《Path》Chapter 5 The Tragedy (Part 2)


Meanwhile in Draenol’s side

“Hahahaha, So that’s why you wanted to compete by racing. You’re really fast” Draenol said happily

“Well, that’s the only way we can avoid being hurt that’s why I picked it in the first place but your reasoning sounds like I’m being unfair.”Vlad said

“Eeeh?! Well, I was just surpised that your this fast and we have the same age. I thought I was special because I have speed like this that’s exception among my peers.” Draenol cheekily said

“Well, I’m slowing down for you too, you might not able to keep up if I use a movement skill”Vlad cockily said

“Hahaha, bring it on, I’m not using a movement skill too” Draenol replied

The 2 kids gaze with each other, then performed they’re own movement skill

Their speed rose up greatly, although Draenol has not mastered his movement skill, the [Wolf God’s Dance • Earth Rush] is a great skill that’s beyond to other movement skills. Because of Draenol’s competitive nature and adrenaline rush, he forgot the essence of the skill and uses more Ki than expected. Wherever he steps the surface, a small crater would follow up.

Vlad’s movement skill was profound too. Everytime he steps some kind of silent and sudden booming sound would follow up but unlike Draenols, Vlad’s skill was gentle and quiet.

The two was overjoyed because they were still evenly match after using their movement skill they were afraid using before because the other one might not able to keep up.

The two can be considered geniuses against geniuses. Whenever they encounter people or the street would be crowded, they would use the walls, lamp posts, houses to step on looking a pinball, ricochetting.

(To help in picturing http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t1KDZnsM8vs/VXqrXKlXPPI/AAAAAAAB0Jc/bXq3lKyRv7k/017.png?imgmax=10000)

The people they passed by were unaware off their existence because they were moving too fast. Although there were some experts who sees this, they ignored this act. These experts were surprise too because the one moving at this magnitude of speed is kids but then again it doesn’t concern them.

“Hahahaha, I’ve really enjoyed being with you Draenol, I haven’t introduced properly yet, my full name is Vlad Despero.” Vlad said while still racing against with Draenol

“Hahaha. Me too! Me too! I’m Draenol Renza, wanna be friends?” Draenol said cheekily

“Yes!” Vlad said with a smile

The two continued their race, they were far too happy to find someone that more or less they can show their full potential in playing. Not holding down your capability to just let your peers keep up with you, the two kids were like this before and now that they see someone that they can do things together equally, both of them were equally overjoyed.

The two suddenly stopped, they felt an enormous surge of Ki from far away.

“You feeling it too?”Vlad said while in shock


“Yes, who on earth can dish out Ki with this amount?” Draenol said too in surprise

Then they see a giant dome of fire from afar, and *BOOOOM* the shockwave comes after.

Then suddenly, the two jumped back simultaneously and standed, back to back.

“Come out” Vlad said

Eight people comes out dressed in black, covering all over their body. The eight people surrounded Draenol and Vlad.

“What do you need?” said Vlad with wariness

“You can go away white haired kid, we don’t need you, we have something to settle with that purple-eyed kid” said the one of the asassins(Let’s just call them assassins instantly cause damn its tiring to type “one of the guys dressed in black”)

“Eeeeeh?! Me? Why? Is it because of the damages I’ve done through out the city while running?” said Draenol worrily

The asssassin emitted their Ki putting pressure on both of them and then they were emitting baleful aura hinting to kill them

Draenol and Vlad felt this and beads of sweat were pouring down their faces. This people were in Master realm.

“Its more than that. It seems that there’s no talking out of this, follow my lead. I don’t care what you need to settle with these guys but I know one thing for sure, they’re up to no good” Vlad whispered

“These guys are Master realm experts,cover your self with the strongest Ki defense you can muster then follow me, with your fastest speed dashing forward”Vlad whispered seriously

“Okay” Draenol whispered back

Vlad and Draenol immediately cope up with the situation. They immediately that these people were here to harm Draenol. Draenol was worried yet happy, Vlad who he only knew tonight were helping him despite that he can choose to run away but instead throw himself up in the fire to be together so he can have better chances in bypassing this trial he’s facing.

Vlad’s aura completely changed. His eyes turned black, his aura was like a void that’s ready to devour everything.Vlad did a knife form with his hand, his eyes blackened out complete and instantly pounce on the gap between the 2 of 8 assassins.

His knife-hand was emitting compressed black flames like a blowtorch in a weird V-shaped form. This flames he emitted was blazing hot.

The moment Vlad pounced, black flames exploded like a ring, surprising the assassins. Especially the 2 assassins he was pouncing on, they’re eyes were wide open because of the speed Vlad showed them. The 2 assassins neck were cut but no blood flowed out, this was because the wounds was burnt and closing it. As the necks falls down, Vlad was already far away from the encirclement of the assassins.

“I need to muster every Ki I can control, I need to balance every in my body, nothing should be in imbalance” he insidely thought


“[Earth Rush]” he shouted


Draenol was so fast he made a afterimage in the encirclement of assassins

“We got out, Drae”Vlad said cheekily then he looks at his back

“What?! I told you to follow me up with the fastest speed, what are still doing there?”Vlad shouted inside his mind

Then a strong shockwave and huge crater was made after Draenol pounced

“What the hell happened?” Vlad insidely thought,

Vlad was astonished because he found out that was only an afterimage then he looks infront of him, he saw Draenol much further away than the encirclement of assassins

Draenol was happy because he seems to get a gist of what’s the concept behind of [Wolf’s God Dance • Earth Rush]

Then suddenly Draenol felt like his body weighs a ton and was in great pain

“Ughhh” Draenol throws up blood

But still continued to run forward without knowing he was already far ahead of Vlad but Vlad did able to keep up because Draenol slowed drastically after executing that one time skill

The moment Vlad reached Draenol, he then gave support to Draenol.

“Hahaha, you were incredible. I didn’t thought you can do that” Vlad said happily

“Haha, me too” Draenol said weakily

Meanwhile the 2 assassin were dead but the remaining 6 got injured too by the skills of these 2 kids. The first one was the shockwave-like explosion of fire by Vlad and the second one was the heavy shockwave that weighs like a ton when it their body by Draenol.

The injuries they got was mostly internal because they were caught off-guard and didn’t thought that these kids were monstrous like but still in intermediate realm.

But these assassins recovered quickly from the shocked, although still injured they still were able to perform their task.

“Crap, it seems we can’t outrun, I really need to use my teleportation orb” Vlad thought inside

“Draenol, it seems we can’t outrun them, although we got a good headstart, they can reached us if we continue like this, I have a teleportation orb that we can use to escape this predicament” Vlad said

“You go alone, I still need to find my parents” Draenol said with a weak voice showing how his body got hurt and with low Ki remaining in him

“Dumbass! I can’t leave you alone, Do you think that if I were not supporting you, you can run by yourself?” said Vlad

“If you’re really unwilling then tell me where are you living? We’ll rush their at full speed immediately then teleport the hell out of here” said Vlad

“We’re currently lodging in Blue Box Hotel, It’s not that far from here” Draenol said weakily

The two rushes out to the direction of the hotel

“Damn! We’ll be dispose if we can’t get rid of a kid in this mission. I don’t care if we become a laughingstock but we’ll live” one of the assassins thought inside


Meanwhile in Rose and Manje’s side

After of rigorous searching

“Dear, I can finally feel Draenol’s aura, he’s still alive and seems he going to the hotel” Rose said happily

“It seems it was worth it to put a tracking talisman in Draenol’s clothing” Manje said happily

Time passes by,

Draenol’s aura was getting stronger as the couple approach him

Finally, Draenol was within their sight, they saw Draenol who was in weak state and it seems was slightly injured and has exhausted most of his ki but all in all fine.

They saw Draenol was being supported by someone around his age, a white-haired kid.

The couple were happy that someone helped their son

Draenol too saw his parents, his tears flowed out when he saw the situation of his parents.

“Wuahh! Mother, Father!!!!” he called out

They were still quite far from each other.

“Seems like our son is still followed by some dogs” Manje said with a hint of anger in his voice. He was angry that these dogs were attempting to hurt his son

Although these dogs were still quite far from Draenol and Vlad too

Both groups were rushing forward; Vlad too was hurrying because it seems that Draenol really wants to hug his parents.

As they were closing near, 2 gold-like arrows made up of ki condensed and compressed to the purest form, pierced through their chest and dantian from the back.

The couple spouts out blood, they were shocked of what happened, they didn’t feel anything approaching at all. The couple knew what their fate now. The couple immediately fell to their knees.

*Uggh* lots of blood

Vlad and Draenol stopped on their rush. Draenol was just standing there, eyes were wide open, he was in utter shock seeing this scene.

“I didn’t feel anything at all” Vlad thought to himself. How could Vlad detect it if 2 Peak Heaven realm experts can’t detect it.

Manje weakly pulled out his spatial ring then throws it out to Vlad. He throws the ring to Vlad because they knew that he can be trusted if he helped out their son up to this point.

Manje throws it with such force to make it arrive quicker to Vlad. Vlad catches it but had his feet buried 2 feet deep.

Then the couple said weakly, “Please help our son escape, Please”

More golden arrows showered the couple skewering them and this scene was happening in front of Draenol

“MOTHER!!! FATHER!!!” Draenol cried out, he was about to go to them but Vlad pulls him immediately

“I’m sorry, Drae” Vlad said solemnly

Vlad pulls out an orb with weird inscription and runes floating inside the orb

The applied pressure on it using his hands pulverizing the orb, the powder was circling them giving out a magical feeling then the 2 kids magically disappeared

Then arrows were pouring down on the spot on where Draenol and Vlad was standing.

Although this took time to explain, the happening when the arrow struck Draenol’s parents up until the end only took a moment to happen.

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