《Path》Chapter 11


A/N: Not so edited chapter so there might be missing stuff or plot holes, contradictions and i'm releasing it half-assedly because I might not have any time later sooo yeah, so please comment below or message me, thanks.

(Have no time to proofread or edit it because i'm busy of RL and I don't have anyone to do it for me so pardon me if there's any mistakes)


The people in the ‘Throne room’ now have 5 people left, Drazhan, Drakneil, Valla, Laila and lastly Shamal.

Then Shamal said, “Let’s proceed to my courtyard to discuss what you are thinking right now” lazily

The 5 people then proceeded to Doctor Shamal’s own courtyard, arranged by the Despero family. The Despero family treasures the relationship with Shamal and he seems to be much more than of a friendly term to them.

After arriving, Shamal escorted them to his dining room, it was like a simple, traditional dining room. It doesn’t have a hint of lavishness in it, making Shamal to appreciate simplicity much more. Then the 5 people seated in their respective places.

“What were you going to tell us about the kid, Sham? Zhan-boy here seems have high appraisal to the due to your words” said Drakneil with a hint of curiosity

(Zhan-boy is how Drazhan are called when they’re the only one around and seems they consider Shamal to be part of them so formality was disregarded)

“Hahaha, yes, did you know what happened to that kid when he first came here? Vlad called me out because he said his friend has collapsed from exhaustion, do you know how insulting that was for me? The ‘Death Touch Shamal of the 18 Gods’ has been requested out by a kid to treat his friend from Ki exhaustion” said Shamal while teasingly said to them

The ’18 Gods’ are considered the strongest people in the content. They have strengths on par with an empire; they have the power to turn the Alexandria Continent upside-down if they wanted to.

“Hahaha, Vlad was really spoiled. Hahaha, I’ll treat him for doing that to you” said Drakneil with a huge laugh

Laila then pinched and twisted Drakneil’s ears, “Don’t spoil the kid you good for nothing grandfather” said Laila while smiling

“Please, pardon Vlad for being quite rude Elder” said Valla to Shamal while laughing quietly

“I’ll make it up for you in the future Elder” said Drazhan then he stands up and then cupped to Shamal to show sincerity and respect


“Hahaha, now you’ve lost your domineering imposition” said Shamal while hilariously laughing

“I only did that before Elder because I can’t be known to be like this in the public. The other Despero Family might be checking up on me so I did that actions towards you Elder. “said Drazhan sincerely

(refer to chapter 7)

In the current Despero Villa, There are 11 Despero Families and Vlad’s family is considered one of them. Each family has heads that take in charge of each family and in their own “business”. These ‘Heads’ fight for the real Despero Head which takes control and has the highest power within the whole Despero Family. Drazhan being the real Despero Head needs to show domineering imposition to all people related to Despero and especially to those of not Despero because if he showed any signs of being weak to other people, he may be overthrown by the other 10 lesser heads of the Despero family from losing face.

In the current situation of Despero Villa, power surge might happen and Drazhan was preserving his position by showing no to little respect to Shamal which is considered and classified to be shameful act.

“Hahaha, I know Zhan, no need to take it seriously” said Shamal teasingly

Shamal specially arranged the group to discuss the matter in his courtyard because his courtyard has defensive measure against outsiders or people he doesn’t give permission with. No one will know what they’re talking about.

“So let’s continue. After Vlad requested me to checked-up his friend, since that time I didn’t have anything to do so I went to really do his request and help his friend recuperate from exhaustion, I was even planning to strengthen his body to an extent. When I arrived to the room arranged for his friend, I’ve checked his body condition first, and you what? This friend of his isn’t just exhausted from what Vlad told me to help him from but also has Profound Veins dried up to the point it’s comparable to a dried-up corpse’s vein. Although, his life was on the line, It was me who was attending to him so the danger isn’t something to take significant attention to but his Profound Veins can’t recover even if I were to attend to him. Profound Veins in that condition isn’t something that someone can recover to, maybe if its broken, clogged or even shatter, I can do something about it, but his Profound Veins were dead but was still able to live without medical attention in the first place so I investigated much further of what’s happening in his body. His ‘dead Profound Veins’ that I appraised were still having a bit of Ki flowing within it.” Said Shamal eagerly


“What?! I thought his Profound Veins were already dead?! How can Ki flow in ‘dead Profound Veins’? Even if it was broken, clogged or shatter, the flow in the Profound Veins would just halt from where the damaged is and the flow would continue on bits by bits but ‘dead Profound Veins’ are different, fundamentally different, it’s dead, life can’t flow in it, which is Ki.” Said Drakneil with a huge shocked in his face.

(Ki, Nature Energy, Mana, Soul Energy is the same in this lore. Life has a subjective definition so in this statement, he used an analogy wherein Ki = Life which can be understood that Ki is something alive and we harness their energy in our body or something like dead people can’t harness Ki because their dead )

The other people except Drazhan who knew it beforehand was the only one who’s mouth was gapping from shocked. They were shocked because just earlier, the kid seems very healthy, and utilized his Ki. They were now wondering what exactly happened.

“Hahaha, there’s even more. After I stabilized his condition, I made him an [Eight Needle Formation] using 8, 100-year Mana Needles, to enshroud the room with Ki to supplement his body as much Ki it needs and also to hope to revive his ‘dead Profound Veins’ to an extent, which all of you noticed that the kid used Ki earlier which means his Profound Veins are good now but…”said Shamal teasingly

“That’s not what’s surprising “said Shamal

“That’s not the surprising part?!! What’s more surprising than a kid, who was assessed with ‘dead Profound Veins’ by Shamal which vouch for 100% complete assurance in the assessment and now can utilized Ki?” Drakneil, Valla, Laila ponder to themselves

“After I made him the formation, I configured it for the Ki pressure to adjust what his body can handle and put a talisman notifying me from any movements or intrusion in the room. After 6 months, the kid recovered as you can see earlier. The moment the Kid woke up, I immediately rushed to his room. When I got there, I noticed 8, 100-year Mana Needles, was drained out by more than three-fourths.” said Shamal with amazement in his voice and face

“WHAAAATT!?” The group simultaneously shouted in astonishment (Except for Drazhan who knew this beforehand)

Mana Needles are solidified Ki in needle form. It should be known that each 100-year Mana needle is comparable to 100 Peak Emperor Realm Experts Ki Reservoir. For 8, 100-year Mana needles, to drain out like that was really astonishing for them, it was akin to an untold phenomenon to the whole Alexandria Continent

“There’s one last thing, Hahaha” said Shamal,

“When I checked the kid’s body for changes in it, I was even more surprised. The 8, 100-year Mana needles, to drain out like that were really surprising too but what even more astonished me was the kids Profound Veins. The kid’s Profound Veins were like reincarnated, it’s damn healthy when I checked it and the surprising part is, is that his Profound Veins was tens or hundreds times vaster than an average person, his Profound Veins were akin to a great labyrinth, compared to an average person who’s a straight road, it’s a lot vaster than [Anomalies] if you compare it, maybe a few dozen vaster than [Anomalies].” Said Shamal with amazement

“Whhatt!?” said the group simultaneously again

“Are you serious, Sham?” said Drakneil with astonishment

“Yes, that’s what I want to discuss with you, the specialness of the kid” said Shamal

“This kid is even more special than what we thought, its not good if the other families get a wind of this kid’s specialness, but he wants to be a ‘Honorary Despero’, the other families would get a wind of this the moment we accept him” said Drakneil with worries in it

Drakneil was worried because if they found out that their family takes in a special kid like Draenol, the other family would get wary of them and try to dispose the kid immediately because they don’t want an additional power siding with them, it would be a lot more difficult in the future for the other families to take the Despero Villa Head if they let the kid like Draenol grow up and side with Vlad’s family.

“What’s more, he’s Vlad’s friend, from what Vlad told me, he really considers Draenol as brother even if they only knew each other for a while” added Drazhan

“Exactly, from Vlad’s point of view, the kid is already his brother, if he got disposed of the other family then Vlad would harbor deep grudge against the other Despero families. That’s why I’ve readied this” said Shamal and then he took out a parchment with special cryptic writings glowing on it

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