange lately, he usually always told them when he left.
“Big brother...Where are you going?”
Tetsuya glanced over his shoulder at his younger sister as she spoke… Of course, she had to follow him. So much for leaving unnoticed.
“I have business to take care of.” Tetsuya answered.
“Business.? I don’t understand- what kind?”
He went silent, as he attempted to think of a response.
“ Let’s just say I won't be back for a while… I will return eventually… It’s just that I don't know when.”
“Wait, but you’d leave without telling mom and dad!!”
“It’s fine... They already know.”
They already know, what did he mean by that? Apparently, her question would be left unanswered, as he promptly opened the front door, and walked out. Closing it behind him, leaving her standing alone. Tetsuya began to walk, unwilling to dwell any longer. As he did so, his gaze went up into the night sky.
“There’s no turning back now… Let’s get moving.”
Later, he found himself in a large, well-lit room. It was ornately decorated, as one would expect from the home of a noble. Which would make sense for the Leader of the Japan Branch, Honda Yoshio, the owner of the house they’d all found themselves in. Standing on a podium, above his audience, He wore his standard dress uniform.
“As we all know, lives were lost in the atrocities that we saw committed in the war just this year, and the readiness to go back into war that the government’s across the world has shown. Your discontent is justified. But you’ve all seen the power we have, we can fix this planet, but we must first expand our dominion.”
He threw his arm out.
“Young men! You all have been chosen for that very purpose. Join me as we bring Shazin’s hammer down on those who would stand against us!”
His words began to rouse the crowd up, war cries echoing through the room came afterward… Though Tetsuya did not join in, if his expression was anything to go by, he was no less excited.
“I'll avenge you, and destroy the governments that caused your death, throwing whoever they could into the front lines… Yamato, The Federation... People like Emperor Shin, and Sokol Naumov. Villains that deserve to be cleansed from this world... I’ll do this for all of those people. And I’ll do it for you, Hisashi.”
Asami began to focus on the battle in front of her, as she shook her head.
“This is my fault... Had I told my parents, he wouldn’t be with them. I should’ve picked up on the signs when I started hearing the arguments about the “Divine” Ardam… And how he changed after Hisashi died. I can’t very well stop Zhao... knowing what my brother has done. As hard as that is to accept.”
Asami turned her attention back to the battle that took place in front of her. The two had no doubt proved to be equal adversaries. Blood leaked from cuts and stab wounds on both of their bodies. While Zhao looked calm, Tetsuya’s breathing had become much heavier. Though he kept his composure, the signs that his stamina was waning were clear. Zhao ignored this as he dashed at his opponent, and Tetsuya began to thrust his tendrils at him again. The first, Zhao dodged, the same with the second, Blocking the third with his blade, as he ducked under the fourth. He continued to advance closer, dodging his opponent’s attacks. But soon, Tetsuya sent more of the tendrils out, with the speed increasing as well. Zhao, once again, jumped back.
“Not so fast!”
Soon, the size of the tendrils grew, as they went toward a building zhao landed on, tearing it, and those around it apart, and the same happening with those on the other side of the street. Zhao soon put his gaze on Tetsuya, as he flew at him, Tetsuya retracted his tendrils. Zhao pressed his advantage, leaping forward as he straightened his fingers.
“Guo Art: Pressure Strike!”
With the words invoked, Zhao thrust his palm forward, letting it crash into Tetsuya’s chest. Leaving an imprint of his hand into his torso. The pressure would not only knock the man over, it would proceed to violently rip up the asphalt behind him, sending debris and dust cascading outward.
“I’m losing my edge... Dammit, I let this fight drag out for too long.” Now, yet another memory came to him. Years ago, within a well-lit room, Tetsuya sat on a stool, in front of an olive-skinned man on a swivel chair, whom the effects of age had gotten to, wrinkles dotted his face, and his beard had turned a gray, hair mostly gone from his head. He kept his gaze on Tetsuya, as he made his statement.
“Just remember, artificial protomis is not perfect… In the end- it's still in its prototype stages. Even with the therapy, you still have the base of a normal human. Don’t draw out any battles you get into, it’ll end badly for you.”
As the words resounded in his head, Zhao made his way toward Tetsuya, landing in front of him, and pointing the point of his blade at his throat. Neither of the two moved from their spots.
“While I normally wouldn’t ask this of a member of your organization. But I'll do so as a courtesy to Hoshi… As I'm sure she doesn't want her brother to die here. Surrender”
Tetsuya stayed silent, before thicker tendrils came out of the side of his torso, as he thrust them at Zhao, he was forced to jump back. His last-ditch attack did not end there, as he began swinging these around Zhao. The speed and size of these tendrils exceeded those before to the point where even Zhao struggled to avoid them. Around him, buildings were felled as the gigantic tentacles smashed into them. The damage was quickly expanding... He needed to be stopped, and Zhao was fully aware of this.
“If that's the case… So be it.”
Zhao soon began to hop on the pieces of rubble that flew through the sky, as he advanced toward Tetsuya. Once again,the man thrust tendrils at him, but the Monk twisted in the air, masterfully avoiding the strikes as he straightened his fingers, before, jabbing his fingers all over the man’s body… And, To tetsuya’s surprise… He couldn’t talk, In fact, He couldn’t even move. It was as if he’d disabled his body as a whole...
“So this is it, Huh… If that’s the case, I’m taking you with me!”
He launched one last tendril, and, to his chagrin, Zhao weaved around it… And, unluckily for him, It seemed his stamina had finally run out, unable to start another attack. Apparently, something his opponent didn’t notice, given the blade that was plunged through his chest moments after. Coming out the other end, stained with the man’s blood… Now, the street was left dead Silent. All the while, Asami watched with her eyes dilated, as the thrust went through his body.
She took note of it almost instantly, his body falling limp, the remaining tendrils falling apart, the liquid joining the puddles of water from the earlier rain….And the light in his eyes disappearing. The street was dead silent. His body fell limp, only staying standing as Zhao supported it with his shoulder. and his tendrils falling apart, simply adding to the water that was on the ground. And, his eyes had gone empty. Asami began to tear up as she witnessed this… All the while, Zhao stood with a solemn expression.
“It would seem my victory is not without consequence…” Zhao thought.
However, his attention was taken away from the body, as he heard a ringing come from his pocket. He reached in, removing his holo-phone, he took note of the name, and answered… Just like that, all four of the tides were in a video call.
“Wow… You guys got banged up.” Arctaius commented.
“As if we needed you to tell us that. What is it, Corde?” Alarick responded.
“I found out where our enemy's leaders are. Their high command is up in Rentei. Apparently, the part of the organization we’ve been fighting is known as the Japan Branch... I’m going to handle things. If we take down the foundation- a building is doomed to crumble.”
Zhao nodded.
“Right… I’ll head over to the school and meet you guys but. I have to take care of this first.”
Zhao tapped the display, ending the call. He placed the device back into his pocket, as he scooped up Tetsuya in his arms, before walking up to Asami, laying him down in front of her. By this point, she fell to her knees, as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her lips quivering, as she reached out to him… But ultimately, receding her hand. By this point, overcome by her emotion, she yelled out but one word.
The yell echoed through the streets around them… But, even so, there was no answer. It was only a bit longer before her holo-phone rang... She glanced over at it, taking a look at the projected display, noticing that it was Arctaius, she wiped her tears away, as she tapped, answering.
“I wanted to inform you, I’ll be going after their leader next. I know where he is, And I can end-”
Asami cuts him off.
“You just got into a fight, and you’re already running to start another?”
“I’m fine, aren’t I? What’s the issue in that case…”
Apparently, Arctaius took note of something as he looked at the screen...
“ Have you been cry-”
“That's not the point. The issue is that you do this all the time- whether it's blowing off class to fight some guys on the street, or the Kaemerge... I’m supposed to just sit here and be fine with that?”
“...He’s likely coming after us either way. It’s much better for us to get the first strike.”
“Even so…”
Asami went silent, as she thought about what just happened.
“Fine… You’d better not die too.”
“Too?” He repeated in confusion
Before he finishes his sentence, Asami hangs up, as she looks at the ground once again. Elsewhere, Corde flew over the empty roads, he secured his holo-phone in his pocket, and focused his gaze on the landscape in front of him. But a question stayed on his mind, what did she mean... He knew that Zhao was battling Tetsuya, but he always seemed to be the more calm and collected type, for the short time he knew him, at the least… But, given how the man was acting when he first appeared… The words finally dawned on him, and, just like that, his speed increased.
“This ends here…”
To Be Continued
In Rentei, Yoshio Honda sat in the strategy room once more... Around his table, his council scrolled through maps, lined with tactical formations and sites of the battles. Honda sat in his chair, sipping on a cup of tea. Eventually, one of his commanders ran up to him, placing a device in front of him that depicted a certain Black-haired youth dashing across the sky.
“General Honda-- The 4th tide is approaching us, it seems that the elimination force is gone!”
Yoshio took another sip, glancing at him.
“Elaborate.” He responded.
“Miyamoto Junko, and Valerie Wilson have disappeared, communicators destroyed. Possible defection. Gihren Alfon and Hoshi Tetsuya are reported as deceased!”
Yoshio placed his cup onto the table’s wooden edges.
“Hm. Not the results I was expecting.”
He stood up as he finished speaking.
“ However, I must commend them for that reason. I thought for sure I selected good opponents for them all…”
He walked past the man in front of him, with the others following him with their eyes.
“ I will greet them myself.”
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