《Path》Chapter 5 The Tragedy (Part 1)


Meanhwhile in the hotel, for a while after Draenol took off to stroll around the city at night.

The couple had a mild smile with each other.

“That kid is really lively HAHAHAHA” said Manje

“I know right” replied Rose

They were having a conversation about how to guide Draenol in his path in cultivation because he wants to be self-schooled. Pretty much they were worried because they don’t know anything about how an [Anomaly] cultivates since they know that [Anomalies] usually have eccentric way of cultivating. Additionally, they lack resources to support Draenol.

Even though his parents are Peak Heaven realm which could be considered a great power, their levels are little to no help at all regarding to Draenol’s cultivation. They can give out manuals they had gained throughout their adventures or personally teach Draenol their cultivation but they were worried that that wouldn’t help much at all.

As the couple were conversing, they heard a knock. They were pretty much a little surprise since who could it be this late at night? They know little to none in this city as they know of and it couldn’t be Draenol considering its just been awhile since he took off.

Manje opened the door. The person who was knocking was the old man from the aptitude exam.

Manje was shocked; he was greatly shocked with eyes wide opened.

“Dear, who is it?” Rose lightly shouted

“Why aren’t you replying?”lightly shouted again, then goes to where Manje to check on him

When she also saw the old guy she was surprised too

“It can’t be ,we’ve already change our face and identity” Rose thought to herself

“Dear, why are you just standing there? Won’t you introduce me to our visitor?” Rose said

“Oh, right, please excuse me honorable man, but can I know who you are and how can we help you?” said Manje with dripping sweat

“Drop the act. I already know who you guys are” said the Old man while grooming his long mustache and beard while emitting killing intent.

The couple jumped back in alarm being in full guard.

“How could they track us? We’ve hid our traces 8 years ago and was fully careful for our acts even now. We never standout in anyway.” the couples thought inside

“Hohohoho, do you really think you can hide from us forever?” said the Old man

“Well, we did hide from you for 8 years so that might be the reason.” Manje said then snickered

“We were fool that you guys were dead. A couple of mere Peak Heaven realm practitioners really did survive the inner 7 King’s Forest.” Said the Old man

“It was 8 years ago, can’t you just leave us alone old man Grogoh?” said Rose smiling but with sweat all over her face showing that she’s on guard of any sort of surprises.

“That can’t be done, you know secrets far valuable for you to run around the world” said Grogoh

“But couldn’t you just give us a leeway? We never told anyone about it anyway.”said Manje while having a curl on his lips

“Who knows how long can you keep it like that”said Grogoh then continued, “It’s really a shame your batch was the most promising but you two betrayed the mission, us.”

“You were talents exceeding your peers but now, look at you? You’re still a Peak Heaven realm after 8 years.” Mockingly said by Grogoh while emitting his Ki and baleful aura.

He was emitting his Ki to the utmost limit to pressure the couple


“Pfft says the one who haven’t breakthrough Great Heaven realm.” Said Manje

“You got demoted because of that and now you’re merely a facilitator of Asura hall’s childish errands.” Manje replied mockingly

“Right, dear, how could he mock us? He’s on the same team as us before but he were a bit superior and now he’s talking like he owns the world, HAHAHAHA” said Rose

“You guys were the main fault for this and now the higher-ups had prevented me in taking missions and all my privileges as a 6-armed Asura stripped off until you guys are captured or was proven dead” said aguishly by Grogoh while emitting an awful, baleful killing intent towards the two.

“Tonight, I can finally redeem myself.”said Grogoh

“Well, I don’t know about that, even though we haven’t had a breakthrough the past 8 years, we were constantly polishing our martial skills to perfection. Especially our movement skill, wanna try it?” said Manje and Rose laughs when he heard Manje’s claims

These were true, even though the couple didn’t broke through the next realm, their martial skills were polished to the top and can be considered that their skills are in the realm of perfection.

Their respective techniques are considered top-notch considering they were just a rank lower than Grogoh, the couple were 5-armed Asuras

“Well, that maybe true, but how about your son? Hahahaha, would be a shame to lose a talent like him.” Said Grogoh with a sinister face

“Don’t you dare involved him in this, he’s innocent” said Rose angrily

“Hohoho, the moment he was born in this world, he was already involved in your affairs” replied Grogoh then, “If you surrender yourself to me without peacefull then he might lived” sinisterly said by Grogoh

“Don’t make a fool out of us, either way we’ll both be dead, but tonight we still have a chance” Rose said

The couple charge up their Ki and cracks can be seen around the room. The couple then charge through the huge glass window.

“Get them” Grogoh angrily shouted

There were assassins stationed around the hotel and in the hotel room concealing their existence but the couple were aware of this from the beginning that’s why they were sweating a lot in the beginning

They didn’t tried to probe their Ki to look like they were unaware but the moment they entered their existence was detected by the couple

The couple ran to their utmost limit showing of their polished movement skills. Rose who’s using a movement skill with the use of the wind, she was like a dancing fairy moving with elegance and gracefulness.

Meanwhile, Manje was using a movement skill with the use of fire. His body would disappear then appear again making him appear like a ghost. He was applying the fire’s profound attribute of suddenness and quickness which greatly amplifies his usage of his movement skills.

The couple moves about differently, one was like a graceful wind which sways accordingly, while the other one was an explosion, sudden and quick, moving in short-distances multiple times in a linear direction.

“How many are chasing us?” said Manje

“About 12 and a lot more is coming from different directions”Rose said. Rose was the one who did this because her range was a lot vaster than Manje and have a better control over it.

“We need to find Draenol fast and get out of here immediately” said Manje

The couple was trying to find their son. Finding their son was the top priority for the couple right now and everything else didn’t matter.


They were bombarded with attacks, it seems that there were assassins stationed around the city to ambushed them. The couple of course, easily dodge the attacks but slowed down their speed, giving the pursuers to have enough time to reach them.

The moment the couple were in range of the assassins, attacks bombarded them immediately, slowing them down more

The fight happen quite far from the festivity of the city and there were no people around. The couples lured them here exactly because they don’t want to involved innocent people and also they can attack leisurely.

The couples picked place where they can fight the assassins without being surrounded so they picked the forest around the park. “This seems to be a good spot” the couple thought inside

“Hohoho, fighting is futile” Grogoh said immediately the moment he reached them. Although, Grogoh was a realm higher, he was still a tad bit slower than the couple which polished their movement skills to the perfection.

“Really? How so?” Manje said mockingly

The couple’s clothes changes, Rose now was wearing a blue light armor while wielding a rapier on hier right arm with eccentric flower designs, and Manje was a wearing a light armor too but with gauntlet on both his arms and has a metal boots(think of mecha boots).

“We’re a bit rusty so please bare with us” Rose cheekily said

“What are you waiting for just staring there?” Manje said

“Get them” angrily shouted Grogoh

The couple were surrounded by 20 or more assassins. They didn’t bothered counting in this kind of predicament. They specially pick this place because of the terrain advantage giving them the option to fight assassin at best 6 assassin everytime.

The couple wanted to finish this faster because they were worried of Draenol,

As 6 assassins approached them, 3 were approaching Rose and other 3 was in Manje’s side.

“The Asura hall’s dogs are really nothing but trash” Rose said

“Isn’t that a little harsh, Dear?” said Manje sarcastically

The assassins were also in Heaven realm but in early stages and most of them are in peak Master realms

“[Piercing Thousand Thorns]”shouted Rose

[Piercing Thousand Thorns] bombarded the 3 assassins with stabs which penetration prowess was unparalleled. Rose practices [Infinite Thorn Stance] and [Great River Flow refining technique]. Both techniques complement each other; the [Infinite Thorn Stance] is a rapier manual which specializes in swift, quick and penetrative power. In Addition, [Great River Flow refining technique] regulates the Ki flow constantly at great speed, complimenting her Ki nature which greatly amplifies the effect of the refining technique and also the [Great River Flow] makes her body in perfect form constantly which makes her particularly perform [Infinite Thorn Stance] techniques with ease.

Rose’s rapier stabs at specific places, the heart, throat, forehead and the joint of the limbs. After images were made because of how fast it is and seems like there were 3 Rose’s attacking the 3 assassin with thousand rapiers attacking them.

The assassins were defenseless against this and were riddled with holes immediately.

Meanwhile on Manje’s side

“Begone, [Devouring Explosive Fist]”Manje shouted

Manje swinged his fist doing a straight punch infront on the 3 assassins, his fist then created a large explosion that created a shockwave paralleled to his fist


The 3 assassins were burnt and dead.

Manje practices the [Exploding Fist Style] and [Burning Heart refining technique]. The [Exploding Fist Style] incorporates fire Ki to basic punches and kicks. They gather fire Ki and compresses it in one point then release it instantly in a spiraling manner which creates the explosion, although it sounded simple, the thing that makes this hard is incorporating these simultaneously to your attacks and depending on the situation you need to change the manner of releasing it.

The [Burning Heart refining technique] makes the profound vein more adapted to absorption of fire Ki and in addition to fire resistance/heat resistance, depending to the extent of what level you practice the technique, which enables the user to use fire-based techniques without harming their body.

Manje of course had his [Burning Heart refining technique] to the level of perfection. He can create blazing hot explosions compared to what his peers can do, it can even scare Great Heaven realm experts if they see what Manje can do. The Great Heaven realm expert around, Grogoh, was surprise on the level of techniques this couple has polished, even though they were stucked in Heaven realm, they were comparable to Great Heaven realm experts.

The fight continued on, the assassins avoided direct confrontation was using range attacks. They were throwing out Ki in knife-shaped.Although it looks rigid, it does its work, The couples were having a hard time being bombarded like this with ranged Ki attacks.

“We can’t continue on like this” Manje said, “We need to finish this fast, our Ki is not enough for a battle of endurance and we can’t allow to be stuck here because as time passes by the danger to Draenol increases” he said

“I know, then lets do an omnidirectional Ki blast” Rose said

“We’re going to do that?! I guess we don’t have a choice” Manje replied

The couple was charging up their Ki and Grogoh and the assassins began to get wary.

“What are they going to do?” Grogoh thought

“Be on guard but keep on bombarding them with ranged Ki attacks” Grogoh shouted

The ranged Ki attacks did little to no damage at all since the couple were guarding theirselves with KI, although it consumes a lot, it did it work perfectly fine.

The charged up Ki reached its limit and Grogoh noticed it

“TAKE COVEER!!!” he shouted

“Too late” Manje said

“[Blooming Fire]”the couple said simultaneously

It was a combo skill the couple invented combining their respective martial skills. The couple wouldn’t do this skill if it were not the situation since this skill damages theirselves too and the scale of skill is really big that may damages the people surrounding them and may hurt other existences other than the assassins but they were forced to do so.

[Blooming Fire] was executed, fire rose up from the couple, swirling like a tornado, expanding at great speading, adding the trees obstructing the assassins and Grogoh and the trees amplifying the fire and with in the fire were thousand of blade like winds were swirling too cutting everything, the small forest situated in Cronea’s Park was like a swirling dome of fire.

The skill the couple were formidable indeed but,

The couple too were not in good condition, they’re body spasmed because of the pain. Rose’s body was burning slowly due to the great pain and cuts all over her body appeared as the skill was going on. Meanwhile in Manje’s case, He injured the burns quite well due to what he practices but cuts all over his appeared too like what happened to Rose.

The couple were gritting their teeth for the pain they’re experiencing but the pain was worth it. The skill worked like a charm, Grogoh and the assassins perished, some survived but on the verge of death.

The couple were throwing out blood and was kneeling due to the backlash of the skill.

Manje was in better condition than Rose.

While putting Rose’s arm around his shoulder, he said, “We need to hurry, please bare the pain”

“Don’t worry about me, we need to find Draenol immediately, we might be too late.”Rose said

Their fight only lasted for a few minutes

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